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News Item3/20/17 10:43 PM
Buckeyes | USA  Find all comments by Buckeyes
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(TMC) @Fawsley
(a) In America those who seek less government are universally described as being on the “Right”. Those who seek more are universally referred to as “Leftists”. I don’t have time to look up an article about this fact, but it applies from coast to coast and has been used since before anyone now living can remember. It is simply how we do things. Both Fascism and Communism seek more government, therefore in America they are both referred to as “Left”. I don’t insist that you do so, I’m simply explaining that every American does so.
(b) The American Mike from New York clarified to the American Jim from Lincoln, Nebraska that Fascism and Communism are “both leftist ideologies”. The foreigner Fawsley then inserted himself into the conversation insisting that the one American was not clarifying something to the other American based on his own non-American perspective. This happened on a website that may begin with www, but ends in .com (not .au, .can, .deu or .uk) and is run by an American company with primarily American commenters. Others are very, very, welcome- but to claim that it is inappropriate for one American to use an American manner of speech to a fellow American on an American-based website, is, quite frankly, ridiculous! Good Night, and God Bless!

News Item3/20/17 7:34 PM
Buckeyes | USA  Find all comments by Buckeyes
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(TMC) @Fawsley
(a) I was not referring to our political system of Constitutional Republicanism, but rather our system of political classification which you have called “gross, oversimplified ignorance”, “lazy”, and “myopic” in your arbitrary opinion. If one zoo put the lions next to the cheetahs, and another puts them next to the tigers, it would not change either the lion or one’s ability to understand and learn about the lion. “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Every country’s designation of “right” vs “left” in politics is as arbitrary as chosing which side of the road to drive on. It certainly isn’t cause for berating those countries who didn’t happen to choose your system.
(b) If one would not expect commenters to use integrated philosophical terms, how would posting those terms at them bring clarity? Clarity does not mean Precision- it means clearing up confusion. If I went to CPAC and described myself as a Liberal I would cause no end of confusion (and very little clarity) despite my precision. If I and another American were visiting Australia and we were offered Prawns, it would be arrogant for me to insist the Aussie use the term “Shrimp”. However, it would be a kindness to clarify to my American friend that “Prawn” means “Shrimp” before he orde

News Item3/20/17 6:54 AM
Buckeyes | USA  Find all comments by Buckeyes
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Sorry,I misjudged the length- here's the rest:

Which leads to another point- if it would be arrogant for Americans to re-classify the outside world, is it not arrogant for the outside world to re-classify our system based on their myopic understanding of said system?

News Item3/20/17 6:52 AM
Buckeyes | USA  Find all comments by Buckeyes
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(TMC) @Fawsley
“established social order”
What percentage of the members of that order can be executed before the order is considered “changed”. I would argue that once the government can, with no course of redress, violate one citizen’s rights, all citizens’ “rights” become revokable permissions temporarily granted by the government and the social order is dramatically changed.
“Marxism was rightly rejected”
Yet we’ve still got professors, students, and political figures endorsing his writings and philosophy.
“reinterpreting the entire outside world”
Political philosophies do not limit themselves to one section of the world- particularly in a digital age. We are not sitting back and officially classifying other countries’ political parties. Believe it or not, we actually have American Communists and American Fascists within our political system and therefore it is not arrogant to classify them on the American Political Spectrum. (Which by the way, while it sucks in regards to the original definitions of the terms “liberal” and “conservative” thanks to Woodrow Wilson; it corolates quite nicely with the Nature vs Grace question of universals vs particulars and isn’t quiet as “lazy” as you think.) Which leads to another point- if it would be arrogant for Americans to re-c

News Item3/19/17 8:03 PM
Buckeyes | USA  Find all comments by Buckeyes
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(TMC) @Fawsley
It is illogical to conflate a different method of philosophical classification with ignorance of the philosophies being classified. Sorting objects by color rather than by shape, (or vice versa) does not make one ignorant of the objects’ other atributes. So too, our political scale of Freedom vs Statism does not make us oblivious to the nuanced differences between various political systems. Also, your oversimplified, broad-brushed view of American Political understanding is no excuse for arrogance.
We could indeed go into the various differences between every particular member of the human race, but that’s hardly within the scope of a comment board.
As for German property rights, you are rather correct... except for the millions of Jews and Politicals that were stripped of not just property but also life, which is by no means a minor detail.
Marx never ruled a country. Are we then unable to draw any conclusion from the universal failure of every attempt to apply his philosophy? If a scientist draws up a hypothesis and then dies before he can test it, can it never be disproven?
At any rate, I hope we can both agree that neither philosophy takes human sin nature into account, and I doubt either of us would like to live under either of them.

