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News Item4/23/07 3:32 PM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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Saved By Grace,

Thank you for your response and the scriptural references. I don’t claim that one can brush them aside or that they are easily reconcilable with evolution. The problem arises when you are a Christian in the scientific world. “Because the Bible says so” is not an acceptable explanation for physical phenomena. I can’t report my data in a scientific journal and explain my results with “God made it that way”. There are lots of reasons why I can’t do that, not the least of which is that it would open the door to countless crackpot justifications from “Allah wills it” to “Aliens designed it so”. The material universe may not be able to provide explanations for all we observe but science itself is limited to the material.

Then there are specific examples where evolution just provides the best, most reasonable explanation. My original example was that apes have 48 chromosomes and we have 46. If we share a common ancestor then we didn’t lose any DNA but what happened? It turns out that our chromosome #2 appears to be the product of a fusion of 2 different sets of chromosomes that have remained separate in apes. Evolution makes sense here; what doesn’t make sense is to say God only made it look that way. That would make him deceitful.

News Item4/22/07 5:47 PM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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Hi Saved By Grace,

You ask two very good questions and the answers require more space than I honestly have, but I will do my best to do them justice.

1. I think the Bible itself allows us to acknowledge that some parts are historical myth and others are historical fact. My wife is the Biblical scholar, not I, but she has told me what other professors of N.T. studies (that I trust) have told me; that the Bible contains numerous genres of writing and some are more likely “moral poetry” if you will. Some O.T. stories may not have happened in real-life but give an important teaching that reveals who God is and what he desires. The book of Job may be one example of this. The Song of Solomon may also not have occurred as such but may be the author’s poetry intended by God to teach us about human love and God’s love for his people. It doesn’t matter if the love story actually happened, since that isn’t the point. The Atonement however, must be historical fact.
2. I think “word of God” may be an ok description for what the Bible contains in part but the proper noun, the title, “Word of God” belongs to Jesus alone. Jesus is the word made flesh and the fullest revelation of God to man. The Bible is by comparison to Jesus himself just a book.

News Item4/22/07 3:05 AM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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Faithful Remnant:

If I found evidence that the atonement had not actually occurred, rock solid physical proof that the body of Jesus was in an earthly grave for instance, I certainly would stop believing in Christianity because it would be evident that it was nothing more than a fairytale. No such evidence exists of course, nor am I at all worried that it will ever be produced, so I don’t worry about that. I’m not claiming that the Bible contains falsehood; I’m saying maybe we were never intended to take Genesis literally in the first place. I’m fully aware however that without a literal belief in the atonement we should all just sleep in on Sunday mornings.


Indeed we should have no fear, which is why I engage the subject of evolution head on and don’t dismiss information before I’ve evaluated it. I think it’s fine if we disagree on Genesis. I don’t consider it a salvation issue, just a fun discussion topic among Christian brothers. What I try hard to discourage is the widespread and ridiculous belief that scientists are hiding the truth.

For the Record:

If you want to believe the earth is the center of everything and does not move Relativity allows for that since it’s all a matter of your point of reference.

News Item4/21/07 9:42 PM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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Faithful Remnant,

I doubt that Genesis 1 and 2 was ever intended to communicate literal history and yet I have total confidence in the other doctrines you listed. The fear of unbelief in salvation-related doctrines because of doubt in the 6-day creation story is unfounded in my experience and I think it leads to a kind of head-in-the-sand approach to learning of any kind, especially science.

News Item4/21/07 9:28 PM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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I think I would agree that the Bible affirms duties and privileges before rights as far as our relationship to God is concerned. The only time I think "rights" is an appropriate word is between human beings, such as civil rights or human rights. You and I, as fellow humans, are equals and as such I think we have certain rights to opportunities and resources that God gives to all humans.

I think it is appropriate for me to assert my "dominion", for instance, by insisting that clean air, water, and food are a basic right of all people since air, water, and soil are all given by God to humans collectively. No human has any more dominion over the earth than any other. So we need to act is ways that express a concern for the collective good when it comes to the environment.

News Item4/21/07 8:58 PM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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Saved by Grace: What I mean to say is that the title “Word of God” belongs to no one and nothing else than Jesus of Nazareth. I don’t believe about the Bible what Muslims believe about the Qur’an, that God literally dictated word for word everything that appears in the Bible. I’ll repeat my evolution example in my next post.

