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News Item9/6/08 4:37 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Rogerant, you have been given scripture backing the need for confession and repentance, yet you dispute it all with your line of reasoning. May God open your understanding.

News Item9/5/08 10:01 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Rogerant, Remorse for past conduct is not something I have even stated. My reference to 2 Cor. 7:10 is a passage dealing with godly sorrow, which leads to repentance. This godly sorrow is produced by the Holy Spirit, as brokenness over sinning against a Holy God brings one to repent.
Your statement, 'after she has been confronted that she has sinned' is my whole point. She needs to be made aware of her need for confession and repentance, otherwise 1 Cor. 5:11-13 applies. Other believers have a right to know if she has done so, if not, she is to be treated just as scripture commands. May the Lord bless you

News Item9/5/08 4:50 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Do you think God will 'excuse' her sexual immorality because she is getting married??!! That statement is absolutely an insult to a Holy God. Do you understand God's hatred at sin? Did you even read 1 Cor. 5:11? I neglected to include verse 13, "God judges those outside, purge the evil person from among you". Sexual immorality will NOT be tolerated by God, no matter how one may 'cover it up'.
Hidemi- AMEN!!

News Item9/5/08 4:20 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Rogerant, 1 Corinthians 5:11,"But now I have written to you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner, with such an one no not to eat. For what have I to do also to judge them that are without? Do not ye judge them that are within?" This verse explains why Mrs. Palin would do well to inform Christians if her daughter has repented; if she hasn't, we are commanded to shun such a person.
Also, I never said she needed to confess her sins to ME!! Please refrain from adding to my posts.
Godly sorrow produces repentance {2 Corinthians 7:10}, what is your point in referring to repentance and penance? Penance must come before repentance, is that your point? What does that have to do with Palin's daughter?
When one who says they are a brother/sister in Christ is caught in sin, we who are spiritual are to restore such a person {Galatians 6:1}

News Item9/5/08 5:59 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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So wondering why Palin never mentioned the word 'repent' makes me a pharisee??!! Does that word scare you Rogerant?
There are so many who claim to be 'Christians', yet they have no idea what repent even means. Christ preached repentance in His first sermon {Mat. 4:17}. Mrs. Palin professes to be a Christian, her daughter commits a sexually immoral act, and Mrs. Palin makes a public statement concerning the outcome of this act, her daughter is now pregnant. But, as a 'Christian', did she inform her daughter about the need for confession and repentance? Is it okay to broadcast the pregnancy, but not how she handled it? A born again believer would have stated first and foremost that repentance was preached to the daughter. The sexually immoral act doesn't bother you, Rogerant, but questioning the need for repentance does??!!

News Item9/4/08 10:17 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Rogerant, aren't we who claim to be 'Christian' held to a higher standard than lost sinners? When someone makes such a claim, shouldn't they make other Christians aware of their actions, and how they handled the situation? This woman's daughter was sexually immoral, and hopefully someone told her of her need to confess and repent. So are you against church discipline as well? Being in the public eye and claiming Christ does indeed make her accountable to all who profess Christ. That is exactly why sin is so rampant in America, we cover it up when it doesn't 'suit us'. Sarah sure didn't mind telling the public her daughter was pregnant {where's the shame??!!}, how much more noble would it of been to also mention confession and repentance? Without these two, there is NO salvation. Sadly, it looks as though some folks are right, Christians are convinced the Republicans are 'God's party'.

News Item9/4/08 8:56 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Daniel, I agree with you, I too like this woman, she has conservative views. BUT, so did Bush {yet we're still killing babies everyday, and homosexuality is driving full steam ahead from coast to coast}. I am not in agreement with moonwalker and others who totally bash this woman and support Obama, however, I have to question her comments about her daughter. She and her husband support their daughter, and look forward to being grandparents. I am grateful this young girl is keeping the baby, but has anybody else noticed what is missing in Sarah's statement? Where is the word 'repent'? Has she told her daughter she needs to confess to God her sexual immorality and repent? Sometimes we get so caught up, we forget God still HATES sin, and we cannot compromise, even for the sake of an election. Let's not forget McCain will be President if elected, not Sarah. McCain doesn't have a much better stance on issues than Obama. Sarah has caused many evangelicals to go gaa gaa and throw their support behind the Rep. party. This election is in serious need of fervent prayer by all who profess Christ. I also would ask for prayer for the Palin family.

