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Survey8/8/07 9:34 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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JD, I have an idea what you will do with this verse, but I'll throw it out there for you anyway. Matthew 1:21 says, "for he shall save his people from their sins". Now, this can't be speaking of all Jews, because not all have or will believe. It cannot be refering to mankind because that would be universalism. It says He "shall" save "His people". Jesus came to guarantee the salvation of "His people". Who would this be? It would be the "all that the Father has given Me" spoken of a number of times in John.

News Item8/8/07 9:24 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Lance, and those who "offered the pinch of incense to the emperor's divinity" denied Christ, proving that they never belonged to Him in the first place. We can only be sure that we will stand for Christ when we are sure that we belong to Him. As a Roman Catholic, that isn't totally possible is it. The security one finds in the finished work of Christ that has done everything to wipe out our sin and its guilt is a wonderful thing. Truly knowing this Christ is what will cause us to stand in that day!

Survey8/4/07 3:52 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Lie of Satan, I didn't want to call you OSAS because then I would be lying since you don't believe in it. Also, it is your opinion that it is a lie. I have shown from scripture, as have others, that the true believer IS secure in the relationship they have with the Father through the finished work of Christ.
Second, you betray who you are because I never once called you Legion in these posts, but you go back to previous posts which you can't seem to forget.
Next, because I choose to understand cultural and historical background of the parables Jesus told, I hate Jesus' words? Shame on you for lying. I esteem them enough to try to understand them in the context, unlike you who tries to make them fit YOUR theological bias. That is my calling as a christian AND as a pastor, to try to help deceived people like you.
"You prefer to ignore the first four books of the New Testament, the core message of the Bible." Sorry, but they carry no more weight than the rest of the Bible. It is ALL inspired by God and you can't understand the gospels without the rest of the Bible nor the other way around.
"turning the story of the bridegroom and the 10 virgins into some kind of a dirty story." You were the one having the bridegroom marrying 10 women, not me. Maybe you're Mormon?

Survey8/3/07 10:27 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Peter the apostle, it is rude to not answer a question. Mike asked you what good was coming out of these posts. If you desire to be a "good" Peter, then, "be ye holy in all manner of conversation" and answer Mike's question.

Survey8/3/07 9:28 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Finally, number
9. Why is the word IF, IF, IF, IF, all through the scriptures if salvation is unconditional?
A:I would have to say that you would have to give us these references so that they can be answered individually. As we have seen from the previous eight questions, you have used verses that refer to sanctification, unbelievers, parables, etc, etc to try to prove that eternal security is not taught in the Bible. Each one has been answered. However, Lie of Satan, you have not refuted any of the promises that others have quoted from scripture. Explain how Jesus can say that He will not lose ANY that the Father has given Him if you can lose your salvation. Tell us why Paul wrote that NOTHING can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus if we can be separated from His love. Elaborate if you would how we will be plucked out of the Father's hand when Jesus Himself said that it is not possible. And one more thing. Define "eternal" life, which the Bible says believers now possess, if it doesn't really mean eternal.

Survey8/3/07 9:09 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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7. Why was Jesus always warning his disciples about how to avoid Hell if they were already eternally secure?
A.I'm not sure exactly what references you would be talking about here, but there were many instances where Jesus taught about Hell. In any case, whether speaking to the large numbers of "disciples" who followed Him (remember how many turned away after He spoke of eating His flesh and drinking His blood?) or the smaller group of 12, there were always those present who were not saved (yes, I'm refering to Judas).
8. Why did Paul fear to become a castaway and warn believers not to shipwreck their faith?
A:Two separate scenarios. Paul talked about becoming a "castaway" in regard to no longer being useful for service, not in losing his salvation. He was concerned that he not bring reproach upon Christ or his ministry, and thus, make himself ineffective. The shipwreck of a persons faith is in reference to a person who rejects the truth of who Christ is and what He has accomplished. Nowhere in the text does it say that it is speaking of a saved person. This is, in fact, a person who has never accepted these truths and speaks evil of them, as wee see in the text in I Tim. 1:19,20.
I will save the last question for another post.

