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News Item9/9/2020 8:23 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Do pray that this ridiculous and oppressive Bill will be defeated. As well as Christians, even some liberal Muslins, (out of sorts with their religion); some atheists, and evens comedians have teamed up to oppose this bill. It’s terms are so wide, that even the perception that you may have said or written something that might cause offence, could excite police action from the politically correct National Police Scotland force (hurriedly amalgamated from several regional forces a few years back). The SNP government has a history of these sorts of unpopular and wide reaching bills, and praise God were soundly defeated through the courts in one that would have appointed a state apointed guardian for every child in Scotland, overriding parental authority. If we are vigilant, this kind of defeat could and must happen again on this “hate crime” bill. This bill could even cause police to show up at church, if certain parts of the Bible are read or preached from!!

News Item9/9/2020 1:55 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I heard of one interesting incident where a man was able to legitimately not wear a mask for the entire two or three, or was it four hours flight. Most planes do not now serve any food, except some serve some prepackaged sealed food with plastic cutlery. This man however had a packet of Pringles that he had purchased presumably at the airport terminal. It is a kind of tube of several crisp like hoops. Obviously he had a mask at both airport terminals of departure and arrival, but once he was on the plane, he took off his mask, got out his Pringles, and took a long, long, time eating them, the whole flight in fact, so that he, unlike the other poor passengers, could actually enjoy the flight. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the COVID 19 fascists now start regulating time limits on eating your food!! By the way, here in England, the latest decree, not adequately debated as usual, is that no more than six people can gather inside or outside as from next Monday. I get the impression that our PM, despite being a survivor of COVID 19, is quite laid back, but his Health Secretary (minister) is not. He follows the COVID 19 party line, and he is not popular with people in his own party, like the Education Secretary over the exam u-turns. This COVID 19 sure has disrupted every day life.

News Item9/8/2020 3:56 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Yes, especially when I have heard that airlines, that apply their own rules when in the air, are completely fascist over mask wearing. Most airlines demand that everyone, with no exceptions allowed at all, over the age of 2 years old, must wear an approved mask (they stipulate very clearly what mask is to be worn, my bandana would not do), at all times without a break (except only when eating or drinking, or asked to do so by a security guard for an identity or security check). I have heard of distressing stories of people who have breathing difficulties and very young children, some with autism being refused on the plane, and even officious attendants being quite nasty to people about seating or about the mask wearing issue, and causing distress to passengers. Yet they have the gall to wear BLM pins, and are allowed by their politically correct employer to do it. This COVID 19 has really jacked up the contempt that various officials, and even staff in travel and hospitality have for the customer. The Italian restaurant manager of a hotel where I worked as a young student, said to me, “Remember, the customer is king, don’t forget it”. He would be horrified by this sort of conduct by staff!!

News Item9/8/2020 7:03 AM
Chrisgp from England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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There is another aspect. Though it was unwise for the trustees of Liberty University to appoint the son of the founder, Jerry Falwell Snr., without closing examining his life and how he applied his professed faith, Jerry Falwell Jnr. did do 1 thing right. Subject to some suitable precautions, he did not get caught up with the COVID 19 fear hype, and kept the university open, and most of the others closed down, and will be still be closed the next academic year. Only 1 student, who lived externally, contracted COVID 19, and nobody on campus. Here in Britain, many students have paid up front for accommodation in their university cities, non refundable, only to be told that everything is going to be on line, and even that there will be no facilities open at all on campus!! That is absolutely disgraceful, and is part of Project Fear, to get everyone ready for the compulsory Bull Gates vaccine, with aborted foetus tissues, DNA changing agent and maybe, an id marker chip. Those universities that are open have insisted on draconian regulations and strict provisions that will make students and staff as well absolutely miserable. This is disgraceful!! I am so glad I am not a university student now, nothing like my time as a Christian student in the 70’s.

