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News Item6/9/08 6:02 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Dem. Cons.- If you want to back a man who is for homosexuality and abortion, both of which God's word opposes, so be it. To jeopardize and compromise God's word for personal preference is not surprising in this day and age. Neither candidate is conservative, I do not endorse either one. You should not read more into my posts than what I've written. Why is it you link everything back to the Vatican? Are you AVA? Your comments are extremely hateful, and hard to understand. You rant about things that most would find confusing, to say the least. To follow Christ is to humbly think of others as better than yourself, not lash out at them and say 'they are the worst person to listen to'. That is your opinion, and should be kept to yourself. If you want to vote for Obams, that is your choice. If you vote for McCain, again, that is your choice. My point was simple, but you seemed to have missed it. I simply pointed out both men are NOT born again Christians. Please, refrain from adding your meaning to what I've posted.

News Item6/9/08 4:23 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Wayne, I cannot defend the 'mistakes' of the past, voting for Bush based on what he claimed { I did NOT vote for Bush, nor will I vote for either McCain or Obama}. Bush certainly fooled many evangelicals; prayerfully most have learned a lesson. Again, this election should be a matter of prayer; everyone needs to do their homework on where these candidates stand on moral issues. Both are liberal, both do NOT take a firm stand against abortion and homosexuality. It comes down to voting for the lesser of the two evils, if one chooses to vote at all. It is apparent this immoral, Christ-rejecting nation will get exactly what is deserved; how any blood bought born again Christian could back either candidate is baffling.

News Item6/8/08 9:12 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Wayne, with all due respect, anyone who is truly born again would not vote for Obama or McCain; not based on skin color, age, or any discriminatory factor that lost sinners bring up, but based on the fact that neither candidate is a blood bought born again Christian, neither candidate stands for biblical morals and values. To make color an issue is to stoop to the level of pagans. This Christ-rejecting nation will get the leader she deserves, may God have mercy.

News Item6/6/08 5:36 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Again, read this scripture, "For by GRACE you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the GIFT of God. Not of WORKS, lest any man should boast". Eph. 2:8,9. Yes, faith w/o works is dead, however, to claim your works are what grant you entrance into heaven is just like the self-righteousness of the Sadducees and the Pharisees. The works a born again believer do are the result of a regenerated heart. No amount of sacred tradition, or continual repetitious acts will qualify one for eternal life. The HEART must be changed, and love Christ above all, even over church doctrine and sacred tradition. No amount of loyalty to any denomination will grant entrance either, to trust in man and their interpretation of the scriptures is what opens the door to heresy. This cannot be understood unless God grants it, may He open the eyes and ears of all who are blinded by man's religion.

Survey5/27/08 6:08 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Again, the entire transcript by John MacArthur is available at
MacArthur explains his findings much better than I can in giving bits and pieces here, it would be well worth anyone's time to read the entire transcript for themselves.

Survey5/26/08 5:10 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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My apologies, I meant to type 'alcohol enhanced drink'.

Survey5/26/08 4:36 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Rogerant- If you choose to drink, that's your business. Dr. MacArthur never says we should not drink, however, he points out the significant difference between biblical wine and today's alcohol enhanced wine. This is the gist of the transcript, and then we as believers choose what we should do in light of this knowledge. God's word warns more against drinking, so to me that is an indication not to partake. If you choose to do otherwise, that certainly is your business.

Survey5/26/08 1:59 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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djc, again, read the entire transcript by Dr. MacArthur, he has done the research on the hebrew greek meanings of wine and new wine, this does clarify the drinking of wine by the Lord, however the wine He drank was NOT fermented. The level of alcohol content in today's wine is significant, the transcript by Dr. MacArthur brings to light all these facts, statistics, and more. I highly recommend this read, he has researched the subject in depth, and, as usual, clarifies a much debated subject.
We are called to be holy, and I just cannot piece together alcohol and holiness in a believer's life, it seems to be a great contradiction. How could the bible warn against strong drink, then turn around and condone it? It would then make scripture contradictory, which it isn't.
The alcohol content in today's drink is the key factor here, the difference between biblical wine and today's concoction is the whole key of Dr. MacArthur's transcript. This is the point that many overlook, the wine Christ drank was not fermented and did not cause Him to be dull in His senses, so by comparison, is not the same as today's much stronger drink.
God bless you DJC, and Micheal, let's not forget to proclaim the gospel first and foremost to the lost.

