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News Item9/24/15 8:00 AM
Mourner  Find all comments by Mourner
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Appreciated the stark contrast between the article and B. McCausland's comment. It was a necessary addition to exhort those that have eyes that see and ears that hear (contrast idols-eyes have they, but they see not: They have ears, but they hear not) not to lose sight of the truth, which is no laughing matter unless seated in the heavens (He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh). Psalm 2; Psalm 115

The Apostle John and future ambassadors (ministers) knew/know their commission to be a bitter/sweet Rev.10:9

pp.127 Steele's Notes on the Apocalypse.
"(Jer. xv. 16.) A speculative knowledge of the word of God, and especially of those parts that are prophetical, will afford pleasure to the human intellect, even though the mind be unsanctified. (Matt. xiii. 20, 21.) But when the prophet gets a farther insight into the contents as containing "lamentations, and mourning and woe," like Ezekiel's roll; the pleasure is converted into pain. A foresight of the sorrows and sufferings of Christ s witnesses causes grief to the Christian's sensitive heart. He "weeps with them that weep," by the spontaneous sympathies of a common and renewed nature. "Sweet in the mouth as honey, but in the belly bitter as wormwood and gall."

News Item9/24/15 6:51 AM
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Mat 16:26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

'One hour' (so great riches are come to nought)is not a long time, whereas eternity never ends. (Rev.5:12)

There are those that help themselves and their lust for wealth (that is protection)of others; this allows them to rise to power at the expense of the 'less fortunate' (poor) that they have made 'less fortunate'(poor according to the will of God), yet in order to deceive the ignorant and unlearned, as well as the willfully ignorant, they and their worshipers will declare with loud trumpets their alms deeds.

The poor that are rich in faith (Christ's) will not be deceived by such shams.

News Item9/23/15 8:01 AM
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The article states:"The United States had a long history of anti-Catholicism since the first settlers.. mostly Protestants ..brought .. their disdain for Catholicism," said Thomas Reese, a senior analyst for National Catholic Reporter.

"They also feared that if Catholics ever got power, they would impose their religion on the country. The Know Nothings, the KKK, and anti-immigrant movements were all anti-Catholic."

In other words the United States has a history of replacing Catholism with schism and pluralism, while the first settlers were more then a little aware of the dangers of the Roman See and its instigation to blood shed, regardless of what it feigns. Not all emigrants had attained to Britain's accomplishments in reformation of the Church's doctrine and worship. This has been forgotten nationally to a large degree because Rome said, O, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. That doesn't work for war criminals.

Reformation was covered over and counter attacked, yet Protestants historically have feared Militant Rome and Isalm alike by reason of history and experience.

Yahoo news then associates those who would think it necessary in perilous times to use discretion at national borders to 3 curious groups. What's their agenda or fear? God reigns!

News Item9/22/15 8:19 AM
Mourner  Find all comments by Mourner
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I was struck by a number of things reading the article. First the picture of one of Assad's soldiers and the woman. He was disaffected. He was not one of the IS persecutors. Was he then their liberator? Intentionally or providentially?

Then a statement "from the article" that sounded familiar. Next considered a Jesuit east and west connection?
"Not only is IS trying to cleanse the region of Christianity and any other religions that are not its own brand of Islam, the militant group has also destroyed ancient Christian monasteries and holy sites.

Jacobson also explained that IS is selling ancient Christian artifacts to help fund its jihad.

"Islamic State militants are also stripping the former places of Christian worship of ancient relics which in turn are smuggled to Western collectors to help fund their terrorist activities," Jacobson said."

The plot thickens


News Item9/21/15 7:08 AM
Mourner  Find all comments by Mourner
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@ Christopher this is thread hopping but I couldn't find the 10 commandment thread either. That why I posted where I thought you might stop by.

I deleted from all your own words for space. I can't follow my own posts. I wasn't in attack mode, I am a woman and what you perceive as attack mode is self defense when threatened, whether actual or imagined threat. But I am a women under God because he keeps me there.

