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News Item9/19/18 1:31 PM
Lurker  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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This is turning out to be typical of most of the activist movements that have sprung up in the past several years. The pendulum always seems to swing too far to extremes.

Consider the difference between a 36 year old accusation of attempted sexual assault involving two intoxicated minors that can't possibly be proven and Harvey Weinstein's disgusting casting couch escapades that was common knowledge for years amongst all of Hollywood and beyond. According to the liberal left, both deserve the same outcome.

I'm in full support of women having recourse against men who treat them as objects of pleasure and sick perverts like Weinstein should be surgically prevented, in addition to prison, from every repeating what he did.

But to allow the activist movement to be politicized, as is now happening, is to allow it to be made of little or no effect. I would think smart women like Feinstein and the accuser would perceive that but apparently their hatred for anything Trump outweighs the multitudes of women who could be spared sexual assault if the #MeToo movement was actually about protecting women.

Oh, one other thing. Apparently Bill Clinton's accusers can't be grandfathered into the #MeToo movement but a 36 year old toothless accusation can. Political hypocrisy.

News Item9/19/18 12:38 PM
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Frank wrote:
I agree brother! In fact, her initial desire for anonymity was also probably a ruse. All this simply makes her case more believable. Pretty good strategy if I do say so. She is now infamous. Anyone who believes she was simply trying to get the truth out and somehow relieve some of her pain that has persisted over the years is very gullible.
Agree Frank,

Now she want the FBI to investigate before she will appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

She's just a willing pawn for the Dems, a means to a greater end, and their feigned concern over her is a joke.

I hope Senator Grassley sticks to his guns and holds the hearing Monday whether she appears or not.

News Item9/18/18 1:15 PM
Lurker  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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I forgot to mention that the accuser sought out and had a polygraph test last month. An unusual move for someone who didn't want her story to become public knowledge.

News Item9/17/18 11:45 PM
Lurker  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Now, that is a definite possibility, Lurker. But I have read another articles, this woman does not want to have it turned into a sideshow as with the Anita Hill testimony being example.
Let's not be naïve, Jim. If she didn't want it to come out she wouldn't have submitted her accusation to a Democrat politician in the first place.

And what did she possibly hope to gain by submitting it if she didn't want it to become public knowledge at this exact moment in time? Closure? A shoulder to cry on? Come now.... think.

As far as I'm concerned, this woman's credibility is shot. That's not to say her account of what happened 36 years ago is false. Two people know and I actually tend to believe her. But the way her accusation became public knowledge at the last minute smells of political dirty work which I hate. Just another episode of the rotten state of affairs in our extremely polarized two party system. The swamp refuses to be drained.

All this dirty work needs to accomplish is convince a couple Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee to vote no on Cavinaugh's confirmation and it's game over. I suspect it will work just as the cesspool slime planned.

News Item9/17/18 1:38 PM
Lurker  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
[,-says-kellyanne-conway/10260886 ]
The White House thinks it's a good idea.
I agree. Problem is..... what the extremists from both sides will spin it into. It won't be good for anyone. Think Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas.

News Item9/17/18 12:09 PM
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Christopher000 wrote:
This thought might be out there, but given the climate, and the "We'll do anything to get our Whitehouse back", has anyone considered a conspiracy here between two liberals to bring down a nominee that all are in fear of over the Roe vs Wade issue?
Your thoughts are appreciated, Chris.

Knowing the extreme polarization that exists between the right and left, I have no doubt that the truth of this matter will never come to light. It'll just be turned into another bitter smear campaign that will hurt both the accused and the accuser.

Who would have thought ten years ago before Obama's "Fundament Change" campaign promise that things could go into the toilet so quickly with no hope it will ever get better but the certainty that it will continue to get worse. Granted, Trump is restoring some conservative objectives but that just serves to fuel the flames of polarization. What a mess.

Benjamin Franklin's qualification was on the mark when asked what he gave us.... "A republic, if you can keep it." It's slipping away and few be there that recognize it.

News Item9/16/18 10:10 PM
Lurker  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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I just read an article on this which sounded very believable. I'm not much for posting links but here it is for anyone interested:

Thirty six years ago. The accuser was 15 and Kavinaugh was 17.

Even if true, and it may well be, most teens, boys and girls, do stupid things especially after having a few beers and in the absence of adult supervision. That is not to excuse what may have happened but dumb kids do occasionally grow up to be responsible and honorable adults having turned from the misdeeds of their youth.

Problem is, Kavinaugh has denied the accusation so now there is no way forward for him but to continue the denial. Right or wrong, that's just the way it works in politics.

