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News Item8/25/18 12:01 PM
Don Tian | Donchian Channels  Find all comments by Don Tian
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I wonder how many people from Florida, Houston, or New Orleans moved to Hawaii to escape hurricanes.

News Item8/25/18 11:55 AM
Don Tian | Donchian Channels  Find all comments by Don Tian
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Great Idea! I nominate Slick Willie Clinton and Hilary to go!

News Item8/24/18 2:57 PM
Don Tian | Donchian Channels  Find all comments by Don Tian
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Thanks Chris for the live report from England. Do they have the broadcasts early in the morning for their calls to prayer?
I understand in Muslim countries this is a very disturbing sound.

News Item8/24/18 2:42 PM
Don Tian | Donchian Channels  Find all comments by Don Tian
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If everyone who dies in Illinois is entitled to this $7,500 funeral benefit, then there will be less reason to buy that insurance they sell on TV for this, and many Masons can let their membership lapse, since the funeral benefit is one thing holding them to the group.
Maybe this will even benefit churches, because many will not accept members of any 'secret' organization like the Masons.

And we have the question 'Philip' from Italy reminds us: who is paying for this funeral benefit? Sure, the story says, 'the govt' but in the case of Illinois, they are not running printing presses like 'los federales' have to create more money.
So the state govt and local govt will go more in debt, and more people will think it is better to live somewhere else. Many Americans are retiring to Canada, Mexico, and even Germany, France, and Italy!

News Item8/24/18 2:30 PM
Don Tian | Donchian Channels  Find all comments by Don Tian
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Yes, 'Philip' someone has to pay the bill, and a related fact is that most US residents do not pay any federal income tax. Many of people will children and low incomes get money back from the US govt at tax time (April 15).
And here's the Big Question: how should churches deal with this? Have bigger and better Vacation Bible Schools or after-school programs to help this 52.1 percent?
Now that govt schools have started up again, they have put out info on their 'feed the kids' programs, where they have free breakfast, free lunch, and even food to take home on Fridays for the weekend.

News Item8/24/18 12:38 PM
Don Tian | Donchian Channels  Find all comments by Don Tian
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Thanks, 'Rey' for pointing out the Ligonier series currently being aired--I am learning things from just today's program.
In addition, there is a secular group, ACT, the American Congress for Truth, founded by a Lebanese woman whose family suffered greatly when the Muslims increased in her country and starting persecuting all Christians.
One little fact about their fasting month, 'Ramadan' that many do not know: they do not fast for the entire month, but eat after the sun goes down or before it rises. Since it is pegged to the lunar calendar, it does not occur every year in the same month, so sometimes it may occur in the winter, when days are short, and therefore the daily fast is less time.
Of course, in a place like Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the world, they do not have seasons, so this does not apply. I have heard that in these mostly Muslim countries, this custom really screws up productivity. Think of it, workers get up early, eat a whole bunch, then go to work and feel sleepy from getting up early and eating so much. They aren't very productive!

News Item8/22/18 10:56 AM
Don Tian | Donchian Channels  Find all comments by Don Tian
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Well, you can thank the Lutheran Church USA for sponsoring hundreds if not thousands of Somali and other African people. They never assimilated and live as Muslim as possible. Soon they will be charging a tax for Christians to live in their area; I don't doubt they already charge this tax when they own an apt. bldg. and have units rented to Muslims and Christians.
Then you will start hearing the ear-splitting calls to prayer at 5:00am, noon, etc.

News Item8/22/18 10:50 AM
Don Tian | Donchian Channels  Find all comments by Don Tian
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A sad story, to be sure. Farming is just not something economically feasible for families, since it involves a lot of capital expense and then very little profit. You could make more money on your capital by buying a simple lawn mower and walking around your suburban neighborhood, offering to mow people's lawns. Or just ask to walk their dogs, watch their homes when they go on vacation, etc.
As to the churches getting involved, we can go back to last week's article here about "South Carolina abandoning churches" which might better be headlined: 'People in South Carolina leaving churches' since the churches-the physical properties remain, but are empty.
Farming is making money for the big guys who own hundreds or thousands of acres and can play the system of getting govt aid for not growing things. I think many of them are US Senators.
I have heard of a small 'movement' of younger people to have smaller farms to raise specialty crops like Chinese vegetables, honey, goats, etc. There is a higher profit margin on that stuff, but it is also less capital intensive.
In Sparta, Georgia, one millionaire returned home and bought up a lot of small properties to have these young people run small businesses. No church was mentioned.

News Item8/21/18 1:25 PM
Don Tian | Donchian Channels  Find all comments by Don Tian
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Yolanda, I do encourage you to get involved in your local govt agencies, whether it be School Board, city or county council.
There's no telling what good you could do by presenting a message so different from anyone else's.
You might think--like Elijah--that you are all alone, but you will find many rally to your side.
I think it's important to get involved, as God gives us the opportunity.
Remember Jeremiah's message to the Hebrews in exile--seek the good of the city that I banished you to. Here God himself is telling them that he was behind their exile, and that they should seek the city's good, though their stay was only for 70 yrs.

News Item8/21/18 12:55 PM
Don Tian | Donchian Channels  Find all comments by Don Tian
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If you understand Spanish and were listening to the talk show program on '' Miami radio station, you would have heard their commentary on this. They said that these farmers are armed 'to the teeth' and even have funds set aside to hire mercenaries.
So, stay tuned and you will see this get very ugly violent soon.
A related question is--what will happen with the diamond mines that DeBeers controls? Maybe the company has paid off the local authorities to keep their hands off this treasure, which, by the way, is totally made up by DeBeers, as pointed out earlier in a comment at SA. Diamonds are plentiful, not scarce. Their high cost is just a factor of low supply and that is controlled by one company. But if they lose their 'treasure chest' in South Africa, what will happen? Do they have other mines elsewhere?

