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News Item4/21/19 11:06 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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In Jesus' day, whipping (flogging), was the normal pre-punishment before those sentenced to death were led to be crucified. Everyone should know exactly how a crucifixion works, along with the pain, and what it does to the body, etc., but I think a lot of people view the sort of whipping that was done in those days, as being comparable to how we might see someone being whipped in a movie or something. Flogging back then was horrific, and the reason only a certain number of lashes were allowed was to keep the person alive long enough to be crucified.

Jesus suffered horribly, before He was ever even nailed to that cross, and hoisted up. He was beaten, bruised, flogged, humiliated, mocked, spat upon, laughed at, and tormented in every conceivable way...for us.

News Item4/21/19 8:27 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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US Wrote:
"In short Easter is a Christian celebration (of the resurrection of Christ) that has been paganize and not a pagan celebration that has been Christianized."

Hi US,

Well stated. The remembrance of the event has been polluted, and polluted long ago, beginning with Constantine, really. This remembrance was hijacked, and is celebrated still today, using ancient, and long forgotten Pagan symbolism that infected an Holy celebration of remembrance. However, do we consider the day off-limits now just because of the Pagan impliments that morphed themselves into it? Hardly. Do we turn our backs on the rainbow; God's promise to never destroy this planet by flood again, just because the sodomites have claimed it as their own? Hardly.

Like you implied, they are the intruders, the theives, the destroyers, the plague that infected otherwise Holy things/days/events/rememberances.

News Item4/20/19 3:49 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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MS Wrote:
To further your studies on the cult of Rome, I would highly recommend you read “Babylon Mystery Religion”.by Ralph Woodrow.
I believe he wrote it in the sixties, but has since recanted most of what he wrote, he swung his loyalty over to the old harlot.
You can search on line for the original, I think it’s in PDF."

Thanks MS, I downloaded it. I noticed the hand drawn illustrations...don't see that anymore.

News Item4/20/19 12:35 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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John, first of all, thanks for taking the time to read through it. I wasn't sure anyone even would because of its sheer length. I was focusing on the origins, and didn't think to put a disclaimer or two in my comment, so I'm glad you addressed the source. The breakdown was the most detailed one I could find, so went with it anyway.

News Item4/20/19 7:26 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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The Roman Catholic Church had a practice of incorporating pagan festivals by pasting “Christian” names over them and calling them “Christian". This was done to make “Christianity” more palatable and familiar to heathen worshippers, who the Church was trying to attract.

The link above is a lengthy read, but an all-in-one breakdown of the Easter holiday, its origins, and detailed breakdown of all the elements associated with it, and more. Read it over, and walk away with a thorough understanding of this holiday.

News Item4/19/19 7:17 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Dr Tim Wrote:
"Under an oak tree? Sounds more like Druids to me. But I can understand Chris wanting to meet in a barn. After all, he was born in one, and still has the manners of a Duroc hog. Besides, that hayloft makes a much more comfortable bed than a park bench does."

Proud to have been born in a barn, yes, hay makes for some comfortable bedding, and what is a Duroc hog...relatives you discovered through a DNA search, and now members of your family tree? Poor hogs...what did they ever do wrong?

News Item4/19/19 6:52 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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So, I'm shocked that the liberals aren't just ecstatic that their President never commited any crimes, and that he's been exonerated of everything he had been accused of; tried and convicted, really, and also, that he's not a Russian spy, afterall. I don't get it, why aren't they all relieved?

So now, because they're embarassed, and look like lying losers, they're talking impeachment for the crime of obstruction, because Trump trashed Jeff Sessions on Twitter, and merely "thought" about firing Mueller? What a joke these people are, especially when many of the accusers have their own laundry lists of personal crimes. The liberals are just frothing at the mouth with a hatred like I've never seen, and if they ever regain power, this nation will implode, but things will go just the way that God has them planned out.

