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News Item5/15/19 1:26 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Dr Masters has actually written a number of books on all sorts of practical subjects affecting Christians, and the church has a bookshop at the back where one can go and purchase a wide variety of Reformed and Puritan books, as well as Bibles, their Sunday school materials, and audio and videos.

In the 1970’s, a then young Peter Masters took over the pastorate, to find the church in active decline, with a handful of elderly mainly female members, very faithful people, but a previous pastor had got them into the very Baptist Union that Spurgeon had got them out of 100 years previously, during the Downgrade controversy, and they had become very weak and ecumenical. Dr Masters completely reversed this.

My current church is a much smaller Reformed Baptist, which is in a predominantly Arab area of West London, and has a faithful pastor and membership, but I believe it is struggling, and I do it pray for it.

News Item5/14/19 7:41 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Tragically this pastor is a real problem, as was the late Fred Phelps of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church, who made delight out of picketing US military funerals, and harassing grieving relatives.

No one should delight in the death of lost people, but should wish to lovingly share the gospel with them, and have tears at the very thought of anyone going to a lost eternity.

This pastor also is atrocious, as he hates Israel, hates the Jews, believes the whole Holocaust is a lie and a hoax, and seemingly would like to see the actual land of Israel be an Arab Muslim Palestinian state.

He makes life very difficult for genuine Biblical evangelical Christians, at a time when it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to share the gospel, and live out their lives as Christians in an already hostile environment.

News Item5/14/19 11:56 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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stroke patients who require intensive treatment and intervention immediately after the stroke and are not getting it.

News Item5/14/19 11:54 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Dear Mr McCausland, My own circumstances regrettably are not as solid as I would like.

I do not have my own home, I live in rented accommodation, I do not have a car and have to use public transport, and I do not have a great income.

I also live a long distance from the city where my mother is in a nursing home. My family circumstances are not helpful, and until a few years ago, my older sister who did have her own home, near our mother, a car and her own income was able to carry much of the burden.

My mother lived in her own autonomous accommodation with her own paid carers, as she was frail, but active. Unfortunately my sister developed a terminal illness, and shortly after she passed away, my mother suffered a severe stroke, and as it was I stopped an attempt by the hospital to withdraw proper care. Unfortunately there was no other alternative to her long term care needs. Had I had the resources, and been in a better situation, there is no way that I would have wanted mother to enter such a place. The care she needs does require the presence of a resident qualified nurse, which is a requirement of nursing homes. This is not just a Care home.

I appreciate what you say, and wish that there was much better provision and support for elderly people, and particularly st

News Item5/14/19 4:23 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I was visiting a leading cathedral city in the south of England where my mother is in a nursing home. On the way back from the nursing home to the railway station, I passed what had been a “Gospel Hall”, a meeting place of an Open Brethren Assembly.

Apparently, the assembly must have dispersed or closed, and the building is now occupied by an evangelical Anglican fellowship, called Christ Church, which is totally independent of the local diocese, bishop and the impressive cathedral down the road.

This assembly even has its own bishop, (I suspect a semi-retired Anglican evangelical missionary bishop, probably!), as well as its own vicar!!

A little change from the previous Brethren Assembly that occupied this building, but at least no danger of women bishops and clergy, or liberal preaching at this Anglican Church!!

News Item5/14/19 3:27 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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a single morning and evening service, and weekday prayer meetings and Bible study, but it does have multiple evangelistic children’s and young people’s Sunday Schools, on different sites in south London, with scores of teachers, thousands of children, and a small fleet of minibuses to collect them and drop them off. I suppose you could say this is a small mega church, but of the right kind!! No entertainment here, just Biblical preaching, traditional hymns and psalms, with piano or organ and congregational singing, and definitely no entertainment of any sort.

News Item5/14/19 3:19 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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We don’t have the huge mega churches that there are in the USA, here in Britain, though we do have some fairly large churches in the big cities, and unfortunately we do have smaller branches of mega churches, (usually meeting in hired theatres and school halls), like Hillsong and Vineyard.