News Item9/8/2020 2:00 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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This whole affair has been really tragic. Generally, it is not a good idea for a Christian church, university, school or institution to pass from father to son, or to other family members. There always needs to be a plural eldership in the case of churches, and a board of trustees for other institutions. Christian institutions other than churches should also have some kind of external Board of Reference, made up of godly and proven men of solid worth, who have their own churches and ministries. Two problems of the old medieval Roman Catholic Church that contributed to the Protestant Reformation was simony, (selling of offices), and nepotism (giving offices to illegitimate children, nephews and other relatives of leading churchmen). Never a good idea or godly practice!!

News Item9/8/2020 1:41 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Sounds very fishy to me. The online system was obviously rigged to stop the statement being filed, and then the Democratic State authorities could ensure that only their statement got in the voter’s information leaflet. In Britain we have a totally different and much better system. Each party prepares their own separate leaflets, which are then distributed to all voters by a free mailing. Each party is also entitled to a free party political broadcast (about 5 minutes long), which is broadcast both on the state supported BBC and in the commercial tv and radio stations. That would be a much better system. Also for Christians, here in Britain, the non-political but totally evangelical Christian Institute based in Newcastle, prints a downloadable brochure where it outlines all the party policies of each party, particularly where that affects the church and individual evangelicals, with a brief commentary, but it does not tell you which party to vote for, but gives a very clear view of their policies.

News Item9/7/2020 3:00 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Yes, if Mr Lincoln on gets his way, the USA will become a Marxist atheistical country, dedicated to taxpayer funded abortion for all right up to birth and maybe beyond, (the cult of Molech), universal LGBTQI+ rights (the cult of Astarte), and environmentalism (the cult of Gaia). The Democrats will of course completely alter your constitution, ensuring a “democratic” elective dictatorship based on the huge leftist cities that can never be removed, and of course in the midst of COVID 19, Melbourne Australia style permanent lockdowns and universal mask wearing indoors and outdoors until the compulsory Bill Gates vaccine is rolled out for all to take. Mr Lincoln with his mask on, will no doubt be first inline for the aborted foetuses, rNA DNA changing and marker chip id vaccine!!

News Item9/7/2020 2:49 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I praise God for the church that Wayfarer Pilgrim goes to in Lubbock, Texas, as well as those churches in California and elsewhere that are making a stand against the unwarranted intrusion of the government in worship. Here in Britain, the churches are completely supine, sometimes even exceeding government requirements, eg requiring masks, for some weeks before the government made them compulsory, or in March closing down before it was eventually required, or interfering with their communion practices before that was mentioned by the government. I have heard of one or two churches discreetly singing when this is not allowed, but this is very rare. Generally, if things are done very discreetly here in England, they are not usually policed too much, though Scotland and Wales with their leftist governments are more stringent. Sadly churches like mine, (only having one live in person service on Sunday mornings), stick to the rules like glue, and others like the large church I used to attend in the East Midlands city when I lived there have not even reopened, and their witness is silent!!

News Item9/7/2020 2:34 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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It has been refreshing to see churches who are fed up with the seemingly permanent and everlasting “temporary” COVID 19 regulations, restrictions and rules, (decrees actually, not agreed by any legislature) interfering with church worship. The whole idea is to interfere with all aspects of life until the infamous Bill Gates aborted foetus rNA DNA changing and marker chip vaccine is ready for compulsory vaccination ( no exemptions allowed). Why do you think universal mask wearing is required everywhere, even outdoors. (In Britain, masks must be worn in most indoor places, but thankfully not yet outdoors, though many people, including little children do). It is conditioning the sheep ready for the compulsory vaccine. I just wish we had churches that would stand against this, but here in Britain they are virtually totally supine, wit one or two very discreet exceptions. At least at present we are not as badly off as Melbourne and Victoria Australia where dictator Dan Andrews is keeping them in permanent lockdown, and has forced through a 6 month extension of his powers!!