News Item8/20/18 5:15 PM
Don Tian | Donchian Channels  Find all comments by Don Tian
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Yolanda, did you decide to run for the School Board in your area? I think it's a good idea, though you might have to deal with intense media scrutiny, and then, if elected, you might be a 'voice crying in the wilderness' if the rest of the Board is not friendly with your positions.

News Item8/20/18 4:08 PM
Don Tian | Donchian Channels  Find all comments by Don Tian
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This reminds me of the 'Cuomo preaches politics at (black)churches'
which could have been retitled as:
"US Democrat Party Reasserts Absolute Control over Black Churches"
or "US Democrat Party Reasserts Absolute Control Over Blacks" since 90 percent of blacks vote for them, despite that party being the one in the South behind the dogs and water cannons that were used against blacks, and the Republican Party being the one with President Abraham Lincoln.

News Item8/20/18 2:49 PM
Don Tian | Donchian Channels  Find all comments by Don Tian
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Headline should have said, "Cuomo preaches politics in black church" but then that would not be a news item. Every Democrat Party candidate for anything goes to a black church to stir up the vote, or to make sure their slaves are going to vote for them. Not that they have to worry--statistics show 90 percent of blacks vote for Democrat, could not imagine voting for anything else (sorry, Bernie and millenial members of the Socialist Party).
Here's a related news item: in Florida, 'early voting' (where polls are set up in libraries, govt bldgs, etc, and people can vote without having to be in their district)was held for 2 weeks before Election Day, but at first ended on Saturday. Black churches complained about that, because they had already set aside the Sunday before Election Day to be devoted to early voting. So it was changed to include that Sunday (more work for the Elections Dept, right?). I heard one person say they went to one of those sites and found a huge amount of black voters, being brought there by private, charter buses, that were waiting outside to take them back to their churches.
There is so much funny business going on with elections in the US, with dead people still voting, etc, that it really makes you wonder what is the worth of voting at all!
It is better

News Item8/20/18 11:34 AM
Don Tian | Donchian Channels  Find all comments by Don Tian
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This reminds me of Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon Church, who said he discovered golden tablets in upstate NY. History tells us that many people went around those days saying that there was a "Lost City of Gold" yet to be discovered in the woods out there somewhere. You could even say that Smith got his 'addled brain' from thinking of religious things brought on by the revival movement of his time, the Second Great Awakening, I think it was called. Even to this day, upstate New York, where Smith lived, is called "The Burnt Over District" from having seen so many fires of religious revival movements.

News Item8/20/18 11:29 AM
Don Tian | Donchian Channels  Find all comments by Don Tian
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And when does the trial start for former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton for hiding confidential messages on her private computer system that she had set up at home in her bathroom?
Can you name one Republican who has done this and is not in jail?

News Item8/20/18 10:52 AM
Don Tian | Donchian Channels  Find all comments by Don Tian
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Kinda reminds you of:

This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.
Matthew 15:8

News Item8/18/18 2:47 PM
Don Tian | Donchian Channels  Find all comments by Don Tian
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This reminds me--when does the trial of former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton start for her inaction in Libya, where a US ambassador was killed, and her accomplice, former President B. Hussein Obama, for his role in not calling out the US Naval aviators who were waiting an hour's flight away, and who could have just done a quick 'flyover' to put the 'fear of God' in the hearts of the crazy Islamists attacking the US compound.

News Item8/18/18 2:44 PM
Don Tian | Donchian Channels  Find all comments by Don Tian
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This reminds me of the Masonic ceremony that is held to place the cornerstone of many public buildings. In the US Capitol, there are a series of drawings that show this ceremony. They said this was a custom practiced in the US for many different public buildings, like public libraries, courthouses, etc. (maybe not jails, though).
You might want to look up the history of public buildings in your area to see if they have a cornerstone, and when that was placed, who was there for the ceremony, etc.

News Item8/18/18 11:33 AM
Don Tian | Donchian Channels  Find all comments by Don Tian
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This news item is a favorite for many commentators around the internet. I found one story that highlighted their successes with various people before they met their end with ISIS.
There are so many different ways to interpret this one; some will see their successes as proof that the world is basically good.
Others might say religion is the mian problem, since religion is what motivates ISIS.
In the USA, we say there is freedom of religion. But how can you allow a religion where their objective is to kill everyone else, or convert them to Islam?
Every day, with a porous border, there are many "OTMs" (other than Mexicans) entering this country, who knows how many with this thinking? And then with the H-1-B visa program, technical workers, like the ones that replaced the Disney IT workers that were fired, are coming in, and who knows how many of them are sympathetic to ISIS?

News Item8/18/18 10:20 AM
Don Tian | Donchian Channels  Find all comments by Don Tian
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"John UK" has identified something true not only in the UK but in many other areas. You could almost say it is a global phenomenon. For example, evangelicals on a missions trip to Mexico will see the majority of the population heading to their Catholic churches, only vaguely aware of all its teaching, and even mixing in elements from before Cortes arrived. The same occurs in the US, where people will not want to discuss doctrinal issues because it often breaks down into nasty arguments.
I've heard of cases where a church changed its schedule, from having the traditional service to 9:30am from 11:00am, and many people left to a different church that had kept their traditional service at 11:00am.
The doctrinal differences were there, but not a problem for the people who left. What they wanted was the traditional hymns, the pipe organ playing, and getting out around 12:30pm so they could go to lunch at a nearby restaurant.
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