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News Item7/24/19 1:13 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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We must pray for this dear brother in Colorado, and for his family. The Leftists and LGBT activists are determined to put him out of business and punish him, no matter what the Supreme Court of the US says.

In Britain we will soon have a similar situation as our British Supreme Court ruled in favour of the McArthur family of the Ashers Bakery in Northern Ireland facing a similar problem there over a “gay” cake.

However, if a new coalition power sharing devolved government for Northern Ireland is not formed by November 21st, because of the iniquitous vote in the British Parliament recently, abortion and “gay marriage” will be unilaterally forced on N Ireland, with no religious liberty provisions. This is even worse than England and Wales and even Scotland, which also has such provisions, albeit limited, I believe. Please pray.

News Item7/24/19 2:33 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Whether this Roman Catholic shroud in Turin Cathedral is authentic or not, it does not make any difference.

We are to base our faith as Christians solely on Holy Scripture and what the Lord Jesus Christ has done.

We worship God in spirit and truth, and do not need any images or physical items to worship Him.

News Item7/24/19 2:29 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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It is always better to keep away from anything political on your church sign, but to only quote scripture. Whatever is on the church sign, should be able to reach unsaved passers by with the Word of God.

News Item7/23/19 2:58 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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(This news item is no longer available)
Though we need to know something about the events of the day to see how prophecy is being fulfilled and as we move to the time of our Lord’s second coming, and also for purposes of prayer, it may well be better for a Christian site like Sermon Audio news to avoid the more lurid stories like this.

Young people hopefully examine this site, and while not unaware of what is going on in this wicked world, do not need to be unnecessarily exposed to the most obvious wicked things, particularly on a Christian site. There are tragically enough professing evangelical churches doing this.

In Philippians 4 v 8, we are told “Finally Brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things”. Amen.

News Item7/21/19 9:40 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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The problem is if you do not vote, or turn in what we call in UK a spoiled ballot paper, you will elect a Democratic President automatically, by default, who will fully implement all of the Leftist and globalist policies that we all oppose!

USA hangs in the balance, as does my country of Great Britain.

We don’t have any really good candidates, in either country and tragically we may be forced to go for someone less than perfect, to avoid somebody who will be absolutely ghastly!

News Item7/20/19 9:37 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I hadn’t read the full article when I made my comment. We can ask the Lord to remove evil spirits, but it is not really unto us to seek to remove them by ourselves.

However, I am sure that there are evil spirits working in the Congress, as the whole agenda of the Left is completely satanic and anti-God.

News Item7/20/19 3:23 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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We must indeed pray for our brothers and sisters in North Korea.

There are those in Nazi-style concentration forced labour or re-education camps, with meagre rations, disease, sadistic guards, terrible conditions, daily torture, medical experiments, crying out to God, and maybe surreptitiously witnessing to other prisoners, many of whom are violent criminals, and their lives are in danger from guards, the other prisoners, and disease. Most of them are serving life or indeterminate sentences.

Our other brothers and sisters are “at liberty”, but what liberty. Working long hours, very low pay in state enterprises, or illegal precarious private work, or others disabled, sick, unable to work, with starvation rations in little towns and villages, with street corner spies everywhere, and faithfully meeting in basements, or out in forests, or secret places, fearfully reading hand written pages of bible verses or hymns, that they can’t even really sing too loudly, and maybe even separate from their children, because the little ones might accidentally say too much to the teachers at the state school, and bring down a violent police raid on them and their whole family.

News Item7/20/19 3:06 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I am surprised that in the Canadian Anglican Church it was the Bishops, that held up the “gay marriage”, rather than the clergy, or more particularly the laity. In England, (Wales and Scotland are separate in the Anglican Church, and follow the Leftist route, and are not part of the state established Anglican Church which only applies to England), the Bishops are the leading pro-LGBT force, the clergy are not far behind, and the laity are the ones who are generally resisting “gay marriage”. At present “gay marriages” are illegal to take place in Anglican churches, but our government, no doubt, will soon reverse that.

