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Dr. Leon L. Sanders | Pensacola, Florida
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Myth of Oil Scarcity
FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 2020
Posted by: Discernment Life Ministries | more..
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Scarcity of Oil is the Myth
Driving Global Governance

The modern world was built on petroleum fuels and the myth of oil scarcity has been the single largest contributor to keeping prices inflated in relation to the prevailing economy. The myth of scarcity was invented soon after the Geneva Congress on Organic Nomenclature, 1892, defined organic chemistry. Some believe that Rockefeller paid his scientists to argue for the label fossil fuels since petroleum was organic; i.e., hydrogen, carbon and oxygen and therefore must have come from once living things (Fossil Fuel Hoax). However true the reality is that the label fossil fuel stuck. This liquid and gaseous stuff was made by the death of dinosaurs and the associated plant life that occurred in the past and will never be repeated. However, from the beginning of the 19th century petroleum productions were being produced by man. James Young began what today would be called fracking to collect crude oil from sandstone cave roofs and distill it into petroleum products. He was unencumbered by the myth that would soon enslave the world for over a century: the myth of the scarcity of oil.

Every School Child Knows
Petroleum Comes from Dinosaurs

Coal may well have come from plant vegetation based on plant impressions often found in coal deposits. The same cannot be said for petroleum liquid and gas products. There have been no fossils found below 16,000 feet while oil and gas products are routinely found at or below 30,000 feet. The early oil producers had a problem: oil was too plentiful. It was certainly useful and quickly replaced expensive, and dangerous to obtain, whale oil. Often it was found in surface pools or shallow wells easily drilled using the technology of the day. But when it became necessary to drill deeper more expensive equipment was necessary but even then oil was still too plentiful. In supply and demand economics, similar to Austrian Economics today, producers could only charge so much. If they raised their prices too high, other producers would undercut them, steal their market share and reduce their income. The label fossil fuel was a godsend. Dinosaurs no longer existed and so-called prehistoric conditions no longer existed; ergo, oil was no longer being produced. This meant there was a limited supply and when it ran out there would be NO more! With the development of petroleum came the development of auto/truck engines, jet engines and even rocket engines; modern industrialization could proceed apace with the nearly unlimited energy supply. But, what if the energy was limited? What would be considered essential petroleum usage? Better to limit nation's use of oil so everyone could have a little then squander it so the poorer nations would have nothing! Enter the late 20th century and the artificially created shortages based on nothing more than myth; welcome to the world dominated by scientisms. But, there was one fly in the ointment which violated this myth of fossil fuel.

Germans Developed Artificial Oil:
Fischer-Tropsch, or FTT, reactions

The Fischer-Tropsch {FTT} reaction was developed in Germany in 1925! It was well known that petroleum could be produced in the lab and Hitler's Germany proved its viability by using this reaction to power its war machine when denied cheaper natural petroleum deposits. The above graphic shows the gray-white hydrocarbon formation producing this product which was expensive with the technology of the day but very viable as the Allies discovered. This proved that petroleum necessarily did not come from decaying organic material under tremendous pressure and temperature over millions of years. Again, the evolutionary house of cards was suffering another fracture in its attempt to dominate all thinking in modern society.

There was an unintended consequence to this myth of oil scarcity. What if some or several nations who were not in the club of developed nations gained access to huge oil reserves? Why, it would magnify their brusk medieval power dreams exponentially! Oil was discovered in the Middle East and during the mid to late 20th century became the leading power broker in the market. Their medieval religious and political dreams over those so-called Christians nations could be realized; the anti-Crusades all over again! America's, and later Western Europe's, scientism of limited oil reserves came back to haunt them. When the Middle East nations discovered that modern warfare was not so easy as they imagined, they turned to terrorism to kill millions over the years who disagreed with their religiopolitical plans for world domination. Today, as national blocks, they are mostly concerned with murdering each other and Israel. However, their radicalization of naive individuals has sparked sporadic bursts of terror into every culture they have infiltrated. This is just one aspect of this destructive myth.

In the late 20th into the 21st century another scientism arose from this myth; ecology which morphed into global warming which morphed into climate change. This is the philosophy that burning fossil fuels is damaging the ozone, creating so-called green house gases and will result in the destruction of modern life. Their solution? A single international government to ration the use of this increasingly rare energy source as a few unelected individuals see fit. From this grew the philosophy that guided the Georgia Guidestones and the concerted movement for international socialism based on Reflexivity and Fertile Fallacies; i.e., Critical Theory that opposes all which opposes this goal. This is destroying the modern world to return people to serfdom. Again, based on a myth!

Abiotic Petroleum Fields are Growing
Earth is Continuously Making Oil

Abiotic petroleum is that which is produced apart from plant and animal material. In, Russians & NASA Discredit ‘Fossil Fuel’ Theory: Demise of Junk CO2 Science (Principia Scientific International), NASA announced that hydrocarbons were found on Saturn's moon, Titan showing that it is not as rare as previously thought under the Peak Theory of 1950, that has been driving this myth via scientism. It has long been thought that the earth continual makes oil because carbon is an abundant material as is hydrogen and oxygen in and on the earth. Oil fields thought depleted seem to regenerate slowly. It appears that we are trapped in a myth of oil scarcity with the aim to destroy both nationalism and individualism by returning the earth's population back to serfdom and control by a very few special individuals. This is not a new plan.

All True Scientists Believe in
The Myth of Oil Scarcity

Control the energy and the financial wealth and the people will follow for these are the two great building blocks of civilization. It is easier for nations to fight over scarcity than over abundance. The point is to cause division at every level, at every point until all is in chaos and only the absolute socialism of internationalism can save the people from war, disease and famine; the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Re 6:1-8). Satan is the master of lies leading to death and his major weapon causes divisions setting each against the other (Jo 8:44; Ro 16:17-18). The Peak Oil theory is a lie requiring omniscience about the total oil reserves remaining, an unknown quantity, as well as absolute knowledge of what is occurring below the earth's mantle to discount abiotic oil processes. These fallacies coupled with greed have deprived people access to energy to improve their lives; especially those nations seeking to come out under the crushing weight of medievalism. The truth in many disciplines is being hid behind a wall of scientisms, think myths, to enslave people to forever poverty and hopelessness. It's single most important aim is to destroy the Gospel depriving people from any hope of true life. Starving people will do almost anything for their next meal and have little time for thinking about life in Christ. Perhaps this is the true aim of all scientisms.

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