As the Apostle Paul nears the close of what we know as Ephesians chapter 4, he wrote several important and powerful statements about how believers must behave. From the command to speak truth (Eph 4:25), to not sinning in our anger (4:26), to not...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Did you ever consider that God created work and labor for a specific purpose? As the Apostle Paul laid out godly counsel to the Ephesian believers about how to rightly live as the body of Christ, he included the following admonition: He who...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Last week we saw how imperative it is for believers to be truthful (Eph 4:25). We are to speak truth to one another so that we remain unified in the body of Christ. And immediately following this appeal, the Apostle Paul provides believers with...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Telling the truth seems to be one of the most important characteristics a Christian can exhibit. It may be one of the hardest ones at times, and from the time we’re toddlers to the time we die it is a constant battle to always be truthful....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Earlier in our study of Ephesians we saw how Christians are called to be different from the world. Our actions prove our faith, and once again the Apostle Paul repeats the truth that, as believers, we are to walk the walk we talk. So this I say,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Bible is intriguing in that it often explains the most mysterious heavenly truths in such simple ways they can be easy to miss. From the way Jesus told of the workings of the Kingdom of God through parables, to the way Paul draws us a mental...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
In today’s world, truth is treated as subjective. The world believes truth is what one makes it and how it applies to oneself. They believe there is no singular truth, and it is relative to the situation. Scripture teaches the exact...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
God is a loving God who blesses His children richly with heavenly gifts (cf: Luke 11:13). This doesn’t necessarily translate to material blessings, as we’ve seen previously, but God’s gifts are meant to build us up spiritually...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Ephesians 4 provides believers with a solid framework for walking the walk we talk. In the first few verses of this beautiful chapter, the Apostle Paul tells believers we are to walk in a manner worthy of our calling by Christ, which is to be...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Just about everyone has heard the account of Christ’s birth, even those who don’t believe or acknowledge Him as Savior. It is a piece of history that has been well-preserved for over 2,000 years thanks to its details being dutifully...[ abbreviated | read entire ]