Publican: I can’t think of anything at the moment. That’s part of the problem. In order to ensure you don’t get an incorrect education on evolution it takes a lot of work. You really need to go through at least a couple of years of college level biology. I can send you .pdfs of some very good scientific journal articles though.

Faithful Remnant: “…doubt the Genesis account as is are either confused or unregenerate.” I have to say, that may indeed be how you feel but you cannot know this about others.

Lance: “…I think there's a lot that scientists ignore because it doesn't fit their theories.” I honestly find this pretty insulting. I am a scientist and I am very honest about my results. I think Christians say this only when scientists come to conclusions that don’t fit our preconceived notions. Information that doesn’t fit a theory is what we look for; it’s the most interesting information a scientist can find.

News Item4/20/07 7:31 PM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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Thanks for the heads-up Rudi!

News Item4/20/07 6:20 PM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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On the whole Neil I think we have reached a point of significant agreement. I would argue there is still a place for Federal intervention with regard to work conditions or pollution (outlawing slavery or child labor or banning the use of highly toxic compounds in industry). It would be little consolation to for a community to know they had risen up to stop a company from dumping mercury compounds where their particular town meets the local river if they knew the company could simply move up-stream to the next town out of their jurisdiction.

I think I have isolated the source of my major disagreement with folks on these issues and I think it stems from our definition of the word “dominion”. Most Christians I meet who care little about pollution say “well we have dominion over the earth”. Well as a father I also have dominion over my own children, which exists to train them and edify them since the actually belong to the Lord. My dominion ends if I abuse them in any way. Conservative thought says as a husband I have “headship” over my wife like Christ is the head of the Church. But Paul clarifies that headship means I must love her sacrificially with her best interest in mind, just like Jesus did for his elect. I think we have dominion over the earth in the same way.

News Item4/20/07 5:26 PM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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To a certain degree I think we’re talking about the same thing. I agree with you about the enforcement of laws to protect all parties involved in work arrangements, etc. Where I think there is a disconnect is in affirming the Bible’s concern for honest dealings with the poor on one hand and on the other saying that no Biblical case can be built against some kind of lower limit standard for how we do business with one another. The Bible does not explicitly condemn sweatshops (not surprisingly since they did not exist in Biblical times) but that does not mean they are Biblically praiseworthy or allowable by any stretch of the imagination. That’s where I’m confused. Why does it make me a communist to say that chaining women to their work benches for the entirety of their 14hour shift is sinful, and they deserve (that awful subjective term again) better treatment than that? Why does it make me an emotional extremist to say that no company has free reign to pollute the air, water, soil, etc. since such things belong to us all collectively? It doesn’t matter if the land a factory sits on is privately owned if the toxic compounds it produces can’t be contained but move freely and poison us all.

News Item4/20/07 4:13 PM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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Hi Neil,

“…casuistry about weights…”

Fascinating that you would say this Neil. Read Amos 8 in context. In fact, here are the verses that immediately precede and follow the verse about dishonest scales.

4 Hear this, you who trample the needy and do away with the poor of the land,

6 buying the poor with silver and the needy for a pair of sandals, selling even the sweepings with the wheat.

Unmistakably this is about the rich cheating the poor not abuse of merchants by the government or the poor. To sell the “sweepings with the wheat” is to get full price while cheating the customer out of what they paid for.

How about Hosea 12:7?

7 A merchant loves to extort with dishonest scales in his hands.

Micah 6:11-12
11 Can I excuse wicked scales or bags of deceptive weights?
12 For the wealthy of the city are full of violence, and its residents speak lies; the tongues in their mouths are deceitful.

How about Proverbs 28:6, 15?

My criticism is that you have used scripture to support your claim that read in context actually supports mine! The abuse of the poor by the rich in capitalist societies is a sin even if it had nothing to do with the environment.

News Item4/19/07 5:06 AM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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Saved By Grace, greetings!

“As far as defining the Word of God as "some" of the Bible and not all, you are in great error.”

I’m not defining the Word of God as the Bible at all. The Word of God is Jesus and nothing else. The Bible in my opinion contains the words of God. What I meant by “some” is that not even the Bible is a full and complete revelation of Jesus, as if what is in the Bible is all we will ever know of him. Though I do believe it contains what we need to know for salvation.

I can see your point with regard to death before the fall, and I would say my knowledge of both the natural world and the Genesis account are limited and I’m willing to believe that both are incomplete.

“Which words in the Bible are you going to trust?”

I trust in all of it to lead me to salvation. I believe as historical fact all of the N.T. and most of the O.T.

