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News Item7/25/14 8:40 PM
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John UK wrote:
Does this mean that Strat hates us because we are Jews?
The Jew haters would deny the Jews,if it were in their power both the right and ability to defend themselves and the Arabs would just sweep in and wipe them out which is their stated goal.

The Jew haters share this goal,some of them based on the idea that Israel does not serve God,well i suspect a lot of them don't serve God any better than Israel does,but their hatred blinds them to it and they call for,albeit indirectly,for their destruction

News Item7/25/14 8:35 PM
Strat  Find all comments by Strat
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John UK wrote:
Strat, you have a fixation with money and politics. That comes out very clearly in your posts. But whether or not I am rich or poor you cannot tell by my posts, because I am a whole Bible man and must look at all subjects which God brings up in his word.
If you cannot see that your presence and comments here indicates both a interest and /or a fixation then your speck in your eye is quite large indeed,anyone can throw out scripture on any topic but yours always carries with it an acussatory element...I John present scripture,followed by statements that indicate you and onlyou are getting it right.

I ask you if you work for a living to see if have the integrity to answer,obviously you don't,i think I saw a post of yours once that indicates that you don't.

I do work for a living and I am grateful to the capitalist who own the company I work for everytime I pay a bill,eat or purchase something I need and occasionally I want,ultimately it all comes form God but I am not above gratitude which you seem to be since it is probably the money of others who work for capitalist that pays your bills and allows you the time and resources to condemn them...learn a little about gratitude's biblical.

News Item7/25/14 11:04 AM
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John UK wrote:
I said it was communism, PoT.
I was hoping to show the differenc between the two main economic solutions.
Yes, free enterprise is most biblical. What is not biblical is the attitude many have to the money they earn. IT'S MINE, IT'S MINE!!
Not at all, it's God's, and we are just stewards. He maketh poor, and he maketh rich. He can make the rich poor, and the poor rich. God does this, and there is nothing that Strat can do about it.
There is great warning in the NT about our attitude to money and how we use it. It can shipwreck faith, it can bring chastisement from God. You see now how much I love you guys to even mention such things?
Hypocritical John,just can't help himself...its not me who is complaining about anyone being rich or poor,its you !!! get some logic about your arguments John.

The bible says to not covet what belongs to your neighbor which implies both private property and ownership,yes God owns it,but since you don't own it what business is it of yours where it goes or how it is used....your beef is that enough of it isn't being mailed to you each month ?,you covet and lust after it and obsess over it and your fixation with it proves it.

News Item7/25/14 10:46 AM
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John UK wrote:
So God controls our actions, and then grumbles at us for doing them?
So Capitalism is a biblical principle?
We have capitalists in the UK who are not interested in "God's economy". They sell things at vastly overrated prices, they sell things which damage the body and mind (like junk food and alcohol), they make a fortune out of pornography, in fact they are opposed by God at every turn. Most businesses are cut-throat, so that they can make more money than their competitors. I have even seen this among Christian businesses.
No capitalism is not actually a biblical principle,buying and selling is mentioned in the bible...all you want to do John is whine because the world is not perfect,the garden of Eden was the original principle but we blew it so we have to do what we can.

I have ask you before and you refuse to answer,do you work for a living ? is eating your bread by the sweat of your brow a biblical principle in a fallen world,is eating your bread by the sweat of your neighbor's brow when you are perfectly able to earn it a biblical principle ?
God's economy ? what is that John ?

News Item7/25/14 10:39 AM
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John UK wrote:
Have you got a fixation on politics, Strat?
What does the Second Advent of the Lord Jesus Christ have to do with politics?
No more than you do hypocrite,you like the other Jew haters think you are quite clever in hiding your hatred and contempt for the Jewish people

News Item7/25/14 9:58 AM
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John UK wrote:
Don't panic, Strat, but when the Lord Jesus comes through those clouds, with all his holy angels, in flaming fire to take vengeance on his enemies, calling all men to judgment after first resurrecting all peoples, there won't be one soul asking, "But what about the thousand years reign from Jerusalem?", for they will realise the end of the world is come upon them, and they will watch the earth being burnt up, and also the heavens, every sin being purged and the universe being made clean again. And there is nothing you can do about it.
What ? another political issue that you have no interest in John ?

