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News Item8/6/07 12:09 AM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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“God did not make you gay anymore than he made…”

I swear! How many times am I going to get that tired old line before someone actually reads what I said without putting words in my mouth? Yamil, I never said God makes people gay, did I? I don’t think God intentionally causes Autism or ADD. Neither do I believe he spends time knitting together the flesh of conjoined twins. Similarly, I don’t think God has anything to do with making people gay. There is, however, evidence to suggest that our sexual orientation (meaning the people to whom we’re attracted, not the actions in which we choose to engage as adults) is hard-wired in the earliest years of development and that there may be numerous contributing factors. The possibility of a biological basis for homosexual attraction can be true without God being the cause.


Where do you find fault in Lance’s comment?

News Item8/5/07 1:05 AM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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I say the answer to your question is a resounding YES. Homosexuality is one of my struggles, and I know that there are many men in the Church who don't speak up for fear that they will be misunderstood and rejected. To tell you the truth it's difficult to stay in the Church at times because of certain people's attitudes but that's different than whether you're saved. If you love Jesus and seek to honor him in all you do (including your sexuality) then you have nothing to worry about. Your particular temptation isn't going to separate you from the love of Christ. Just find some supportive male friends with whom you can pray and be honest. Don't worry if you feel a crush coming on. It happens and it doesn't mean you're a bad person. Handsome men of substance and integrity are naturally attractive and there’s nothing wrong with admiration. Just submit it to the Lord, and don't dwell on it or let it become a source of sin. It will pass and you will be stronger for it. The Lord loves you and would never reject you. It sounds like you want to live your life by HIS standards and that’s very good. Just trust his love for you and his strength that’s made perfect in your weakness.

News Item8/5/07 12:24 AM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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I agree that “gay” has a lot attached to it and I choose not to self apply the term (most of the time) for that reason. I would also argue that the term “condition” is problematic since it carries the connotation of malfunction or a deficiency of mental faculties. I don’t think being same-sex attracted (to borrow your phrase) is the like having ADD or some similar psychiatric disability. In the same way Christians are often offended by the term “gay” because of the immorality it has come to imply, many same-sex attracted people (myself included) find the term “condition” demeaning because it implies that we have especially broken brains. It also suggests that with counseling and/or medication we could “get better” just as if we had some recognized illness and simply went to the doctor. I don’t think it works that way. I really think that homosexual orientation is born primarily out of biological factors and only secondarily by environment.

News Item8/4/07 11:29 PM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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Hello Abigail. I’m fine thanks. My prayer for you is the same!

“Our food supply is shipped from all over the world--which overrules the distribution factor.”

Actually, think this exacerbates the problem. Food distribution is a major challenge in terms of fuel, refrigeration, port safety, National security, etc. At most it only pushes the breaking point a few years into the future for countries like India and China with mind boggling populations that are very hard to maintain without massive shortages.

Desalinization helps but is very expensive and is only possible on a large scale with a cheap supply of coal or oil to power the plants. There are a growing number of economists, investment firms, and oil industry geologists that are suggesting we may be nearing “peak oil”, the point at which we’ve used over 50% of the easily accessible oil on our planet. After that energy becomes increasingly more expensive until we find something to replace oil as a source of fuel.

I have serious doubts about secret plots to eliminate most of the world’s population. I don’t buy conspiracy theories. Regardless, there is nothing sinister in admitting that huge populations can get to a point where they stretch limited resources too thin. That’s just common sense.

News Item8/4/07 10:04 PM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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Did you read my first comment on this thread? Concern over overpopulation isn’t merely a question of "room to put people". Rather it’s a problem of how to use limited, unevenly distributed resources in the face of ever growing demand for such resources (like food and especially fresh water). Here in California there are constant battles between farmers, cities, Native American tribes and conservationists over our limited supply of Sierra Nevada snow melt. It’s just a fact that there isn’t enough snow falling in the mountains to supply everyone with what they need, and the solutions are not easy. When farmers get water everyone else gets what returns to our rivers from the fields. That water is usually warm and full of fertilizers that cause algae blooms. This effects wild life, like salmon, and jeopardizes the livelihood of California fishermen and Native Americans who depend on the salmon every year. These are not easy problems to solve and solving them isn’t made any easier when people deny that large populations can be a problem to maintain. Again, I’m not talking about anything as stupid as exterminating people; just that we realize that a rapidly growing population means much bigger food, water, and waste problems.