Survey8/3/07 8:46 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Back to the questions.
5. Why are we commanded not to quench, grieve or insult the Holy Spirit if it doesn't matter?
A:This one is easy. No one ever said it didn't matter. Almost every person that has argued for eternal security has also said that sanctification is part of the evidence that a person has truly been born again. Can you say-STRAW-MAN?
6. Why are the words "fall away" or apostasy in the Bible at all, if it's not possible to fall away?
A:Again, a straw-man. You go by your definition, but the Bible talks about falling away or apostasizing from the faith. We see this abound in our day as not only individuals, but denominations, fall away from the true faith of the Bible:the innerancy of scripture, the virgin birth, the sinless life of Christ, the sacrificial, once for all atonement of Christ, the eternal security of the believer, etc. Tghis is what the falling away is talking about in scripture. The promises are to clear to deny that a truly born again individual CANNOT be lost.
I won't have enough space to answer another question, so I will add something else. The FINISHED work of Christ guaranteed the salvation of the elect. If it were not so, the Bible could not use that word. It is in there, we must believe it. ES comes from this truth.

Survey8/3/07 8:33 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Lie of Satan, before I go on answering your questions, the story of the virgins and lamps is in Matthew 25, not 15. That is twicwe that you have given incorrect references. Are you sure you know your Bible as well as you think you do? I brought up the point about this parable being only in Matthew to show that it is the only context we have to look at. I did this because; 1)we must make our points from this instance of the story alone, and; 2) for a much more important reason, we must not build doctrine from parables, especially when it is only given to us one time. I wasn't doing it to lessen its credibility, but to remind us that we must be careful. Jesus told parables to reinforce truth, not to create it.
In response to the virgins issue. If what you are saying is true, then what we are looking at is a mass wedding. The bridegroom was going to marry 10 virgins all at once! I think a history lesson would help. If you read Song of Solomon you will see that the virgins would often rejoice with the one who was betrothed at the arrival of her bridegroom.They would also celebrate with them long after. By not paying attention to the customs of that time and trying to give them an interpretation that fits into our culture and thinking, we miss the point of Jesus' teaching.

News Item8/3/07 8:13 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Pro Gun Christian, amen to you too We homeschool our three children and neither my wife nor I have a college degree. It upsets me to see people spew stuff like "imposter" Mike does when they don't have a clue
By the way, I am also the pastor of an independent Baptist church, going on seven years now, without a college degree, but with the power of the Holy Ghost

Survey8/3/07 5:00 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Thank you, DB
3. Why did Jesus tell the parable of the 10 virgins betrothed to the bridegroom, but five had let the oil in their lamps go dry (ie lost the Holy Spirit) and missed out on the wedding, were shut out?
A:First of all, this parable is found only in Matthew, and nowhere does it state that these virgins are "betrothed" to the bridegroom. Second, they all had lamps, they were watching, but they didn't all have oil! Very important. The oil is representative of the Spirit. Five had the oil, five didn't. Thus, five were consumed with finding some way to be prepared while five were all ready because they had the Spirit. Therefore, the five foolish were not saved, the five wise were.
4. Why did Jesus say to abide in him or go dry, if Christians had no choice, that it was going to happen automatically?
A:The key to this passage is verse 16 of John 15. We have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit for Christ. The abiding has to do, again, with professors as opposed to possessors. Many of the stories and pictures that Jesus used bear this out. If we have been "chosen" by Him, we will abide. If we know Him in name only, then we will not abide. The parable of the four types of soil is a good illustration of this point (Mark 4).
To be continued.