Personally, I believe it would be better if he owned up, assuming he did what he was accused of, apologize to the lady and move forward on his record as an adult. I have a hard time believing his nomination would be defeated for an indiscretion committed at age 17. But then again, the Dems are thirsty for blood and they may just convince enough Repubs to defeat his nomination. Hypocrites.

News Item9/16/18 8:56 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
[ ]
"Health care is a human right"
Now, how long it will take the Romish Church to get this through is anybody's guess...
For a relatively intelligent person, you sure buy into some dumb ideas.

Let's see here.... the RC apologist cites the parable of the Good Samaritan as a precedent for free government healthcare for all; a precedent dating back 2,000 years. So where is the evidence that the RCC lobbied the state governments through the dark ages to provide health care for the poor? Was it when they turned over dissenters to the secular authorities to execute them after torturing them themselves? Maybe it was when they demanded the secular governments to burn at the stake anyone who dared possess a bible in their own language?

And why isn't the RCC lobbying poor third world countries to provide free healthcare? No money, eh? Or maybe it's the west's responsibility to provide free health care for the entire planet. It's the logical conclusion.

And btw, Jim. Define "healthcare". Would that include "women's reproductive health" as defined by Planned Parenthood? Of course it would and you're all for it. Anything to appear magnanimous and compassionate on someone else's dime. Just like the RCC.

News Item9/16/18 3:56 PM
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Frank wrote:
Fellow ember, well said! I just pray that some of our real enemies don't figure out how to use him for their own ends.
But, I do support him because he was chosen by our Lord to lead this nation; why I don't know.
Personality disorders, such as narcissim are more common that most people imagine.
Supposedly their are developed as a child and there is no cure for them? But, being born again from above will do.
Hey Frank,

I believe you're right about personality disorders being developed in childhood. One thing I did read once about narcissism is it is a disorder that is never treated. The reason? Those who have it believe they are normal and everyone else is messed up.

But, as you rightly said, the new birth is the only sure cure.

News Item9/16/18 3:50 PM
Lurker  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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MS wrote:
Good afternoon bro.Lurker,
A hearty Amen to your wise comment.
Trust you have been enjoying your family and of course spoiling the grand babies.
Thank you sister,

Yes, we had the two youngest grands visit for a couple days last week. They grow up so fast! But the trip is five hours and they aren't accustomed to such a long ride so it was a little hard on them. A little car sickness I assume from the car seats having to be backwards and they see everything moving away which is contrary to our senses.

My wife and I are looking into getting them a portable DVD player so they can watch movies while on the road. The concept worked well for our own children and we traveled a lot.

Bless you for your kindness.

News Item9/16/18 3:04 PM
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MS wrote:
(Man made religion)
Read Revelation 18:20-24.
Amen sister,

There will be no reforming that which God has already condemned. Luther learned that lesson 500 years ago.

"Come out of her, my people."

News Item9/16/18 3:01 PM
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Frank wrote:
I believe that Trump is an immoral buffoon and is in fact a liberal. IOW, I don’t believe that Paula White led him to the Lord.
The reason I voted for him was because I knew he would have to pander to conservatives because they were his base. In my mind, I thought that might result in one unborn life being spared. And, one would have been worth it in my mind.
Since Hillary was on the ticket had I not voted for Trump I would have stayed home.
Well said Frank,

I grew up and lived all my life in the shadow of an elder brother who is an extreme narcissist (thank God it didn't rub off on me) so I understand what drives a person like Trump. His entire worldview revolves around himself but he feeds off the praise of others and can't live without it. To that end, a narcissist will move heaven and earth to deliver on a promise... not because he necessarily believes in the promise but because of the praise that will follow.

As a person, Trump is most distasteful to me but as President; if he delivers on his promises I'm satisfied to have cast my vote for him. The problem with the RINO Never Trumpers is they can't figure out how to use the weakness of a narcissist to their advantage. They can't get past the distasteful personality.

News Item9/16/18 2:30 PM
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Plain Old Tim wrote:
Pff, have you ever served in the military? Have you ever preached the gospel to Muslims, street gang members, and motorcycle gangs? Have you ever stood up for Jesus Christ even when it cost you something to do so? If not, you are a spineless wuss and a hypocrite. By the way, why don't you go back to your previous alias? Don't have the guts, do you?
Don't be so hard on poor ole Pfft, Doc. She's just a yippy little Chihuahua impersonating a Doberman.

