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Dr. Leon L. Sanders | Pensacola, Florida
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China and the Great Reset
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China and the Great Reset will be an Economic Battleground
U.S.'s Trillions of Dollars of Debt will come due with Cryptocurrency

China and the Great Reset is not some fantasy pipe dream but an integral link in the plan to control America via economic means. Mr. Hayek warned of this in his work, Road to Serfdom, written in 1944. Western nations were warned that crony capitalism {today's terminology} and uncontrolled spending would result in slavery via socialism. This is the lesson Mr. Hayek learned from Mr. Hitler's Germany and which the Western nations devoutly ignored. The Great Reset will not be a military coup; it will be first and foremost an economic coup that will quietly replace literal currency with digital cryptocurrency. Once the means of economic transactions are controlled, the nation is controlled. That is expected to begin in 2021 regardless of who wins the presidency.

[video post er="h ttps: //www .disc ernli m/wp- conte nt/up loads /2020 /10/G reat- Reset -Covi d-19- Accel erate s-Inc lusio n-per -WEF- mp4-i mage. jpg" width="854" height="480" mp4=""][/video]

Mr. Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum (WEF)
He explains why the World needs a Great Reset: Globalization

In the above video the head of WEF explains why the world needs a Great Reset. He uses words such as inclusive and equality as he summarizes his book, Covid-19: The Great Reset (2020). Notice that major international corporations such as UPS are enthusiastically onboard. What is of great concern to myself, and hopefully to you also, is Mr. Schwab's comparison between Western nations, especially America, and Communist China (ChiCom) with respect to Covid-19 supposed crisis. China is lauded for their decisive, swift action in restraining their Covid-19 outbreak because of their strong, centralized control that is impossible with Western nations' weak, scattered approaches because of personal liberties. This is important because China is the largest holder of American debt. According to Vision Times, China Is a Top Holder of US Debt: How Risky Is It?, China would not unload its American dollar holdings. The American dollar is THE world currency and would quickly be bought by other investors as has occurred in the past. But, what would happen if there suddenly was no dollar, no pound, no any kind of currency? What would happen if China was backed by an international consortium which guaranteed her economic health while breaking America's economic health?

Cryptocurrency is poised to replace ALL physical currencies
This will be the lynch pin for implementing Global Socialism

What is Cryptocurrency? [Everything You Need To Know!]. For majority of history, wealth creation has been the criteria for economic well being. When coinage was developed around the 6th or 5th century as a convenient means of exchanging wealth for goods and services (Coinage). Previously precious metals were exchanged based on weight. This meant that weights were exchanged as agreed for goods and services. Coins of certain agreed upon values were minted, manufactured, usually in gold and silver, representative of one's wealth creation abilities. Usage of these metals limited production of coinage preventing unrestrained money creation; otherwise known as inflation. Diluting one's coinage with hidden, or not so hidden, baser metals decreased the value of one's coinage. Paper money was introduced in America during Lincoln's War, fell out of favor after the war but was revived so the government could hoard the supply of gold. In the 20th century, Federal Reserve notes, not redeemable in gold replaced gold note paper money. It is known as fiat currency because it is based on NOTHING but debt. This has been the standard money of all central banks regardless of country. The paper and coinage money used today represents NOTHING but whatever the central bank says it represents. People today measure wealth by the amount of paper money one possesses; or, to be blunt, the numbers representing one's money is a bank account. Digital transactions have slowly replaced paper money and even paper checks in the form of plastic credit and debit cards. Cryptocurrency is the next step divorcing monetary value from actual wealth creation abilities.

The digital structure has sufficiently infiltrated nearly every aspect of life for good and bad. Cryptocurrency has been available for some time in the form of bitcoin. Some people have heard the term but few possess the commodity and for many it smacks of illicit trading on the dark web. Governments have monitored bitcoins growth but have not endorsed its usage. Users of bitcoin can remain anonymous as can their transactions; this is anathema to governments which seek greater control; not less. This creates a black market which only grows with restrictions. Governments will compete with bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies, using their own block chain technology. A consortium of nations, European Union for example, or an overarching international organization, WEF for example, would insure standardization of governmental cryptocurrency that would be transparent to governments (How Governments Could Kill Bitcoin. Forbes.). Whereas bitcoin gives anonymity, government cryptocurrencies would be trackable and thus controllable.

Physical money and physical devices such as cards are considered disease vectors in light of the Covid-19 so-called pandemic. People are being urged to use wireless means of payment that do not require touching devices such as Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, etc. These capabilities are built into mobile phones and many digital watches associated with phones. Cryptocurrency will probably be introduced in phases to slowly, relatively speaking, easing the general population into the usage of these devices. I imagine the various national currencies will continue to be represented in block chain form (dollars, pounds, etc.); I do envision a central standard currency behind the scenes which will come into acceptance as the national currencies are phased out much as the Euro phased out European national currencies. International corporations and central banks will be leaders in this implementation by allowing only cryptocurrencies. Major national corporations will also be able to transition so that within a short time cryptocurrency usage will be ubiquitous. Governments will stop minting physical money and hacking will take on a whole new danger. In fact, financial transactions present an effective means of absolute control.

Imagine, every transaction must be approved not just by your bank but also by governments. Suddenly weapon and ammunition transactions are rejected; non-approved medicine sales are disallowed; materials labeled as subversive, hateful, non-inclusive or against good order are banned. The current censorship of Twitter, Facebook, Google, and others will be magnified when practiced by the government. Since America is in the midst of a populist movement, these measures would be resisted; except by certain political parties that would benefit. However, one's cryptocurrency would be throttled internationally reducing a nation's ability to import and export goods and services. Holders of national currencies (think China holding massive amount of U.S. debt instruments) would require payment in appropriate cryptocurrency or its debt obligations would be demanded. This type of control would reduce America to hyperinflation and poverty similar to what Germany faced before Mr. Hitler came to power.

Cryptocurrency is foundational to the Great Reset. Climate change and Covid-19 restrictions will throttle national economies of those nations which refuse to participate under the guise of inclusiveness and equality. You will also hear such terms as rewriting the Social Contract, Fourth Industrial Revolution and so forth. Items we will cover in coming posts.

So, what is a Christian supposed to do? Resist? Well, if you rebel then you are not following Jesus' example (1Sa 15:23; Ro 13:1-7). Paul, Peter, James and others are our examples. They lived during the Roman Empire when it persecuted believers and their guidance was: expect to be punished for following Christ (1Pe 4:12-19). The world will exhibit its true character becoming more degraded and violent based on deceit (Jn 8:44). Those who are ignorant of these changes may fall prey to false teachers or be prone to violence which Christ decried of His followers (Mt 26:51-54; 2Pe 2:19-22; Jude 17-23). Yet, as this world becomes worse; they will hate you more for being faithful.

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