News Item7/25/14 8:37 AM
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Capiatlism is an economic system,people seem to view it in two ways,either as a system to serve man or a religion to be served by man.

Poverty is only releived by a change of heart first then wealth and resources,a change comes from God,wealth and resources comes from economic development,and economic development comes from the profit motive.

In a perfect world the motive would be helping one another,we do not live in a perfect world so we need economic systems and rewards to motivate people to work and be productive.

One can complain all day long about this fact and it will do no good,the bible tells us to work and be content with what we have,what our neighbor has is not our business since they are accountable to God and not us on what they do with what they have.

How odd it is that we steadfastly declare that we are not to judge what people do in other areas of life yet seem to think this area is our business and judgment flows freely.....strange.

News Item7/24/14 10:31 PM
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John UK wrote:
You mean these objective truths?-
[By far the majority of capitalists are unbelievers who have a love of money and the power that goes with it. Jesus mentioned one in the Bible who was doing so well that he had to pull down his barns and build bigger ones. Jesus called him a fool for neglecting his spiritual side, and that God wanted his soul that very night.
Then there are hardworking spiritual people who have the Lord Jesus as Numero Uno in their life. If God prospers them, they are careful not to allow any riches to take over their mind, but use it for good purposes, rather than surround themselves with all their dosh which, although they earned it, it was God who prospered them - it is God's money, and they are but stewards of it.]
There are scripture proofs for everything I said in those two paragraphs. The fact that you disagree with both confirms my belief that you oppose God and God's ways according to the new covenant. It gets clearer and clearer. But then, if you belong to a capitalist megachurch, maybe you are simply getting a false perspective on money from false teachers.
Do you work John ? more and more you sound like somebody who is not not happy because his check isn't big enough.

News Item7/24/14 10:15 PM
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Jew Hater news update,Israel is still defending it's self against your spiritual brothers....Hamas,and there is nothing you can do about it.

Jew haters all over the world are spewing spit about it,if they knew what was good for them they would pray it ends in Israel's favor because if it doesn't their world is over.

News Item7/24/14 11:05 AM
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John UK wrote:
You'll have a job to prove that false accusation, which I regard as antichristian, which is the answer to one of your questions.
The first paragraph of your post demonstrates it,.a "capitalist" does not have to be a ceo just someone who believes that people should work and earn their living and make the money their talents and abilities will allow them hurl plenty of accusations John....back some of them up.....and remember John,this is politics,the subject you have no interest in LOL.

News Item7/24/14 10:49 AM
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John UK wrote:
1. Didn't you know that Frank is the chief of sinners, and I am second only to him? Well, perhaps you didn't know that.
2. If you had read your Bible, you would have known that my post was full of scripture, which is where I get my doctrine from.
3. Where do you get your antichristian doctrines from?
What antichristian doctrines John,don't be a typical liberal John,provide quotes and evidence.

Frank ?

Varcole,John can't do that,he must display his superior holiness and righteousness at all times,the topic just gets in the way.

The topic is people,like ,John who loathe capitalism but lust after the wealth it produces,desiring it so they can live lives of unhindered leisure to pursue their"hobbies and interest" I believe Obama says.

Hypocrites who live off the wealth of capitalism and the people who produce it then condemn it while usually producing nothing themselvesfor anyone to consume.