If you do not confront the errors you recognize in another and stand firm not fearing their disapproval but God's, yet in a kind and humble manner, then you are supporting the error you know is there. I notice even here women run to the shelter of whoever will agree with them. Now that is only as good as the other agrees with God. This time I really do have to go.

News Item9/21/15 6:56 AM
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Just to let you know that I posted a reply to pope and poverty that was meant for 10 Commandments. I'm having computer issues just letting you know.

I have no ability to hear anything on my computer. That could have its good points, I suppose.

I can only read and write. I can read anywhere but not write everywhere only what it lets me write?

I guess I was just stopping in for coffee and conversation but time flies as Mother always said, and I have a schedule that I'm not always good at keeping. Mother was. As the first born in my family I favored my father's strengths history, politics, and story telling, he was a peacemaker 'of sorts' but I learned from my mother's executive secretary skills and regimen (management) who didn't get into nursing school, but in providence I did.

Later maybe?

News Item9/21/15 6:22 AM
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Christopher000 wrote:
.. enforcement of the separation of church and state .. defiance.. choosing sides.. taking a stand against God.
So as you see it? God is on one side and the State the other? If so, then it would seem for the State to enforce any law, it would of necessity be against God's and for antichrist's. You then state: "That is the way God meant it to be."

Yet it seems apparent that you and many others do not want sharia, or Rome to be the Church. It appear that the state is willing to enforce either of these, 'what ever works'. Yet you can support religious pluralism, as it is now bolstered by the professing church (one of many different beliefs) which is the 'reason' for the present state of affairs. If a nation does not define 'Their' true religion in a Confession of Faith, the most dominant, wealthy, people populated religion will assume the position of 'the' Church.

That is what both Rome and Islam are trying to do. Presently there is no test or criteria for office bearing in the nation. Lewd and wicked men will support whoever is strong (numbers) and rich (protection) enough to maintain their power. Absolute power corrupts.. History is replete of examples of an allegiance between antichristian leaders and tyranica

News Item9/20/15 2:02 PM
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Returning to the topic,

It is not the monument neither whose 'right' it is to keep it nor whose 'right' it is to remove it. What is at stake here is the Authority that is represented by the words upon it. These same words in the original Hebrew were written by the finger of God on tablets of stone, that were given to Moses. Are they with us this day?

It is the Divine writer that would make the words, not the stone precious, because it is God's Law/word come down to man in a summary that is to remind him of what was written on his heart at creation but corrupted by the fall. Now it is written in the Scriptures of God and upon the hearts of his redeemed.

The lewd and wicked men of this generation are seeking to remove God's authority by removing the monument. How ridiculous! Who gives them the authority to remove God's rule of law? Him that sustains their every breath?

Isa 2:22 Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of?

News Item9/19/15 6:40 PM
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R.D. Coultrane wrote:
Have you ever looked at Romans 13 from the point of 'leadership'?
Any leadership qualities which politicians might demonstrate would be connected to the authority we see in Rom 13.
Verse one established authority as coming from God and calls it power, ( Gk: 'exousia' - authority, jurisdiction, strength).
Leadership must come from God then. Tyranny, dictatorship and dominion comes from Satan and sin.
When we look at the 'leadership' of the modern churches today we see a distinct lack of God and Bible. Removing God leaves man under the dominion and ignorance of sin. An example of that effect is so called 'evolution'.
This is the circumstance we see in Britain today. A country without leadership or direction.
This affects the institutions of government, church, education, justice and health provision.
Thus government using liberalism which is a form of dictatorship, just look at being forced to accept abortion and sodomy, as the article suggests.
Church becomes impotent without a Bible.
Education becomes brain washing - eg: evolution.
Justice becomes inadequate..... etc.
As for eschatology = Matt 24:8-12. (familiar?)
Familiar with the Scriptures you quote. Thank you for the thought out explanation.

