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Survey9/28/07 7:22 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Spiritual, how do you know for a fact that Abigail has the Holy Spirit? Is it because she says so? I have the Holy Spirit also. Is it because she speaks in tongues? Bible doesn't say that is the evidence, so that can't be it. Is it because she is in agreement with you? That would be least credible in my estimation. How do you know? Are you omniscient? My Bible tells me that the fruit of the Spirit is an evidence. Please, Spiritual, tell me HOW DO YOU KNOW?
Abigail, you make a lot of assumptions in your post about what they were doing leading up to and on the day of Pentecost. You are reading into the text, and that is always dangerous. Why? Because all of us will be inclined to read into the text what we presuppose to be true. We must not go beyond what the Bible says. It doesn't say they were seeking anything. They were WAITING for the gift that Jesus told them would come. That is what the Bible says, that is what we must believe.

Survey9/27/07 9:58 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Abigail, you are still skirting the questions. You say, "if they seek it with a pure heart, they will receive it". Again, prove from scripture that ANY instances of speaking in tongues was because someone was seeking it. The disciples on Pentecost were WAITING as Jesus told them to. They weren't seeking. Actually, the only one who sought the gift of tongues was Simon the Sorcerer, and he wanted to be able to give the gift out for his own benefit. He was sharply rebuked. In scripture no one had to be coached or taught how to speak in tongues. It was a sovereign act of God WHEN He chose to do it (which wasn't in every case).

Survey9/27/07 9:31 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Abigail, don't connect ytourself to closely to spiritual. It would be a shame to see you go the same route. If I remember correctly, you stated befrore that you would not judge someone's salvation. Yet, in agreeing with Spiritual, you have done just that because this person did. Don't fall into that trap.

Survey9/27/07 9:27 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Spiritual,don't break your arm patting yourself on the back.The Bible says,"Take heed lest ye fall".I have an idea of who you are by your condescending tone and your name calling.It's a shame you haven't learned yet.Your credibility is nil because of the way you needlessly attack and rant.At least Abigail is willing to converse.You should watch and learn.
Abigail,I'm glad to see you distancing yourself from most of what goes on in Pent/Char circles these days.I still don't agree with where your coming from,and you didn't answer any of the Bible points I brought out.What do you do with those truths of scripture?Let me flat out ask you.Is a person who does not speak in tongues saved?Can a person who does not speak in tongues walk in the Spirit?Can a person who does not speak in tongues live a holy life?I am not being facisious,I am seriously asking.Thanks.

Survey9/27/07 8:11 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Spiritual,I'll start with you.Your tone and words prove that your moniker is only that:a moniker.You are not spiritual,your attitude is sinful,you are using your words in an unchristian way."Minor fault"-sin is sin.As for the name calling,you don't know me,so your words mean nothing.
Abigail,as far as miracles go,why did Paul leave Trophimus in Miletus sick?Why didn't he claim deliverance from the Roman prison?Why were most of the disciples martyred if they could just call down a miracle?Why was Timothy told to drink some wine for his stomach problem?I believe God can work miracles,but what I have seen from the Pent/Char movement is not genuine.Anyone can claim to heal people over TV.Anyone can claim to heal hidden diseases.Where are the lame walking,the blind seeing,etc.on a regular basis?Why so much worldliness in this movement if miracles are signs of faith and holiness.The Bible talks about great deception in the last days and much of it will be because people "seek a sign".Be careful,Abigail.Please,be careful.

Survey9/27/07 6:45 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Abigail, I ask questions to get answers.If they seem foolish, it's because you can't answer them.I did not ridicule you.I have stated the facts as they present themselves.Did any of the disciples sin after they received the Holy Spirit?Hintaul had to rebuke Peter for showing favoritism to the Jews."If you think you are equal to them, you are sadly mistaken."Actually, we are all equal to tham;we are all sinners saved by grace.If we are believers, we have received the Spirit at salvation,just like them."I know I have the Holy Ghost, but I doubt you do."You just proved my point.I don't have the Spirit like you do, so I'm not saved.Amazing!You Pent's will accept Roman Catholics(as long as they are charismatic) with arms outstretched,false doctrine and all,but if someone disagrees with you on your unbiblical doctrine of speaking in tongues,they aren't saved.Read the Book,Abigail.Tongues don't save,the blood of Christ does.