News Item8/4/07 7:27 PM
Bravo_777\ | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777\
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I’d like to add that the command to multiply was given when the earth was devoid of human life. That’s not the case these days, and a heart for stewardship may be what’s called for in our time. A true steward wants to see resources used equitably and with an emphasis on sustainability. There’s nothing Godly about squandering nature for short-term profit. If our concern for world population and care for the environment comes from Godly motivations then we shouldn’t fear talking about such issues. I think most Christians who are concerned about population and resource use are not talking about killing billions of people or forced abortions; I’m certainly not. I just think too often we Christians refuse to engage in an important issue because we feel it would make us guilty by association. Or we think talking about how to wisely use the resources God gave us constitutes a lack of trust that He’s in control. For instance, in response to Global Warming many Christians have expressed doubt, not because they know much about the science, but because the “wrong” people are delivering the message (i.e. Al Gore). If we think environmentalism is only for “New-Agers” or something it’s only because we’ve abandoned the issue out of fear and other groups have filled the vacuum.

News Item8/4/07 7:07 PM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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Just Wondering,

Is a born-again straight man who occasionally entertains sin with women in his mind still headed for eternity in Glory? I think we would extend him such grace and, more importantly, that God would extend him grace. Why then would we question God's graciousness to a righteous man, living purely before God, because when he does occasionally sin in his mind it is with a man instead of a woman? I can tell you that is my struggle, but I fear damnation no more than my straight Christian friends do when they look at a woman a little too long. They ask God’s forgiveness and try to live for his Glory; so do I. Not sure there’s a difference really. What say you?

I think we’d all agree that it would be a different matter entirely for a man, gay or straight, to profess his devotion for the Lord while actively living in sin.

News Item8/4/07 6:20 PM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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Be Fruitful and Multiply

It’s true that there is physically enough space to fit many more people on our planet, but simple square footage is misleading. There’s a lot more to population than just the space needed to house a person or family. It takes a LOT more land to grow the food to support a population of people than it does to house it. There are issues of waste disposal and the gigantic undertaking of water distribution (there’s only so much fresh water). We currently grow enough food to feed the population of earth, but that’s not the end of the story. The food can’t be produced uniformly and so much of it needs to be transported from areas of rich agriculture to areas where little food can be cultivated, and on a global scale that’s a huge challenge. There is the cost of refrigerated containers and other packaging, food safety inspection so we aren’t distributing spoiled food. Then there is the huge industry required to produce and maintain the needed shipping vessels. There's the massive space and resources needed for ports. These concerns are neither trivial nor are they the only difficulties in supporting 6 billion people. Being concerned about population is not the same thing as supporting a forcible reduction (killing) of the population.

News Item7/21/07 7:38 PM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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Thanks Abigail. Even though we disagree on some stuff I still think that you have a good heart, which is a lot more than I can say for others on this site.

To the rest of you: I really do think I’m nearing my limit for all of this. I don’t know how many times I need to say I don’t approve of homosexuality before you stop accusing me of doing so. I think most of you hear what you want to hear in my posts. I agree that homosexuality is sin, but I don’t agree that I need to entangle myself in legal battles over things like gay marriage. I just don’t think it’s fair or effective. I mean, if lobbying to make gay marriage illegal actually won some souls then I’d be all for it, but it doesn’t. Sharing the love of Christ with people in a personal way is the only strategy that works at all. Jesus ministered to people where they were and didn’t hurl insults at them. His love for “unlovable” sinners opened their hearts to the work of the Holy Spirit so they could understand the shamefulness of their sin. That kind of real love was the only thing that made me want to submit to Jesus and change my ways; not name calling or threats of Hell.

News Item7/21/07 3:43 AM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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Lurker, thank you! To the rest of you I’m very tired of this and I have to say it makes me question my sanity sometimes to hear you all go on and on about the sin of adding any works to salvation, and then hear you question my salvation because my politics are different than yours.