News Item4/19/19 6:45 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Hi John,

I've been following this a little bit, and I think SC's mindset is based upon the violence of fire, and how it was used by the ancients for sacrificing infants, and adults to Baal, etc., etc. For me, this is one of those topics that qualifies as a gray area, and boils down to a matter of personal conscience. Turn the bones to ashes, spread them around this planet, and sprinkle some into outer space, and those who belong to Him will be made perfectly whole once again.

I'm really undecided on cremation, and lean towards burial, because in this case, fire doesn't purify, but destroys, so I consider it violence, and my mind always travels back to the sacrifices of old, but...I can't say I frown on anyone who chooses cremation, because I just can't point to anything, scripturally sound, to speak against it. Fire isn't a wicked thing, or associated with evil, as it can be used for good, or to destroy, and God Himself appeared as a burning bush, etc., so to each his own on this.

Anyone who is against cremation can point to why they believe it to be wrong, but only in very subjective, and round-about ways. I know few care for my "gray area" terminology, but hey, that's how I see it.

News Item4/18/19 7:38 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Unbelievable that this nation is even arguing over whether or not to murder helpless little babys...human beings. Unbelievable that all of these wicked women and men are fighting for the pro-choice woman's, "My body, my choice", right to murder perfectly healthy infants on-demand, and for any reason, whatsoever. Unreal. Woe to them.

News Item4/18/19 7:09 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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John UK Wrote:
"I greatly favour the old-style barn meetings. No pews, no pulpit, no carpets, no organs, no hymnbooks, no collection plate, no custom-built car park, no illuminated cross, no board outside, no public address system, no clergy/laity. Just the church meeting together to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth."

While I can appreciate that simplicity, my personal preference would be the barn, or a simple meeting house for those rainy, or otherwise cold weather days, but right out in the middle of nature on the nice days. Like, under a huge oak tree, on a secluded beach with rocks, a mountain backdrop, or even in the middle of a field, far away from the city lights, sirens, and husslebussle of daily life.

Nothing wrong with a church building, but this would be my preference if given a choice.

News Item4/18/19 6:51 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth. Repeat anything, loud enough, and often enough, and it becomes normalized within society...anything at all. Joseph Goebbels was Hitler's propaganda machine who came up with that wildly successful law of propaganda, known today as the illusion of truth.

The sodomites were given the green light to marry, and soon after, infected an entire nation like a plague. Their agenda has even become a part of the public school systems "curriculum", so to speak, all of Hollywood has become their personal propaganda machine, mainstream media celebrates them, and this nation's courts have declared them a protected species. The sodomite agenda has gone full circle, and their dirty deeds of death, are now being celebrated, glamorized, condoned, and even, encouraged, whereas just a few short years ago, they lurked in the shadows because they feared a society that ostracized and condemned them...the very same society that now stands alongside them, fighting for their rights to do wicked things. Joseph Goebbels would be proud.

News Item4/17/19 6:20 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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My first thought was, "Maybe it wasn't even Muslims". Maybe it was, but it could also be a ruse to rekindle the hate.

News Item4/16/19 8:34 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Dr Tim Wrote:
"There is an ancient, low-tech solution to this problem. It goes by several different names, but the one most commonly used in my own youth was the term “hickory switch.” Applied liberally to the lower backside, it effectively controls what comes out of the upper frontside."

Yep, agree with that, but we're in a new age where the kids rule the adults, and run the household...and schools. Spank a kid these days, and it's child abuse...the parent, or guardian, goes straight to jail. The kids have so much control now, because they know they can just make a simple phone call to have a parent arrested, and locked right up. I got spanked with a belt growing up, and that pretty much kept me in line. I wouldn't have ever dared to argue, yell at, or touch one of my parents, and most kids then never would have tried it either.

News Item4/16/19 6:46 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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One of the relics they claimed to have was the real crown of thorns that was set atop Christ's head...yeah, right.

I heard some Roman Catholics bewailing the loss yesterday, and by bewailing, I mean blubbering to the point that they couldn't speak or catch their breath. The loss of Notre Dame reminded me of when Pope John Paul II died, and the reaction of the "faithful".

Fun fact if some didn't catch it: Notre Dame was built using 52acres of timber, and the enormous beams used were from trees now extinct.

