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News Item8/7/19 5:32 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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I would question it ending up being bigger, and it's not a competition, but I hope the BSA victims will be far less, because the fewer, the better.

The BSA knew they had been infiltrated, decades ago, so preventative and safety measures should have been implemented right then, and the kids taught what to look for and what to do, etc. I'm assuming they just didn't want to risk information like that going public, and parents pulling their kids out. So, what choice did they make...let's take the risk, let's risk the danger.

So, where are they at now, and how much safer is the organization? In June of 2015, OBama's crew struck down the ban on same gender marraige in all 50 States, and the repercussions began immediately. One month later, in July of 2015, the BSA ended their blanket ban on sodomite scout leaders and transgenders...that's some safety net they tossed out.

The snowball effect started immediately, is in full bloom today, and it sure didn't take long to become normalized within society.

News Item8/7/19 1:27 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Neil Wrote:
"But notice: this wasn't Sodom's basic sin, which was pride according to Eze. 16:49. The description fits modern America and Europe pretty well; "gay pride" says it all.
Almost no one discusses mortifying one's pride, but it's always lurking beneath the surface."

Thanks Neil, I just refreshed myself on the latter half of Ezekiel 16, and more specifically, vs 49 you mentioned:

"Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness..."

The sin of pride, sort of lurks behind almost all sin, if not all, at some level, wouldn't you say? Seems to be the main catalyst, even though it might not be all that apparent/obvious, at times, at first glance, but it seems to always be lurking just below the surface, like you said.

I was having a discussion with Ladybug some time back, on the topic of pride. The interesting part was coming to the realization of how it inundates, so to speak, our daily lives, how deeply we are infected with it, and in how many subtle ways it exposes itself that we may never even realize unless we're looking for it, specifically. The obvious is easy to spot, but it's those subtle little ways that go mostly unrecognized, so they're never dealt with.

News Item8/7/19 6:53 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Sodom and Gomorrah, as I understand it, was a free-for-all, and were gathering places; ground zero, melting pots, for the world's se*xal deviants. The deviant lifestyle, at some point, became a way of life, as its citizenry/society, assimilated over time, to every wicked thing that was introduced, and ultimately succomed to, supported, condoned, and even, became active members and perpetrators of the grotesque, and the once taboo.

I've always viewed Sodom and Gomorrah, as towns that began like any other, but an infection set in; subtle at first, and with little resistance, became emboldened, snowballed out of control, and ultimately, infected an entire townspeople. Many, if not most, took part in the deviance, while others supported their wicked deeds, and still others just remained silent, not really caring either way.

Just my own personal take on Sodom and Gomorrah, and the progression that led to their obliteration. Sound familiar?

News Item8/7/19 6:18 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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1517 Wrote:
"Who can stay the hand of God?"


Hope everything's been going good, 1517.

News Item8/6/19 4:57 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Elizabeth Warren and the DNC are fundraising off the backs of the Dayton and El Paso shootings. Hardly surprising, and there's no doubt in my mind that the concern, the sympathy, and the outrage being expressed by the liberals over the airwaves, is superficial only, and I believe that just below the surface, they're gleeful for the fresh opportunity they've been given to attack, and fuel the outrage with even more outrageous lies, as they froth at the mouth to regain power in 2020, by any means necessary; regardless of the collateral damage left in their diabolical wake of wickedness.

The way they've always used selective tragedy for personal, and party gain is disturbing, and clear to see. They completely ignore, and/or dismiss anything and everything that would focus any attention upon their own selves/party, while railing on conservatives for the very same things they selectively dismiss, and then, all of a sudden, they care so much about a situation when it can be used to cause harm to those they hate.

News Item8/6/19 7:36 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Any Democrat spewing sympathetic nonsense, as if they care about anyone, and also trying to pin what they, themselves created, on any one man, or conservatives, as a whole, is beyond disgusting. A diabolical bunch of criminals, and a level of hipocrisy like I've never, ever seen before.

I think the most difficult thing for me is that they have so many Americans, completely fooled, and believing everything that comes out from their mouths. Every lie, and every bit of contorted mis-information, is the truth for many Americans, and it's their own wicked agenda that's caused the civil unrest in this country, but conservatives are being accused as being the catalyst for all of the serious damage the liberals have caused, thanks to the left facing media outlets passing the lies along, and creating their own, to boot.

Yesterday, I think it was Mike who said that if nothing else, we can thank Trump for his ability to have been able to force these people to finally expose who, and what they really are, that they've been able to hide for so long. I wonder how many really even care though.

News Item8/5/19 6:58 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Just some copy and pastes from the article to show some of the lunacy going on in this nation, and how the young liberals have turned absurd, entitled, and fragile to the point that many have difficulty even functioning properly in daily life. They're on "feelings overload", and acting like petulant children.

