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News Item7/13/08 9:20 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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So you can call folks 'white', but we dare not say someone is non-white?! You said you were thrilled to see a 'man of color' in a historical situation, it would seem YOU want to make this an issue of color sir. Again, this is not about his skin color as far as I am concerned, this is about his stand on abortion and homosexuality. I could care less what color anyone's skin is...there is only one race, the human race. My loyalty is to Christ alone, not what man deems as loyal; our ancestry, etc. You are reading more into my posts than what is there, because you see through a 'colored' lens. I would gladly vote for Obama IF he opposed abortion and homosexuality, BUT he doesn't. As far as things falling apart in our nation goes, let me quote the late Ruth Bell Graham, "Things aren't falling apart, they're falling into place"

News Item7/13/08 8:53 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Wayne, what makes you think I am white? Because I oppose Obama? FYI, I oppose McCain as well and will probably not be voting in this election {I haven't decided yet, I am still praying over this matter}. I am already aware of McCain's ways, but I could never vote for a man, regardless of skin color, who condones slaughtering unborn babies, or homosexual marriage. I stand on the word of God, by His power and might, and will not compromise that word for skin color, age, religious belief, etc. Remember, we reap what we sow, and if our next leader leads us into more confusion and will be because God allowed it, and because professing Christians put personal preference over God's infallible word.

News Item7/12/08 8:49 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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GG, Jesus is on every altar in the world? Oh really? NOT according to the authoritative word of God!! "After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven" Hebrews 1:3 This is what God says, He has authority over man-made tradition, man-made doctrine, man-made rituals. How sad for you, unless God intervenes in your heart, you will go by way of the broad road. Your posts are filled with hate, you attack personally all who oppose your church doctrine. You NEVER defend your belief SOLELY with God's word, it is church doctrine FIRST...that is very telling. Those who belong to Christ attack the false doctrine RCC spews out, not the lost sinner caught in the snare.

News Item7/12/08 2:54 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Wayne, Are you a true born again, blood bought believer and follower of Jesus Christ? If so, how do you justify upholding and defending a man who supports the slaughter of unborn children, as sexual immorality causes women to sacrifice their 'mistake' to the god of convenience? Mr. Obama claims he would not want one of his own daughters to have to pay for their 'mistake' should they become pregnant {too bad he doesn't think it necessary to teach them abstinence}. Mr. Obama also supports sodomite marriage, which is an abomination to the Lord {Lev. 18:22}. All else aside, how does one defend such a man when he staunchly opposes and rebels against the infallible word of Almighty God? What could justify voting for such a man? Why do you repeatedly defend this man's apostate beliefs and ways?
You rip Dr. Phil, then turn around and call President Bush 'dumb'. Isn't that hypocritical? Dr. Phil's statement concerning Obama is factual, Obama has spoken publicly confirming his stance on everything the Dr. mentioned. To repeat fact is one thing, to resort to name-calling is quite another.

News Item7/12/08 12:50 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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GG. -can you quote me the verse in scripture where Jesus specifically states the the Roman Catholic Church is the one and only true church? What book is this found in? Matthew? Mark? Luke? John? Please elaborate and specify with the EXACT words from Christ Himself proclaiming what you claim.

News Item7/11/08 6:57 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Dr. Phil...AMEN!!!!! Persecution is indeed coming, quickly. We'll then see what the Obama cheering section has to say...follow the way of Islam or risk losing your head.

News Item7/10/08 7:14 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Or are the last days unfolding before our very eyes? Yes, many professing Christians are asleep at the wheel, but scripture foretold of this apostasy and deception. Indeed, it is like the days of Noah, while evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. Much is going on, yet the body of Christ appears to be in a coma. Much time is wasted debating scripture, and not enough time is spent on living holy lives, preaching the gospel, being watchful, working out our salvation with fear and trembling, praying for lost souls everywhere, and for the return of Christ.

News Item7/10/08 4:41 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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In what way is Obama better than McCain? It seems NEITHER candidate is a good choice, Obama is FOR abortion, FOR civil unions, he claims to be a Christian, yet believes contrary to sound doctrine. McCain is also a joke; what is mind boggling is how anyone who professes Christ would back Obama, who opposes just about everything God's word stands for. How loyal can a heart be to Christ when one is willing to toss out the window all God opposes for reasons which really haven't been made clear!
AVA- Your rambling posts are really strange, off the wall.

News Item7/7/08 5:20 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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GG, Insulting my intelligence just proves your lack of. Where might I find your 'numbers'? Is this information only available to those caught in the RCC's web of deceit? All that was done was a 'shuffling' of pedophiles, until the numbers grew so massive, this was no longer possible. Not to worry, money talks! Do you not know that you can buy your way out of ANYTHING, if you have the money to do so. That's why any figures you may toss out are inaccurate, your precious apostate denomination has covered the dirty tracks left by the sodomites you call priests.
Your lack of biblical knowledge shows, God commands the body of Christ to discipline sin with the TRUE church, {this isn't any 'prot' propaganda, it is common knowledge to those who love His word} which is why you are oblivious to this command. You insist on defending your denomination, even though it opposes sound doctrine. May God open your blind eyes and calloused heart, before it is too late and you step into outer darkness.
BTW, those who truly love Christ hate what He hates, and trust me, God hates homosexuality.
You really are to be pitied, you have no idea just how lost you really are. May God be merciful to you.

News Item7/7/08 5:26 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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GG, as usual, you did NOT read the posts of Dr. Phil or myself accurately. Again, if you all were the 'true' church, you would practice church discipline as instructed by Almighty God in accordance with His word. Re-read the last line of my prior post...