Hidemi, May God comfort you and your family at this difficult time.

News Item9/2/08 7:06 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Micheal H., I do appreciate your quiet, calm spirit, I agree with your words. I know these debates can get heated, and words are spoken out of haste. We forget to weigh our words carefully, we also forget the difference between ourselves and Sarah Palin, John McCain, Barak Obama, and Joe Biden is God's saving grace. None of us have done anything to merit salvation, God freely gives to all who confess and repent, as He draws us to His Son. We should never slander a person to prove a point or state a cause. Let's remember to pray for our leaders, this upcoming election, and for one another. Thank you Micheal, as always, for reminding me the body of Christ is supposed to be united; one mind, one heart, one Lord, one God...God bless you Micheal.

News Item9/2/08 5:39 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Hey greeter; you say you 'bring forth news', is that how you justify YOUR sin?? You repeat gossip, slander this woman, and you call it bringing forth news?! You won't judge her soul, you say, (nor could you)...but you are having a field day slinging mud and letting it hit where it may. Do you have FACTS stating this woman was pregnant before marriage? Or are you just following the liberal left media and trusting their sources? It's funny, some claim to stand on God's word, except when it exposes their own faults...OUCH!!!
This woman is just like the rest of us, a sinner!! Let's not forget the difference between her and those who have been saved, GRACE. Rather than rip on her, get off your 'high horse' and pray for her. Quit justifying your own 'self righteousness' and humble yourselves before Almighty God.

News Item9/1/08 5:54 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Hey Greeter, your statement "I've heard that Sarah Palin eloped at 24 because she discovered she was pregnant". Are you aware that gossiping is a sin, just like sexual immorality is? It's a shame how some have a 'holier than thou' attitude, and in the process, end up sinning against the very God they claim to believe in.
Locke, 'is her daughter married yet'? Will this take away her sin? How about praying for God to save this woman, and her family. Be careful how you bash others, it may come back on you.

News Item8/31/08 3:48 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Locke- tell me, how do YOU know Mrs. Palin has not prayed about this before she accepted the nomination? Were you there? Why do you insinuate this woman abandoned her family? Are they residing in separate households? Do you know this family personally? If not, then your comments are merely your opinion, which you are entitled to. But keep things in perspective, and let's be careful to separate actual truth from one's own personal opinion. Some people want to cram their 'legalism' down everyone's throat. Both Deborah and Queen Esther were women in influential positions, placed there by God. We do not know whether this is a work of God for His purpose and plan or not, but we are all responsible for praying for the leadership of this nation.
McCain has chosen this woman to try and lure the evangelical vote; this doesn't change the fact that McCain is no better a choice for the potus than Obama.

News Item8/31/08 8:16 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Should the current and all future President's wife(s) refuse to move into the White house? Taking on the position of 'first lady', is that a sin too? After all, they would be working, taking on this huge task of being first lady, and the children might be ignored. This position involves traveling, giving speeches, fund raisers, etc.
Again, what about Deborah and Queen Esther?
God makes it clear that women cannot be over men in the church, everyone agrees with that, but to say women cannot have a career and take care of a family too is merely a matter of personal opinion. Let's not be legalistic Pharisees.

News Item8/30/08 11:52 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Should all woman stay at home and be barefoot and pregnant? The mentality of some people is rather scary.
Where does it state this woman would 'abandon' her family if McCain wins? I believe her husband and children would move eastward with her. Let's not forget, if elected, McCain is the one who would be in charge. God doesn't allow women in authority over the church, but where does God say women cannot hold political office? What about Deborah, and Queen Esther?

