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Survey4/28/08 2:18 PM
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Derek wrote:
Preacher, you said:
Likewise I am deeply offended at the casual way you take cheap shots at great and learned men of God, mightily used by the Lord to take the Church out of the evil clutches of Rome and to re-establish the truths of the Bible.
Why didn't Luther join the already existant church when he "left Rome"?
The church was already being persecuted by Rome, like the Lollards in Luther's day, and they would continue to be presecuted by the Reformed Catholics. I don't think they re-established the truths of the Bible - they constructed their own system.
Remember, it is the cults who have a central head for their system, and it is a man, not God. Every argument goes back to what "he" said or to what "he" wrote.
Be careful not to fall into their trap.
Really great post. Thank you. As though the real Christians never existed until the Reformation, as though every Christian went running to join up with the RCs, so for 1500 years there were no Christians living on the planet.

And the Bible says not to try to put a new patch on an old wineskin because it won't hold the new wine (ie the Holy Spirit).

Survey4/28/08 2:13 PM
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DJC49 wrote:
You are the very first person in my entire life whom I've ever heard say that ALL 4 SOILS (hearers) represented in the "Parable of the Sower" were saved by hearing the Word!
That's because you only go to churches where that's all you hear, and probably hang around with people who only think as you. The early Christians did not believe as you do, nor do all the other churches in Christiandom.

But no matter what, the Bible says what it says, that all four groups were saved, but only the fourth "endured to the end." The word was in their heart on the hard soil. The shallow soil received the word gladly, sprang up, but withered under persecution. The third example was at least starting to bear fruit. Yes, all four were saved. The parable of the sower was taught by Jesus to warn new believers/disciples not to listen to lies and heresies (first example), to wilt under persecution (second example), not to let the cares of this life and the deceitfulness of riches to choke out the Word so that you don't bear fruit. These are warnings to new believers, pitfalls to beware,lest we lose our soul.

Truth stands on its own and we don't have to drink the Kool-aid.

Survey4/28/08 12:23 PM
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DJC49 wrote:
The "Jew part of the Church?"
You Dispensationalists are obsessed!
That kind of says it. They definitely drank the Kool-aid. Next they will be saying, like Hagee, that Jesus was not the Messiah.


News Item4/28/08 12:18 PM
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Mike wrote:
1. The Bible does not teach that man has no will. It does teach that man is a slave to sin and has a fallen nature that loves darkness rather than light, and that no one seeks after God. Man's will therefore is in bondage to sin. Quite a difference from your point about "no will"
Like totally depraved?

Mike wrote:
2. Ephesians 2 clearly teaches that believers were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world.
Chosen to be irresistably overtaken? So otherwise, do you believe humans have choices except for this one thing, salvation?

Survey4/28/08 11:13 AM
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DJC49 wrote:
The Bible is very clear that God does not change, neither His mind, will, nor nature.
Because God is omniscient, He CANNOT learn something new that He did not already know.
You are using human logic to come to a ridiculous conclusion. Maybe God's foreknowledge and omnicience is not quite the way you have it all pictured in your mind. Did you ever think of that? There might be another explanation besides the one you seem so sure of that you are willing to rewrite the whole Bible to make it fit?

Instead of making God fit your (il)logical presuppositions, which if true would turn God into the grand playwrite, puppeteer, sadistic bully god of the universe, why don't you take God for what He says He is as we read about Him in Scripture? It's obvious that he is not pulling everybody's strings, that God does have feelings, that it's just plain not the way the fatalists say it is.

Otherwise, what's the use of having a Bible in the first place? So we can learn there is no hope, nothing we can do, that it's all set in concrete anyway, and we aren't even thinking and doing the things we're doing, but it's all God?

Survey4/28/08 10:59 AM
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DJC49 wrote:
This 1st soil (hearer) doesn't even understand the word [Mt 13:19];
and IMMEDIATELY after hearing the word, Satan comes and takes it away from them [Mk 4:15];
and Lk 8:12 adds that the devil takes away the word "LEST they should believe and be saved."
1st example: Matthew and Luke both say the devil took the word away "out of their hearts." Who does understand the Bible very much in the beginning? The other two examples in the parable prove that it's not the initial believing that eternally saves, but, rather, ongoing abiding and fruitful obedience from walking in the Spirit. James says the devil believes and trembles.