"Earlier in the day, a speaker outlined the rules of the convention, which included a prohibition on "aggressive scents" in the quiet room."

"I have ALREADY asked people to be mindful of the chatter of their comrades who are sensitive to sensory overload," Jackson said. "And that goes DOUBLE for the heckling and the hissing. It is also triggering to my anxiety. Like, being comradely isn't just for like, keeping things civil or whatever."

"There's a lot of whispering and chattering going on. It's making it very difficult for me to focus. Please, I know we're all fresh and ready to go, but can we please just keep the chatter to a minimum? It's affecting my ability to focus."

"Please do not use gendered language to address everyone!"

News Item8/5/19 3:46 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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46 more people shot dead in Chicago over the weekend, and mass shootings elsewhere, all in Democratic citys, as almost always, but the liberal hipocrites...never a peep on the carnage that happens in their own districts. The El Paso killers manifesto mentioned Elizabeth Warren...will that be discussed by anyone?

News Item8/5/19 3:41 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Frank Wrote:
"The key issue is this person is evil and mentally deranged. Society needs to blame something in culture that makes them commit mass murder. They simply cannot resolve themselves to truly believe there is in fact a devil and that devil is in fact a murderer.
Trump is an easy target and to believe his thoughts regardless of what they are is the cause of these things is simply Trump Derangement Syndrome."

Thanks Frank!

"Trump derangement syndrome"...ha-ha...don't think Ive heard that one. So true though. The liberals have gone mad, and their derangement is a strange thing to see as its all unfolded, and the catalyst is a pure hatred for a man, and their loss of control a few years ago. The really infuriating part is that mainstream media, and Hollywood, etc., are colluding with them to fill the American public to overflowing with outrageous lies, and few do their due diligence to vet the things they hear.

News Item8/5/19 9:17 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Hey Mike, my guess is that this guy got all of his news, like so many others, from the mainstream outlets, instead of balancing the sources. Say I'm right...then, as far as this guy knew, Trump was in fact a raging bigot, and hated Hispanics, etc. Bottomline though, is that it takes much more than anything like that to get a mentally healthy human being to murder, so there's a much bigger picture than a murderous response to mere words. The guy was a psychological mess...

News Item8/5/19 7:56 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Unfortunately, in his manifesto, this guy mentioned Trump as being his inspiration.

Talk about adding fuel to a raging, liberal stoked fire. The Democrats resurrect the racial divide, keep it going strong with their incessant race baiting, and blame Trump for what they, themselves, intentionally created, and all in an effort to de-throne him in 2020.

News Item8/4/19 2:29 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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They couldn't get Trump on collusion, or anything else, because they invented the "evidence", beginning with the phoney, Steele dossier. Infuriated that they can't impeach, after all of their hard, criminal, and treasonous work, they decided on plan B, which is to use the fake news media to convince the wilfully ignorant Anerican public, that Trump is a raging bigot, who is the sole reason for todays violence, and the racial divide. What a joke. Today's division began with, "Hands up, don't shoot", and then, the "white man", George Zimmerman, and then, the Ferguson and elsewhere, criminal and murderous thugs, shot in self defense by white cops, and the thugs get eulagized as martyrs, because, even though the officers lives were in jeopardy, the thugs were only thugs because of white privledge, and whites are not to defend themselves against black thugs. Then, the Jacksons, Sharptons, Farrakhans, Black Panthers, and hate rappers of this nation, scream, death to the crackers, and kill the white cops. OBama never said a word, was complicit by his silence, and the Democrats continue baiting the hatred, yet today, which couldn't be more obvious, and they blame Trump for the civil unrest, and murderous bigots fueled by their own liberal rhetoric? Seriously unreal.

News Item8/4/19 6:58 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Good morning Carl, I didn't even have boycotting on my mind while commenting, but I agree that it can be used as a tool, and there should be more of it for the right causes. I think the church has always been very passive, and that is precisely why the Godless have been able to steamroll right over us, and bring all of their agendas to fruition. 1,000,000 man march? How about a 10,000,000 born again Christian march? When a born again street preacher is being harassed, and/or, arrested, how about a mass-social media blast, calling for 1,000,000 Christians to meet on the preachers street corner in support, or protest outside the station where he's locked up? When a Christian business owner is being harassed by sodomites and their buddies, or is in court pleading their cases, how about 5,000,000 Christians surrounding their business, or protesting the injustice in front of the courthouse? When the liberal politicians, at the State or Federal level, politicians who work for us, are wanting to ease abortion restrictions, or allow 9yr old kids to take hormone blockers, how about 20,000,000 Christians in front of the Capital building protesting?

We have a voice, and we're strong in number, but remain silent as they steamroll over us, and this planet. I'm guilty myself.

