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News Item5/9/08 1:03 AM
GG  Find all comments by GG
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No, just reminding Jim..."Whats good for the goose...", and Jesuit is spelled 'J-e-s-u-i-t'. The RCC did burn some heretics preacherjond, but thats all fire under the to speak!

News Item5/8/08 6:28 PM
GG  Find all comments by GG
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Jim...after having been expelled from these parts numerous times for defending my faith by fear-driven, over-anxious Prots, afraid to answer my questions in an honest way; I can certainly relate to what my poor comrades in the 'Society of Jesus' have had to put up with from Prot Governments throughout the centuries. I did read your 'screed of the day' and found it somewhat wanting in compassion. Pity the Catholic victims of Jolly Ole England for wanting freedom to worship God in their own way. This is why God allowed America to bud forth in freedom and justice. If the Catholics "got what they deserved" perhaps the Prots who got burned at the stake did too? What do you think?

News Item5/8/08 6:12 PM
GG  Find all comments by GG
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Ah but then they (EIPS and Ion Parseley) couldn't stand 100% solidly and 4 square (in a biblical Protestant way) behind a useless, transparent, and a demonic lie. Jim have you ever discussed religious topics using your own mind, words and thoughts...or don't you have any of the above to share? Must be heck being a robot? Leave the crutches behind and go out on your'll thank me later!

News Item5/8/08 6:03 PM
GG  Find all comments by GG
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EA: Idol mean like the way some Prots worship the KJV? Golly...tell me more...I've never worshipped "materialism, money, drugs, family, church doctrine, dead people, etc.". It must be fun or you fella's wouldn't keep bringing it up. That's funny I don't remember greeting the Pope as anything but a man of God. Here again, the only people that I hear telling me that the Pope is guessed it...silly Prots. Even St Paul tells us that he is "our Father in the faith"...tell St Paul that he's worshipping himself. If YOU were truly born of God you wouldn't make false accusations against a decent Godly man. Your input against Catholics is entirely based on bias and old Prot 'Wives tales'. I appreciate your blessings on me, may you enjoy the same.

News Item5/8/08 6:31 AM
GG  Find all comments by GG
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EA: No...having a title does not imply that one is God. The Popes are not gods and the RCC doesn't teach that they are. Only silly Prots believe that the Popes are knock that off! The RCC follows God's Law as it understands it...not as you understand it. This is why God gave us a mind and free know love him...and to serve him as we understand him. Idolatry is worshipping an inanimate object rather than God. The RCC teaches that only the Trinity deserves worship. We do not worship inanimate objects. Only silly Prots insist that we do and this is because they are really, really silly. When you pray you believe that you also worship. When we pray, we believe that we are engaging in one or more of the following :
3-Asking for help
4-requesting other to pray for us
The English word 'pray' actually means to ask. I love how aroused some Protestants get as they comtemplate all those poor Catholics who will be flambayed for eternity. I guess you get your grins where you can. Remember you aren't God...let the real God have a hand in my eternal destiny...he doesn't really need your input.

News Item5/8/08 12:50 AM
GG  Find all comments by GG
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Sorry Dr Phil I didn't see any article that disclosed current day or even latter day killings of Protestant Clergy by Jesuit hit men. However, I did read about Protestant discrimination, persecution and murder on a grand scale against English citizens whose one crime was standing by their faith. I considered a retraction...laughed...and thought no more about it. Please be aware you will stand guilty for any fanatic who heeds your lies and acts upon them. Please be aware that the supposed "Jesuit Oath" is typical Protestant clap-trap!

News Item5/6/08 6:27 PM
GG  Find all comments by GG
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What? A Fundi with a sense of humor? Wow...Jim can you tell a joke or what?

PH: Ok? Where and when did this mythical Pope claim to be god? If he did declare himself god, why aren't we worshipping him to this day? Isn't this just a figment of Fundi Wishful Thinking...I think so. Do me a favor, find some real issues and none of this trumped up stuff.

News Item5/6/08 6:19 PM
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News Item5/6/08 1:45 PM
GG  Find all comments by GG
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Frankly...I'm stunned and bemused. Dr Phil asserts that many un-named Protestant Pastors are dropping like flies to the omniverous killer frenzy of Jesuit blood lust. Can it be? Is any Prot man of the clergy safe from the bloody depredation of that gang of Papal cut-throats? Will a scarlet wave of a murder be sweeping across Chrisendom like a modern day horde of Gengis Kan? Who Knows? Does SA concern itself with the truth or the injustice of accusations that could stir up recriminations and revenge? Nope! But, they will silence me for trying to shine the cold light of logic on what is a bald-faced, cold-hearted lie. Yes...this really is a Protestant sight...isn't it!