News Item9/7/2020 2:22 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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This is definitely a contrast to the other SA news thread of today, referring to the Mayor and County Commissioner dedicating their area to the Lord Jesus Christ, and calling for repentance. Here we have the public school, forestalling any possibility of legal activity out of fear of the atheistical organisations ACLU and FFRF with their smart well paid lawyers threatening to sue them, and cutting out the Bible verses, thereby censoring them. Yet this is the problem. Before the 1960’s campaign of the atheist Madelyn Murray O’Hare, and the activist Supreme Court justices that agreed with her, these verses would have been left in. Tragically, the public schools (actually starting in the 1920’s with the Scopes Monkey Trial), have been temples of evolution, atheism and political correctness getting progressively worse and worse. Christian parents really should boycott them for their own children, but because they are taxpayers, should still protest about this. No doubt, if there was a verse from the Koran, or some quote from some guru, the verse would have been left in and no one would have batted an eyelid!!

News Item9/7/2020 2:08 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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It is sad that Mr Lincoln has to put a bit of a dampener on things!! Good verses, but out of context. That is what is needed, a Mayor and a County Conmissioner dedicating their area to the Lord Jesus Christ, and calling for repentance from sin. However, knowing the peculiarities of your US constitution, particularly after some activist Supreme Court justices had their way in the 1960’s, after the campaign by the late non-lamented atheist lady, Madelyn Murray O’Hare, I am sure that sooner or later infamous atheistic organisations like the ACLU and the FFRF will do their usual secularist atheist protest, about “separation of church and state” that isn’t even in the constitution. I just wish we had some politicians like that here in Britain, but unfortunately, as far as I know, we don’t!!

News Item9/5/2020 4:56 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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for one world government, one world cashless economy, and one world religion. God will have them
In derision -Psalm 2, and He will vex them with His sore displeasure.

News Item9/5/2020 4:54 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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BLM is committed to the breakdown of the family; to LGBT and Transgender rights; to reverse racism, particularly against white people, but also black people that don’t go along with their narrative, and of course, Marxism. However, this Marxism is not totally atheistic, unlike the old Soviet style, or modern Chinese style Marxism. It is as you can see from this report based on spiritism and African style witchcraft as well as ancestor worship. It also, of course believes in violent protest, lawlessness and disorder. How any evangelical or fundamentalist Christian could embrace this group, or join even the more well known aspects of its worship, (Intersectionality, Critical Race Theory, “taking the knee”, we should only be bowing before God, and “positive” discrimination or “affirmative” action, which actually is racism again), I do not know. It also denies Creation, and affirms Evolution, and denies that we are one race, one blood, descended from Adam and Eve, and from Noah and his wife. The compromised BLM “Social Justice” supporting “evangelicals” have joined with the liberal Bible denying Protestants and Catholics who are into the “Social Gospel” / “Liberation Theology”, and they are all “useful idiots” for the political Marxists, and the globalists behind them who are gearing

News Item9/5/2020 2:21 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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For this wicked globalist lie, of COVID 19 supposedly infecting and killing millions and millions of people, now proven to be a fraud, the politicians, mostly leftist, but some tragically “conservative”, allied with their unelected health officials, have been leading “democratic” countries down the route of absolute tyrannical rule. Businesses closed down, millions of healthy people quarantined and confined to their homes, (in the Bible it was sick people who were quarantined, not the healthy), great long queues in all weathers outside the few shops allowed to open, everyone everywhere wearing masks like a sign of subjugation, track and trace on your phone, or signing a piece of paper, travel bans, internal borders inside a country closed, even for urgent hospital visits or children in boarding schools separated, churches closed or under severely strict conditions, being told how and when they should worship, a pregnant woman handcuffed by police officers in front of her children for daring to put a Facebook post to call for a demonstration against these undemocratic laws by decree, politicians voting themselves absolute power overriding their own parliaments, police cameras, drones, East German style “Stasi “ “snitch” lines, people banned from seeing their elderly relatives or s

News Item9/4/2020 6:13 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Though in Britain, there are three principle charitable (semi-private) but fully licenced organisations that campaign for and even carry out abortions and the full gamut of “family planning” services. They are Marie Stopes clinics, (Marie Stopes was a contemporary of Margaret Sanger and like her an avid eugenicist, and an admirer of Adolph Hitler), Brookes Clinics and BPAS (British Pregnancy Advice Service). However, the vast majority of abortions take place in our normal state owned and operated NHS hospitals and clinics.They also provide the ever present friendly school nurses that run clinics attached to schools that dispense family planning pills and advice to children and even will organise abortions, all confidential, of course, and that means keeping it from parents as well. This is the joys of socialised medicine!!!

