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News Item12/31/2020 3:05 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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This court action may have been taken out by Roman Catholics and Orthodox Jews, but this order means that Bible believing evangelical churches can meet as well. I do take the point, however, that perhaps, the truly biblical evangelical churches should have stood against this tyrant (Cuomo) and others like him by worshipping, illegally if necessary from day one. This COVID 19, though a real virus, that affects seriously a tiny number of people, has been a right scam. It is like flu, dangerous for a few, and infectious, but how have we dealt with the flu, for the past few decades. Ruining our economy? Compulsory mask wearing? Shutdowns? Lockdowns? Social distancing? Closing treatment for non-flu conditions? Draconian restrictions? Fines? Police? Quarantines? No, we have not.

News Item12/29/2020 4:25 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Today I read in 2 Chronicles of where the godly king Josiah, despite his evil father king Amon, and his evil grandfather Mannassah, (though praise God, the latter did repent at the hands of God’s chastisement through his imprisonment by the king of Assyria in Babylon for a while), cleaned out the temple, and indeed all Israel from the wicked idolatry of the Baals, Astarte, Molech, Chemosh, and the other pagan deities that demanded infant sacrifice and ritual prostitution as a vital part of their worship. He utterly destroyed them, and killed their priests, levelled their temples and groves, and then when it was found neglected in the temple of the real God, he brought out a copy of the law and declared it to the people. He even led the people in a wonderful Passover. Tragically, the sin of the people was by this time too far gone, and though there was a measure of repentance, God earned him, that his descendants would be carried away and the city destroyed, though not in his lifetime. This I fear in a way is the fate of the USA, and other Western countries. The priests and priestesses of the pagan gods do not give up so easily, even in this modern clinical version!!

News Item12/28/2020 1:00 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Please see my comment on Spurgeon and Masonry, and on psalm singing churches and COVID restrictions. It was put wrongly in the Nancy Pelosi news item thread.

News Item12/28/2020 12:19 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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This comment was accidentally put on the wrong thread. It was a response to a statement in the thread about Christmas Eve singing, as someone stated that Spurgeon was a Mason, and someone else mentioned about psalm singing churches and COVID.. Please refer to that one to get the context!!

News Item12/28/2020 12:14 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Firstly, there is no way that Spurgeon was a Mason. The whole idea of Masonry was so antithetical to his life and theology. Secondly, with regard to the COVID crisis and psalm singing churches. I know of one precious psalm singing church with excellent teaching, yet during the 1st and 2nd national English lockdowns, it meekly closed its doors and relayed its services online, with recorded unaccompanied psalms. When it opened up, it continues to this day to meekly comply with the restrictions. Mask wearing is compulsory, no singing is allowed, and recorded psalms are played to the congregation, with them reading their own private psalters. (The restrictions forbid giving out of church Bibles and hymn books, lest they be tainted with COVID, unless they can be “quarantined” for 72 hours between each service!!). As this church will not use a choir or a soloist, (their precentor merely gives out the first couple of notes for the congregation to follow), means a compete ban on any active worship. This is government interference to a high degree.

News Item12/27/2020 5:03 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Now, the discredited Professor Neil Ferguson, the “expert” who pushed us into the first lockdown in March against PM Boris Johnson’s leanings, when everything was closed, supposedly for 3 weeks to flatten the curve, but turned into a 3 1/2 month lockdown, and then breached his own rules by having his married lover cross Kobdob to meet him, and had to hurriedly resign, had now apparently come back. Though not on the main SAGE scientific committee, he has appeared on a hardline sub section of it called NERVTAG which basically believe in a total very long term lockdown and aiming supposedly for total eradication of the virus.

News Item12/27/2020 3:07 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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At present there is a small battle in England going on between PM Boris Johnson and Gavin Williamson (Education Secretary) on the one side, and Matt Hancock (globalist Health Secretary) and the “scientific vultures” on the other. Johnson and Williamson want to keep the schools open, though with savage new restrictions and mass testing on the poor children, whereas Hancock and the “vultures” want to close them down altogether. They are trying to say that the mysterious new strain of COVID19 affects children as well. Either way it is bad news for children. As well as the usual leftist indoctrination, the poor children have to put up with mask wearing, rigid rules on social distancing, no meaningful interaction, no communal activities and fear being pumped at them, and now mass weekly testing for COVID. Definitely a time for parents to think of withdrawing their children, and homeschooling instead.

News Item12/27/2020 2:39 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Mr Lincoln, will you please put your mask on, go to your bunker like your beloved “president elect “ and stop spouting such nonsense. God’s commands are clear. We are to worship God corporately, as well as individually, psalm after psalm says we are to sing, even at times to shout, as well as many other places in scripture, and the church did in past pandemics and plagues, and we are to actually go to the sick, minister to them and pray for them, no matter what the consequences!! But in this godless, “Great Reset - UN 2021 / 2030 Agenda “ world, we are to suddenly to let the modern atheistic godless Caesars dictate how and when we may worship, how we may worship, or even whether we can worship. No way, Mr Lincoln. Yet our pastors like sheep are doing as they are told and so are the people. Communist China and its WEF / UN allies are winning a great victory as they wave their tainted syringes over us, talk about new infectious strains, and keep the churches closed, or cowering in masked non-singing submission, not even sharing properly in the Lord’s Supper, or baptism, and definitely not fellowshipping together!!