My old Pentecostal Church in the East Midlands, from my Pentecostal days when I lived there, under its brash new pastor, (which is when I left it), developed into a multiple site church in that city, each branch with its own pastor, and the branch pastors do preach, but once a month all sites get together in a very large hired hall for a united service. The church still has its own central building, and a purchased social “compassion” facility next door, but all the other branches use hired community halls and school halls.

In another city in the East of England a very large church, using multiple services have purchased a huge centre which almost rivals some of the smaller “mega” churches in the USA. Both these churches are much more of the seeker sensitive type.

There is, praise the Lord, one church in Central London, that is packed to the gills with overflow and live streaming, that does preach the true gospel, Metropolitan Tabernacle in London, under Pastor Dr Peter Masters, with

News Item5/13/19 9:49 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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The biblical method of church planting is best. A missionary or church planter, or a pastor from a larger church, getting local Christians in an area together, even splitting off people from his own church who live in that area, and with much prayer, solid preaching of the Word and biblical based evangelism, getting this group of Christians together, ordaining good solid local men as pastors, elders and deacons, formulating a local church, and then withdrawing and letting the locals with full accountability take on the work fully.

All super large churches, should consider very carefully and prayerfully, splitting off that part of their congregation that lives in the target area, and their best leaders from that group, and prayerfully letting them go, while obviously still supporting them in prayer, and by encouragement.

It is not biblical, good or wise for churches to set up internet and seeker driven empires, with a kind of Protestant “Pope” centrally located directing the proceedings from a central location, nor should local believers have to put up with video messages, when they can have live ministry from their own local pastors and elders.

News Item5/9/19 5:35 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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This very sad and deceived pastor obviously never really was born again, despite outward appearances he may have put on in school, college, and in his church.

My impression from this article is that basically we have here salvation by works, or rather an attempt at it.

A church with a plurality of elders, rather than just one pastor and a number of deacons trying to double up as elders, would have been a lot better at dealing with this.

Also it is good for a pastor to have an informal relationship with pastors of other churches, so that there can be full accountability.

It is tragic that no one saw this coming, particularly also he was struggling with his marriage. Pastors also should be extremely careful not to be with any woman in the church on their own, except of course his wife, and other very close blood relations.

News Item5/9/19 2:11 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Though I rejoice that Asia Bibi and her family are now safely out of Pakistan, I am very sad she ended up in ultra-liberal Canada, where the politically correct federal government of Justin Trudeau, and some of the local provincial governments, (equally “politically correct”), rule.

I wonder how she will get on with secularist public schools, enforced transgenderism, LGBT etc. rights, abortion, euthanasia, pot smoking, etc.

I am shocked that my own miserable government, here in Britain, in the middle of chaos over a Brexit it will not deliver, despite the vote of the people, with its terrible pro-Muslim Foreign Office and Home Office, could not find room for her and her family.

I am also sad that even in President Trump’s USA, they could not find room for Asia Bibi and her family.

My heart also goes out to the multiple poor Christian families in Pakistan struggling with enforced debt by greedy lustful Muslim landlord / employers, who are running them as slaves, seizing and raping their daughters, and police who just stand back and do nothing, and where a Muslim only needs to mention the magic word “blasphemy” to get rid of his Christian neighbour.

News Item5/4/19 3:56 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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This is an area over which there can be no compromise. Very true, it is not a salvation issue in the sense that a truly born again Christian can be temporarily deceived in this matter, but it will affect his / her practice and belief in other areas, and damage their witness to others.

The 4 main compromises seem to be, firstly that though they might broadly believe in Biblical creation and the worldwide flood, they might believe it not important to stand for it, the second is the very dangerous and subtle Gap Theory that accepts 6- day creation and the worldwide flood, but sticks millions of years between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2, and then of course the more standard compromises of “Progressive Creationism” and “Theistic Evolution”.

