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News Item6/11/19 3:17 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Local radio in Britain is a fairly new phenomenon.

Apart from illegal pirate radio stations (usually pop based) in the 1960’s and 1970’s, basically the BBC had a compete monopoly, for decades, since its foundation in the 1920’s, and the service was mainly national, but with some regional programmes, until truly local BBC and private commercial stations were specially licensed by the 1980’s.

There was also when I was in college, a special scheme for very local generally non-commercial stations that were allowed to run for a temporary period of time over a very limited area for special occasions. There was something like that in the University next to my college for about a month each year, run by the students.

Also the infamous BBC licence fee, which covered both radio and television, was completely taken off for radio, (and in my opinion, should be taken off for television as well).

Now with the advent of the internet, digital radios, and even many work places have “closed circuit” type radio stations, there has been a tremendous increase in this kind of coverage. It is still however strictly regulated.

News Item6/9/19 2:41 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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This is nothing new. When crash helmets were made compulsory for motorcyclists many years ago here in Britain, there was a landmark court case, and religious Sikhs were exempted from the law, provided they wore their turbans.

There have been similar decisions that could have security implications, as Sikhs carry a ceremonial knife as part of their religious observance.

True most Sikhs are generally fairly peaceable folk, but it does set a dangerous precedent.

God is working however, with Sikhs, as a leader and his wife of an Asian ministry at a Pentecostal Church I attended for some years, were converts out of Sikhism to Christianity, and the former deputy pastor of a Reformed Free Evangelical Church I also attended for some years, and is now a pastor at an international English speaking Reformed church in a foreign country, was converted at an evangelistic meeting when he turned up out of curiosity at the meeting as a zealous Sikh university student in his turban!!

News Item6/8/19 3:54 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Tragically another megachurch with a very charismatic leader with great claims. When a church centres on a man, rather than God, and supernatural “revelations” replace the Berean study and teaching of the Bible in its full context, this kind of grief is going to be the result!!!

News Item6/7/19 7:18 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Dear Wayfarer, I saw an interview video of Dr Robert Oscar López, and what he had to suffer during his 6 years as a tenured professor in a Leftist state university in “the People’s Republic of California”! He was abused, false accusations made against him, harassment, and real hate crimes against him, and all because he rose up, having come out of the LGBT lifestyle himself, (when he fell in love with a woman, and soon after was solidly converted to Christ), and defended children’s rights, basically to have what he never had, a proper family life with a father and a mother. A very impressive testimony. He abandoned secular academic tenure, and was blessed to receive a post in a Baptist theological seminary. Thanks for sharing that encouraging testimony, Wayfarer.

Even when I went to college in the late 1970’s, though much more elemental, the LGBT community were very much about, and though my own college was not affected much, the neighbouring university was, and this community caused Christians to stumble and get sucked in to this lifestyle.

News Item6/7/19 4:14 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Already, a previous EU directive on data protection has made it impossible for me to view or download some USA websites, or news articles, as these are now blocked from European readers.

I suspect this latest EU bureaucratic directive will cause a lot of churches to stop streaming services, or even running news videos if their activities. If Britain is cheated of Brexit, which looks extremely likely, we will increasingly get stuck in an EU bureaucratic censorship.

It is hard enough for Christians to get videos on the increasingly leftist and anti-Christian video media, without the EU complicating things even further and messing things up!!

News Item6/7/19 3:45 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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No, Mr Lincoln, we do not need to appeal to either a Jesuit interfaith Pope, or to a Westcott & Hort / Nestle Aland modern Bible for our understanding.

Matthew Henry says about this verse:- It is not that God tempted any to sin, but “Lord, do not let Satan loose upon us chain up that roaring lion, for he is subtle and spiteful Lord, do not leave us to ourselves (Psalm 19:13), for we are very weak Lord, do not lay stumbling-blocks and snares before us, nor put us into circumstances that may be an occasion of our falling”. Temptations are to be prayed against, both because of the trouble and discomfort of them, and because of the danger we are in of being overcome by them, and the guilt and grief that then follow.

It appears that this change is only in Italy, although the French bishops have made a similar change, but traditional Catholics are getting weary of such pronouncements from Pope Francis. Perhaps the Lord will start them questioning the whole Catholic doctrines, and they will be truly born again, and added to the true church of the Lord Jesus Christ!!

News Item6/6/19 12:20 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I think the person that Kenneth. Copeland was speaking to “in tongues” at the convention meeting was the infamous laughing “bartender of Joel’s Bar”, who claimed his “Laughing Revival” was of the Holy Spirit, Rodney Howard-Browne. I vaguely remember seeing a critical video, that showed this extraordinary event.

With regard to the late Pastor Henry Mahan, I know very little of his ministry, but I have heard a couple of his sermons on SA, and he indeed sounded an earnest godly man who loved his Saviour and Lord, and preached His Word faithfully.

What a total contrast to the wolves in sheep’s clothing we have discussed on this thread. I must listen to some more of Pastor Mahan’s preaching!!