Survey5/26/08 12:14 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Dr. John MacArthur has this to say, 'first of all some of the wine of bible times was absolutely unintoxicating, it was not fermented. Professor Samuel Lee of Cambridge University says this, "that yayin, mixed wine, or oinos does not refer only to intoxicating liquor made by fermentation but more often refers to a thick unintoxicating syrup or jam produced by boiling to make it storable". MacArthur goes on, 'If you want to defend the fact that you can drink wine today on the basis of the fact that they drank it in the bible then you need to re-examine whether what we drink today is the same as what they drank then'.
The entire transcript is available at
It is a worthy read.

Survey5/26/08 11:04 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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My reference to the fruit of the vine was made to point out that the wine Jesus referred to was not intoxicating drink, but rather, fruit of the vine, the juice of that fruit.
Alcohol is a drug; let's ask this, is it okay to smoke pot, crack, crystal meth, shoot up heroin, smoke cigarettes, etc. as long as it is done in moderation? What if a weak believer, or an unbeliever would see 'Joe Christian' having a glass of wine at a restuarant with his meal,think 'it's okay to drink', partake in strong drink, then in turn, become addicted?
I personally prefer to not drink any type of alcohol, whether in moderation or not. The bible strongly speaks out AGAINST strong drink; that tells me I'd better be wary. Why even try and defend alcohol, when so many lives are ruined and lost because of it's powerful hold?
Just because the bible doesn't specifically say, 'don't do it' doesn't mean it is condoned. Common sense and the conscience comes into play here, for those who like to drink, that's a personal choice. I prefer not to love the world or anything that comes from this world, and strong drink is from this world, this is my personal belief. For those who disagree, so be it.

Survey5/26/08 12:08 AM
enough already  Find all comments by enough already
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Friend, to your comment, I say AMEN.

This verse is of importance, "For I say to you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes" Luke 22:18
This is a reference to offspring, what was brought forth on the vine, the fruit, thus, it's juice. This obviously was not fermented drink. Why do so many insist the bible contradicts? If God speaks out against drinking wine, which He does repeatedly, for example, Isaiah 5:22, "Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine, and champions at mixing drinks", then how could He possibly ever condone it?

News Item5/25/08 4:54 PM
enough already  Find all comments by enough already
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GG, you hit it on the head with your statement, 'my God', that's it in a nutshell! Your god is not the God of the bible, your god is a god of tradition, produced by man-made works, sacraments, repetitious prayer, idol worship...your god is a graven image, a false god, which cannot save you. You have no understanding, because you refuse to repent and place your faith in Christ ALONE, no church doctrine, no set of rules made by any council of Trent, just the simple gospel message...repent and believe. You stumble over the the simplicity of the gospel, clinging to works, rituals, tradition; all of which are an abomination to the Lord. Again, I pray diligently God will grant you salvation, humbling you and drawing you to Jesus Christ, and give you a new heart and a new spirit. Oh Lord God, please work in a mighty way in the heart of GG, Lance, John Yurich, and all who follow the false teachings of this church. The deception is powerful, but you are more powerful. Have mercy and pour out your grace on these lost souls. Open blind eyes, deaf ears, and soften hardened hearts. You alone save, You alone change a sinner from the inside out. I ask you to grant eternal life to these lost in sin and this deception in the name above all names, Jesus Christ.

News Item5/25/08 10:03 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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GG- how about this, "I am the Lord your God, you shall have NO OTHER GODS before me". Your worship of Mary is not biblical. My pastor is a godly man, but I do not worship him. The real Mary is in Heaven with Christ, the mary you worship and idolize is false and demonic in nature, as you put this mary in the same class worthy of worship and praise along with God, which makes your worship of mary idolatry. You follow the deception and apostacy of the RCC, and sadly, you will follow it all the way into the pit of hell, may God have mercy on your soul.

