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News Item2/7/13 11:08 PM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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Yes, Roan you hit the nail on the head. Throughout the campaign season I just couldn't understand why anybody would vote for Obammy. A lot of people get help from him and it's hard to vote out Santa Claus. They turn a blind eye to the rest because they want their handout.

There are a lot of Americans though, almost half that tried to make a stand against the Obmannation, and to be fair, some people just couldn't vote for a Mormon.

I had a lot more written but I erased it. I just don't have the heart to write the same points time and time again. How anyone could have voted for him a second time is beyond my reasoning. America really is changing and not for the better I'm afraid. I'm personally trying to stay employed overseas until these three years and ten months are over. Assuming the Obmanation doesn't overturn term limits for the POTUS at mid-term election time.

News Item2/7/13 10:55 PM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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I don't like that they "kicked the can down the road either" it's weak and shows no courage. Lukewarmness that should be spewed from your mouth for being neither hot nor cold. What is right and what is wrong doesn't change from February to May. It smacks of trying to sneak it through when nobody's looking.

News Item2/7/13 10:50 PM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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I wonder if the Butcher and the Candlestick Maker are willing to stand behind this guy. I would.

I don't understand why people want to spend their money at a place that doesn't want their business. Again, if I had a shop, I would have printed on huge banners "I support traditional Biblical marriage between one man and one woman." I would have similar things printed on my business cards and every flyer that promoted my shop. I'm allowed to do those things. If they still want a wedding cake from me, then I would do it and keep my business open.

News Item2/6/13 7:34 AM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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I guess I should petition to be a male girl scout/Brownie Den Mother...or whatever they call them.

I'm happily married to my wife of ten years. I'm a teacher. I am mature enough to be trusted. I'm a Christian. However, there is just something about a 39 year old bearded fat guy out in the woods alone with 8-10 eight to ten year old girls that just wouldn't sit right.

I wouldn't think that parents were inferring that I was a rapist or a pedophile if they just didn't want to put their daughters put into that sort of situation.

Should the daughters then be punished by not being able to go camping or enjoy scouting activities because some of them might end up with male den mothers?

That's the way I see this issue. Will every 'gay' den leader advance on the kids? No, it's not likely, but why would you ever expose yourself to that situation? The parents of these boys will likely, and correctly, pull them out of scouting should the ban on gays be lifted. It will be a disservice to everyone involved.

News Item2/1/13 10:29 AM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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The only reason he wants a second bill of rights is so that he can violate that too.

So, when do you think O'bummer is going to float the idea of no term limits for president? My money is that he finds a way to get that going after the mid-term elections. If he's able to get control of the house and replace a Supreme Court Judge or two--he'll probably have a reasonable chance of pulling it off. The sad thing is that many, many sheep will love to get the chance to put the Jack-ass-in-chief in there for life.

News Item2/1/13 1:16 AM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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For my part I don't think God has a favorite team or anything like that. If He's watching any reality shows I'd be surprised, there really aren't any worth watching in my view. I know that He is fully aware and knows all of these things, but would He really have any interest in them? A lot of things we are just free to do. God isn't surprised by our choices as to Him they already happened, but does He really care if I buy a Ford or a Toyota? I guess I should pray that He leads me to choosing the safest one.

I can really ramble on a topic like this and just erased a bunch of stuff. The point is that players, fighters, boxers, and even American Idol wannabes, can pray that God give them success. If they are successful, then it's right to praise God. As far as the violent sports are concerned, praying for the safety of all the participants is always a good thing. We focus a lot more on the winning, but we learn a lot in both winning and losing. Team sports are a great thing when they are done right. Individual sports can also teach you a lot about yourself. It's good to praise God in all of our endeavors.

News Item1/31/13 12:37 PM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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The saddest thing about the whole thing is that a lot of people would be fine with doing away with the constitution. They actually say that we have too many freedoms. It's not a make believe guy, I've seen him with my own eyes. So deceived.

News Item1/27/13 7:54 PM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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Maybe it was creeping four years ago, but now it's marching full steam ahead and the sheep are lapping it up with two spoons.

The minute a country takes money from the people who earn it and forces them to give it to those who need it, the society starts going downhill. It's in a person's nature to be lazy. Government money and services only enable the lazy to become lazier. What it the incentive to work hard? If you earn too much money it will just be taken away from you. If you stay home and do nothing the government will take care of you. It makes no sense to work.

You mix into that all of the political correctness, the environmental Nazis, and the "equality" movement, and watch the downward spiral continue. We can't drill for oil, can't support our own local farms or businesses, you have electricity and fuel usages micro-regulated. While our military is forced to take in gays, tear down churches and may ultimately draft women into front line combat positions. How is this not insane?

Now that's all secular. We haven't even talked about the abortion mills and the celebration of killing babies, plus, the desecration of marriage. Supported by a majority the people!

On the bright side only 3 years and 11 months to go.

News Item1/25/13 6:47 PM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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This is the kind of video that makes me want to vomit...and to stay out of the USA. How can these smug, Godless, spineless people actually celebrate, in a pseudo-sexy way the whole sale murder of a generation. It's terrible. I have posted before that of all the problems in the USA, the abortion issue is the biggest. Let your queers marry, take our guns, legalize everything under the sun and call it Godly...but please save the babies. Even if you do murder your child, at least have some common respect. Pray to God that you aren't Hell bound and unredeemable because of the sin you have just committed...but for Heaven's Sake don't celebrate it. It's sickening in every way.

