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News Item8/9/2020 10:38 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Instead of my normal livestream, I watched the livestream from a small North London multi ethnic fellowship in a mainly Jewish area. I was actually able to see and hear live music, unlike the pre-recorded hymns of my normal livestream. Like my normal livestream, only the front platform was featured, not the now compulsorily masked non-singing congregation. A piano, and violin were used for accompaniment (wind instruments are not allowed), and a solo song leader stood behind the pulpit, behind a huge plastic screen. The prayer leader, and the pastor preacher stood behind that as well. Song words are put up on the screen. People must bring their own bibles, but a small maskless overflow is permitted in the church garden. Most other church activities are curtailed or banned however, except for a bible study on Zoom midweek.

I shall listen to my normal live-streamed service (with pre-COVID 19 recorded hymns) from this morning in a recorded form later on.

News Item8/8/2020 8:30 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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So here we have it. The modern enemies of the Lord Jesus Christ, through their “atheistic” and medical allies, had initially brought back to our formerly Judeo-Christian world a clinical, secularised form of child sacrifice, a revival of the evil Canaanite and pagan religion of Molech, Chemosh, Baal, Astarte, etc. However, while still using these secularised “temples” and medical “priests”, the real pagans, the satanists, can no longer restrain themselves, and have now brought back the “spiritual” and “religious” element into the wickedness of abortion. The worship of these ancient Canaanite gods has indeed been restored. The judgment of the true God and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, cannot long be coming.

News Item8/8/2020 8:05 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Dear Mr Lincoln, I am increasingly tired of evangelical Christians who are believing the lies of the globalists, the Marxists, and the Joseph Goebbels style propagandists, who inflate the figures of COVID 19, spin tests not even taken as in Florida as positive, who demand subjugation by wearing a recycle your own CO2 sticky unpleasant mask everywhere, allowing in up to 90% air particles (full blown medical masks let in 40 %), covering your very personality, internal and external travel bans, police checkpoints, closing down and bankrupting business, quarantining healthy people, murdering elderly people and staff in nursing homes by making them take COVID 19 cases from hospitals, banning people from saying goodbye to dear loved ones, softening us up to tyrannical government by decree, (no legislature involved), constantly moving the goalposts, instilling adults and worse, children, with fear and dread, and of course, closing down the churches, or subjecting them to severe restrictions like having to wear masks, but still not allowed to sing!!! All this for what- so they can force us to take their vaccine, not properly tested, filed with material from murdered unborn babies, rNA which changes our DNA, and some kind of internal permanent ink marker to prove we have had the virus, or

News Item8/8/2020 4:14 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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This is precisely what the Nazi authorities in Germany in the 1930’s did. Due to the compliant German Catholic bishops, and a neutralised Papacy, the Catholic Church closed down all their youth organisations, (only Hitler Youth for boys and League of German Maidens for girls were permitted), and agreed to follow the party line.

The Protestant Churches were not left alone either, including those who claimed to be evangelical. The Lutheran and Reformed and some other Protestant churches were grouped together in a “German Christian Church” with a state appointed Reichsbischof (State Bishop) in charge. His surname was Muller, I believe. They had no youth activities, displayed Nazi swastikas, held “patriotic “ festivals. All sermons had to be approved, and there was a Nazi party publication every month which gave approved sermon outlines. Only a few pastors resisted, and were promptly carted off to concentration camps. History certainly repeats itself!!!

News Item8/8/2020 2:25 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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From what I understand, your Dr Fauci has himself changed his mind, about the infectability of the virus, about wearing masks, and even the origins of this virus. His group even gave huge grants some years ago to the very Wuhan laboratory where this virus came from, Dr Fauci has been in meetings with people like Bill Gates, and he is behind a lot of this vaccines and big pharma anyway!! He is in the pocket of the globalists, and now is behind the lockdowns, compulsory universal mask wearing, and will definitely support mandatory universal vaccinations. President Trump should have got rid of him ages ago. I much prefer the Swedish epidemiologist who led his country, Sweden, in a sensible policy of banning very large crowds, physical distancing, hand washing, effective quarantine of those proven to have the virus, but essentially leaving everything else to run as normal, and no disastrous lockdowns. Sweden is in a much better shape now than many other countries that the Dr Fauci route!

News Item8/7/2020 5:43 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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This takes us back to the Soviet Union. I understand that as well as the foreign travel passport, (of course, only a few highly trusted Communist Party members, as well as athletes, circus stars, musicians, ballet dancers, etc, travelling in organised and chaperoned groups were allowed to have these), all Soviet citizens had a kind of internal passport, which was produced at police checkpoints as they went from one to another province or sector of the Soviet Union. They had to have permission even to travel from one area of their country to another. In Nazi Germany, the Gestapo regularly stopped people at railway and bus stations to check their papers. In truly democratic countries, you do not impose internal borders, or ban people from travelling into or out of an area. Our freedoms are disappearing fast, and government by decree without recourse to the legislature, is becoming the established norm.