News Item6/6/19 2:39 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Though people often watch tv through digital device, phones, etc., and private videos via YouTube, Vimeo, etc, the large screen stereo all round tv in homes is still popular here in Britain.

Also, many people, men particularly, flock to the pub to watch live sporting events, while others go to betting shops (quite legal here in the UK), where they place their bets and watch matches, but particularly horse racing live in the shop!!

I think in Britain what puts some people off from tv is the exorbitant compulsory annual licence fee exacted through government for the BBC, our semi-public broadcasting service, and the rather expensive deals that many people have to make if they want the full freedom of cable tv. Even Internet tv, bbc iPlayer, and other tv replay services, are now subject by law to having to pay the licence fee, for the BBC, even if you don’t watch the BBC provrammes.

Some people do reluctantly cough up the licence fee on an instalment plan, and avoid further fees by using a Freeview cable style service, but through a special converter in their tv, and the normal aerial.

I have up this sort of thing a long time ago, and still have a rarely used tv monitor, linked up for mainly Christian dvds and an ancient, now obsolete vhs video tape machine, and main

News Item6/5/19 11:49 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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The British Methodist Church is about to go through this unpleasant process in a forthcoming General Conference as a long awaited LGBT motion is about to be presented. There is, apart from an isolated number of elderly members here and there and the odd lay preacher who believes in historical Gospel Methodism, virtuality no one in the Methodist Church who is likely to make a stand against much of the doctrinaire liberal leadership and leftist activists that are all too prevalent in the modern Methodist Church.

Also like as in the US, all Methodist churches are owned by the denomination, and would be forfeit if the local church decided to make a stand.

Pastors are moved around every 5 or so years by their circuit, so evangelical minded pastors or ministers don’t have time to get too established in any local Methodist church.

News Item6/5/19 4:12 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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they have to queue up at the airport - economy or coach class, to sit next to the “demons” I.e. unbelievers, that you copiously avoid!!!

News Item6/5/19 4:10 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Apparently Mr Copeland is so bothered about flying in a “tube filled with demons”, that he obviously forgot about the apostle Paul, and his travelling companion Silas, long before airplanes were even invented, who actually ministered to the demon-possessed slave girl in Philippi, who was used (or perhaps I should abused) by her masters as a spiritist medium, and were scourged and improsoned for their pains, (but praise God for the supernatural earthquake in the gaol after the singing after the midnight praises of Paul and Silas, and the conversion of the gaoler and their release by embarrassed magistrates who discovered that they were Roman citizens).

The Apostle and his friends also witnessed to and spoke to practicing occultists in Ephesus who repented of their sin, burnt all their magic books and equipment (very expensive and valuable stuff) and became valued members of the Ephesian church!

What about our Lord Himself, who much to the disgust of the religious Pharisees, dined with publicans, prostitutes and sinners, and shared the Gospel with them.

No Mr Copeland, you are not concerned with preaching the Gospel to the “demons” in the airplanes. You wish to travel in luxury and comfort, all on the backs of those poor sheep who support your church and ministry, while

News Item6/3/19 7:08 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Of course, this is not just about the “beatification” of persecuted and martyred Eastern Rite Catholic bishops, priests and laypeople (basically an autonomous branch of the Catholic Church that uses Eastern Orthodox liturgy and appoints it’s own bishops, but acknowledges the supremacy of the Pope), which under Ceaucescu’s Communist regime refused to join the main state approved national Rumanian Orthodox Church, which of course is not, and was not under the Pope at all.

This is a much wider ecumenical interfaith agenda, and the usual desire of Pope Francis to see all the faiths get together on a premise of “peace and security” world faith led by him.

Many traditional Catholics will not be fooled by this man, though they are in a minority, and those of us who are non-ecumenical evangelical Protestants should not be fooled by him for a moment either.

News Item6/3/19 5:05 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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These parents were predominantly Muslim, and actually are not endangering children at all, but actually protesting with their children.

The only people who really felt under threat were the Leftist head teacher and government officials who are enforcing this agenda, under the guise of “education about not bullying LGBT and Transgender kids”. Actually they have turned out to be bullies themselves.

Normally, though technically under the law, Muslims are usually accepted to be exempt from such regulations, but the reason why the government and OFSTED, the schools inspectorate for England and Wales, have instructed Birmingham City Council to enforce this issue, is that they are afraid that non-Muslim parents might also make a stand on this.

Actually, Christian and Jewish parents would never have been allowed to go this far. It will be interesting to see what the response of the Muslim community will be to this enforced LGBT and Transgender agenda.

News Item6/3/19 4:53 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Here in Britain we have many of these sort of game and quiz shows, usually timed as children come home from school.

It shows just how secularist the major media have gone, in that when a probably fairly secular man, who is most likely not in the least evangelical, is deliberately censored when he says that people were praying for him, even to the extent of an interviewer deliberately speaking over him when he mentions prayer.

Our BBC, ITV, and major radio and television stations are just the same as the US NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, etc. I can recall when on Sundays we had morning services, (only BBC Radio 4 still carries a service) and the head of religion in the BBC was a notional Christian, now I think it is a Muslim!! Now, it is totally different, and a very hostile environment for Christians.