Survey9/26/07 5:27 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Abigail,this continues to get worse for you."They were filled with the Spirit in a measure that we do not see today because of the purity of their lives after having been with Jesus for three years."Prove that statement from Scripture!Not only for the disciples,but anyone else who received the Spirit with tongues in the book of Acts.One group was asked, "Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?"Notice they weren't asked,"Have you lived a holy life since you believed?"As a matter of fact,the only way we can live a holy life is because of the Holy Spirit.It's backwards to think you get Him for living holy!Once again, your works centered theology shows itself.Listening to you,and Mr. Fletcher,I'm surprised that either one of you actually needed Jesus or the Holy Spirit!It sounds like you have religion(man's attempts to reach God) instead of true christianity (God's sovereignly reaching down to undeserving man)."Examine yourself to be sure you are in the faith." "Many will say to Me on that day,did we not...I will say unto them,depart from Me, I never knew you."Think about it, Abigail,there is to much at stake!BTW, the disciples didn't know what tongues were,so they weren't looking or believing for them.Again,a sovereign move of God,not because of man's ability to believe

Survey9/25/07 10:15 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Thanks, Alan H (I wasn't sitting here waiting. I was just getting ready to go to bed and thought I would check one more time ) With the Pentecostal doctrine of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, a person is told that if the don't speak in tongues, they don't have the Holy Spirit. If that is true, then that person, according to the Bible, isn't saved. They won't say that this is true, but if you carry your reasoning to its obvious conclusion, then anyone who has not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues is not saved. Would you agree with that, Abigail? Can a person be saved and not speak in tongues? If so, how do they have the Holy Spirit? According to you, what must we do to convince God to baptize us with the Holy Spirit? These are all very real questions that I have heard people ask of tongue talkers. I never knew quite how to answer them. What would you say?

Survey9/25/07 9:40 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Abigail, "that is what the Pentecostal experience does for those who truly seek and find it." So are you willing to say that anyone who doesn't have what you think they should have didn't really seek it? If I remember correctly, the disciples weren't seeking "it" on the Day of Pentecost. As a matter of fact, nowhere in Scripture do you find people seeking the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. It was always bestowed on the recipients by the sovereign hand of God. Can you explain why we don't see this evidence in every situation of salvation in the book of Acts? Can you tell me why, if this is so essential to our christian walk, it isn't covered a lot more in the general epistles, and usually when it is, it's for the sake of correction? Can you tell me why something so necessary for a godly life would have to be begged ofr from our God who desires to give good gifts to His children? I know why, having been there. It is worn by many in the Pent/char. movement as a badge of honor. I have it, you don't therefore, I am more spiritual, more sold out to Christ, more committed than you are. No, Abigail, what you have isn't necessary. It isn't even scriptural. We are baptized by the Spirit into the body of Christ when we are saved...cont'd

Survey9/25/07 8:29 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Abigail, to continue my response. You know nothing of what I preach. I am an Independent Fundamental Baptist pastor. I preach salvation by the shed blood of Jesus Christ. I preach repentance. I preach holiness. I preach about Hell and the judgment of God. I also preach about false doctrine like the Pentecostal Charismatic movement and its twin sister, the Word of Faith movement. I know a lot about that stuff. I attended a charismatic church for the first 15 years of my christian walk. I attended Jimmy Swaggart Bible College. I spoke in tongues. I was slain in the Spirit. I prophesied, I danced, I played the drums in the worship band, I preached the Pentecostal doctrine. The best thing that could have ever happened to me was to realize, by God's grace and His precious Word, that it was all a farce! Holiness in the charismatic church? NO! Dependence on the written Word? NO! Emotionalism, competition, greed, lust, worldliness? YES! A thousand times, YES!! Thank God I got out from that deception, and, I pray, by God's grace, you will to! Read the Bible and see what it really has to say. "You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free."