News Item8/7/2020 4:08 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Dear Adriel, Do be careful of the things that you say. No doubt in past plagues, faithful pastors and members of church congregations did die, as they continued to meet, tended to the sick, and preached the gospel faithfully.

Yes, the leftists, who admire Communist China, where this virus came from, would love to see what you formulated and would rejoice. They want the world to continue indefinitely in total lockdown while they smash the economy, destroy the church, impose universal mask wearing, then compulsory mandatory vaccination with aborted foetus vaccines, and rNA that changes the DNA, and also invisible but scannable marker chip id and then get the world ready for the great globalist “reset”, (huge conference coming up of world globalists in Davos, Switzerland, in January 2021, just as they had a preparatory pandemic conference in New York City in October 2019).

Meanwhile, as in Acts 3, 4, and 5 in two occasions, the apostles Peter and John stood up clearly and preached the gospel, and refused to stop meeting and teaching, though threatened by the authorities. The church today must do the same.

News Item8/6/2020 1:30 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I heard a fiery 11 minute message from a pastor in California (originally of Middle Eastern origin), who has opened his church up, but whose friend, another pastor in a neighbouring county has been threatened by the local Health Department as a “nuisance” and a “health danger” for holding in person services and meetings in his church.

John Mac Arthur has also obtained superb legal advice to deal with any threats from the local authorities. Meanwhile, here in England, a whole variety of new indoor areas and places now require the wearing of masks, as from Saturday, including churches and places of worship, ( the few that are open that is). Singing is of course, (except for a single soloist behind a screen), still banned. This interference by the state in worship is completely iniquitous, particularly when certain other crowded occasions are not only allowed, but positively encouraged!! I will not wear a mask in public worship of God, even if that means I stay outside the church.

News Item8/4/2020 12:34 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Mr Lincoln, there are three factors here that make Governor Newsom’s ban on churches meeting very egregious.

The first is the blatant hypocrisy of a ban that excludes churches meeting on health grounds, when lawless non-“social distancing” rallies, protests and such like are not only allowed, but actively encouraged by the governor, who has also allowed abortion facilities to stay open.

Second is that the fact that all this is government by decree, and none of this has been debated or approved by an elected Congress or Senate, even though I understand unfortunately that these State legislative bodies are no doubt full of Newsom’s supporters.

Third, these orders are indefinite, they have no time limit. This is not democracy, this is absolute monarchy, which I understand is not permitted by your constitution. It is obvious that Newsom is waiting for mandatory vaccines, before he will lift these restrictions, and that is also a whole controversial area that should be fully debated properly by the legislature, not decreed by a governor.

News Item8/3/2020 2:20 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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The Leftists, and BLM in particular, hate the Bible, because it opposes their Marxism and lawlessness, but even more particularly, because it stands clearly against the LGBTQI+ movement that they all embrace. Two of the national leaders of BLM are lesbian ladies, and their official statement both attacks the nuclear family, and fully embraces the LGBTQI+ vision of society. Most of the young people in the demonstrations are basically fatherless or from dysfunctional families, including the many spoilt and brainwashed self-hating white supporters. For the hard line globalists that are behind the scenes, these are “useful idiots”, to quote the classic Marxists themselves, to bring about their godless revolution. What is happening in China is actually a model for these people, and persecution for Christians and hatred for the Bible and all it stands for has come and is coming fast both to the USA, to mainland Europe, and even my country of Britain, starting in the devolved areas of Scotland and Wales, but spreading into Northern Ireland, and now also into England.

News Item8/2/2020 3:27 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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How many police officers does it take to control a huge riot in a Leftist city? None, because the demonstration is against the police, and the Leftist authorities that run the city won’t allow the police to deal with it, that is, if they haven’t defunded the police already.

How many police officers does it take to arrest and detain two lovely peaceful young ladies, chalking pro-life messages on a pavement outside a Planned Parenthood facility? 10 officers, a couple of cars and a van!!! (I saw the report!!) Truly inverted and strange values.

News Item8/2/2020 2:58 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Tragically, this supposedly evangelical lady, who wishes to take a position that is not open to her as a lady to teach men, (but even when she teaches women), has deceived many, and is following the fatal leftist “Social Justice” / Social Gospel narrative, also the contemplative mystical practices as well, and has been used in leading multitudes of male and female professed evangelicals into these appealing and ear tickling errors. I have heard and seen some of her loud strident and unbiblical messages, and they are not godly, but lead people away from the Word of God.

News Item8/2/2020 1:05 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Before SA Protestant Evangelical readers (I am evangelical Protestant too and deplore many Catholic doctrines) jump on the Catholic response to this dreadful new “hate crimes” law in Scotland proposed by the leftist Scottish Nationalist Government, where is the deafeningly silent evangelical response? This law is indeed a wicked attempt to ban any discussion of LGBTQI+ and Transgender issues which depart from the state approved narrative. Even the merged national police force in Scotland question this law that they would have to enforce. The Bible would be a banned book under it. By the way criticism of Islam or sharia law would also be outlawed by this bill, though no one would dream of enforcing it against Muslims if they attack any one. May this law be defeated as was the vile law that every child in Scotland should have a state appointed guardian that could overrule their parents!!!

