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Dr. Leon L. Sanders | Pensacola, Florida
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Social Justice is Socialism Embraced
Posted by: Discernment Life Ministries | more..
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Definition of Social Justice is repackaged
International Socialism of 19th Century

This general definition of Social Justice actually defines nothing specifically. It is a loose collection of terms that remain undefined such as: egalitarian society; principles of equality and solidarity; human rights and dignity of people. The fact that Social Justice includes poverty, discrimination, racism, injustice, civil rights and human issues becomes a blank check to demand whatever becomes necessary for the moment to advance its agenda: international socialism or globalization. Essentially, social justice, like the "War on Terror" operates without mandate, without clearly defined objectives and goals and has no end point; thus, it is an ongoing process. Hayek said it best in the title of his book, "On the Road to Serfdom" for that is the only end point toward which Social Justice strains toward.

The Pachamama Alliance defines Social Justice as, "equal access to wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society." Again, vague terms that can be assigned meanings based on the needs of the movement at any specific moment in time. However, I prefer Dr. Bachman's definition of Social Justice in his presentation given at the 2019 G3 Conference {Watch here}. Basically his definition is: State redistribution of resources and advantages to disadvantaged groups to satisfy their right to social and economic outcome equality. Notice the conciseness and clarity of his terms as compared to the definitions of those whose mission is to advance the Social Justice agenda. The Pachamama Alliance begs clarity as it defines the origins of Social Justice. "Social Justice as a concept arose in the early 19th century during the Industrial Revolution and subsequent civil revolutions throughout Europe, which aimed to create more egalitarian societies and remedy capitalistic exploitation of human labor." The first egalitarian revolution actually occurred before the 19th century, French Revolution, which brought death and nearly cultural extinction to France. Today it is celebrated as a revolution of freedom when it actually killed or caused the death of tens of thousands of its people in Europe's first attempt at social; wealth redistribution by the state. Marxism grew from this violent beginning and eventually culminated in the violent revolutions in Russia and later in China that claimed the lives off millions of citizens to achieve outcome equality; death, the ultimate form of equality (Job 14:1-12).

Social Justice has infiltrated every aspect
of society; yet, it began with Education

The Frankfurt School left Germany pre-World War II and came to America becoming ensconced at Columbia University. It saw the failures of economic Marxism which it then repackaged to achieve the same goals via reeducation, media, culture according to the writings of Antonio Gramsci. By training the teachers of the teachers and capturing the organs of information a non-violent revolution could occur accomplishing Marx's aims without the senseless violence that proved fruitless in the long term. Critical theory was developed to, well, criticize everything that was not Marxist. Notice the above graphic in which nearly every icon suggests violence, the hallmark of socialism. While the use of naked force was eschewed, the use of insidious bottom-up force was actively encouraged as a means to force government to enshrine populous changes into law. Since politicians think only as far as the next election, they did not appreciate the extent of their hasty, poor construction bills in curtailing actual justice. Make no mistake, Social Justice is as much advanced by violence today as during the 20th century except it now has the consent of the people who wish to enslave themselves.

Social Justice seeks to divide and pit artificially diverse groups against each other. Women, a majority of the world's population, became the first socially identified minority. A truth became a lie to advance a cause and though it predated Gramsci's methods I have little doubt he grasped the forces at work that promoted this lie and the subsequent changes in societies. By the late 20th century other groups were either legitimized or brought into being and set at odds with the majority American-European power base group: today known as white privilege. These groups: Blacks; immigrants {Muslim and Hispanics}; LGBQTA+; Abortion access and the granddaddy of globalization, Climate Change. These groups are organized into one desired goal: globalization.

From the start Social Justice's Goal was
Globalization based on New World Order

Now, we could engage in an energetic discussion of Social Justice and its nemesis, free enterprise; however, that would ignore the true nature of Social Justice. The Social Justice movement seeks to supplant God's justice with man's justice. At its heart, Social Justice is nihilism personified. An example of this nihilism is the feminist movement which began the movement toward Social Justice. Women sought not equality with men but dominance through the use of outcome equality. However, once their usefulness was diminished the LGBQTA+ group grew and quickly overshadowed the feminist movement. Now, transgender men masquerading as women were dominating women's sports events, replacing women as the new political minority group to court and so forth. In short, women were no longer necessary except as breeding machines; i.e., reduced to the debasement of sex objects be the usurpation of men pretending to be women. The foundation of any society is its access to energy for production, transportation and distributions of goods and services. Climate change seeks to eradicate, severely restrict, usage of cheap fossil fuels in favor of less efficient and much more expensive clean energy sources which ultimately are not cleaner. This would immediately disadvantage the poor which can ill afford increase costs for heating, food, and nearly every aspect of modern life. The goal of redistribution of wealth to support the poor then becomes the ongoing lie. What is the truth; what is the major goal?

Globalization, Social Justice, is a return to
Serfdom: Majority enslaved to the Elitists

Satan via his puppets such as Marx, Gramsci and thousands of others at work promoting Social Justice really has one aim: abolition of the one true Gospel. The Industrial Revolution promoted the growth of a vast Middle Class. The eradication of wholesale poverty and ignorance that had plagued man since the Fall. Advancements in science, medicine and technology that changed the standard of living in a few short generations. Freed from ignorance, poverty and starvation, people began to think of truth, true justice and of course, God. One of the world's biggest missionary drives began concurrent with the Industrial Revolution from England, Scotland and America carrying the Gospel into lands still mired in ignorance and poverty dying in their sins; removed from God for eternity. The missionary movements were funded mainly by the newly burgeoning middle class. Millions were hearing the Gospel for the first time and accepting eternal life in Christ. Not by state enforced redistribution but by the creation of new wealth; i.e., industrialization and free enterprise. Rather than a direct assault on the Gospel, though that was probed in various movements, Satan used the indirect approach which today is called Social Justice.

Social Justice will not eradicate poverty, discrimination or any other of the claims it supports. It is a deceptive movement that has at its core the elimination of wealth creation, true justice and tolerance of differences because all are one in Christ. The tools of Social Justice are division, degradation and violence; all tools and results of sin (Ro 1:18-32). This will not abate but come to fruition because God has allowed Satan to blind the people so they will believe The Lie, which they wished to embrace (2Th 2:9-12). Many churches are falling away revealing themselves to be not of Christ but of Satan. Hang on to what you believe less it too be stolen and you do not enter into His rest because of unbelief; Satan's goal (He 3:5-12).

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