Survey9/25/07 8:19 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Abigail,when I said that about the thread being closed,I wasn't accusing you!I was serious!I'm hoping no one will do anything to get it closed. That's the martyr complex coming out again!"Does anything become me if I do not agree with you in your "do nothing" theology?"Prove from my posts where I have a do nothing theology! You are the one who tagged me with that,and there is NOTHING that I have posted to warrant you saying it!As a matter of fact,I have stated exactly what you closed your post
with,"Salvation and good works go together—they cannot be separated." Read my posts,you will see that I have stated the same exact thing!The difference between us has been the part that works plays.You say that they save us and keep us saved.I, and scripture,say that they are the evidence of a true biblical faith, accomplished by the work of a sovereign God in the heart of the quickened sinner.Your works keep God happy so that He won't turn you away. True works are to bring glory to God as we become more like Christ: sanctification.Also,It doesn't bother me that you are a woman.I have never said that women should not post on this site,nor have I ever indicated that a woman's thoughts are inferior. I do have a problem with the
Pentecostal part,having been trapped by it in my past.

Survey9/25/07 5:33 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Abigail, great idea! Let's move it to this thread and hope it doesn't get closed. You both keep saying that I am suggesting that since salvation is by faith alone, a person can live any way that they want to. Please, READ MY POSTS! I am saying that if a person is truly born again, they won't want to live the way that they did!!! Righteousness will be the fruit of a life transformed by Christ, not because I have to so that I don't lose my salvation, but because my new nature will want to live that way to glorify Christ. You make good works about salvation, the Bible makes good works about becoming like Christ and glorifying Him. That way, He gets all of the glory. I'm sure that's what you want, but if YOU are doing the keeping of your salvation, then YOU get the glory for doing such a good job!! Only a (spiritually) blind person would miss that!!!
Also, Abigail, anyone can use the martyr complex when people disagree with them. Please stop! It doesn't become you!

Survey9/24/07 9:36 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Mr. Fletcher, I agree with MOST of what you have just said. The only difference is that, for you, obedience is the means of getting and keeping our salvation. For me, and what the scriptures bear out, is that we will do these things because of what Christ has done in us. For you, these works are about pleasing God so that He will let me into Heaven. For me, and what the Bible shows again and again, obedience is about becoming like Christ, and thus, bringing glory to the Father. For you, it is man-centered. For me, and what the Bible shows from start to finsih, it is all about Christ; His purposes, His work, and His glory. The whole issue is about where our perspective lies.

Survey9/24/07 9:06 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Mr. Fletcher, than I can plainly state that the salvation that you speak of is not of grace, but is, in fact, of works. It is my works that earns it for I must repent and turn from all of my sin for God to give it to me. It is also for me to keep it by my works because if I do not become sanctified and continue to do good works I will lose my salvation. Mr. Fletcher, can you say Roman Catholic Church?

Survey9/24/07 8:56 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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"Not one of those passages, say we are saved by faith alone." Instead of having you read it, let me quote Eph. 2:8 and 9, "For by grace are you saved, THROUGH FAITH, and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast." Where does it add anything but faith? And then to bear out my point about the evidence, let's do verse 10. "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus UNTO GOOD WORKS, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them" Our salvation is to result in good works, not because of them. I hope you can see how plain that is Mr. Fletcher.

Survey9/24/07 8:44 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Yamil, is what I am stating making sense or isn't it? (I'm actually surprised to see us on the same side of an argument, but at least we see that salvation is by faith alone).
Mr. Fletcher, the evidence is not for believers or unbelievers. It is the natural outworking of a life that has been transformed by Jesus Christ. God's Word says that we were predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ. This "evidence" that I speak of is noting more than the sanctifying process, or conforming to Christ's image, being done in our lives. Its purpose-to glorify Jesus Christ.

