Fantastic You did a great job relating all of the imagery to the modern day. I really enjoyed the part where you talk about being used by “the force” instead of using the force.
On another note, I wonder if perhaps the false prophet could be AI.
Great Sermon! From about 1965 until 1969, I sat under this wonderful Minister. His was an outstanding ministry. His labors had a profound, positive impact on my Christian life. About every 5-6 weeks he would ask for those who had been saved to give their names to ushers, and next Sunday they would have a baptism. Never gave a "regular" invitation. Filled the church...had to enlarge the sanctuary. Here I am 93 yrs old...57 years later. Still enjoy hearing that old P-51 pilot shoot down the "enemy". Christian Tabernacle, Dayton, Ohio. Taken from us by Our Lord and the group from Grand Rapids, Mi. I understand why too. Our Lord told him "to go!, or else". I know they loved him too. Amen.
Please pray for me, I'm facing a very difficult situation! I'm a 62 year old disabled man, with CHF and HIV +/AIDS and have my immune system deteriorating, and now facing eviction for not being able to pay rent since Feb 2020! I have no one, but God and His family, please pray for me not yo loose my housing and if I do, that the Lord provides me with another one! Thank you so much!
Great Sermon! Your sermons always causes one to examine themselves. This is because the Scriptures always speaks to the hearer, who is listening, first. It’s never those people who are “unlike” ourselves but lived 2000 years ago. Thank you for adhering to the truth.
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Great Sermon! If end times folk would read the historical interpretations of Genesis from Ancient Orthodox and Catholic sources, this confusion about Revelation would not be nearly as confusing. People reinvent the wheel.
Thank you, Bro. Leon for telling about the historical roots & the aims of Social Justice. I have gained a better understanding of just what is going on.
Our God is the Really Smart God! Just a great reminder that our Lord God is involved in what goes on in this world. What has happened in history was not outside of God's control. In fact, historical events fit right into His plan.
Interesting Teaching! There's more to this "honoring parents" commandment than we think. It's amazing how our modern culture/worldview has more of an influence on us than we perceive.
Great Teaching! There may be more to idolatry than what we think. We may, unknowingly, be practicing forms of it. Thank you, Dr. Sanders, for this information.
Interesting Perspective! Interesting perspective on why a historical story in the Bible that seems out of place (Judah and Tamar) is in the right spot.
Great Sermon! This is truly an insightful, encouraging, and much needed message for Christians who think that they are not viewed as being anti-semitic and who believe that our government will keep them safe.