Genesis Series My brother and I have been listening to your sermons on Genesis over here in the states. Thank you for your thorough evaluation and explanation of this book. We both look forward to hearing many more sermons and series. In Christ!
Great Sermon! Thank brother Hemmings. I've heard two of your sermons, Don't be afraid and another one. Both were God sent blessings. I have marked your name on Sermon Audio for preference for future listening. May God bless all you do for our Lord and Saviour. Thank you,
Great Sermon! Think how amazing it is that the Creator of all there is, an incomprehensibly immensely powerful God is also our loving and good Father Who will never leave nor forsake us
Great Sermon! This sermon is as close to a masterpiece of preaching as I ever known. The preacher takes psalm 13, how long o LORD, and through it gets into our heads, our real heads, where we are constantly wondering the exact same thing, but feeling that such questions are not a part of faith in God. The preacher says: God can take your pungent questioning. Have a raging row with God, and see that God is GOOD!!! I recommend this sermon to anyone who feels untouched by sappy sweet phony faith, anyone who longs for a real love relationship with God!!!!
Great Sermon! If there were such a thing as playing cards with preachers’ faces and statistics on them, like baseball cards, only for preachers and not baseball players, I think I would never be willing to trade a Gerard Hemmings card away for any other preacher card. And this sermon is a good example why!!!
Great Sermon! This sermon is a highly effective description of the role of sin in the destruction of the human soul. The story of David and his sin is particularly powerful by way of illustration. This sermon’s best part however is it’s encouragement based on the fact that JESUS SAVES US FROM OUR SINS!!
Great Sermon! Pastor Hemings is one preacher I never cease to be amazed by for his ability to find and convey instructive meaning in even the most “off putting” of biblical passages!