News Item9/19/15 4:25 PM
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Will look at the article, Jim

Pennned. that story ended in 2006 and I have been labouring without pay for room and board since then until recently. In 2006 I left a very lucrative orthopedic practice after having been Divinely frightened out the door. That is an interesting story too.

After R.'s death, our younger sons having left home, his brother counseled my eldest son to put me on widow's pension and it being very small, I confess, that which I fought against with zeal, became my food source after R. died in the fall, a year ago, Tuesday. Today I got a card in the mail from a former professional colleague who is now an undertaker, I hadn't seen her in years until she came the morning R. died. My experience with Hospice was unique, I'd imagine. Do I have stories. I have been in the Lord's school of discipleship under my Father's rod of correction and at the same time his upholding grace. O the joy of sonship! I need prayer for wisdom and physical strength before winter and the grace to deny myself, take up my cross and follow my Master.

News Item9/19/15 3:29 PM
Mourner  Find all comments by Mourner
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From the article: "...rights of people of all gender identities and sexual orientations.

..sexual 'rights' include people's "right to have control over and decide freely and responsibly on matters related to their sexuality, including sexual and reproductive health, free of coercion, discrimination, and violence." ...

What a perversion of truth. Who is trying to coerce who? What is reproductive health? Who is this victim of discrimination? Who is made to fear violence? from whom? the most fragile, frail, and dependent who suffer the fruits of man's problem with SIN?

The loudest noise is made by the guiltiest conscience and still it will not understand Rom 2:4 Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?

Death and Hell is the 'right' of all men because all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Right to sin? From whom?

News Item9/19/15 11:05 AM
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Yes, we are trying to remove ourselves from a long list of things. Many years ago now, in PA before the studies, I told my PCP, no cox2 inhibitors. He smiled and called me his medical purest.

But when in in NY in a job interview, for a position I was over qualified for, I stated I would not give vaccines and that since the physician was presently doing it, he could continue to do so. The advantages my experience should have added to the practise considered. It was an unthoughtout response. I'd told the neighbor that got me the interview I wouldn't give vaccines. The next question threw me off base. "So what do you think of aids patients?" I was so taken aback by the question, I looked at the second interviewer but she was somewhere else. God gave me the reply. I realized that on later reflection. My manner of dress said I was a Christian and the name is associated with those who are against 'vaccines' and sodomy. That was my final interview, except for a sheep farm (long story)& hardware stores.

don't know your heart, but I read your words and if you put physical before spiritual cures, you have the cart before the horse.

News Item9/19/15 10:26 AM
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Looking back on posts at ladybugs suggestion I noticed a small comment that was overlooked from Carl E Australia "It's got the eye of Horus anyway... But the principle is obviously disturbing."

Christopher greets Carl silent on his comment and away it goes.

An other observation the influence of the media with pictures. I saw a picture of Mr. Obama weeping as his daughter was preparing for college and in the first sa article picture I see a threatening glance. Everything we see, hear,taste, touch,or smell affects us. Word's are powerful as well.

Is removing the 10 Commandments statue the removal of a monument of idolatry? If they are written on the heart and can be read in the Scriptures of truth is it the real issue? What is the real issue?

News Item9/19/15 9:39 AM
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Reading the article it was notable that the physicians in the UK that critic the 'accepted norms' related to vaccines and antidepressants find opposition but back they go and the www of intrigue has it's providential advantages.

News Item9/19/15 9:19 AM
Mourner  Find all comments by Mourner
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Psalm 82 comes to mind here.

God can and will speak for Himself in Providence and Creation "Global Warming/ Climate Change" is the Humanist alternative for God's Decrees.

Why give ear to Humanist or Jesuit Manifestos, same synagogue in league against the Lord and his Anointed, making war with the Lamb.

Rev 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

News Item9/19/15 9:01 AM
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I have had too many sources, and have had my mind on other things just now but my understanding was that what is usually referred to as the Pilgrims, were the earliest separators from the CoE. Why did they separate first? over what issue, not irrelevant or as you say they were a mixed number that adversity joined together and truth presided over. I understood that those coming later tried to stay longer to attempt reformation in England.