Survey8/3/07 4:36 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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OSAS, Lie of Satan, I had to go back and re-read my post because I didn't recall saying all of those things However, you asked nine questions, and I will seek to answer them as best I can.
1. if we are automatically filled with the Holy Spirit, why are we commanded to be filled (Ephesians 5:17)?
A:First of all, it's verse 18, not 17. Paul is making a comparison here between drinking alcohol and being filled with the Spirit. He is saying, do not be under the influence of wine, but under the influence of the Spirit.
He makes no connection between how you interpret it and what our text actually says.
2. Why did Jesus tell how important it was to be filled, that if we weren't that demons would come in?
A:Again, you are making a connection where there is none. The sweeping clean of the house is not refering to salvation, it is good works. If the house isn't cleaned by the Spirit of God moving in, then it has been swept clean and left empty. This is what allows for the possessing of that house by demons.
I will continue to answer when I can post again.

News Item8/3/07 4:18 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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"Imposter" Mike-you complain that the man in this family is not a certified minister and that the woman is not a certified teacher, yet, I really have to wonder if you are a real pastor! The comments and lewdness that you post and the arrogant attitude you show seem to be far from what Jesus and the other writers of the Bible present as a shepherd of the sheep. Stop being a hypocrite, repent of your pride, and follow the scriptural pattern of how to behave like a believer.

Survey8/2/07 10:49 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Hop, I agree with just one little correction. Galatian 5:16 says, "Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh." I would say that when we do the things of the flesh we are not ceasing to be "filled" with the Spirit, but that we are not walking in the Spirit. The first just sounds to much like a believer can lose the Spirit of God, which we know can not happen

Survey8/2/07 10:20 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Hop, I'm not quite sure what you mean, so please continue your thoughts.

Survey8/2/07 9:06 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Alan H-I check every day to see what is going on, but I get so tired of the same arguments over and over. Also, when I do choose to post, I am trying to be a more meek person (for lack of a better way of putting it). I want to try to get my points across without being nasty or rude. Sometimes the old me slips out, but by the grace of God I hope that the same spirit that was so often seen in Christ will be seen in me. Thanks bro.

Survey8/1/07 9:37 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Alan H. I couldn't agree with your post more. It has always amazed me that people can believe that our awesome God is not able to keep that which He saves. I know that the problem is the equating of professors with possessors. Scripture pictures a huge gap (the gap between Heaven and Hell) between these two people groups that the conditional security people don't see. I was not able to earn my salvation (which I know everyone on here would agree with) and I am not able, in and of myself, to keep it.
"For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure." Phil. 2:13. This is for those conditional security people who say we need to take the Bible for what it says. What does God work in His people? To WILL and to DO of His good pleasure. God saves God preserves, God presents us complete, through the FINISHED work of Christ on the cross. Does the Bible teach that I play a part in this? Yes! God's sovereignty and man's responsibility. We are commanded to live fruitful separated lives BY THE POWER of THE SPIRIT.

Survey7/31/07 8:57 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Election 2008, I hope that you noted in my post that I stated what you have just said. I was not praising Repubs while condemning Dems. They are all in the same boat, a boat that has left the American people going down for the third time in the filth and immorality of a nation far from God, thanks to BOTH parties and, in particular, our "christian" President

Survey7/31/07 6:19 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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JY, your parroted comments about being "saved at my brother's non-denominational church because I went forward and asked Jesus into my heart and to forgive my sins even though I still go to the Roman Catholic Cult" are ridiculous enough, but I do have to say that your comments about why you are a Dem take the cake! Your salvation argument carries no substance and neither does your Dem comment! First of all, the Dem party of today is not the same Dem party of the Great Depression. I believe they actually carede about people back then! Now it's about power and prestige (and not just in the Dem party, either!). You really need to begin thinking these things through a little bit more and find some solid REASONS, not just emotion, for taking the positions you do

News Item7/26/07 10:19 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Molly, which is worse, trivializing the Word of God by teaching Bible stories with vegetables or disobeying the Word of God by supporting witchcraft? Talk about calling good, evil and evil, good

News Item7/26/07 9:56 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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