News Item8/30/08 12:00 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Let's not forget the reason behind the stonings, to purge out the sin. This should have been enough to keep one from committing unlawful deeds; the fear of possibly losing your life should cause you to 'behave'.
Another strong point overlooked is this...God HATES sin...period. To 'tolerate or compromise' is why the world is in such a chaotic state. What parts of the bible to we believe, and what part do we say is old fashioned and out of date?

News Item8/27/08 5:48 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Christ clearly speaks out against adultery; multiple wives would make one guilty of committing adultery. Why would God instruct clergy to have only one wife, and no one else? If it is a 'pattern' for them, don't you think it should be for all mankind? They are to set an example for the flock. You are grasping at straws to condone sexual immorality. NEVER in scripture does God agree with or condone polygamy. With that said, and taking into consideration what happened when polygamy occurred {example, Sarah and Hagar}, it becomes clear one should not dare think God would be in agreement with this.
Again, Genesis 2:24 speaks clearly about the covenant of marriage, 'cleave unto his WIFE', this is singular, look up the Hebrew meaning- 'a woman, one'. This clearly speaks out against polygamy.

News Item8/25/08 7:16 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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The 'books' that will be opened at the great white throne judgment contain the evidence against the guilty sinner, within these books are recorded every thought, word, and deed committed against God and His word. What is written in these books will be the reason the name of the guilty is not found in the book of life. "The dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works" Rev. 20:12

News Item8/24/08 8:35 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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John Y.- First of all, just because someone attends a Baptist church does not mean they are born again, we can't base salvation on such assumptions. The fact that he was playing the lottery is suspect, but that still does not necessarily mean he is or isn't saved.
Where did I say he had to tell the pastor how much he gave? Please do not misquote me, I never said such a thing. You have twisted my words and should apologize.

News Item8/22/08 5:32 AM
enough already  Find all comments by enough already
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Serious= there is a difference between your version of learning and discernment. If you think multiple wives are 'biblical', you are in error. God does NOT condone sexual immorality ever. Yes, it was practiced in the old testament, but never was in condoned or commanded by God. That is the difference. Homosexuality was practiced as well, does that mean God condones it? It is amazing how those who love their sin will twist the scriptures to 'fit' their lusts. "Therefore, shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife {woman, one}, and they shall become one flesh {body, person}" What part of that verse states 'more than one'? You say, 'nor do I believe', since when did God leave it up to us? BTW, God did NOT give David Saul's wives for sexual purposes, He was providentially giving over to David everything that was Saul's. There's no evidence that David ever married any of Saul's wives.

News Item8/18/08 5:45 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Seriously, what do you think adultery means? "Thou shall not commit adultery" Exodus 20:14
"Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, 'thou shall not commit adultery'. But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh at a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart". Matthew 5:27-28
Here is the covenant of marriage given by God.."Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife {one,singular} and they shall be one flesh" Genesis 2:24
Sin is spoken of in the bible to show us 1.what it is, and 2.the results of it. Who encouraged Abraham to take on a mistress? Was it God? NO! It was Sarah,and the result was a jealous rage by Sarah. This is the lesson, when you disobey God, you suffer the consequences.

News Item8/17/08 4:15 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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How can an inanimate object, such as a garden, heal a deeply wounded, scarred heart? Only Christ can heal all wounds. This is a superficial, feel good about ourselves attempt on the part of the RCC to make everything appear okay. If they, and all churches, would follow the word of God and expel the immoral brother, then these homosexual priests would not be able to have access to these young boys and girls. How sad that many are duped into believing the church is a safe haven from pedophiles, when, in fact, it is a breeding ground for them. Where in the bible does it state we need lavish buildings? Did not John the Baptist wear a suit of camel hair? Did not Christ have nowhere to lay His head? Didn't Christ, and all His disciples focus on pleasing the Father, traveling from town to town preaching the gospel,serving God, and emphasize sharing, giving to the poor? I don't find anywhere in scripture where we are commanded to hoard wealth, build massive buildings to please the 'lust of the eye'...after all, Christ dwells within the heart of all true believers, not within a building erected by mortal men. Is this money well spent? How does an extravagant building help spread the gospel?
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