News Item4/15/19 10:05 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Utter ignorance, and blindly believing the likes of the Farrakhan types, and others who deny it ever even took place, much less in reduced numbers. Reminds me of the same foolish people who still insist today that some of the school massacres, such as Sandy Hook, etc., never even happened. Ridiculousness. Just those two, the Holocaust, and Sandy Hook, would be quite the conspiracy feat, considering how many people, and kids, were involved in their "phoney" productions, and to what end? Why? Such nonsense.

News Item4/15/19 6:38 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Dr Tim Wrote:
"Obviously all of the apostles were dead way before the “Apostles’ Creed” was written, Christopher—so why don’t we call it What Some Guy Thinks the Apostles’ Creed Would Be If the Apostles Had Had a Creed?"

Take a few deep breaths, there, Doctor Tim, and remember to utilize the news skills you learned in your anger management class. I was only reporting on its history, and had no choice but to refer to it as the Apostles Creed, because that's what it's been/being called, you krazy mountain kook. Can you write yourself a script for Xanex with an honorary Doctorate from Muppet university, and signed by the Sesame Street gang? 😂

Sorry, maybe I should go a bit easier on your kind. A 124IQ, compared to an 11, average, for mountain folk, well, I guess it's really not all that fair of me to use so many words and syllables. Sorry.😭

News Item4/14/19 4:48 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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From the article:

"The institute reported that last year 2,519 children, some as young as 3, were referred to the gender clinic.

Experts say the number is increasing as transgender lobby groups, such as Mermaids, encourage vulnerable young people to push for medical intervention, the institute said.

A spokesman said that in recent years those needing such treatments has dramatically increased.”

Any children, even one, single child at any age is bad enough, but children as young as 3yrs?? Disgusting, irresponsible, liberal parents. None of this nonsense is child abuse though, right? Spank a child on the butt to discipline, and teach them though, and it's straight to jail. Refer to a trans boy as a "he", or the opposite of however he may be feeling at that particular moment, and a teacher gets disciplined, and/or, suspended. Use the word, "family", in many corporate environments, and even colleges, etc., now, and there's outrage, because family typically refers to a male, female, and their children, so it's considered insensitive and offensive. Teach a little boy that he's a boy, or a little girl, a girl, and it's considered child abuse by a growing number, because they're being denied their right to decide. Craziness.

News Item4/14/19 3:42 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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The Apostles Creed is an interesting study, as far as its origination. The first mention of it was in a letter to Pope Julius, in the mid 300's, and some argue that it developed out of the Arian(Arius) controversy in the 200-300's. Although, another source says the first mention was in a letter to a Pope at a synod in Milan in 390AD, but still the 300's either way.

Supposedly, it all evolved from the old Roman symbol(creed), which was a shorter version of the 2nd century rules of faith.

The earliest actual appearance of the Apostles Creed was in a book written between 710-714.

Way too much to cover here, but it has an interesting evolution.

News Item4/14/19 10:42 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Interesting John. All I can think of is that maybe back then, the term still held onto it's basic definition, and understanding(?) Seems to me that if the word had been fully hijacked by then, they would have been much more careful with their choice of wording(?)

The church's (Romes) ecumenical goals since the Manhattan Declaration have slowly caused them to feign falling in line, in order to appear acceptable with the same common goals, and beliefs. The thing I've noticed is that any searches I've done for, "How does a Catholic know they're saved", or, "How does a Catholic get saved", etc., while concentrating on answers from official Catholic sites only, such as Catholic Answers, etc., have all streamlined the answers. The common answers I see now are, by grace alone, through faith alone, which is utter nonsense, according to their own councils and catecisms. Utter nonsense, and lies. I'm bringing this up because you mentioned baptism, which is one of their many requirements for salvation, as opposed to it being a public declaration, and symbolic of the old man going under, and the new, arising; washed clean and with his new nature, etc.

News Item4/14/19 9:17 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Hi Carl, yes, he's still around, but not as often. I guess he hasn't been able to get rides to the library like he used to, or something like that. Still attending Mass though, very unfortunately.
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