“How can you know for sure then that those Scriptures you are counting on for salvation are trustworthy?”

I think that when the Bible speaks of anything related to salvation I need to listen. I don’t question the trustworthiness of those verses. I just don’t think God intended the Bible to be a science text book.

News Item4/19/07 2:10 AM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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“Unless Scripture answers every possible objection you can dream up, it's not enough.”

That’s not a fair characterization Neil. You are starting from the assumption that scripture proves your point and then telling me because I can use examples to object to your personal point of view that I must not want to submit to scripture. You should honestly be above such a thing. It simply isn’t necessary to speak to me with anger because I’m not your enemy; I’m your brother.

“Do you regret they weren't taxed more?”

I regret that for many years computers were not recycled or properly disposed of and now poison land fills with extremely toxic heavy metals. Now (at least in CA, maybe every state) a disposal fee is added to the price of all electronics so that most parts can be recycled and the rest disposed of safely.

“Why is preserving tigers a good thing?”

Are you kidding? They are God’s creation. They’re awesome creatures that don’t deserve to be hunted to extinction. Do you really think “dominion” implies we can just exterminate whole species?

Also, did I demonstrate in my previous post that my world-view is sufficiently “Biblical”?

News Item4/18/07 9:58 PM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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I'm capable of being convinced by evidence from scripture. My point is that the evidence you've presented is not actually supportive of the point you're trying to make. Please tell me how the "false balances" or the Ahab story makes your point better than the interpretation I gave them earlier.

My world view is based on the command of the new testament to love God with all my heart and my neighbor as myself. I try to consider my neighbor's needs before my own. I know that in Christ's kindom authority is not to be lorded over other people or abused for the sake of personal comfort. If what I do in my everyday life makes life less livable for my neighbor I have an obligation to change my ways not tell everyone else to deal with it because I'm on my own land. I know that the first in God's kingom is the last and the servant of all. My desire to have toys does not trump the rights of others to have clean air, water, and healthy food. Polluting without regard to the consequences does not display love for my neighbor as myself.

News Item4/18/07 9:19 PM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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“…according to *your* eyes, w/o appeal to Scripture!”

I hate to say it Neil but if my last post is any indication your appeals to Scripture are not relevant to the point you’re trying to make. You’ve not shown how the Bible explicitly supports the kind of “humanistic capitalism” the Pope was condemning in the article above nor have you shown how the Bible upholds property rights as absolute. The Bible shows how to be righteous and God-fearing in a capitalist system, but that is not the same as commanding followers of Christ to be capitalists anymore than the scripture’s praise for the righteous kings of Israel is an order from God for the US to be a monarchy. It says a lot about stealing but either as a warning to the powerful not to oppress the weak or as a warning against materialism and covetousness. My lack of an appeal to scripture to give a definition to the word “fair” hardly invalidates my position.

“…if any resource becomes scarce, what happens to market demand for it?

That depends on a number of factors. Price might increase but demand can often remain the same, and there are numerous species that would be well on the way to extinction before high prices would halt demand. Just look at elephants, rhinos, tigers, etc.

News Item4/18/07 7:00 PM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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“It is theft to legally fix prices or control supply…”

That simply is not true. It all has to do with how much of the resource in question exists (fish stocks, rare old growth trees for lumber, animals for pelts, etc.). Many resources are either dependent on natural growth cycles or are non-renewable (oil, minerals, etc.). We cannot recklessly extract/harvest them or we may find that they are gone forever. Calif. used to have huge ancient redwoods but they were harvested almost to the point of extinction before the government halted logging.

Just doing a quick search of "false balances" I found Hosea 12:7, Amos 8:5, Micah 6:11. They’re all warnings against lying merchants, not enforcing government or community standards.

1 Ki. 21 on the other hand is a story of Ahab stealing from an honest man for his own pleasure. How does that relate to what I’m talking about?

Earlier questions: Yes, I do support taxes on luxury goods; especially on companies who mistreat their workers or cause pollution. I think if one wants to own a hummer that’s fine but it would be fair in my opinion to make that person pay into a fund that is used to off-set the impact of their ridiculous car (road maintenance, alternative fuel research etc.).

I’ll define Harm later, no s

News Item4/18/07 1:02 PM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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“…if Biblical law principles are upheld, human dignity is as well.”