The problem with these shocking compromises is that every major Bible doctrine actually has its origin in Genesis, Fall of Man, Sin, the Atonement, Marriage, etc, and if we compromise the whole thing falls down, and we call God a liar. Our Lord Himself quoted Genesis, and believed and taught it. It is so vital, and we wonder why our youngsters see the hypocrisy of such compromises and leave the church and the faith!!!

News Item4/29/19 7:27 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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See my comment on the Transgender news item for today from SA where I refer to what is on the radio these days.

AM radio here in Britain is virtually non-existent, but FM radio stations still struggle on

Most people listen to digital radio through special radio sets, or use their phones.

I greatly miss sometimes, my old “dinosaur”, non-smart basic mobile phone I used to have, as it had wired in FM radio, which did not use the internet.

The trouble with the Radio stations app on the mobile smart phone (generally I only listen to Classic FM, BBC Radio 3, and rarely to BBC Radio 4 and London Premier Christian Radio), is that it runs off the internet, using up my allowance for the month. as opposed to the non-internet based simple digital radio aerial service, or FM also through the aerial. That is a nuisance!!!

News Item4/29/19 7:18 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Never mind the television, live shows, charity dinners like the one Christopher000 attended in USA, or the internet, even radio these days is pretty ghastly. Setting aside the pop stations which I never listen to, the National talk and news BBC Radio 4 has plays on and comic programmes that are generally blasphemous, though the worst swear words are still just about banned, and together with news and documentary type programmes have plenty of references to homosexuality, transgender and other such things.

Nowadays, I stick to a commercial classical radio station, Classic FM, and occasionally BBC Radio 3 (also mostly classical music), which are fairly safe.

On rare occasions, I will listen to Christian teaching programmes, (the more solid doctrinal ones - many aren’t , of course), and news items on the “evangelical” Christian station, London Premier Christian Radio, though avoid the music programmes like the plague, as though there is the occasional hymn, it is really all CCM, which I find difficult to abide!!!

News Item4/26/19 2:45 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Tragically, the great Westminster Chapel itself declined, as dear Dr Martin Lloyd Jones declined in his old age, and unwisely appointed a very different pastor to him as his associate, Dr R T Kendall, who had an Arminian leaning theology and was very favourable to charismatic ministry.

Dr Kendall managed to get rid of those solid deacons, who were not too keen on this, and Dr Lloyd Jones began to regret having him.

After the great Doctor’s death, R T Kendall embraced the infamous “Toronto Blessing”, the great Reformed teaching became a thing of the past, and under Dr Kendall and his successors, Westminster Chapel is now, I believe, a fully fledged charismatic church, no doubt with CCM style worship band, instead of hymns accompanied by the pipe organ.

News Item4/26/19 2:52 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I do believe firmly that before the Great Tribulation, that all Western countries, including the USA, will have hostile globalist, pro-abortion, pro-LGBT, pro-euthanasia, pro-marijuana, pro-environmentalist socialistic (and yet pro-Islamic) governments that will actively promote these things, and persecute Christians, combined with a growing apostasy in the professing evangelical churches.

At last, true biblical Christian churches in the West, will experience something similar to what biblical evangelical Christians have always experienced in Islamic, Communist, Hindu, Buddhist, and other corrupt secular and religious regimes in other parts of the world, with severe persecution as our Lord promised would happen before His 2nd Coming.

News Item4/26/19 2:36 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I suppose you have to look at the fact that Nicole Kidman, married previously to Tom Cruise, had been involved, though I think she renounced it after her breakup with him with the dreadful religion of Scientology.

Bad though it is, Roman Catholicism must seem light relief after the Scientologist cult!! However, it is a bit like going from the frying pan into the fire!!

As to the business with John Lee, I must admit that I am surprised at a Brethren Assembly joining the World Council of Churches, and I don’t believe that is typical of most Brethren Assemblies, where they generally actually have a closed communion. Possibly it sounds to me that this particular assembly had one elder that lorded it over the other elders, and he had a clash of interests, as he had regard to his family member who was in charge of the charismatic church, and wanted to please him, rather than the Lord.