Survey9/24/07 8:25 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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You are choosing to misread my post, Mr. Fletcher. The Bible speaks of those who are willfully ignorant, and I am having to say that applies to you in this case. Either you really cannot comprehend or you do not want to. Let me try again. Evidence is an indication that something has occured. Evidence shows that there has been a crime. Evidence shows that there is a Creator. In the life of a believer, evidence PROVES that something happened. At a crime scene, the evidence is not the crime. In creation, the evidence is not the Creator, and in salvation, the evidence is not salvation. The evidence always points to something else. Obedience to the commands of scripture is the EVIDENCE that a person has truly met Christ. It is not salvation itself, it is the indicator that salvation has occured. Go back to the crime scene. If there is no evidence, then there can be no proof a crime was created. If we didn't have the evidence of creation, we wouldn't know that there was a Creator. The same with salvation. If there is no evidence of obedience to the Word of God, than there is no proof that true salvation occured. Once again:salvation=sovereign work of God;obedience=evidence of sovereign work of God.

Survey9/24/07 8:07 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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So, Mr. Fletcher, you are making EVERYTHING conditional upon man's response and God is just a little puppy waiting for man to accept Him. Can you imagine God with sad eyes and a quivering lip pleading with the sinner to accept Him! What heresy! You have made yourself, at the least, equal with God (especially since you are now sinlessly perfect) and you seem to be the one who calls the shots! God is far bigger, and greater than you have made Him out to be! If it were not for His amazing grace we all would have been destroyed long ago! God has chosen a people for Himself, those whom He draws through the working of His Holy Spirit, to seek Him and find Him, by His will, not our own! Maybe someday you will realize that it was God who found you and not the other way ariound! Why? Because God has never been lost! Seaton has answered your question according to what scripture says. You are bliund to this truth of scripture. My prayer is that, by the grace of God, you will soon be able to see and understand the glorious truth of the doctrines of grace!!

Survey9/24/07 7:37 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Mr. Fletcher, it does make sense. For whatever reason, you feel that you must equate works with the gaining and keeping of salvation. I am saying that if a person is truly born again that, because of his new nature, he will keep the commands of scripture. You say that it is the works that get you the salvation, I say that the works PROVE that you have been truly born again. The difference between us is that you see the keeping of the commands as man's part in the getting and keeping of salvation. I see salvation as a sovereign work of God and the keeping of the comands of scripture is the EVIDENCE that a person has true biblical faith. If a person does not have obedient faith, it is because he never received true saving faith from God. Salvation=sovereign work of God; works=evidence of sovereign work of God. Makes perfect sense.
Abigail, you admitted that you have sinned since you were saved (unlike Mr. Fletcher ). Are you still saved? The Law nor any of the sacrifices ever saved anyone. Does church attendance save? The Bible tells us to gather together. Does giving save? The Bible commands us to give. I think you get my point. It's not what I've done, or do, that saves me. It is the finished work of Christ. Obedience is the evidence of my new nature.

Survey9/23/07 9:57 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Mr. Fletcher, "It does not seem enough to claim that works are merely evidence of salvation...rather it appears the very condition for final justification. Otherwise, we could enjoy the pleasures of this world, obey the Devil, serve sin and still inherit the kingdom which Paul, Peter, James, and John in so many passages says is totally impossible." If we are doing the things that you just listed here, "enjoy the pleasures of this world, obey the Devil, serve sin", then we are not showing evidence of true salvation. I said that obedience to the scriptures was the evidence of true salvation. You are trying to tell me that I said because salvation is by grace alone, we can live any way we choose. Please, read my post again. I did not say that. I said a truly saved person will obey the commands of scripture BECAUSE he is saved. The obedience is the EVIDENCE of salvation, not salvation itself. I have never, nor will I, advocate a cheap salvation. However, neither will I commend a salvation that places any of the glory to the goodness or intellect of man. Salvation is a work of God from start to finish, and He will receive the glory for that.
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