Indeed. My point is only that this is due to the fact that the primary concern of “Biblical law principles” relating to both business and government is honesty in business dealings and stewardship of the resources God gives us. I think it goes too far to conclude that God actively endorses or promotes capitalism. I would have the same problem if I heard someone claim God endorses democracy, monarchy, socialism, libertarianism or any other economic or political human creation because of principles or examples found in scripture.

“…in what way are they not absolute?”

They aren’t absolute if they begin to negatively impact the welfare of the larger community. My individual right to do what I want with my land does not trump my neighbors’ collective right to be free from harm. I don’t think the gov’t has the right to tell people what to do with their land in all cases but it has a perfect right to protect the community from individuals or corporations that are causing harm.

Also (in love), I’m not accusing you of misrepresentation just realize I’m not some Marxist because I believe communities sometimes have rights over individuals.

News Item4/17/07 7:59 PM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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At no point have I ever said that Humanistic alternatives to capitalism are the answer. I think you're overreacting a bit to my point that “humanistic capitalism” has major flaws that hold people in bondage and pollute our air, water, etc. You won’t hear me soon say: “Hey Comrade Neil, let’s use our government vouchers to buy shoes this week”. Isn’t it possible that there is a middle ground between these extremes? Let’s have capitalism, sure, but let’s do it in a way that respects property and human dignity.

Also, are you trying to say that if a country upholds slavery explicitly in their legal system that it wouldn’t be sinful? What about all the slaves? The funny thing about slaves is that they don’t usually want to be slaves. Most sweat-shop workers are either tricked into their unfortunate arrangement or they have no other means of making a living. It is never an agreement between equals; it’s always either naïve workers being swindled or desperate people making a deal with powerful companies that are the only game in town. It’s not the same as in American where you can quit and just find a new job. Most of the world’s poor are caught in this circumstance with no other options.

News Item4/17/07 5:15 AM
Bravo_777 | San Francsco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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Saved by Grace

I believe the Word of God in HIS entirety. The Bible tells us clearly (John chapter 1) that the Word of God is a someone not a something, and that someone is Jesus Christ. The Bible is a witness to him and contains many of God's words, but the Word of God is a person not a book. So I believe completely that the Word of God, the Word Made Flesh, our savior Jesus created all things. The only thing I leave open to discussion is how he did it. As far as I'm concerned believing that the creation account in Genesis is literal historical fact is not necessary for salvation and should be open to honest and friendly discussion among fellow believers. I agree that the major problem with God using evolution as a tool to create humans is death, but that shouldn't mean we completely ignore physical evidence we discover through science.

News Item4/17/07 3:27 AM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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"If it can be shown that Scripture affirms the essential components of this definition, it's fair to deduce it is Scriptural."

I honestly don't see affirmation in your examples, I see only pragmatism. Without the rules prescribed by the Old Testament capitalism wouldn't function, but that strikes me as an example of God affirming only that if people are going to be righteous capitalists they must be honest and fair in their dealings with one another. That's different from God actively prohibiting all other economic systems or explicitly listing capitalism as a commandment for faithful followers.

As for my definition of oppression and exploitation I refer you to my previous example: sweat-shop workers. They are often kept in the same form of slavery described in the old Merle Travis song “16 Tons” only much worse. Pillage may be more helpful than plunder. All I mean is thinking only of short-term gain. I’m talking about the needless products we produce and the waste we generate when we throw them away after getting the latest toy. I’m talking about lead and mercury in our soil, over fishing, decimated rainforests, and rampant consumerism. Can’t we agree that these things are bad; that they are an abuse of capitalism?

News Item4/16/07 3:52 PM
Bravo_777 | San Francisco, CA  Find all comments by Bravo_777
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Sorry Neil but you can't invalidate what I'm talking about that easily. I believe we have dominion over the earth I just don't think that means we can plunder the earth, and I think that’s all that Wayne was trying to say as well. Those are very different concepts. When God gives authority to his people it always comes with the responsibility to tend and care for not oppress. Our job is to cultivate, not rule as an evil overlord. As for God's concern for the treatment of the poor read Isaiah 58, the Sermon on the Mount, or the book of James. By the way, nowhere do you appeal to scripture to support your claim that God actively endorses capitalism over other systems. I think you’d be hard pressed to find anything like that. Finally, you dismiss the example I gave of the treatment of the poor around the world. Are they not important? Do they not deserve to be treated as humans created in God’s image? I’ve talked to sweat-shop workers and they are not radicals. They just want to be compensated fairly for their labor and not taken advantage of by big business. How could you be opposed to that?
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