News Item12/27/2020 12:59 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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As I have stated on other related news stories in SA, it has been one of the most appalling things in this whole COVID 19 crisis, that secular authorities aided by compromising and complacent church authorities have succeeded in silencing the church. Communist China, which exported the virus to us and has silenced its churches by force, must be jubilant and laughing at us in the “free West” all the way to the bank, as we have done virtually the same thing!! Universally in neatly all countries, everyone in church, (where they are allowed to open), has to wear a mask, yet despite that we are still not allowed to sing!!! This is contrary to scripture. If those useless masks were any good,(and remember we are spaced out into household “bubbles” and forbidden to fellowship), we would be able to sing loudly without any possibility of “infectious contact”. Will our pastors and the people in the pews still be completely obeying the authorities in a year’s time suppressing their voices from praising the Lord?!!

News Item12/26/2020 11:51 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I may have mentioned this on comments to a previous story on SA about North Korea. I heard an amazing testimony of a North Korean refugee, I can’t remember if she now lives in USA or South Korea. She was an important Party member, in a good position. Somehow she fell foul of one of the many rules that abound in North Korea, even for Party members. She was sent to a concentration camp. It had different sections, one for Party members, one for common criminals, but the worst section, with the most sadistic and unpleasant guards was reserved for the Christians. This Party member was astounded at their faith and at their demeanour in the face of the worst treatment in the camp. It was a real testimony to her. When she was unexpectedly released after a couple of years in the camp, she managed to escape from North Korea, and finally came to the Lord Jesus Christ, and it was basically the testimony of these Christians that started her off!! Praise be to God!!

News Item12/26/2020 3:37 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Apparently, University College Hospitals London NHS Trust is working on an antibody preventative treatment for COVID 19 people unable to have the vaccine. Unfortunately, their partner in this is Astra Zeneca, which is also one of the vaccine candidate companies (with Oxford University), whose vaccine is in the end stages of trials, but has not yet been approved. The antibody treatment is different from vaccines, but the Astra Zeneca / Oxford University vaccine is objectionable, because though not using mRNA (which changes your DNA as used by Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna, it is a more traditional type of vaccine, but uses aborted baby cells in its production and manufacture). Whether an antibody treatment is less objectionable than a vaccine, I am not sure, but would reject this one, as it is tainted by its association with Astra Zeneca. I hope other scientists will work on something similar, but without associations with vaccine manufacturers, aborted baby cells and mRNA ingredients, and completely independent of dodgy money from Gates and Soros, and anyone of their ilk!!

News Item12/25/2020 7:18 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I have watched the typical “communion” service that is generally permitted by the British government due to COVID19 regulations. It was a typical Anglican cathedral communion service. The congregation were masked at all times and are not allowed to sing, and had to sit in highly spaced out chairs. The choir wore masks at all times when they were not singing, and were spaced out in the choir stalls. The clergy all wore masks continually except the bishop and the assistant celebrant, who basically had to keep putting the mask on and taking it off whenever they spoke, preached, or prayed. The communion for an Anglican Church was extraordinary. This is not a Catholic cathedral, but an Anglican one. Government laws forbid the common cup, so only the bishop took the bread and wine. The bread only was given to the congregation, one by one, at arms length into their hand, they retreated, slipped up their mask, ate the bread, then put their mask back on, and returned to their seat. This is a slight improvement on my church, that has completely and totally suspended the communion altogether during this COVID crisis!!! Absolutely atrocious, for a disease that only kills 0.001% or so of people that get it!!! Masks are absolutely useless, and cover up our faces when we worship the Lord!!!!

News Item12/25/2020 4:02 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Pope Francis aka Jorge Mario Bergoglio is a Marxist and committed to the New World Order, and the “Great Reset” and is, with many of his Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, and other clergy and monastics, not even in line with his own Catholic doctrines!!! There are many traditional Catholics, and even a small number of sidelined clergy, who hate and oppose this leftist nonsense, and this pragmatism. They hold to the sanctity of life, and are rigidly opposed to abortion. These dear folks need prayer, and yes, they need to come out of this system, to be born again and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ alone for their salvation. Let us indeed pray for them.

