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News Item4/8/14 12:46 PM
jpw  Find all comments by jpw
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the 1 in 88 with autism was 2001, so with 30% increase, there's the estimate of 1 out of 66.... but of course, this is actually an old statistic just currently announced and we are far past that. an epidemic is at hand. and people that will have low functioning with myriads of hormonal, autoimmune, toxicity disfunction, of which modern medicine has little to no answers. thankfully people are finding help outside of the "if you can't see it, give them a psychotropic drug" syndrome.

News Item4/7/14 1:04 PM
jpw  Find all comments by jpw
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this is easily solvable. let the ones who require it be responsible for the results.... instead of creating a system in which tax payer money is sent to the families of the damaged. so let's say the receiver is now in a state of drooling or cannot walk, let the one who mandated it now care for the person for life.

News Item4/7/14 10:27 AM
jpw  Find all comments by jpw
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Jim, I believe the issue we have here is that you believe in the herd immunity story without knowing what the herd immunity story is!

but if you do some looking around, you will find that the herd immunity had to do with naturally acquired immunity. nature does not require booster shots.

so if you are basing your belief system on such an idea, I would suggest looking into what herd immunity in cows was really about.

now why have so many vaccinated gotten things such as whooping cough? well, here's some theories, I'm sure there are others... 1- the shot didn't work, 2- the shot had a temporary effect, 3 - the strain of the germ mutated and therefore the shot is the wrong strain 4 - large exposure to heavy metals and foreign proteins directly into the blood has caused lower functioning immunity.... or a autoimmune reponse causing the patient to become more susceptible to disease 5 -anyone who studies history sees increase in disease during times of poverty and malnutrition.

[URL=]]]Pertussis Infection in Vaccinated Children, Isreal[/URL]

Hmm, how did that happen?

News Item10/5/13 9:59 AM
jpw  Find all comments by jpw
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let me get this straight..... the country who began the adventures, who replaced what was with jihadists, who are probably funding them now..... are now advocating sending in "teams" to advocate for the groups being eliminated?? and..... the SBC is going to "go for this"? instead of repenting of their support of these adventures and admit they've been had? that they supported what ended up being genocide and jihad?

News Item9/26/13 10:15 AM
jpw  Find all comments by jpw
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I agree with these posts!

Truly encouraging.

RWar, what is he going to do next? He was making the churches of Africa the local depots for the globalist agenda while bringing in these strange philosophies into the churches of america, when the elders of the churches were questioning things, they were called resistors and manipulated out the back door. This happened in many places. His son dies and he blames it on some guy in California?? I'm sorry to be so personal, but he put everything personal right there on the screen.

Of course these gentlemen are going to lead the way for pastors to be encouraged during changing times... but into what? I'd rather see our pastors praying with their own people and letting the Spirit of God prepare them to be set apart.

Bring in our old German, Romanian, Chinese brethren who walked through Communism and learned how to suffer for Christ and keep their testimony, this is what the people need to hear, not some steroid pumped up message about telling everyone about Jesus so that we can get our voting block back.

News Item9/25/13 9:42 AM
jpw  Find all comments by jpw
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its a lie to call something contraceptive when it is contraimplantation, unless evangelicals have decided to go along with the feminists (this frees women????) and redefine pregnancy to begin at implantation....

News Item9/24/13 11:46 AM
jpw  Find all comments by jpw
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he makes a good point. whoever is exempted from this will be a favored class!

News Item9/21/13 1:37 PM
jpw  Find all comments by jpw
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Lisa wrote:
As a child psychiatrist I have to note that children from large families in general don't have a very wonderful time.

News Item9/21/13 1:24 PM
jpw  Find all comments by jpw
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praying for this pastor

News Item9/20/13 1:56 PM
jpw  Find all comments by jpw
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oar, I don't disagree with you in these cases.

are we the body of Christ?

did not Christ live a perfect life in human form? did he not die on the cross, sacrificing his body, shedding his blood for us?

they are interchangeable at times but not synonymous. greed, for instance, begins in the heart -- not the physical heart, the soul.... that is the flesh.

the body is meant to be used in ways that honor God. that is.... being the temple of the Holy Spirit. do you think the Holy Spirit indwells the evil body or the submitted redeemed sanctified person? is there a war, as Paul talks about within him between the flesh and the spirit.... the body will convey which it is that wins..... if the flesh towards debauchery, if the spirit, towards love and service of others.

News Item9/20/13 9:16 AM
jpw  Find all comments by jpw
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Jim, salt was sparse? I think that's bogus. Many Indian tribes used to go on yearly treks to get it. If you look at how foods were preserved and soured, it was with salt. These were foods soaked in a probiotic culture -- modern medicine is just now catching up to this. this would have been sea salts that had minerals in them, not the processed stuff.

They've got a generation believing their heart problems are because of salt (of course it should be in moderation!) while other issues continually come to the forefront.

I agree with this article,

Sugar is a drug.

News Item9/20/13 9:08 AM
jpw  Find all comments by jpw
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the debt is unpayable.

they created something like 16 trillion in debt in the last number of years to go to the bankers who run the petro dollar.

this is outside of gov expenditures.

this is akin to stripping out the car before taking it to the dump.

the foreign investors have our future profits and are satisfied.

the debt levels are meant to be unpayable.

remember we used to have a gold standard prior to Nixon?

a year of jubilee anyone?

but they have americans thinking "its the muslems" -- this is where our attention should be. the military industrial complex leeches off of this. they write the "security measures" and then create the contracts for their own coffers. Eisenhower warned us of this.

