Covenant Presbyterian Church, OPC
Joe Keller | Abilene, Texas
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MyChurch: covopcabilene | Set MyChurch Code#: 06738
These are the newest sermon series submitted to this broadcaster account. SERIES: Ruth 6 sermons | new! These are the newest speakers with sermons submitted to this broadcaster account.
Multiple sermons submitted with the same subtitle value are automatically grouped together by the site and displayed as a "sermon series".
Choose a speaker from the following list to show sermons automatically grouped by speaker name for this particular broadcaster. Ansell, Miller 3 Belh, Brian 2 Bell, Brad 4 Boatman, Brad 3 Boothby, Jeremy 1 Bucey, Camden 1 Canode, Bob 3 Dole, Todd 153 Garrett, David M 8 Graves, David 1 Hammons, Timothy 5 Huteson, Greg 1 Keller, Joe 85 Koerner, Maynard 1 Long, Shiloh 3 Lotzer, Robert A. 133 Maltby, Caleb 66 Manfreda,... 1 Miller, Carl 1 Moody, Mark 1 Mossotti, Robert 1 Olinger, Danny 1
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