News Item3/19/17 6:21 AM
Buckeyes | USA  Find all comments by Buckeyes
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(TMC) @Fawsley
In America, political philosophies are plugged into a scale of Big Government vs Small Government. If it falls on the Big Government side it is considered Liberal or politically Left. If it falls on the Small Government side then it is considered Conservative or politically Right. Thus in American politics systems of massive regulation and government control such as Fascism and Communism fall decidedly on the Left side of the spectrum and are not considered “polar opposites” as they are in Europe.
One would not expect Mike (or any other human) to be a perfect example of Christianty. However, you would expect Christ to be. Likewise, when we are speaking of human political philosophies, the founder of that philosophy’s example should be recognized. It would be ridiculous to say that Hitler wasn’t a true Nazi or that Mussolini wasn’t a true Fascist.
You claim Fascism seeks to “preserve, retain and intensify the established social order”. Yet that intensification involves, in fact, a fundamental change just as Communism does. Brutal Dictatorships where not the “established social order” of either Italy or Germany. Also, a “ostentatious religiosity” covering a pervasive, underlying atheisim is little different than open atheisim in it’s ultimate effect.

News Item3/14/17 7:42 AM
Buckeyes | USA  Find all comments by Buckeyes
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(TMC) @Gay Allen
As a woman commentor here, I find your slander towards the Brethren embarassing and shameful. Bearing false witness is a sin- I’ve posted here longer than you and I’ve never seen any hatred expressed towards any woman, but by trolls trying to create division. Your abuse of Scripture I addressed here:
Women can’t teach in the church- if you don’t like that then you need to examine your heart before the Lord.

News Item3/8/17 1:30 PM
Buckeyes | USA  Find all comments by Buckeyes
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(TMC) @Gay Allen
“you can't tell me different, there are women PROPHETS and PROPHETS TEACH ...”
1. God did not make all women Prophets, only a select few. We should not use a rarity to create a common practise.
2. The word we translate as “prophetess” also means someone gifted in song or poetry, a “Mrs. Prophet”, or someone who can simply tell the future by divine inspiration. It does not always imply a teaching role.
3. You assume that they taught men- history suggests that IF any active teaching was done, it was instructing other women.
4. The Prophetesses of the Bible behaved quiet differently then the Prophets. Elijah, Elisha, Jeremiah and others traveled around the country, expounding the Word God had given them. Deborah and Huldah, on the other hand, simply answered when men came to them and asked questions. The only time Deborah went out on a mission was at a man’s request.
5. When interpreting Scripture, biographies do not trump direct commands. The patriarchs’ multiple wives do not legitimize polygamy. Prophetesses not withstanding, Women are not to teach in church. Period.

News Item3/4/17 6:32 AM
Buckeyes | USA  Find all comments by Buckeyes
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(TMC) @ Youth in Asia
“The opinion here in China...”
Having grown up in the Christian Homeschool Movement, where the highest concentration of large, Christian, families resides, I can tell you why we love children:
Children are a blessing from the Lord! Contrary to popular belief, families who reject contraception do not have unlimited numbers of children- some don’t have any, others only have a few, and others have around 10. The reason being that it is the Lord who opens and closes the womb, no Human Being is “accidentally” conceived outside of His will. Why would or should we try to actively prevent recieving a gift from the Lord? More horrifically, why would we murder (through abortion inducing contraception, or surgical abortion) someone the Lord sent us as a blessing, so we could “better serve Him”? Parenthood IS ministry of the highest order, so to think that children take away from that, is a fundamental misunderstanding of what ministry is.
As to the “Dominion” charge, it must first be determined what is meant by “dominion”. Do we pray that our children will be found in the faith? Yes. Do we pray that the Lord will use them in whatever type of work He calls them to? Yes. Do we pray that they will start some sort of “Christian Empire”? Absolutly Not!

News Item2/26/17 10:43 AM
Buckeyes | USA  Find all comments by Buckeyes
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Wow, poor Dave! Maybe they’d also feature the Peanuty Plague from our church for opening a new Nail Biting Demon Exorcism Center!
BTW, I meant to ask earlier, but isn’t being “filled with The Spirit” AND posssed by bad-habit demons rather contradictory?!

News Item2/26/17 8:56 AM
Buckeyes | USA  Find all comments by Buckeyes
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LOL! That’s exactly why, while we’d love to fly you over, we wouldn’t while this Peanut’s still around- we’d all end up in Jail, and that would hardly be a great “Welcome to America”! What’s a “dandongadale”? I was just looking over the other threads and saw your prayer request from a few days ago- we’ll be praying for that family. We won’t likely know if the Peanut is gone for a while yet, but I’ll post updates when we do know something!
Have a Blessed day!

News Item2/26/17 8:08 AM
Buckeyes | USA  Find all comments by Buckeyes
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Absolutley! Case in point: a few evenings ago CBS reported on the cost of Trump’s vacations to date. I didn’t think liberals had access to that info since they had nothing to say about Obama’s spending for the last 8 years! Now that Trump is going after the media, the left has suddenly discovered the 1st Amendment- after giving the “Constitutional Scholar” (President Obama) cart blanche to trample Freedom of Religion for 8 years. To be honest, I expect the left to be hypocrites as a matter of course- if they ever weren’t, I’m too young to remember it. What hurts more for me is watching “Conservatives” flip-flop on things they said were “Principles”.

