We left off a few weeks ago with the apostle Paul instructing believers to do all things without grumbling or disputing and to live above reproach even among a wicked generation (cf: Phil 2: 14-16). He continues with his exhortation, by writing:...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Sometimes a passage of Scripture may hit us right between the eyes, and when it does we must humbly accept what the Spirit is telling us. For me, this is one of those passages because it’s something I often struggle with. Do all things...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
In the verses leading up to today’s passage, we were told of the incredible humility our Savior exhibited by dying on the cross, His subsequent exaltation by the Father to the name (authority) above every other, and that every person who has...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Last time, we saw the incredible sacrifice and awe-inspiring humility Christ exhibited by becoming obedient to the Father, even to the point of death on a cross (cf: Phil 2:5-8). From here, we are given a glimpse into the heavenlies and the events...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
As we head into the most important week of remembrance and celebration for believers, we come to an incredible passage in Philippians that not only helps us consider the gravity of Christ’s sacrifice, which started long before the cross, but...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
As we study scripture even passively, we learn that the true believer’s life is marked by surrender to God’s will and love of others. We see this from the mouth of our Lord in verses like Matthew 7:21 and John 13:34-35, and from the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Paul closed out chapter 1 of Philippians by telling his readers that it had been granted to them to suffer for Christ just as he was. We previously saw how the word granted was to be understood as a gift, a blessing, and even favor (see Phil...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
I’ve heard it said that the Bible was written for believers. While it certainly contains powerful truths that apply to every human, I believe this statement is generally true. Why? Because to understand, appreciate, and live by...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
As the world becomes more and more perverse each day, Christians must remain strong and united in the faith. The call to live differently from the unsaved permeates the Bible. God commanded His people, whether it be under the old covenant or the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The glory and mystery of God’s Word is that it’s how the Lord speaks to us. While we passively read about those who have received visions or even a visit from the Father Himself in the form of a burning bush, the majority of us...[ abbreviated | read entire ]