News Item9/1/2020 2:02 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Another reason why homeschooling is so vital these days. All the terrible nonsense of COVID 19 restrictions in schools. Children taught in a close year bubble, one way circuits, sanitizer everywhere, can’t do this, can’t do that, children fearful of the slightest sniffle or sneeze, let alone coughing, not allowed to mix with other children in the school, no sports, no concerts, no outside visits, spades out seating, etc. Then there are the dreadful masks, for secondary pupils at least, and in some countries, even for primary pupils!! Parents forbidden to drop their children off at the school, and special school buses, (well known to the USA, but not quite so much here in Britain), and in one area, the roads outside to schools to be closed to public use, when children are being loaded or unloaded from the buses, and each child having 3 didpusabje face masks, one fir the bus out, one for the school day and one for the bus back!! Absolutely dreadful!! What psychological damage fir these children!!

News Item8/31/2020 8:02 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Equally, distressing to me is what is happening to children. It is shocking to me that many parents even put masks on little children. In England, up to 11 is the age of exemption, in Scotland it is 4, and some places, even worse, it is 2. Also many doctrinaire leftist states, they even have to wear them outside. This must be terrible for their body development. Instead of breathing in fresh air, they are continuously breathing in their own recycled CO2. This cannot be healthy. The level of fear is so bad, now schools mandate masks as part of the uniform, and there are punishments if the children do not wear them. This is very bad.

News Item8/31/2020 6:50 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I saw a distressing scene the other day. A physically and probably mentally disabled man in a wheelchair wanted to go into a shop with a career, and another lady, probably a relative. It was obvious that he was distressed at having to wear a mask. The English rules do actually give such a person an exemption, but his carer was trying to force him to wear the mask. When I pointed out to the carer about this obvious exemption, he said. “Oh, but he is vulnerable”. In the end the chap didn’t go in and was wheeled off by his carer. Though shielding, has now been sort of dropped, but it basically is a kind of permanent house arrest for very elderly or unwell people. I used to see very disabled or elderly people going out on their own or with carers, now even that pleasure is gone, or they creep out with masks looking very downbeat.

News Item8/30/2020 1:36 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Strangely enough, some atheists have come to with some common sense realising that over zealous policemen may take exception to some things they might say. So though Atheist Scotland organisation supports this legislation, oddly enough, another leading atheist association, the National Secular Society actually strongly opposes it. Also it was strangely supported by the Home Minister of the devolved Scottish Nationalist Government, a very leftist government, who happens to be a Muslim!! I am not too sure that this law will be applied to his faith too enthusiastically!! The “Police Scotland”, the national merged police force of Scotland, hurriedly merged a few years ago from several regional police forces. has a bad reputation for vigorously enforcing politically correct legislation!!

News Item8/30/2020 1:25 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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No, masks are absolutely useless as a preventative for coronavirus or any other virus. The average cloth or fabric mask forces you to continuously breathe in your recycled CO2, especially harmful for both children and very old people, whom they are supposed to protect. They actually let in about 90% of harmful particles. Medical masks which doctors, nurses and other medical staff must wear every where in hospitals (previously only in operating theatre, ICU and infectious diseases wards, but now must be worn continuously all day every day in all areas of the hospital without a break) are a little better. They let in about 45% of harmful particles.

Meanwhile, though in some states there are limited exceptions allowed for mask wearing, these are rare, and some states and airlines do not allow any exceptions. In many places, everyone over the age of 2 must wear them, even outdoors, or on their own, and it us ruthlessly enforced!! They are a definite sign of subjugation, and enforcement, as will be the compulsory Bill Gates aborted foetus, DNA changing, and marker id chip vaccine coming after them.

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