News Item5/6/08 12:37 AM
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News Item5/5/08 3:16 PM
GG  Find all comments by GG
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We can certain hope so!

News Item5/5/08 3:14 PM
GG  Find all comments by GG
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"The 'mysterious' deaths of many protestant ministers have been at the hands of blood thirsty Jesuits. They are the licensed to kill secret agents of the Roman Church-State."

Holy Cow Dr. you actually believe this stuff? You are supposedly an educated man? Or is this your way of providing a plausible excuse for violence against Catholics? Lets not go down this road....shall we!!!!!!! First, you must have proof otherwise this could border on murder some day!!!!! Where are the moderators? This ought to violate one of your rules...don't you think?

News Item5/2/08 10:58 AM
GG  Find all comments by GG
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...Christ didn't appoint Peter Pontifex Maximus...early Church Fathers spoke of the Pontifex Maximus in such derogatory, paganistic ways. Because the Pontifex Maximus was the head of the Roman pagan religion...As any student of Roman history knows, the Pontifex Maximus was an imperial office, usually held by the Emperor himself, which made one the "chief priest" of the Roman "state cult."... Yet, when Constantine the Great became the first Christian Roman Emperor, the "state cult" changed to Christianity...the first Christian emperors all still retained the title of Pontifex Maximus (a traditional title for Emperors) which, under imperial law (though not Church law), actually made them the "Head of the Church" ! It was by this authority, for example, that Constantine called the Council of Nicaea (325 AD) to settle the Arian controversy. Indeed, it was the pious, Emperor Gratian (c. 360 AD) that the Pope was given the title Pontifex Maximus. Feeling that it was not right for he himself to carry that title, the pious young Emperor bestowed it upon Pope Damasus I, who became the first Pope in history to hold the title "Pontifex Maximus."
[by M Bonocore] [[/URL]

News Item5/2/08 1:09 AM
GG  Find all comments by GG
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The RCC has rejected the Masons for over a 100 years, something about a secret society and suspecious non-christian beliefs. You aren't a Mason by any chance Rev Slattery? Really this isn't rocket science...please follow my logic:
1- There is only one God.
2- Christians believe in only one God.
3- Jews believe in only one God.
4- Moslems believe in only one God.
5- They must all believe in the same God. I didn't say that they all believe the same theology about the ONE GOD only that they all believe in ONE GOD. I didn't say that they called that ONE GOD by the same name only that they all believe in ONE GOD. you have a problem with Jews? God is not finished with the Jews and will return to save them after the time of the Gentiles.
Pius XII wasn't the only Church leader to sign a Concordat with the Nazi's...Germany's Prot Churches did the same thing. The Hitler crew may have been raised Catholics like many of the ex-catholics on this site, who like to brag about their 'Ex'-ness, but the mass murder of millions of innocent people and thousands of Catholic clergy would indicate that they didn't remain Catholic very long. My comment about Geobbels and you was referring to his assertion that "repeating a lie long enough and loud enough eventually made it the truth".

News Item5/1/08 11:05 AM
GG  Find all comments by GG
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If I let you "help" me to understand what I believe, I will soon think up is down and backwards is forward. Don't "help" me help yourself. Muslim's believe in only one God, the God that created all things. They can choose to call him Fred if they wish. Christians also believe in one God, who created all things. American Indians worship the "Great Spirit". Call him what you like, it doesn't change who he is or what he did, does, or will do. Catholics are Christians and have been since Christ's time. We teach three divine persons in one God, one of which is the Christ. Moslims refer to all Christians as 'polytheists' because of this. The fact that Jews, Moslims and many Protestants have an incomplete or erronous view of who God is, is not the fault of the RCC. But, we will be glad to help you all finally see the light.

"The POPE's Catechism states that YOU adore the Muslim god along with the muslims".

You're not a fan of logic are you Rev Slattery or did you study at the Joseph Goebbels school of Divinity?