The hard soil had the word resting in their heart, even if only briefly, until lies and heresies from Satan stole it away. We see this happening all the time with Mormons and fatalists nabbing new Christians into their cults.

2nd example flatly says "received the word gladly" and "for a while BELIEVE, and in time of temptation FALL AWAY."

3rd example, you can't grow fruit, imperfect or otherwise, if you're not hooked into the vine.

4th example Bible says had an "honest and good heart," having heard the word they KEPT it (not God kept it, but THEY KEPT it), and brought forth fruit with patience.

News Item4/28/08 8:18 AM
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Michael Hranek wrote:
You've got me wondering about you. An earlier post gave the idea you weren't Roman Catholic and hear you are agreeing with one of the foremost Roman Catholic posters on SermonAudio.
What gives?
To go from one wrong extreme to the other isn't going to bring anybody to the truth.

The truth speaks for itself. Taking one or two verses with unclear meanings and spinning them in a way that contradicts the rest of the Bible leads to ridiculous conclusions, such as those that I keep reading about people having no choices and no will and about being saved because of a one-time burst of faith or from being irresistibly chosen.

Why do you think the churches won't preach out of the gospels and why they denigrate them as "just historical?" Because the words of Jesus and his teachings blow their heresies clean away.

Eutychus wrote:
Faith: If God is not omnipotently in control of all things, then just toss the Bible why don't you?
Well, if God is as you describe, you should be really happy when the antichrist takes over ruling the world. He will micromanage every single thing, including your thoughts. You will probably think you died and went to Heaven.

Survey4/28/08 8:05 AM
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Preacher wrote:
Faith - one of God's many attributes is His immutability. This means that He does not change; not His nature, His character or His mind. For if God changed, in any way, He would cease to be God.
You really drank the Kool-aid.

Immutability doesn't mean God never changes His mind. It means He never changes from being good. We can always count on God to do the right thing, the just thing. God is slow to anger and full of mercy. A stone statue never changes its mind, nor does a tyrant, and God is neither.

The Bible is full of examples of God changing His mind. This doesn't make God weak or stupid. Otherwise, why bother to pray?

God is not an insecure bully who has to micromanage every single thing so that he never has to change his mind, and God doesn't think less of himself for changing his mind. God is good.

God made us in his own image and likeness, with freedom to choose, and He has deliberately made himself vulnerable to us because of it. We are capable of hurting and disappointing God, but also of bringing God great joy and pleasure. God wants a relationship with us, and God has prepared wonderful things for those who love Him. Love is freely given and freely received.

Survey4/28/08 7:47 AM
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Preacher wrote:
If you leave the faith you do not lose your salvation, you were never saved to begin with.
How can you lose something you never had? Read the parable of the sower. All three examples, including the first on the hard soil, were once saved. The third example EVEN BORE FRUIT, for a time. But they all fell away. The first example fell by lies and heresies, the second withered under persecution, and the third became unfruitful because of the cares of this world and deceitfulness of riches. Jesus has repeated red flag warnings to avoid Hell and attain Heaven throughout the gospels, and you say to ignore these warnings.

Preacher wrote:
To you Christianity is a hotel where you can check in or out any time you like.
No, I don't. Christianity is loving God with all our heart, soul and mind and our neighbor as ourselves. It's gnostic fatalists who think you can live however you want because you say it's all God's choosing anyway.