News Item6/3/19 4:31 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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This is a fascinating war between the two allies of the Green (Islamic) / Red Axis.

The Muslims normally are virtually exempt, except on paper, from any secularist Leftist rules and laws, and from the LGBT agenda.

The reason that Muslim parents are being trampled on here in Birmingham, is I think, so as not to encourage Christian and Jewish parents in non-Muslim areas to protest . This is actually quite undemocratic, but unfortunately in Britain we do not have a Bill of Rights or a 1st Amendment.

OFSTED, the autocratic young people’s and children’s inspectorate of England and Wales are absolutely committed to enforcing the LGBT agenda in all school settings, and the Scottish Government has the same idea as well.

I suspect that the government will wheel out some liberal Muslim clerics, to say it’s ok, but I am not too sure that the Muslim community will accept this. All I know is, Christian and Jewish parents would not have been allowed even to go this far, and OFSTED is determined to enforce their agenda, no matter what.

News Item6/1/19 3:50 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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over at the border, to certain death or life imprisonment in the infamous concentration camps of Kim Jong Un’s regime.

We must pray for them, and even for the folks “at liberty” on the starving villages and collective farms of North Korea, where there is such a terrible climate of fear.

May the Lord bring about a great revival in that troubled land. Most of the evangelical Christians in Korea, including those in the free South Korea, had a descendancy from the North Korean churches in pre-Communist times, (Pyongyang was known as the “Jerusalem” of Korea for its many churches), and Kim Jong Un’s great-grandfather was a Christian, a Presbyterian elder, but tragically his son, Kim Il Sung, broke away in his youth, when fighting the Japanese occupation, and teamed up first with the Russian Communists, and then the Chinese Maoists, to form the Communist state of North Korea.

News Item6/1/19 3:41 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I have always thought that North Korea was not to be trusted. Kim Jong Un, his father and grandfather as well before him, learnt from Joseph Stalin. Under Stalin’s rule in the old USSR, nobody was safe, not even his hand picked party officials and deputies. Any failure, or even a perceived dissent or dissension, or merely falling out of favour was punished by death, or life imprisonment in camps.

Kim Jong Un apparently punished at least 2 major officials or ministers for sleeping during his long speeches, (these were elderly men), by death, and hauled his own uncle out of a major national Communist party meeting, where there was a quick interrogation, show trial and then execution, I believe in front of an anti-aircraft gun. His popular sister has now mysteriously vanished, and his half-brother assassinated at Kuala Lumpur Airport.

Meanwhile whole families of Christians are languishing in prison camps with slave labour, medical experiments, sadistic guards (who are actually rewarded the more sadistic they are), and appalling conditions. North Korea and Iran visit each other and share nuclear and missile technology. China, North Korea’s powerful neighbour sits on the sidelines, makes a noise now and then, does nothing to restrain North Korea, and hands North Korean refugees

News Item5/29/19 3:48 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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This man is now, I believe, living in an obscure friary somewhere in the internal United States as a lay brother guest, and as far as I know, no prosecutions are pending against him for his crimes. He basically has to stay there quietly for the rest of his life. He will of course in due time, face a far more severe and eternal court, and a Judge who will not be influenced or put off in any way, and unless this man gets right with this Judge before he dies, repents and receives Him as Saviour and Lord, he will receive that terrible eternal judgment awaiting him otherwise.

Meanwhile other bishops and priests consecrated and ordained, or influenced by him in the seminaries and dioceses he was involved with are active, spreading the pro-homosexual message, and ready to sweep anything under the carpet that they can.

News Item5/29/19 3:26 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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It is tragic to see what has happened to this previously prosperous oil producing South American nation of Venezuela. Despite sanctions and pressure from USA and neighbouring South American countries, they will not intervene militarily.

President Maduro can cling on to power with the help of his corrupt military forces, Cuba, Russia (with some covert military help), Iran, and China (which I believe is supplying surveillance equipment to the government, and buying up all the infrastructure of the country).

It doesn’t look as if the opposition led by President designate Guaidó has any chance, humanly speaking, at all. Meanwhile disease and armed gangs are rife (security guards aren’t even allowed to carry arms), and people are eating zoo animals, feral strays, and when they can get them, offal and meat sweepings from the butchers!!

We must pray for the believing evangelical churches and for the suffering believers there.

News Item5/29/19 1:50 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Dear Wayfarer Pilgrim from Texas, you have suffered much my brother. I will pray for you and also your ongoing situation with your family and the loved one who has tragically entered this perversion, at the cost of his own family life. This wicked moral confusion will indeed take its toll here in Britain,and there in the USA and Canada.

It was good that the presumably evangelical vicar I mentioned before made a stand against this perversion in his local school, he resigned from his parish church where he was much loved and had been for quite a while, as well as governor of the school.

Meanwhile we have the local unitary council at the seaside town of Brighton and Hove on the South Coast, which is committed to this wickedness, and has one high school where some 16 pupils (11 - 16 yrs old), are in various stages of this perverse “transformation”!!!

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