As for Canada, I suspect that all this will be academic anyway, as I am sure the Leftist government of Justin Trudeau will soon take the decision out of their hands, and force all churches to conduct “gay marriages”, ordain homosexual clergy, censor “unhelpful” and “controversial” Bible passages and preaching and be fully “gender inclusive”, or face prosecution and persecution.

News Item7/20/19 2:41 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Well, shame he was a Jesuit, and therefore an ardent follower of the Jesuit Pope, Pope Francis, and also of his own Jesuit superior, known as the “Black Pope”.

The actual prayer is a good one, if it had been uttered by an Evangelical Protestant born again and regenerated chaplain.

There are indeed darker forces operating freely in the House of Representatives, and we must hope that the US electorate sees through the terrible deception, and gets many of the Communistic Socialist folks out of office in 2020.

However, with many of the professed evangelicals buckling, the US only needs to lose the House once again, the Senate, and maybe the President and his deputy, or even if Trump and Pence scrape through but are hamstrung, then I fear your US is finished for good!!

News Item7/19/19 2:50 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Lord Shinkwin is himself disabled, and I think he is a wheelchair user. Other peers also generally are older people and have a variety of disabilities.

Lord Shinkwin and other disabled peers, in the House of Lords, but also some elected members of the House of Commons that successfully fought against a controversial euthanasia bill, a couple of years ago which was defeated.

News Item7/19/19 2:31 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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by traffickers, or even these days by conniving scheming public school teachers or administrators.

News Item7/19/19 2:30 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Yes, ideally abortionists, doctors, nurses and administrators ideally should face the death penalty, if we indeed lived in a Christian theocracy . A complete ban on abortion for any reason is indeed what should be pressed for.

As to subjecting mothers who have abortions automatically to the death penalty or prison, I do have some mixed feelings on that.

Obviously women who boast about it, or do it to have a career, or because they don’t want a disabled child, or want a child of the other sex, should be prosecuted in an ideal society.

However, there are some scenarios where a women is forced, or raped, and then placed under tremendous pressure. A case could be where also a lady from certain religious communities where rape is actually treated as a disgrace by the community who would be killed by her family or community in an “honour” kiling, if she fell pregnant as a result, as they actually accuse the woman of adultery, while the male rapist mysteriously goes off totally free, because 2 male witnesses were not available to testify on her behalf.

Other women may have mental incapacity, or may have learning difficulties, or may be forced by a violent boyfriend, scheming parents or a pimp to have an abortion, or may now be driven to the clinic, as an underage girl by t

News Item7/17/19 8:19 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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One can only pray for this deluded and deceived doctor that has just been terminated as President of that wicked organisation, the ironically and wrongly so-called Planned Parenthood.

The fact is, I think, that this medical person has seemingly never read a full unbiased biography of the infamous Hitlerian and racist founder of the PP organisation, Margaret Sanger, the great eugenicist.

No doubt, being a true secularist, Dr Wen obviously never read the Old Testament accounts of what happened when the pagan Canaanites worshiped their false gods, like Baal, Astarte, Chemosh, Molech and others, who demanded infant sacrifice and ritual prostitution, and how the disobedient Israelites were judged when they abandoned the true God of their fathers, and worshipped these gods, with all the practices that went with it.

Thieves often fall out, and obviously due to the reverses that PP has had at the federal level, the powers that be could no longer hold that it was a medical healthcare issue, but a quasi-religious one, and they would have to go down that route to survive!!!

News Item7/17/19 2:50 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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1 interesting note:- In the original referendum by the Scottish Nationalists for “independence” from Britain, but within the EU, which they lost some years ago, one of the main sticking points was that Scotland didn’t actually want to join the failed Euro single currency, which new members of the EU are supposed to do, but to continue with the British pound, knowing they could never have their own exclusive currency!! Three private Scottish banks (Royal Bank of Scotland, Bank of Scotland and Clydesdale Bank), at the moment do have a statutory right to print sterling notes, which are valid tender in Scotland as well as the normal Bank of England ones, though the coins are the same.