Survey4/28/08 7:22 AM
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Preacher wrote:
You are quick to condemn Augustine,... I suggest look at the relevant Scripture references before laying charges against former men of God.
That's your opinion that Augustine, a gnostic follower of Plato, was a man of God. Plato was a statist control freak, and so was Augustine. When the Antichrist succeeds in establishing his pyramidal society, aka the New World Order, exerting total control over every living human, including thought control, you will have your utopia realized I suppose.
Preacher wrote:
The Bible is God's revelation about Himself, and he is most jealous of His Name for it represents who He is.
The gnostics and fatalists are those who have wildly distorted the nature of God. Jesus is God Himself, became a man himself and suffered in all points as we. We are created in God's image and likeness. God is free to choose, he has feelings, and so do we. We are capable of freely loving and fellowshipping with God. We have God's ear, and God does listen, He does care, He will change His mind based on what we do or ask God to do.

God said, if my people called by my name will humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways I will hear their prayer and heal their land.

News Item4/28/08 6:54 AM
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Lance Eccles wrote:
TT, I tend to agree with what you say, except that you make it sounds as though God forces us to do good works, and that we have no choice.
I agree. You hit the nail squarely on the head. God wrote a cartoon long ago, and we are just characters acting out the parts God wrote. This is what most of the people on this board believe. They think they are just cartoon characters in God's fictional story he wrote long ago. He created good characters, bad characters, and nondescript fillers, and we are just part of a make believe farce God invented for his own amusement. When it's all done. The only difference between us and Micky Mouse is that we have real emotions and feelings. Too bad God didn't just make us real cartoons so that we won't be screaming in real pain when he assigns most of us to Hell.

This is what they call faith.

Survey4/27/08 8:44 PM
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Walt wrote:
Dear faith,
You seem to be applying a lot of human dimensions to God...are you aware of what the Scripture teaches about God? It almost sounds like you think God is human?
Dear Walt, God's not 'inhuman' in a manner of speaking, some unfeeling "force" like electricity. Jesus our God knows exactly what it feels like to be human; he experienced it firsthand.

We're are made in God's image.God walked and talked with Adam and Eve in the Garden. David was a man after God's own heart. God was proud of his man Job. Likewise, before the flood God looked down at men killing and fighting, wished he'd never created man at all.

God's man Abraham made a deal with him, would he spare Sodom and Gomorrah if there were so many righteous men within the city.

We're being sifted and tested to see who's fit to spend eternity with Him. God made the way for 'whosoever will' to be saved and to walk in the Spirit that we would not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

God has feelings, made himself vulnerable to us. That's what love is. Love means caring and being hurt and disappointed, but also receiving love freely given, to laugh and enjoy each other's company.

You cannot have a relationship with electricity.

Survey4/27/08 8:15 PM
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Preacher wrote:
And when you study theology systematically, your basic foundational laws and principles must be the study of God, His nature, His attributes, His character etc.
So don't ask is once saved always saved, or is there a covenant of grace etc. If you know the God of the Bible as He has revealed Himself, you will already know the answer. He has one eternal plan, encompassing the end from the beginning. He has foreordained all things, even the free choices of men. That is the God of the Bible. Anything less than that, anything that detracts from that, portrays a different God.
I agree. Sounds like the God of Freemasonry or Anton Lavey.

BTW, your comment does not pertain to this thread, but I'm responding. The moderator will probably take note. This thread is about the Church and Israel being separate or not separate.

Survey4/27/08 8:07 PM
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Preacher wrote:
"Then the person falls away.They become unsanctified and unjustified; are put back into the kingdom of darkness; their heart of stone is put back; they lose their spiritual eyes and ears and go back to being dead in sin.
Sounds exactly like what happened to Satan/Lucifer, to Adam and Eve, Judas, Solomon, Saul, Hymaneus and Alexander, the foolish widows, the lazy servant, 5 of the 10 virgins, the unjust servant, and the first three examples in the Parable of the Sower, to name a few.

Preacher wrote:
Are some so desperate to cling to their free-will theology that they would even contemplate such heresy as this?
Are some so desperate to think Christianity requires nothing of its adherants? God must take the blame for the evil deeds of man?

Preacher wrote:
He is the Creator, the Eternal Son of the Living God, and the Judge of the living and the dead.
Judge of what? Since he is doing everything as you say, is he going to judge HIMSELF?
Preacher wrote:
These pathetic arguments do nothing but try to bring Him down to our level.
I'd say, rather, YOUR arguments bring God down to the level of Satan pulling the wings off flies.