I’m not defending the “righteousness” of homosexuality, just the right of people to be left alone to make their own choices between themselves and God without abuse from “Christians” like Greeter, Yamil, etc. Preaching the Gospel of reconciliation through Christ is not the same thing as verbal abuse and name calling (i.e. pseudo-sodomite). I think Lurker and a few others see that, but I think the majority of you have so villainized gay people that you no longer really care about their salvation; you just want to protect your freedom to call them perverts. As if making them feel worthless is the same thing as Holy Spirit conviction. Tommy, my suggestion is to leave this website and never post here again. These people do not understand that you didn’t choose to feel as you do and will only abuse you even as you seek to live a righteous life before your wife and God. I can hook you up with more supportive people if you’d like.

News Item7/20/07 9:53 PM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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I'm not selling anything. I'm no activist; I'm just expressing my opinion. I'm also positive that you're wrong about the future of gay marriage in America. It's already happening in 1 of our states and it will happen eventually everywhere else. People will get used to the idea and will eventually see that gay marriage is no more of a threat to straight marriage than gay dating relationships are to straight dating relationships. Why don’t you address my earlier criticism where I pointed out your hypocrisy? You want non-Christian Americans to be forced to live like Christians. You want total religious freedom and total religious enfranchisement, but you’re not interested in offering either to anyone else. That’s not a free country, that’s a Christian theocracy. That’s a Christian IRAN, and it’s not what our Founders intended no matter how you spin history. Why are you not content to share the Gospel without legal coercion and just let Jesus be in control?


I'm in the same boat. I'm available to talk if you'd like.

News Item7/20/07 8:50 PM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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How is it that my story is dismissed as “lame justification” and your story is upheld as “experience”? Both are anecdotal evidence; and you do know that when you spend your time hanging around a park you’re going to find gay men with a particular interest right? Does that mean all gay men share that interest? No. I don’t know anyone who has anonymous “park sex”. That’s certainly not to say it doesn’t happen, but just because some people do it doesn’t me we all do. Straight guys do sick stuff like that too, but that doesn’t mean ALL straight guys do. What is it with you and sweeping generalizations Abigail? Also, you don’t say why your nephew is uncomfortable. Is he just squeamish around gay men in general or has something inappropriate happened?

By the way you didn’t address my discrimination question. Should people who find Christianity and Christian people objectionable be legally allowed to deny you a home or a job for simply religious reasons? If not, why should people be allowed to discriminate against folks because of their sexuality but not because of religion? If both are “chosen lifestyles” and this is a free country shouldn’t both forms of discrimination be allowed?

News Item7/20/07 7:56 PM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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KK (and others)

I never said that I'm in a homosexual relationship. I don't participate in that sort of thing. I'm merely pointing out that most of you seem to want the privileges of a free country all to yourselves. You want freedom of religion and freedom from government intrusion into your religion, but you also want America to be a Christian nation in everything but name. You have no problem with Christian symbols on public grounds but throw a tantrum whenever recognition is given to Islam, Hinduism or any other religion. You expect our Christian belief in heterosexual marriage to be the civil standard no matter what other Americans think. If it’s all about “we the people” then that includes minority voices, not just the majority. I hate to break it to you KK, but there are millions of Americans who believe that being gay is just fine, and they all get to vote. We may not agree with them from a Biblical point of view but we can’t create laws to change their minds or alter their behaviors.

News Item7/20/07 7:42 PM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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“Their habits are nasty and because of their lifestyle, they have horrible breath.”

Abigail, if that wasn’t such a strange, utterly ridiculous thing to say I would find it insulting. How many homosexual people do you actually know? Do you spend any significant amount of time with any gay people at all? What makes you such an expert on the average gay person’s life? I know personally between 25 and 30 gay people in my area. Some are friends, some are only friendly acquaintances. Only a couple of them are very effeminate. I’m attracted to men (though I don’t live in sin) and I’m not effeminate at all. You would never know about my attraction unless I told you. That’s true of many of my gay male friends. Most are no more or less effeminate than the straight guys I know. If what you know of gay people is based on how TV portrays them than you don’t know gay people any more than you’d know black people by watching TV. Also, should renters and employers be allowed to deny you an apartment or job because you’re Christian? No one is born Christian, it’s a choice. Should such discrimination be legal?

News Item7/20/07 4:59 PM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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Yamil (last comment), for God’s sake use your spell check.