News Item12/24/2020 10:34 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Lockdown is a term, as far as I am aware, that before 2020 was used exclusively in prisons, where the Governor of the prison thought there was going to be a riot, or one started, he would sound the alarm, lockdown would be shouted down the megaphone or loudspeaker, and the guards would close off all the prison areas locking them down, and any inmates found out of their cells would be jumped on, handcuffed, pushed to the floor, and the marched to punishment cells. This COVID 19 crisis has ceased to be treated like a medical emergency, but like a punishment mode, and has become an exercise in complete control, of government tyranny, and globalisation. However, God will have then in derision. Psalm 2.

News Item12/24/2020 10:11 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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There are countless medical doctors and scientists beginning to speak out on the whole nonsense of lockdowns, travel bans, curfews, compulsory mask wearing, and even of social distancing, and about sidelined and banned treatments that would have effectively treated COVID19 in the early stages, rather than the ill tested and controversial vaccines that are being forced on every one as a mass vaccination programme. They are risking their jobs, being censored by social media, and attacked by officially approved establishment doctors and scientists follow the world globalist narrative. They see the disastrous effects of making people hide their personality and face with a mask,elderly relatives shut up like prisoners in nursing homes, small business owners wondering with their business opening and closing at the dictate of some government head,, how they will make ends meet, and so in. Let us think about that!!!!!

News Item12/23/2020 1:11 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Another awful factor now with public (state) schools, but even with private schools, not only with the political correctness /evolution / LGBTQI+ / Transgender / sex education / interfaith / secular humanism / BLM anti-racism fanaticism / environmentalism, and the threat of school and public authorities interfering with parental rights, is the whole dreadful COVID 19 regime in these public (and private ones), with compulsory all day mask wearing, tape, one way systems, not allowed to socialise with others, no concerts, no organised sports events, (except under very strict conditions), sitting at exam style desks, wide open windows in the middle of winter, over zealous teachers who severely punish any child who breaks the COVID 19 rules, sending a child home with any sign of a cold oir snuffle and then isolating the whole class for 10 (previously 14) days, and now mass weekly testing to be introduced into secondary and later into primary schools. Dreadful!! What an awful atmosphere to be educated in!! Home schooling for as many as can do it!!

News Item12/22/2020 5:40 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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The latest is that the scientific vultures are demanding a lockdown for all of England, to go into Tier 4, or at least that many of the Tier 2 and Tier 3 areas to be pushed up to Tier 4. (The somewhat more liberal Tier 1 is only 4 very rural areas, Cornwall, Isles of Scilly, Isle of Wight, and Herefordshire, a farming county in the Welsh border. Mask wearing inside, social distancing, and controls on large gatherings still in place, but restaurants, pubs, and shops all normal; and some heavily regulated sports events, concerts, etc.allowed with reduced socially distanced numbers), I suspect Tier 1 to be abolished soon!! Meanwhile the BBC, social media and government are actively campaigning against the “anti/vaxxers”, who are being treated like a dangerous cult, and the useless vaccines are being lauded, while fear and restrictions are being ramped up.

News Item12/22/2020 3:52 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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domestic and child abuse,and deaths from untreated non-COVID 19 related illnesses are going through the roof. This is not acceptable. End it now!!”

News Item12/22/2020 3:50 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Archbishops, bishops, ministers, pastors, elders and hutch leaders, when are you going to say, like some pastors and others in the states, “We have had enough!! We are going to sing God’s praises, You put masks on us, yet we are still not allowed to sing. A soloist or a small scattered choir in front of a screen is not enough. We can’t even share with anyone who visits our church, in fact they are supposed to put their track and trace details or obtain a ticket, tape everywhere, bring told how we are to administer the Lord’s Supper and baptism by the state, we are not allowed to have any meaningful fellowship, how we may conduct our worship, what instruments can be used, and a 32 page or so document telling us how we may use our building. Now you are telling us for a disease that only kills about 1% of the people that might get it, that we must encourage our congregation to get a useless vaccine, that actually has dangerous side effects, is not properly proven, contains or had been tested using aborted babies parts, has DNA changing ingredients, and for which we still have to wear masks, socially distanced and put up with dictatorial lockdowns, tiers, restrictions, closed and shuttered businesses, and travel bans for months to come, while suicides, mental illness, domestic and c

News Item12/22/2020 3:23 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Before you criticise the Puritans, Mr Lincoln, remember this. They were godly men and women, who did not wish to worship in the way that the state church required back in England. They were people of prayer and holiness. They loved God’s Word, they loved the Lord Jesus Christ, and some of the best devotional books were written by Puritans. Yes, unfortunately, the Puritans, as with the Reformers before them, did carry on the notion of a “state” approved church, and such things in most cases such as infant baptism, and their eschatology tended to continue the amillenial allegorical one of the Catholic Church, but modified to put the Pope as the continual Antichrist. However, they did set the seal on the godly family model, on learning and study of the Holy Scriptures. However godly the setup, this does not guarantee that future generations will not fall into heresy and apostasy. Read the Bible, with OT Israel!! However, the Puritan community was far better than the wicked godless secular humanist state that you wish to live in, with Biden and Harris!!
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