News Item1/18/13 3:29 AM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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I agree with most of the sentiments posted here. A lot of the churches--that is to say part of religion--actually drive more people out than they bring in not because they are being outwardly offensive to the believer, but they are actually being too inclusive. The modern mega-church tries to be politically correct at every turn so that they can keep their status. Out of their desire to be inoffensive they are unwilling to take the Biblical stand on major issues. Many Christians simply depart from them, but they haven't lost their faiths. That is not to say a person needs to keep shopping around for the "perfect" church, but certain denominations: particularly those that support abortion, homosexual marriage, and homosexual church leaders should expect to lose membership.

News Item1/11/13 4:36 AM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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It's only a matter of time. I'm amazed that "Christians" are so accepting of gay marriage today...give us 15 more years on this same road and you won't even recognize America.

News Item1/4/13 12:11 PM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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So, after 40 years many Americans are coming to the realization that abortion = murder. I'm glad to hear it. I'll bet our lefty, feminist reporter is skewing the numbers as well 75% believe abortion should be legal in some or all cases....more likely only 10% or less side with "all cases" and it's too small of a number to make the pro-murder side look good. The remainder of that 75% are people like me who have issues with rape, incest, or life of the mother--they, like me, really don't want abortion at all when we look at the issue soberly.

Anyhow, I'm glad to hear that the pro-abortion movement is losing steam--keep the ultrasounds and parental notifications coming.

News Item1/4/13 11:58 AM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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It's a time of confusion both within and outside the church. We must rely on what the Bible says. The Bible says that homosexuality is wrong in both the old and new testaments. It even says that people of faith will fall away and call what is evil, good and call the things that are good, evil. It makes true, honest believers look like the "bad guys" while the heretics look like the "good guys".

I do not suggest that homosexuals should not be allowed in church. On the contrary, we don't live in the age when the homosexual should be stoned, and church is the best place for them. However, the church should not be endorsing the behavior nor bending to the will of the militants among the group. This includes being forced into performing same-sex marriages.

A lot of these so-called church leaders will have much to answer for come judgement day--they are either ignorant at best or willfully deceptive at worse.

News Item1/2/13 4:23 PM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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Good for these guys and good for Colorado. I wish I could have welcomed the new year with them. As a country we waste too much time and effort fighting a war against a 'drug' that is relatively harmless. Regulate it (21 and up, no smoking and driving etc.), tax the heck out of it, free up the police force and the jail space. It's wins all around. Those who don't want to smoke it can leave it alone and those who do want to smoke it will do so in spite of any legality, so why not make some much needed revenue. Legalized pot will get this nation out of debt.

News Item12/15/12 1:38 AM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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Huckabee is going to catch Hell for this and will probably be retracting the statement within the week. That he happens to be telling the hard truth won't be taken into consideration. The tragedy happened because of the actions of one deranged man, but why is he deranged? He is the product of this society. For too long the schools have taught us that there is no God and that man is no better than an animal. We've embraced evolution and rejected God. The government allows unborn babies to be killed by the thousand on a daily basis--life is life. If the life of an unborn child means nothing, what difference does 5, 10 or 60 years make?

News Item12/8/12 2:13 AM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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Nah, they only need the tax revenue that I used to generate. I do miss the States sometimes, and it's not all sunshine and rainbows in the UAE, but I thank God that I am blessed with a good job to pay all my American bills.

News Item12/7/12 2:40 PM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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I'm not looking forward to the next four years as an American. I have nothing to fear as a Christian. Did we as a nation choose unwisely? I believe so. Do I blame evangelicals for not voting for a Mormon? Yes, with a big BUT--that but being that I can understand not wanting to vote for a cult member. I believe that we share a lot of the same values with the Mormons.

I consider myself independent conservative. On the national scale that means that I have always voted Republican.If the Republicans seek the middle ground and make compromises on issues such as abortion and same sex marriage, then I for one will embrace third party or abstinence. I'll never vote for the Democrats because of their pro-death stance on abortion and I would drop the Republicans in a second if they make the same platform stance for the party.

Finally, I'm going to limit my comments on Obama related articles to a simple--'hope you're happy' or 'I told you so' from now on. It's going to be a looong four years if we bitterly examine every clownish thing Obama does. We all need to move on. It'll be at least two years before we can do anything at all about the situation. I do hope that things change for the better when that time comes, but we can do good things on our own no matter what happens in D.C.

News Item12/7/12 2:19 PM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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I'm against the whole gay marriage thing, but believe it or not I don't have much of a problem with legalizing marijuana. It will free up space in the jails for dangerous criminals, put more tax revenue in the treasury, and put drug dealers out of business while making sure the product is high quality and regulated.

People who are getting high are going to get high weather it's legal or not, so why not make some common sense laws? Alcohol is legal and regulated and marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol, so legalize it and get over it.

Does this mean Christians should start eating space cake and passing the peace pipe around? That's a decision that you would make for yourself, the same as drinking beer or anything else the Bible doesn't specifically condemn.

News Item12/1/12 10:18 AM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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Remember also that when the wise men came it likely wasn't just three dudes bringing gifts to Jesus at his birth. The gifts that they gave were plenty to support the family during their exile, and maybe for years afterwords. Jesus did have his own home and the disciples did visit there, but while away on their travels they often camped out. If we put today's level on Jesus and his family they would probably have been upper middle class and this would be in addition to any monies they had in the treasury. On top of all of this if he needed funds of any kind, Jesus could easily get them--including miracles involving food at least twice and getting the temple dues from a fish on another occasion.

News Item11/24/12 7:27 PM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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I'm surprised that the specials--especially the Christmas one--haven't been heavily edited and/or protested against these days.
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