News Item9/12/18 7:44 PM
Lurker  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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If I'm not mistaken, I believe SermonAudio is located in Greenville, South Carolina so they could use our prayers as Florence approaches.

News Item9/10/18 1:16 AM
Lurker  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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Plain Old Tim wrote:
I thank God I was not a Catholic--or a Methodist, or a Presbyterian, or a Mormon, or a Baptist, or any other type of "religious" person. When the Holy Spirit confronted me with my lost, hell-bound condition, I had no false hope to cling to, but with joyful relief ran into the open arms of Jesus the Friend of sinners. Hallelujah, what a Saviour!
Lovely words, brother. Really touched my heart. I can say generally the same. When Jesus came calling on me I had nothing to offer but filth and sorrow. Jesus took it all upon Himself and gave me a glistening robe of His righteousness and peace in return. Praise His name.


Well said, brother. Many RC's live a more outwardly moral life than many Protestants. But what sets them apart from blood bought Christians is what animates them.

News Item9/9/18 10:31 PM
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Christopher000 wrote:
Lurker Wrote:
"As for the RCC, thank God I was never part of it but my wife and her entire rather large immediate and extended family are..."
Hi Lurker,...your wife is? I didn't know that. I'm gonna try hard to shoot you a quick email tomorrow to ask a question or two for whenever you have time to respond, and no rush at all, I know you're busy.
Yes, sadly she is. I'll look for your email.


Thanks for your comment. Indeed, it's sad to have loved ones held captive by that ungodly institution. But I am convinced God has a remnant within the RCC He has given to the Son to redeem in time and that is my prayer..... that my loved ones are also loved by the Father with an everlasting love and will be called in His time.

News Item9/9/18 6:27 PM
Lurker  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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MS wrote:
Thank you for your inquiry.She is just past 16 weeks, and all seems well.Thanks be to God.
She is due a day before my son's birthday, what a precious gift from the Lord.
Btw, your comment on the RC institution was so spot on.So many are
deceived by this rotten religion, that never was instituted by God, but was/is satans masterpiece.
Trust your family is well and you are enjoying your grandbabies.
Blessings dear brother.
Glad to hear all is well, sister. Praise God for His precious gifts. And of course I meant to say great grandchild in my earlier.

We will hopefully be entertaining our two youngest grandchildren (6 and 22 months), and their parents, for a couple days later this week so we are pretty excited. They live 5 hours away. Had a list of honey dos to take care of in anticipation.

As for the RCC, thank God I was never part of it but my wife and her entire rather large immediate and extended family are and it is my constant prayer that God causes something to happen to open their eyes and call them out. But even this recent sex abuse revelation hasn't phased them in the least. It's going to take something much more drastic to wake a small remnant from their slumber.

God bless you and all your loved ones.

News Item9/9/18 2:13 PM
Lurker  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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MS wrote:
Amen bro. Lurker!
The "devils diocese" is an apostate institution , governed by a false satanic system of anti-Christ authority,that teaches a false way of salvation...another Tower of Babel erected by man.
God has sent strong delusion to most, unaware that the "light" that is in them is actual darkness.
Blessings to you and yours, sister.

Btw, are things well regarding that second grandchild?

News Item9/9/18 1:04 PM
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From the article: "Alexander is among countless Catholics in the U.S. who are raising their voices in prayer and protest to demand change amid new revelations of sex abuse by priests and allegations of widespread cover-ups. They are doing letter-writing campaigns and holding prayer vigils and listening sessions in an effort to bring about change from the pews, realizing it's up to them to confront the problem and save the church they love after years of empty promises from leadership."

Similar to what Martin Luther had in mind 500 years ago but God had another thing in mind. God didn't want to clean up the RCC and reform it but rather call his people out of the evil institution and condemn it. And that He did and one day all will realize it.

News Item9/8/18 5:31 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Well, so far we haven't seen anything from Trump's Trollops in Congress trying to bring him to heel, 👎but the above the show that there are outside forces at work❗ Let's hope the lawsuit is able to continue.👍
You and George Will are chasing butterflies if you believe the Dems stand a chance of taking a majority in the house come November. The so called undecided (the majority being unwashed deplorables ), most of who always intended to vote conservative but remain silent until election day to avoid retribution, will net the Republican candidates a 5 to 6 percent advantage just like they did 2 years ago which has put the Dems in an uncontrolled tailspin every since.

Their defeat in November will really make the left go nuts. The left coast may well fall off into the Pacific Ocean. Can't wait to watch. Be sure to reserve a front row seat, Jim. It's gonna be great!

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