News Item7/17/19 1:32 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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There are multitudes of “liberal” pro-EU anti-Brexit Conservatives, all the Liberal Democrat’s, most of the Labour Party, all the Greens, all the Scottish and Welsh Nationalists, and some pro-EU anti-Brexit Independents, who are teaming up with the globalists, environmentalists and big international business and the mainly leftist media to keep us in the EU, or if not, cobble a “deal” to keep us tied to EU, in a kind of “associate” membership, with elements of a Customs Union, and / or Single Market, and subservience of some sort, however limited, to Brussels and its courts and laws, but without sears in the rubber stamp EU Parliament.

I am somewhat sceptical as to whether we will actually leave on 31st October 2019!!!

News Item7/17/19 5:57 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Since then, despite statements to the contrary, many political powers in Britain, backed by the EU, have connived to get rid of Northern Ireland, and butter it up for ultimate reabsorption into the Republic of Ireland, the EU and of course the Eurozone.

The Republic of Ireland has thrown off much of its Catholic identity, due to paedophile scandals, and the abuse of girls and women in the terrible Magdalena Laundries run by nuns, and is now an aggressively secular country, having overthrown its own Constitution and adopted “gay” marriage, and virtually unlimited abortion.

The evangelicals in Northern Ireland are shortly about to be betrayed and handed over to this, I believe.

News Item7/17/19 5:49 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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It was in Ireland that the Catholic King James II was finally defeated in 1690, having been deposed in 1688 after having a Catholic male heir, and seeking to turn England into a Catholic country, in favour of his Protestant daughter Mary II and her Dutch husband William III.

Many devoutly Protestant settlers from England and Scotland had gone to Ireland, particularly in what is now Northern Ireland, and that area became majority Protestant.
The rest was majority Catholic.

After the disastrous Potato Famine in the early 19th century, and whole scale Catholic emigration to US, there was a movement of rebellion and independence for Ireland. This culminated in the main part of Ireland receiving independence after the 1st World War.

The Protestant majority in the North refused to become a minority in a Catholic country, and stayed part of Britain.

The Catholic Republican Irish did not accept this, and through political pressure and terrorism have always stood against this, hence the terrible troubles of the 1970’s.

News Item7/17/19 5:32 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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No John UK, it is not as simple as that. Northern Ireland is still part of the U.K., not part of the Republic of Ireland.

We must not forget that it was actually the Pope in the time of king Henry II, I believe, who granted previously independent Ireland, which was not at the time Roman Catholic, but had its own Celtic Church, to the English. That put an end to the independence of the Irish Church, as well as the state.

England lost its Celtic Church to the Roman Catholic Church some centuries earlier, in the Saxon days, in the Synod of Whitby in 664 AD, when the Northumbrian King, a Celtic Christian, King Oswy, had narried a Catholic princess from Kent, and the Synod decided for Rome. The Celtic bishops, missionaries, monks and priests either accepted Rome, or went back to Scotland or Ireland. The Celtic Church died out soon after.

Later on, in the 16th and 17th centuries, fired up by the Protestant Reformation and Puritan zeal many settlers from Scotland and England went over to Ireland, particularly to what us now Northern Ireland, and settled there.

News Item7/16/19 9:47 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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In Britain, it is now totally illegal to do any kind of formal work with children, without obtaining a fully enhanced up to date DBS Certificate, which is basically an elaborated police check into criminal records, which must be requested by the sponsoring or employing organisation, with a signed statement, personal photographic and household identity documents produced, and the last 5 years addresses. An organisation ought always to take out serious references, and check them, including if a Christian organisation, church and employment references.

Certificates should be updated about every 2 or 3 years.

News Item7/16/19 8:04 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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What a tragic story!! I guess it was things like this that caused this school to give up its boarding houses and become a day school.

Paedophiles are often crafty people, and will get into any situation where there are children, even if it means pretending to be born again and take church office, a missionary, or missionary school teacher.

It is not just the Roman Catholic Church that has problems like this, but Protestant and even Evangelical churches.

Besides, it would be better if missionary children were not educated separately from Christian locals, exclusively in English, but should get at least some exposure to the language, food and those aspects of local culture that are not unbiblical. Perhaps, local churches should set up genuinely Christian schools in the local language, or encourage homeschooling. This would avoid a lot of these problems!!

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