Also to discourage his most active member and set an impossible bar for permitting open air evangelism, when he and the other elders should have been conducting it, themselves as an active church ministry, is quite disgraceful. It sounds to me that he did not wish to have it, and was afraid of offending the other ecumenical churches in town.

News Item4/26/19 1:48 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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and who knows as the DUP weakens, the evangelical Protestant influence weakens, Sinn Fein, with its secular and Pope Francis style Catholic influence gets stronger, it may well be used to forcefully bring about a union of Northern Ireland with the Republic of Ireland, with its pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, pro-EU, and its Euro currency membership.

Truly evangelical Christians in Northern Ireland and elsewhere need to pray, as the pressure will only pile on.

If Brexit goes through, that may help, but if as I suspect Brexit does not go through, or Britain ends up with a very soft “associate membership of EU” type of Brexit, then the prospects for Northern Ireland to retain its current stance against abortion and gay marriage looks very slim indeed.

News Item4/26/19 1:38 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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As I have mentioned before, Northern Ireland is under pressure from 2 directions, and possibly a 3rd direction.

The mainland British Government, which has forcefully suspended the local Stormont Parliament, under the Good Friday agreement, pro-abortion and pro-gay marriage Republican Nationalist Sinn Fein (which supports Union with the Republic of Ireland) must be in coalition with generally anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage Democratic Unionist Party, (founded by the late Revd Ian Paisley), and at present the two parties will not work together, (no other part of Great Britain has to have a compulsory coalition), is putting pressure on Northern Ireland to adopt its liberal laws to allow gay marriage and abortion.

The Republic of Ireland, with its active homosexual Prime Minister, Mr Varadker, which has just itself completely embraced both gay marriage and abortion, is piling on the pressure too.

The EU, which a majority of Northern Ireland citizens did vote to stay in, during the Brexit referendum in 2016, also wishes to see these things brought in. The “hard border” problem is one of the main stumbling blocks to Brexit, and will no doubt be used as a tool to bring about gay marriage and abortion to Northern Ireland, and who knows, as the DUP weakens, Sinn Fein gets st

News Item4/23/19 5:46 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Another update on the children who died at Zion Evangelical Church, Batticaloa, as reported by Barnabas Fund.

The children had just emerged from their Sunday School class, and the main service was shortly to start. The children were playing outside the church in between the two services.

Just a few minutes earlier at the end of the Sunday School, their teacher asked this incredible question. “How many of you would be prepared to die for Christ?” What a question!! All the children without exception raised their hands. They then left the class, the bomber emerged some time later escorted by the usher, and blew himself up and some 15 apparently of the children promptly fulfilled the question of their Sunday School teacher, as well as a number of adults and died for Christ.

I don’t know if the Sunday School teacher died in the blast, but the Word if God says in one of the Psalms, I believe, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints”, and our Lord Jesus Christ told the disciples to “Suffer the little children to come into me, for of such as the kingdom of heaven”.

News Item4/23/19 5:46 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Another update on the children who died at Zion Evangelical Church, Batticaloa, as reported by Barnabas Fund.

The children had just emerged from their Sunday School class, and the main service was shortly to start. The children were playing outside the church in between the two services.

Just a few minutes earlier at the end of the Sunday School, their teacher asked this incredible question. “How many of you would be prepared to die for Christ?” What a question!! All the children without exception raised their hands. They then left the class, the bomber emerged some time later escorted by the usher, and blew himself up and some 15 apparently of the children promptly fulfilled the question of their Sunday School teacher, as well as a number of adults and died for Christ.

I don’t know if the Sunday School teacher died in the blast, but the Word if God says in one of the Psalms, I believe, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints”, and our Lord Jesus Christ told the disciples to “Suffer the little children to come into me, for of such as the kingdom of heaven”.

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