News Item2/26/17 7:07 AM
Buckeyes | USA  Find all comments by Buckeyes
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“And they shouldn’t use [unnamed] sources. They should put the name of the person.”
The all around hypocrisy on this issue is breath taking. For the last 8 years the media was fine with Obama’s record setting prosecution of whistleblowers, now whistleblowers are amazing super heroes. On the flip side, conservatives were outraged when Obama tried to exclude Fox News from the Press Pool, now similar behavior is appluded as keeping out “fake news”. Sheryl Attkinson was held up as a hero when her computer was hacked because she would not reveal her sources, now that behavior is coupled with “dishonesty” by the President. When the National Enquirer used un-named sources to write multiple stories on Trump’s contenders for the Primary, he insisted that those stories had to be responded to. Beyond that, he himself consistantly uses faulty appeals to un-named “experts”, “the best -”, “names everyone would recognize”, etc. If he actually thinks names should be named, perhaps he could start with his own circle and send that memo to Alex Jones- who is the king of “un-named source” reporting. Strong Leaders lead by example, and they don’t waste their time whining about the media. Show, don’t tell.

News Item2/23/17 8:17 AM
Buckeyes | USA  Find all comments by Buckeyes
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How Good and Great our God is! Our family almost joined a Charismatic church when I was young, but the Lord used various things to prevent us. Perhaps (and hopefully) the Lord will soften this man’s heart at some point- though there’s no sign of that yet. It’s one more thing we should be praying for!

News Item2/22/17 6:28 PM
Buckeyes | USA  Find all comments by Buckeyes
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Thank you very much! Your prayers are greatly appreciated!

News Item2/21/17 4:44 PM
Buckeyes | USA  Find all comments by Buckeyes
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Thank you for the offer- though I think funding your flight may put us in a legal bind depending on the “getting gone” method you used! To use your parlance- This guy’s a Giant Peanut! We just need some grouse praying!

News Item2/21/17 11:45 AM
Buckeyes | USA  Find all comments by Buckeyes
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Thank you! Hopefully this creepy weirdness comes to a very non-climactic, un-cinema worthy ending!
LOL! Somehow I think he’d decline that offer! He’s a real piece of work. Our church leadership has met with him twice, calmly going over scriptures, and asking him to leave- but he’s responded like a brick wall. Our Elder thought he made everything clear when they met last week, but he had the gall to show up last Sunday, and then say he’ll be back Sunday after next. The guy’s arrogance is boundless. You would think he’d have picked up some humility in his 70 some years of life- but apparently not.
“The hoary head is a crown of glory, IF it be found in the way of righteousness.” Pro. 16:31

News Item2/21/17 8:43 AM
Buckeyes | USA  Find all comments by Buckeyes
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Well, I’d certainly say he’s a wolf at any rate! We’ve heard some reports through the community grapevine that he’s been kicked out of other area churches. Not knowing much about Pentecostals, I didn’t know if this sort of thing is a common tactic. He seems to have a screw loose.
Thank you! Hopefully this is just a sanctification tool for our church as a group!

News Item2/21/17 7:59 AM
Buckeyes | USA  Find all comments by Buckeyes
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Thank you very much! We are a very tight-knit group, and I pray no one will give him the time of day. Our Elder’s overview of wolves, wicked shepherds, decivers, and those who defy God ordained authorities last Sunday was hopefully enough of a warning. It’s been planned and he’s been informed, that if he attempts to speak then he will be escorted out by four of the men. Apparently, he also “ministers” to people at a local Nursing Home- who I feel very sorry for. Do Pentecostals normally just waltz in to other churches and ask for leadership positions? Any idea how long they try to “convert” a church before they move on?

News Item2/21/17 7:00 AM
Buckeyes | USA  Find all comments by Buckeyes
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I agree whole heartedly. I don’t think he would have been accepted even 8 years ago. It was incredibly disturbing yesterday reading some people try to defend his endorsement of child abuse. Milo was already a scum ball in my book due to his lifestyle, horrific language, legitimization of the alt-right, and public display of porn.
@ Everyone
I have a prayer request for my family’s church- we have a bizzare Pentecostal “Missionary” trying to make trouble. He thinks we are all spiritually dead and going to Hell because we don’t pretend to speak in tongues, therefore he has made our church his “Mission Field”. Our Elder has asked him not to come, and even preached a whole sermon on wolves who seek to divide churches last Sunday, but the guy says he will be back. He’s also been warned that he will be removed if he is disorderly. Adding to the creepiness is the fact that he is a registered offender. We just really crave prayers that this man would stop coming and leave us alone.
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