In his Institutes, Calvin had a great deal to say about the believer’s sanctification, showing how highly it figured in his understanding of the gospel. Moreover, as he told us: I have endeavoured [here in the Institutes] to give such a summary of religion in all its parts... Having thus... paved the way, I shall not feel it necessary, in any Commentaries on Scripture which I may afterwards publish, to enter into long discussions of doctrine... In this way, the pious reader will be saved much trouble and weariness, provided he comes furnished with a knowledge of the [Institutes] as an essential prerequisite... seeing that I have in a manner deduced at length all the articles which pertain to Christianity.1 With that in mind, here is Calvin on the believer’s sanctification,2 according to his Institutes. For all his mistaken emphasis on the law, Calvin has given us some gems on both sanctification and holiness. |