News Item8/1/2020 5:21 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Governor Newsom may have bitten off a little more than he can chew in his pursuit of absolute monarchy. This happened in the 16th century when the King, Charles I, and then after the Puritan Revolution under General Cromwell had closed, his son some 30 odd years later, King Charles II, tried to control the church. Though there was persecution, eventually these attempts failed.

Christians will meet, even if they have to do it in forest glades, basements and such like, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.

News Item7/31/2020 3:03 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Kim Jong Un, the tyrant and dictator of North Korea, is indeed the great grandson of a godly Presbyterian church elder and missionary, who functioned in the pre-war days when the whole of Korea, North and South, was an oppressed colony of Imperial Japan. Christians were persecuted in those days by the Japanese occupiers, but Pyongyang, the “Jerusalem” of the Far East was full of churches. Tragically this dear man’s son, Kim Il Sung, rebelled, went into Marxism, and Maoism, and founded the Communist state of North Korea, with the help of the Soviet Union, and Communist China. Only the USA and British troops, prevented South Korea from being sucked in. Kim Il Sung started an absolute almost monarchical Stalinist style closed family dictatorship, and his son, Kim Jong Il, and now his grandson, Kim Jong Un have continued it. With the fall of Soviet Union, China did give some support, and it is obvious that Kim Jong Un has picked up ideas from Xi Jinping’s playbook of persecution of Christians in China, to copy in North Korea. We must keep praying for our brothers and sisters there!!

News Item7/31/2020 2:51 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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However, the way things are going,it could well be that the LGBTQI+ crowd, the environmental “global warming” / “climate change” crew, and the globalists, combined with stricter and stricter COVID 19 restrictions and excessive “social distancing” could easily end up in children being taken away from believing parents and forcefully turned over to the state, as is obviously happening aggressively in Communist China. Our teachers union, the leftist former National Union of Teachers (NUT) was recently merged, I think with the Scottish one, to form the interestingly named NEA (National Educational Association), which is as radical and Marxist as its USA namesake!!

News Item7/31/2020 2:46 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Sadly our British education systems are not what they used to be. When I was at school there was at least a Judeo-Christian base, that has long gone, even in our state supported church schools, (we do not have a complete total separation of church and state to white the same degree as USA). England now has a controversial compulsory sex-Ed programme, an aggressive inspection body OFSTED completely committed to it, (it also has powers to inspect private schools), and Scotland, which had its own completely departed education system, is even more radical and leftist, approaching places like California.

So far, homeschooling is just about legal here, and there are a tiny number of genuinely non-charity registered (equivalent to non-501c3) evangelical schools run by small trusts, or an evangelical church,not in the state system, but they could be closed by OFSTED, or its Scottish equivalent, and at the moment the COVID 19 crisishsdclusextgem all down anyway.

News Item7/31/2020 8:41 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Whoever Biden picks as his VP, will be like him committed to unlimited mass murder of babies in the womb right up to birth, fully mandated and supported by taxes. Never before has a VP pick been so vital, as if, may the Lord forbid it, Biden is elected, the VP may well be soon standing in as President, if Biden’s faculties fail dramatically!!

News Item7/31/2020 7:50 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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These dear Romanian brothers and sisters endured the persecution of Ceaucescu’s Communist regime in Romania 30 and 40 years ago, now they have to endure the same tyranny, (though this time disguised as a “health emergency”), from a Marxist mayor, and a Marxist state Governor, now in 2020, (and yes, they may have a “Democrat” title, but they are Marxists), tyrants who despise the US Constitution, and who want to bring a taste of Ceaucescu’s Communist state into the USA. They permit leftist demonstrations, even with associated lawlessness, which break every one of the COVID 19 regulations, yet they threaten and actively prosecute churches that do not fit in with their tyrannical requirements. Let us pray for our Romanian brothers and sisters, as they now have to face again the tyranny they escaped from 30 or 40 years ago.

News Item7/31/2020 7:19 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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This whole “trans” thing is a wicked deception of the enemy. It gets in everywhere nowadays, and is now reaching deeply into the church. I think of a tragic pastoral family, with three children, two daughters and a son. The youngest daughter has no problems, but must be badly affected by all this. The older daughter rebelled against her father, did a “trans”, (supposedly to a man), changed her name including her surname, to the “woman” that she has married, (I think that he is “trans” too), and then turns on her father, as the brother is a paedophile, though had not apparently committed an offence as yet. It was unfortunately covered up. It caused a resignation and upheaval in a whole church, the case is tragically well known. I pray for that whole family, that whole church. Satan, now having gained a victory of the LGBT, has now majored on the T side of it and is wreaking havoc with our children, and the state schools, (and many private ones too), are indoctrinating lovely, fairly innocent children with this wickedness. Even doctors and scientists, teachers, social workers, parents, and now even people in companies, and even some liberal feminists are being demonised because they stand against this terrible pollution!!!
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