News Item7/6/08 9:37 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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I must admit, I have never heard a more hypocritical statement than that made by GG, 'permitting active homosexuals into their clergy'. The Roman Catholic Church does it all day long, everyday; yet GG and others 'overlook' the abominations within their own denomination. This certainly is not just an RCC problem, but at least true born again believers will not cover up sin, going against God's authoritative word, for the sake of 'sacred tradition'. If one has a clear understanding on the holiness of God, and how He hates- to the uttermost- sin, there would be NO overlooking what's going on in the RCC, and other denominations as well. Only a fool would defend and try to justify sin of any type.

News Item7/5/08 10:01 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Lance, It isn't 'silly', your evading the question, because scripture does not say any one denomination is the 'church'. You can't prove from scripture yours is, so you skirt around the issue. Again, the church, or 'called out ones', is a people called out of darkness by God from every part of the earth into the body of born-again believers, the bride of Christ...He being the chief cornerstone, the head, the great shepherd, the overseer of our souls.
stacyjoe- excellent commentary!

News Item7/4/08 3:35 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Doesn't this go right back to Genesis, 'Did God REALLY say....'? This is just another ages old attack on God's word, which, btw, is firm, and will stand for all eternity {"He who is the Glory of Israel does not lie or change His mind" 1 Sam. 15:29}. There is no homosexual gene, just as there is no murderer gene, lazy gene, bisexual gene, greedy gene, etc. The problem is found within our very own heart {Matt. 15:19}. "Each one is tempted when, by his OWN EVIL DESIRE, he is dragged away and enticed" James 1:14

News Item7/4/08 3:09 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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John Y. Why do you not tell them they need to repent {Luke 13:5, Acts 17:30}? Salvation is not possible unless a sinner confesses his sins to God {we must confess to the one whom we have all offended, that would be Almighty God himself}, and turns from them, receiving Christ as Lord and Savior {NOT just Savior, Christ must reign SUPREME in the hearts of all born again believers} To receive Christ is to acknowledge He is who He says He is, to surrender to and submit to His authority in your life, and to follow Him and His word, exclusively, First and Foremost. "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself {empty self of self}, take up his cross DAILY, and follow me" Luke 9:23. This is a hard thing for most, that is why Jesus taught, "Strive {to struggle} to enter in at the strait gate; for many, I say to you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able" Luke 13:24

News Item7/3/08 4:18 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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John Y. I get it from the RCC itself, the lawsuits filed because priests have and are molesting young boys, this is a perversion, homosexuality, sodomy. It has been all over the news for quite some time, where have you been?! Your beloved 'church' obviously does NOT adhere to what you say it teaches.

News Item7/2/08 8:57 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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GG, Why do you keep on insisting your sin-riddled 'church' is that of Christ's? Do you think Christ is the head over a denomination which tolerates sodomy & idolatry, just to mention a few? You do not understand the character of God, He is HOLY, HOLY, HOLY...and does not tolerate ANY sin for the sake of tradition, nor is He pleased with the covering up of such sin. Church, gr. ekklesia-called out ones. This is God calling out of darkness lost sinners EVERYWHERE into the body of Christ, the bride, the church. It is NOT a reference to any one specific denomination.It is a gathering of born again believers from the four corners of the earth, united by faith in Christ, baptized of the Holy Spirit by Christ, changed from the inside out, given a new heart and mind by God {Ezekiel 11;19}. It is heartbreaking to see so many caught up in deception, false teachings, clinging to church doctrine and believing they possess life because of it. BTW, there have been many anti-Christs already, the spirit of the anti-Christ is already at work. Are you willing to lay down your life when the time comes for your faith in Christ? Will you refuse the mark of the beast and face starvation, or possibly being beheaded?

News Item6/30/08 9:34 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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R.K. Amen brother!!

News Item6/30/08 9:32 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Davey, It is my understanding Eastern Orthodox Christians believe 1.-all are already saved, which is not scriptural. Christ Himself says, "Many are called, few are chosen" {Mat. 22:14}; 2.- all are still being saved, through the church--again, this goes against God's word, all who are truly born again are sealed with God's Holy Spirit {Eph. 4:30}, by the power of the Holy Spirit and the reading of God's word, a believer is transformed, or is a new creation in Christ {2 Cor. 5:17}; Christ keeps us, not any church {John 10:28}. Works are also involved, which goes against Eph. 2:8-9, infant baptism and holy eucharist with confession and repentance is commanded as well. Christ paid it all, there is nothing to add to His finished work. We are commanded to repent, and believe on the Lord Jesus. The gospel message is quite simple, when compared to man-made works. Hope this satisfies your curiosity, God bless!

News Item6/30/08 5:16 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Lance, Where in the bible is it specifically stated by Christ salvation is based on RCC mass and sacraments, and where does Christ state the RCC is His church? Again, you are basing your salvation on works, and overlooking what scripture clearly teaches, why? Because no one can come to Christ unless the Father draws him. You try and dictate the grace of God by stating He only makes available His grace through a work. Would you show, from scripture, where this is spoken of? Scripture is the ONLY authoritative word for a true believer, and this is the basis for all Christian living. Use the word of God and exegete from His word your claim He must use a mass and sacraments for salvation {no church doctrine allowed}.

News Item6/29/08 11:13 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Jim is indeed correct in calling the RCC an apostate church, one that condones homosexuality, covers up it's 'dirty little secret' that is now out in the open, and uses it's wealth to buy off those it has sexually molested, instead of following scripture and applying discipline...and this is the true church??!! Salvation is not based on membership, it is based solely on saving grace. God's word is the only authority needed for all true born again believers, and only He can open the spiritual ears and eyes: no ritual, no routine, no man-made tradition, no salvation by works; repentance and being born again, changed from the inside out is what God alone works in the heart of those He humbles and saves.

You will know them by their fruit.

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