News Item7/24/14 10:25 AM
sTRAT  Find all comments by sTRAT
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John UK wrote:
Then there are those like Job, to whom God gave a great deal of dosh and children, but later took them all away, and took away his health also, whose friends did not understand the ways of God and thus exacerbated his suffering, until he learnt a few things and repented in sackcloth and ashes, to whom God restored all things in abundance, which is his right, as everything comes to man through the grace of God, undeserved and unmerited, when he could wipe out the human race because of its sin, but instead has chosen to save some out of the human rat race of hedonists, predestinating and electing them to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth, producing in them a fulfilment of the law which is to love God and to love his neighbour as much as he loves himself.
But then, the love of money seems to produce a stunted-growth Christian who lives only for himself and ignores the body of Christ or its needs. But there again, maybe they were not born again anyway.
LOL...sometimes in your haste to sound so much holier and more righteous than evferyone else you sound like you are trying to write your own you work John ? you sound like somebody with a lot of time on his hands.

News Item7/24/14 9:00 AM
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Let the Jew haters twist themselves with rage over it while being completely helpless to do anything about it.

News Item7/24/14 8:50 AM
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No one should have been surprised that a writer for a liberal newspaper like the Washington Post accused Christians of being responsible for "hate speech" but look what a firestorm that created.

The liberal narrative for Islam is that it is racist and/or xenophobic to criticse them and it is strictly observed by most liberals....more and more American Christianity is defining it's self through the prism of liberalism so liberal criticism is a serious issue.

The liberal narrative for Christians is that it is open season on them,you can condemn them and watch them in turn condemn themselves and each other,i'm sure the author of the Post article would have gotten a good laugh out of the way it was handled here...look they hate themselves and each other more than we do.

News Item7/24/14 8:42 AM
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Then there are those who appoint themselves as judge over what other people do with what belongs to them ignoring the commandment to not covet what belongs to another.

The same people who are constantly warning against judging others yet have no problems when it comes to people who have money,more money than they have of course.

Then there are those who have never worked a day in their life and will never have to even though they are perfectly able,they steal the resources of others via political power,they are thieves,many of the calling themselves good Christians anyway.

The "least of these" are the old,sick and the orphan and widow....not just anyone who decides that work sucks so i'll sit home and drink beer and smoke dope all day.

What these people are calling for is universal poverty for all,misery for all...except the elite of course.

News Item7/23/14 11:17 PM
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It is as revealing when a news story receives little attention and comment as when it receives much attention and comment.

News Item7/23/14 11:09 PM
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Any discussion where one or both parties insist on a predetermined narrative is not going to be civil,if I say to you or you say to me that there are certain things I am forbidden to say regardless of relevance or truth then the minute I or you do it it's on.

The prescribed narrative on race is that it's all whitey's fault period,you can express that in any way your creativity will allow,but you had better not say anything else....under these conditions discussion is useless and the problems continue.

News Item7/23/14 10:55 PM
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People oppose home schooling for different reasons,strangley enough it is not anybody else's business if people decide to home school their children,public education doesn't like it because it is competition,the state doesn't like it because they do not get to indoctrinate children with the state as god propaganda for several hours a day to produce loyal,obedient,complacent and compliant drones

"Christians" oppose it because it represents a separation from the world they are so in love with and feel they may get some negative publicity by reason of association.....home schooling is good and the right of every parent.

News Item7/23/14 10:45 PM
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SteveR wrote:
Strat has his feet firmly planted in the world
I couldn't care less what any of you think to be honest with you,i just like full disclosure,you actually come closer to saying how much you hate Jews than do the rest so good for you...the others are getting closer so there is still hope for them

News Item7/23/14 10:40 PM
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PursuitofTruth wrote:
Dear Strat,
We as parents are partly responsible for this. Why do you think daughters accused of not being virgins on their wedding night were stoned on their fathers doorstep? Because it is the parents duty, especially the fathers, to protect their children from this kind of stuff. But some of us failed in that duty, and handed our children over to public edu. and super nanny for their teaching and discipling. That is were WE have gone wrong.
I understand and agree,its just the way the article starts out that gets me.
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