News Item5/24/08 9:16 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Lance, your statement, 'in this way the full number of the gentiles is being brought in'-only Jesus Christ adds to His true church, which consists of people from every part of the globe, from all walks of life, and various religious backgrounds. He alone changes hearts and renews minds, He humbles, and brings to Him all that the Father gives to Him. This is nothing more than a headcount, sadly, the souls of these people still remain in bondage to sin, and the hearts are still hardened and dead to the fact of true salvation; when God humbles a sinner and breaks them over their sins, then they cry out to Him for salvation. Inside, the heart shatters; tears flow out of the heart for mercy to be granted, and the broken sinner humbly asks Jesus Christ to save them. The new birth is granted as the new creation in Christ now is cleansed by His blood, by God's grace, and is sealed with the Holy Spirit, within their very own heart now resides the Father, Son, and Spirit. Inward changes take place, sin is detested, hunger for God's word consumes the soul, and pleasing Jesus Christ is a lifelong passion. This is salvation Lance, according to the holy word of God, all granted by Him through Jesus Christ, it is a gift from the Ancient of Days.

News Item5/23/08 4:20 PM
Enough already | usa  Find all comments by Enough already
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GG- It is sad all you can see is a battle between 'prots' and 'catholics'. My battle isn't against you personally, it is against the false doctrine spewed out by the Roman Catholic Church. It would be beneficial to you to pray over God's word, and read it for yourself. Ask with a sincere heart, your eternal destination is at stake. That is much too important to take chances with. Even the Bereans didn't take for granted what the Apostle Paul said, they searched the scriptures daily to see if Paul was speaking the truth. Relying on man's interpretation of God's word is what opens the door for heresy. My heart breaks for you, you believe what a group of people have decided over the years is the 'true meaning' of God's word, when in fact, CHRIST opens the individual's heart and mind to the scriptures. Godly wisdom is personal and should be sought diligently, we must pray and ask the Lord to reveal His wisdom to us, not believe what mortals say is 'wisdom'. Read the book of Proverbs.

News Item5/23/08 5:40 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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I wish SA would not post any stories related to your harlot church, then we wouldn't be confronted with the likes of you as you continually defend your harlot over God's authoritative word. The 'proof' isn't in the pudding GG, it is in the heart, which is regenerated in those who have been humbled, and born again. Has your heart been changed? Do you know despise the sins you once loved? A changed heart loves the word, and lives according to it. There is no room for man-made tradition in the heart of a genuine believer and follower of Jesus Christ. Sadly for you, your eyes are blind and your heart is hardened to true salvation, your repetitious defense of a church system is evidence of that. May God draw you to Jesus Christ and grant you eternal life, according to His word.

News Item5/22/08 4:10 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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GG- You need to be careful, accusing someone of something when you have absolutely NO proof, you don't even know what church I attend! I am not loyal to ANY denomination; you, on the other hand, consistently defend your apostate church, and the man-made doctrine you adhere to. I follow Jesus Christ, the word of God, and His will according to His word ALONE. By His grace, I have been born again, not according to works, but His saving grace.
If RCC'rs were that outraged over homosexual priests, they would remove them from the church, not pay out monetarily for their perversion.
I don't see where SA is responsible for the news as it breaks. If anyone is to blame, it is the RCC, for not dealing with these homosexual priests according to scripture, thus, allowing sin to fester and grow, like a cancer.

News Item5/22/08 5:52 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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GG- sin is not limited to any one denomination, wolves in sheep's clothing are everywhere. The sad part is a young child is the victim. Instead of gloating, perhaps you should pray for the innocent young victims affected by these sexual predators and homosexual predators. It certainly does not please the Lord when we delight in wickedness. If you were born again and had a changed heart, then you would be weeping over this growing trend.

News Item5/20/08 4:34 PM
enough already  Find all comments by enough already
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We have been hoodwinked by someone who has nothing better to do than make up stories to try and get a response out of people. Whenever you post 'stuff', if you cannot back it with scripture, then take it elsewhere. People are devastated in China and Myanmar, these are the issues we should be discussing and praying for; Bible Christian insists on playing silly games and wasting precious time...let's stop this nonsense here and now and concentrate on real issues in the world. I would ask Sermonaudio to close this thread please...

News Item5/18/08 5:08 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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OH NO!! another one claiming e.t.'s in the name of Johnson's sermons are often suspect, he usually attacks people instead of preaching the word of God. So I wouldn't put much stock into what he says.
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