Survey4/27/08 7:44 PM
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Preacher wrote:
How many of you know that this discussion began when Augustine published a prayer? Pelagius took offence because the prayer indicated that man could not obey God without God's grace.
Augustine the Heretic was a student of Plato. Plato was a gnostic who believed there should be communal sex, and the state should own and raise the kids.

Preacher wrote:
Begin with God - and lay down His attributes and characteristics as an unmoveable foundation for everything else.
God is not unmovable. God cares,he listens, and he takes pity. He changes his mind and he does hear and answer prayer.

Preacher wrote:
We always ask the wrong questions, as did Jesus' disciples. We always seek to explain away what we do not like or understand. But we do injury to the image of God as He has revealed Himself.
We are made in God's image. God is not a stone with no feelings, and the true and living God has chosen to make himself vulnerable to his own creation, contrary to the false bully god of the fatalists. And who says the disciples asked the wrong questions? They were good enough for Jesus to answer and record in the Bible.

News Item4/27/08 11:06 AM
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Michael Hranek wrote:
You are correct in noting a faith that has no works really isn't faith at all.
No, it is faith. It's dead faith per James.

Michael Hranek wrote:
obeying is not the basis of our justification but our believing in Him
No, because believing and obeying are one and the same thing.

Michael Hranek wrote:
To say we believe in Him and than willfully continue unrepentantly in the very sins He died for is utter wicked hypocrisy.
Yeah, and the Bible says all hypocrits go to Hell. Matt 24:51

Michael Hranek wrote:
supernatural work of God to bring a person to godly sorrow unto repentance not to be repented of, such a person will cry out to God for Mercy!!!
You make a religion out of this verse, and fatalism is a heresy. God is not responsible for what you do or don't do. You are not a robot.

Michael Hranek wrote:
It is indeed a heartbreaking thing that many who profess to have faith have no obedience.
Why is it heartbreaking if they are saved anyway?

Survey4/27/08 10:19 AM
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Survey4/27/08 9:56 AM
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A Judaiser said:"The OT and the NT cannot coexist. It is an impossibility"

Coexist? Meaning both are not true? Both do not support each other? Both do not harmonize?

Not so. Jesus said: Not one jot or tittle shall pass away...and he had not come to abolish the law but to "fulfil the law."

Most of the Jews today, especially the ones running Israel and the United States and England and Italy, also the Vatican, are not true Jews, but Kazars who converted to the most virulent form of Babylonian Talmudic Judaism. They have not a drop of Semitic blood and they are behind 9/11, the New World Order, and the eugenicist plan to "cull" 80 percent of the world population and enslave the remainder.

Rev. 2:9 .. I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

News Item4/27/08 2:24 AM
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WhyHate wrote:
Why do all of you protect Republicans anyways? You don't know what kind of mishcheif they are up to either. We are here to worship the ONE TRUE GOD not any politician republican nor democrate.
I agree. Look at John McCain's pastor John Hagee, who claims Jesus was not the Messiah and wants to start a perpetual war to wipe out the Arabs for Israel.

All the political candidates are puppets and all owned by the same puppetmasters, known as the Illuminati, global criminals and killers seeking a New World Order and a culling of the world population by 80 percent. Check out the video Endgame online.

News Item4/27/08 2:00 AM
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Lance, believing in Him as God has revealed Him in Scripture will change your life, trying to merit His shed blood will leave you so short of knowing Him and His grace.
Believing means obeying. Faith without works is dead standing alone. Dead faith is worse than no faith at all. Better to have never known Him at all, than to know Him and to refuse to obey Him. Dead faith is just as bad as dead works, maybe worse.

And I agree with Dan's comment below. The RCC is part of the Synagogue of Satan, meaning it is nothing but Babylonian Talmudic Judaism in disguise, which may explain why the current and past popes, among others, were Jews. And a religion like this can no more be "reformed" than can a religion such as Scientology or Freemasonry.

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