News Item9/18/13 9:16 AM
jpw  Find all comments by jpw
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Here's some natural law.

Homosexuals work against the nature of their own bodies.

And creating genetically modified seed with a suicide gene or gay gene so that it cannot reproduce, forcing a farmer to have to rebuy seed every year at high cost goes against the natural order.

because God created all things to reproduce after their kind.

Or when scientists start to take human DNA, alter it, and patent it, as they are doing, will they then be able to make test tube babies, with no mom or dad, and will they then be a slave class to be used for anything?

This goes against natural law and is an abomination.

Or what of injecting heavy metals directly into the blood and thinking this will give some kind of health benefit?

Is the blood not sacred and meant to be left clean?

And when we break these natural laws, are we not rebelling against God Himself, has He set an order to the Universe of some kind, are we not made male and female (even though we see abnormalities at times)?

News Item9/18/13 8:28 AM
jpw  Find all comments by jpw
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you know, we could open the land, get young people some land property and not force taxes on them, forego ordinances that prevent someone from developing their property for food... they might do just fine. that's how the country was built... nah, just keep them on gms and dependent.

News Item9/16/13 9:28 AM
jpw  Find all comments by jpw
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well, John UK, I cannot answer for him, but Christ is considered a good man in Muslem scriptures, but this is not sufficient for their spiritual condition.

Salvation comes in this lifetime, through Christ who died and paid the price. There is no work that is greater than this and there is no life that is perfect enough to atone for these sins.

That is us Gentiles, the Jews, and the Muslems of all types, we will all stand guilty before God.

That is why preserving the New Covenant message is the purpose of the Christian.

Not letting other vain philosophies to worm their way in and make us compromise our very hope.... be it trying to build the kingdom through sword or falling to relativism, racial distinctions regarding spirituality (for God made the world and there is not one right language or people).

As Christ purifies believers, when they do not combine their faith with filthy lucre, they can then be a shining light, testimony to those who might teach that some groups are "better" than others.

The answer is simple:

Jesus Christ atoned for our sins on the cross and rose from the dead and those who are redeemed follow the pattern of Resurrrection.

News Item9/16/13 9:14 AM
jpw  Find all comments by jpw
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Blessed Peacemaker, you do raise an interesting point. It could be any of those groups, as you will see a pattern over many years that they seem to have common interests.

Yes, there is the issue of the Talmud that would need to be addressed.

Since its teaching on Christ, for instance is that he's in hell, etc.

One example that comes to my mind is Madonna, who has said that she has converted to some kind of kabal mysticism, and I think what she was saying in an interview is that what she calls a rabbi tells her this mystical way to read the New Testament. And then in her stage performances, you get these "from hell" images with her over voice of phrasing from the NT.

News Item9/16/13 8:45 AM
jpw  Find all comments by jpw
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and how do we know if this was a US, Qatar or Saudi backed rebel? And if this was to happen in our country, how would we know if we ourselves paid for our own harm?

And I am sure a vibrant discussion from evangelicals will finally ensue on if paying rebels to enter a somewhat stable society, leading to the death of Christians is legitimate if one's agenda is important enough?

News Item9/15/13 10:10 PM
jpw  Find all comments by jpw
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yes, New Jerusalem is a holy city that will come down from heaven, per the end of Revelations.

salvation is in Christ. Period.

we worship in Spirit and Truth.

Mosaic law cannot save anyone. It never did.

Salvation has a singular source, that is Christ.

Through His death and resurrection.

Its the New Jerusalem and that is in the new earth and that is with redeemed people.

Jews and Gentiles have one hope. That is Christ.

Our message comes not with the sword but the bible.

And literally speaking, Jesus did not say to worship him in "spirit and truth and in dispensations and in an old relic building in old relic land."

He said in Spirit and Truth.

no ands or buts.

News Item9/15/13 9:54 AM
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Neil wrote:
Jim, this article is about Egypt. And oil isn't the only issue; Progressive imperialism & domestic Zionist/Dispy religious fanaticism have also played a part. Until America stuck its nose into the Mideast in 1973 & at Camp David, nominal Christians there had an easier time of it because they were not identified with American foreign policy.
Jim, its good that you brought back this thread.... and yes, Christians worship Christ in Spirit and Truth. We leave worshipping relics to other religions, right?

News Item9/15/13 9:41 AM
jpw  Find all comments by jpw
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conditioned to send their grandchildren in at all costs. I know because this is the world I've been in. At all costs, even if it means using torture, depl uranium, means disrupting stable nations, even if it means that Christians be massacred.

They teach Christ's return is based on the land, rewriting the message of the New Covenant and the idea that Christ returns to redeem the world from sin. I've heard it from the brethren, they say, if you aren't for the wars, God will turn against you (and if God turns against us the rapture won't come).

Millions of evangelicals have become slaves to this, and now that they see a Marxist liberal running the same program, are having cognitive dissonance and going quiet.

But I remember the calls for war, I remember the war drums in private conversations.

I remember my own wayward trust in those who would lure the church in with their false confessions of Christ.... "I went to a Billy Graham Crusade"

Senator Paul has been on the floor of the Congress trying to reason with Senators that our agendas are not worth hiring AQ that kill Christians...

Our Christian leaders haven't gotten themselves to the point where they ask the most fundamental of questions.... we are left with politians being our moral spokesmen.

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