“Laws have been created to ban discrimination in employment—which includes leadership in churches.”
Which churches? I’ve never heard of gay anti-discrimination laws applying to any religious organizations. It’s just not true that our government mandates that Christian churches must hire gay people. Discrimination in a secular job is one thing. Gay Americans need to eat/live/pay bills just like the rest of us, but Churches are still allowed choose their pastoral staff based on their doctrine.
For the most part I agree that gay Americans enjoy the same protection under the law as the rest of us, but that wasn’t always the case. It used to be perfectly allowable (though I’m not sure it was ever actually legal) to deny a job or apartment to someone because they were gay. That’s not equality. You can’t do that to a sexually active, unmarried straight person. That’s where I think we get into the territory of legislating the Christian life for non-believers, and I don’t think that’s the same as spreading the Gospel.

News Item7/20/07 6:43 AM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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So you're saying we can legally force non-Christians to obey God's law? No, you're the one who's wrong here. Yes, it is up to "We the people" but that includes gay people too. They're Americans just like us and they get a say just like everyone else.

What is the matter with you people? Since when did this country become a theocracy? KK, the kind of America you advocate sounds more like the Taliban than the America I know and love. Living in a free country means you have the right to believe anything you want about other people but you don't have the right to force them to live moral lives.

You have the right to tell law makers anything you want. That's what free speech is all about, but that doesn't mean you have the right to shove gay people into "dark damp caves".

News Item7/20/07 12:41 AM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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I'm not engaging with you anymore on this or any other topic. You're not open to reason at all and you're clearly a very mean spirited person to use a despicable insult like "faggot".


"Being openly homosexual and being a member or leader/teacher/pastor of a church is a special right sanctioned by the government..."

The US government has nothing to do with this at all. In fact, for the government to make any law in this area would be a violation of the First Amendment. Churches in America are under no legal obligation to have gay pastors or any other gay staff. I also don't see why letting gay people marry is a “special right”, rather than an extension of a right straight people already have. It seems to me we can only call it a special right if it applies to gay people alone. So, for instance, if a law was passed that said gay people didn’t have to pay taxes that would be a special right. Also, there's no Constitutional reason why they can't get married. We may not like it, but the Constitution is the supreme law of our country not the Bible. The Bible is the supreme law for the people of God, but not all Americans are Christians and we can’t force them to live like they are.

News Item7/19/07 4:36 PM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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Hey Abigail,

What special rights do gay Americans get that the rest of us don't have?

News Item7/18/07 6:16 PM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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You astound me. How in the world does my post prove your point? Amazing! You probably still haven't looked at his CV have you? You'd rather trust what you want to believe about Dawkins than what the man's official academic and professional record show. In case you don’t know a CV is like a scientist’s resume. It has everything you've ever done that's relevant to your professional life, but that doesn't seem to matter to you at all. Just because YOU failed to find a Dawkins publication in a single journal database does not mean they don’t exist. Or do you think your perception of the world determines objective reality Yamil? Dawkins' publishing record is just fine from a scientific point of view, and his numerous publications really do exist whether you chose to accept that fact or not. Also, you accuse Oxford of padding his record but you don’t even know what his record contains. Nice job arguing from a place of complete ignorance. Why not look up his CV and then go through the online archives of the journals listed there to find the actual articles for yourself? No? I guess slander is more your style.

News Item7/18/07 4:24 PM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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Maybe you should try making up stuff that 5 minutes worth of searching can’t prove totally false. Any academic knows that if you want a list of publications produced by a professor in nearly any discipline you check their curriculum vitae or CV. Try looking for Dawkins’ CV (like I just did) on his official Oxford University webpage before you make transparently false accusations about his publishing history. I found it in less than 5 minutes because I knew what I was looking for, unlike your search which may very well have turned up only one Dawkins publication. I counted about 21 scientific journal publications of primary research (rather than editorials, etc.) from 1968 to about 1983. That’s 21 pubs in 15 years which is a very respectable publication rate for any biologist. Are there more prolific scientists? Sure, but I’m a young scientist and I can tell you that Dawkins’ record is one I’d be happy to have after 15 years. His publications only appear to decline when he changed the focus of his career toward the public understanding of science and popular publishing. I’ll get you your evolution “proof” in a later post.

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