News Item8/4/19 6:34 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Everyone has differing points of view on this sort of topic. The way I see it is that we should do our due diligence with the obvious, blatant, and, in your face, companys who make it clear they support all things immoral, such as Starbucks, and the like. Aside from that, it's a purely personal judgement call, based upon matters of conscience.

I've taken that position, because we'd drive ourselves to the edge of insanity trying to vet every product we use, where we pump our gas, who we buy our insurances from, utility companys, hotels, where we go out to eat, and right on down to who manufactures our toothbrush, and the carriers they use to ship their product to market, etc , etc. The list is endless, and the point is that if we were to dig deep enough, we'd find something we don't condone, as far as who someone supports, financially or otherwise, what they do or don't believe in, whatever. Our options would end up being so limited, or we may very well not even have any options for things that we absolutely need if we were to exhaustively vet everyone and every little thing.

I arrived at this, and am perfectly fine with it: once my cash becomes their cash, what they choose to do with it becomes between them and God. We can only do our best, in good conscience.

News Item8/4/19 6:13 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Chris GP Wrote:
".. and yes a Muslim preacher, would not have been arrested."

Right there is the clincher, Chris, and the blind hipocrisy and rage towards Christians only, that's clearly evidenced by your own words above. The war isn't restricted to born again Christians, but anyone who falls under the "Christian" umbrella...the war is against The Creator and His Word, and anyone who believes in both, and the basics of morality.

Arrest a Muslim spewing their religious nonsense on a street corner? I don't think so. In fact, they could probably stand there screaming, death to the infidels; which encompasses anyone who isn't them, and the cops would probably just stroll on by. Yet, stand on that same corner, telling people about Christ, sin, reward and judgement, and oh boy, you're a criminal. The days sure have gone dark, haven't they, and it's a sad, sad thing to be witnessing.

News Item8/3/19 4:39 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Different stations are reporting different numbers, so hopefully it's much lower than one station said.

News Item8/3/19 4:10 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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I just now heard an update on this...a 21yr old suspect is in custody, and 20+ casualties being reported.

The Godless liberals have created a new generation of hopelessness, hatred, rage, and confusion.

News Item8/3/19 3:58 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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SC Wrote:
"His Word never goes out void and we can never go wrong if we stick to it."

Right you are. We can prove, using scripture alone, any error that people cling to, and for those who claim they believe scripture is God-breathed, it's such a strange thing to me whenever clear truth, that they can read for themselves, is just dismissed. Equally strange is how people cling to provably false prophets, and place their entire trust and faith into cults, sects, and false religions invented by mere men in more recent times, as if God waited nearly 6000yrs to reveal The Way.

A perfect example of clear truth just being dismissed, would be the "sodomites of faith"; the "Christian" sodomites, LGBTQ's, who can clearly read what scripture clearly says, but it's like that portion of God's Word is invisible to them or something. They say, "Our God/Jesus, is not a bigot", while at the same time, calling The One who said it, a liar, while also defending Him. Strange, strange stuff.

Thanks to God for opening our own blind eyes, because any one of us could be any one of them; whoever, believing, whatever. Completely, and forever unworthy, but set apart. Should we be haughty and act entitled/superior? No, we should be on the ground, prostate, lowly, and meek.

Thanks Carol.

News Item8/3/19 11:09 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Dr Tim Wrote:
"...Study the cults to learn what they believe, but use the God-ordained dynamite of the gospel to blow away all excuses. You will rarely if ever win them by pointing out all that is wrong with their beliefs..."

Simple, but true. We can argue about this and that all the live long day, and immerse ourselves in apologetics, which is often more about a who can argue better, debate, but it's The Spirit which must quicken; The Spirit who must remove the scales from the blind eyes, so that they might see.

Many understand; many get things just fine, but mere head knowledge is far and away different than a true blue faith, and His Word being written in our hearts. We might understand with our brains, but it's our spirit, the real us, that receives, acknowledges, confirms, and testifies that He who draws us, is He who gives life eternal, and whose Word is true.

News Item8/3/19 7:03 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Hi SC,

I have a bit of experience/knowledge in this area, and even if there was a clear scripture or two, the issue is much bigger than their hardline views of Saturday worship. Getting any one of them to bend on that will be impossible, until they begin questioning their entire cult/sect/beliefs, as a whole. Their views on Saturday worship are based upon their interpretation of the old laws: The laws of God and of Moses; the ten commandments, and the ceremonial law. They won't be budging on that, until we can get them to question their false system as a whole.

With leaders like the Miller's, and Ellen White, they have much bigger issues than which day they set aside as The Lord's day.
In fact, it was Ellen White who said she was taken up to Heaven, shown the ten commandments by God Himself, and told that keeping the Saturday Sabbath was a requirement, so again, they won't be budging on that one.

I'm sorry I can't help on your question, but unless we can call their entire cult into question, and start by discrediting the Millers and Whites, getting them to budge on any one thing will prove difficult, to say the least.

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