Roger Williams had doctrinal issues with the MBC and was banished for that reason to RI. It seemed that providence used him to purpose and that he got a taste of
opposition to MBC leadership, now that it was given him to rule over a rebellious people.

Did you read
Recommend it.

Microsoft has considered my preferences but Google is inescapable and in checking a word, I noted the search engine proudly declaring its rainbow colors. I understand they are of the same 'church' different pew. 'sort of' providence has had restraint on Microsoft

News Item9/19/15 8:29 AM
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I have been in much thought about this particular thread. I think Dorcas and B.McC's suggestions relevant.

Now, I know we all and often go off topic. I know why we do. However in this instance there was the potential to discuss something that is very relevant to our present precarious national situation, that will affect us and all those we love.

I once read and offer for your consideration: 'When ever we choose the lesser good over the greater good, it is sin.'

I believe distractions have been planted to divert a potentially important source for information and mutual instruction
and who knows how to plant discord like the enemy of men's soul's. Ephes 6:10-end

Not all have personal correspondence (I don't) and that is another means of comfort and encouragement. But at a time when Truth is so much opposed and under attack it is necessary we sort out the 'main' things that will enable one to stand in an evil day.

Does anyone have personal correspondence with Dolores? I remember Jessica from the early days. I didn't recall her story the way Lurker presents it here, but I read post-it notes and he's had personal correspondence. Concerning sc, US has been of influence and I believe has encouraged her when I thought I saw her effort to be moderate. Phil.4:5-7


News Item9/18/15 10:06 PM
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B Mc Causland:

Appreciated your response to point
1. I listened to a message today on Rev. 6 and what I heard there and what I believe, is in no conflict with what you say here.

2. As regards what you call Puritans I've always understood the first eastern US settlers to be separatists, where the Puritans of Mass. Bay Colony were Congregationalists that left the CoE later after they too could not reconcile their differences. I didn't think they had the same contention with the CoE. Could you clarify? I remember reading one of the reasons they found Holland unacceptable was the difficulty that their surrounding presented for Sabbath keeping and their fearing the effects it would have upon the next generation. It seemed to me, they left from Leyden and as you say gathered with others in England. Their hardships were very great in their crossing the Atlantic and upon their arrival. What were, or were there? differences in the two groups doctrinal views? those arriving first and eventually establishing the Plymouth Plantation and those later establishing the Mass. Bay Colonie?

News Item9/18/15 5:56 PM
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Mike wrote:
When he visits the WH, there will be two
two politicians? two Vicars of Satan? 2 false witness for satan, against Jesus Christ? Unclear to which you are referring when using the number two.

News Item9/18/15 5:41 PM
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B.McCausland wrote:
1. Gentiles in Scripture are heathen outside the ethnic Israel and without the knowledge of God deposited and revealed to the Jews, so in a way the term may derive generically into 'unconverted' people without the knowledge of God
2. The Pilgrims leaving England might have constructed a parallelism to their circumstances from a biblical instance and under this light exercised faith, valor and practice. However, we should not read into it any thing else, as in doing so we step outside the doctrinal boundaries of Scripture.
3. Definitively, we can link the 'judicial blindness' to the 'ignorance that in them is'
“Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner … going after strange flesh... speak evil of those things which they know not: ... in those things they corrupt themselves. Jd7-10
4. God has no 'grandchildren', only children born of the Spirit. The British Isles enjoyed a rich biblical heritage, yet no one can rely on past blessings Ps107:31-38
1. Is that what you believe Rev.11:1-2 means speaking of Gentiles, those outside of ethnic Israel?
2 I thought the Pilgrims left Leyden in the Netherlands and were separatists?
3 Relevant Scripture from Jude
4.'grandchildren'? Accurate Scripture applie
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