News Item5/1/08 6:24 AM
GG  Find all comments by GG
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1- When did Jesus use the title 'Holy Father' to refer to God the Father?
2- The term 'Pope' is a form of the word 'Papa'.
3- Pontifix Maximus - means 'Great Bridge builder.
4- Jesus is the Head of the Catholic Church. The Pope is the earthly Head in Christ's physical absense.
5- The Pope is a 'stand-in' for Christ until Christ returns to claim his Bride.
6- The Mass is the celebration of the 'One-time' sacrifice by Jesus Christ of his body and blood to redeem mankind and save his people.
7- If the Mass is of the devil then you're saying Jesus is of the devil. This is blasphemy.
8- Show me the current, historically accurate book, written by current historians (not some Prot fanatic) that attributes 50,000,000 dead to the Inquistion or any other action of the RCC at ANY TIME in history.
9- Just because you wish it so, doesn't make it true.
10- To follow the Lord of Truth, you must deal in facts not lies.

News Item5/1/08 1:00 AM
GG  Find all comments by GG
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The problem with attacking my Church is that it is an attack me as well, as I am a part of that Church, but also it is tantamount to attacking my mother, which in a spirtual sense she is as well as the Bride of Christ. But, attacking the RCC is also attacking the Lord who established her during his life time and of which he is the supreme Head. While I may obey the Pope, I follow Jesus. Following Jesus is what makes a person a Christian. I am pleased to be a Catholic and I accept the insult of 'Papist' as a badge of honor, but that does not give you the right to use it. As is usually the case, you twist the meaning of the statement on Muslims as you twist the meaning of the Bible and condemn those who truly understand its meaning. No where does the RCC say that it worships 'Allah', this is an outrageous lie. The RCC says that the Moslims, like the Jews, worship the one God, the Creator, the God of Abraham. Like the Jews and Protestants, the Muslims have some incomplete notions that make their understanding of God incomplete. Regardless of this, Jews, Christians and Moslems worship the same God, for there is only one God...there is no other. Your comments about Catholics being Moslems, if not some gastly joke, shows your inability to deal reasonably with truth.

News Item4/30/08 10:02 PM
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Kenny: While "God is always right, 100% of the time", let me be the first to point out the obvious...the Rev Slattery...never not now...nor ever shall be God. As a human being, which may be a black mark on human beings in general, the Rev is very capable of being many of his past words have shown.

Rev MS: I don't need you to shop around till you find a definition that suits you in order to have the concept of 'bigot' explained to me. The Lord is the source of my joy, not your lame attempts to hide behind 19th century English. There is a difference between the words Caucasian and Honkie, Jew and Heb, Italian and 'WOP'. There is a difference between Roman Catholic Christian and Papist. A follower of Christ will not use words that are calculated to hurt or degrade a 'Child of God'. Therefore, where in your incomplete bible, which was given to you by early Orthodox Christians in its entirity, early Christians that your religious 'klan' fails to even faintly resemble in theology, mercy and meekness, I say...where do you find Christ's teaching that your enemies are to be excoriated and hated rather than prayed for? Rev Slattery...I hope that you have a license to sell snake oil!

News Item4/30/08 2:20 AM
GG  Find all comments by GG
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What people are truly righteous?(those who are born of the spirit according to the Bible)
GG: According to man's understanding of the bible? Which of the over 33,000 Prot versions. Rather, those who believe in Jesus, repent their sins and follow his commands.

...they are Christians(catholics are not biblical Christians)
GG: We are not only biblical Christians, but we were Christians when your ancestors worshipped trees and bayed at the moon. We acknowledge all of God's word not just the part that we agree with.

...just like other Prots disagree with you.(if their teachings do not line up with Scripture then they are not Christians either)
GG: What you mean is..."if their teachings do not line up with your traditions of men".

We should separate from you.(I already have)
GG: And we really appreciate that too!

News Item4/30/08 2:05 AM
GG  Find all comments by GG
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I also found it interesting but also very accurate, but just to make sure that you are following me, here is a definition from Merriam Webster's Online dictionary:
Etymology: French, hypocrite, bigot
Date: 1660
: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance. The word 'Papist' is a pejorative word for what is properly referred to as a Roman Catholic Christian. Your use of it reminds me of other words that are meant to belittle and degrade people who were made by God and are deserving of a modicum of respect. You are correct in saying that you have no Creed worthy of the name, doing the devils work can scarsely be raised to the dignity of a creed. How though does someone who claims to love God but hates his fellow man, which is expressly forbidden in even your bible, come to believe that God would sully himself by living in so blackened and so deadened a conscience as yours? The god that you claim is not God at all but the product of your own twisted desire for vengence and retribution against the innocent. May God grant you better sense or at least better manners.
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