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News Item12/28/06 11:55 AM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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Lurker, you need to learn to harmonize the scriptures, stop isolating them and building a religion to suit yourself out of a few verses you twist into a fruitloop. The very idea that it is a virtue to sit back and do nothing but emote -- it's not what Jesus said, not what the Bible teaches at all.

But I'm not wasting anymore time with you. You know everything I've said already, heard it 100 times, so hearing it once more isn't going to make a lick of difference.

Survey12/28/06 8:38 AM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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Digression, So far you have speared:

Don Wildmon -- whose ministry is against pornography.

Life Dynamics -- whose ministry is against abortion.

Pastor Ted Pike -- whose ministry is to prevent Hate Speech Laws from being passed, laws which would prevent Christians from speaking the truth about much of anything.

Yes, the B'nai B'rith and the ADL are behind the push for the hate speech laws. Yes, they are rabid in their hatred for Christians and Christianity.

If Pastor Pete Peters is distributing the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, God bless that brave man. Even speaking about that book can get one killed nowadays. The Mossad doesn't play around.

So what disinformation group sent you along this fine morning using words like "rising star," a favorite term of the Illuminati?

And Christian Identity is a Judaizing cult. None of these men you defame are Christian Identity.

News Item12/28/06 7:42 AM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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Lurker, You are soooo spiritual. I'm impressed.


News Item12/27/06 11:49 PM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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MBL, you worry too much about trivialities. You should be worrying about your wife, not somebody you never met or (hopefully) ever will meet on the Internet, foaming at the mouth, driving your blood pressure through the roof, over nothing at all.

Go take a hot bath, drink a glass of milk, and go to bed.

News Item12/27/06 11:44 PM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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"That's why the Comforter ever indwells us; to put us on the right path to eternal life and keep us there."

You're right, Lurker. I don't believe this. We are the ones doing the walking, not God.

David is the one who decided to stand up to Golieth. God enabled him to succeed at what he set out to do.

But David made the choice to stand up and act.

If you are right that doing anything other than "Trusting" God means we have no faith, are acting in the flesh -- why did Jesus teach and warn about the lazy servant that was thrown into Hell?

If Jesus is warning us, don't you think we should listen? Why didn't Jesus commend the lazy servant, the Pharisee and the Scribe who just walked on by the man who had been robbed and left for dead? Why did Jesus commend the industrious servants and the Good Samaritan? Why does it say on Judgment Day Jesus will condemn all those "who did not?"

When Jesus said "love God with all your heart, soul and mind and your neighbor as yourself" -- was he talking about feeling an emotion or doing something?

And Jesus said he measures our love by our obedience. (John 14:21)

He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them,he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.

News Item12/27/06 8:53 PM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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BTW Mike, I'm glad you and the brothers are having so much fun trying to figure out who I am, glad to be able to liven up your humdrum days a bit with some mystery and intrigue.

Maybe we could hold a raffle to see who comes closest to guessing who I am.

I notice there have been a lot of votes for "Original Cheryl."

I am familiar with her postings, and thank you for thinking that's who I am.

Got any other ideas who I might be?

Hint: I'm not Mark Lawless, and I'm not JD, and I'm not Arthur.

News Item12/27/06 8:32 PM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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Lurker, I'm well aware Scripture says that God is able to keep us from falling.

That does not mean we leave the job entirely up to Him like some helpless blob of jello. I guess if we were as helpless as you seem to think we are, we wouldn't need a Bible full of instructions on what God wants from us, now would we?

I am also aware of our need to trust God completely. Easier said than done. But as I recently posted, Jeremiah says: cursed is the man who puts his trust n man, who trusts the arm of flesh. Cursed. And blessed is the man who puts his trust in God.

I'm trusting in God to take me through the Tribulation, to bring me through it alive, to keep me and mine from starvation and worse, and take me up to meet Jesus at the end of it. I also know the prayer of a righteous man availeth much, the prayer of a miserable sinner availeth NOTHING. And I'm also doing my part best I can to prepare for what's coming.

I know the Bible says Do Not Be Deceived, that we are not saved in sin but from sin, and our faith is being tried and tested. If you think that makes me a poor wretched lost soul for believing that, you must be reading a different Bible than mine.

News Item12/27/06 7:59 PM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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"Looking for your Achille's heel? Whatever do you mean?"

Meaning, looking for my weak point so you can "get me."

If you can't find any weak points in my postings, then leave it at that.

News Item12/27/06 7:38 PM
Salt of the Earth | Sometimes it stings  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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MBL, it's not "pathetic" to use multiple monikers. It's just fun and it hurts nobody.

What is pathetic, is to call people nasty names, spew venom and hatred in the name of "speaking the truth in love," and to express such disgust and loathing for women as you do.

BTW, does your poor wife know you are on Sermon Audio sex baiting the women? If your own wife tried to post on Sermon Audio, would you beat her silly? Does she know you are keeping track of my monikers on Sermon Audio, like you were digging for gold -- instead of attending to your wife who is about to give birth?

And where do you get your occultic beliefs that Christianity consists of saying certain words in the right order at your command, all hocus pocus. Did you learn that from JD?

You are just a venomous creep posing as a Christian, just like Georgie Bush -- doing the Devil's own work in the name of Jesus to make Christians look very, very bad so that some day soon many of the rest of us can pay dearly, at the hands of a Hillary Clinton or someone like her, for the behavior of people like yourself.

That's why your name is Lawless. I'm no Calvinist, but I do think people have the names they do for a reason, and yours certainly fits you to a Tee.

Go away.

News Item12/27/06 7:23 PM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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Mike, have you ever gained yours?

Why are you looking for my achilles heel?

If you don't agree with something I say, then put up your own argument.

Don't be such a weasel.

News Item12/27/06 4:42 PM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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Lerchy, your five points of Arminianism don't make any sense.

For example point one you say:

"*Just a bad head cold is all that iniquity is in a sinner."

Then point five you say:

* "You can fall off the tightrope of salvation at anytime."

This makes no sense. If sin is just a head cold, how is it so easy to fall off the "tightrope of salvation?"

You've got it all wrong. Yes, grace is resistible, yes salvation is for the asking, and yes people can lose their salvation if they do not walk with God once they are saved.


* "Election is conditional to the effect that the sinner is not quite as bad as we thought we were."

A: No, election is conditional on walking in the Spirit lest you fulfil the lusts of the flesh.

* "No limit to atonement - universalism - Anyone can get in."

A: That's not universalism. Anyone can get in, true. And anyone can fall away also.

* "It's easy peasy to resist God and His grace."

A: True.

* "You can fall off the tightrope of salvation at anytime."

A: True, you can lose your salvation. I wouldn't call it "fall off the tightrope of salvation."

News Item12/27/06 4:33 PM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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Mike from PA, Hillary is a cryptoJew, also a high priestess of the Illuminati, in the Slice and Dice division. Same with Bill. Both are from Jewish families. Hillary spoke Yiddish at home.

CryptoJews, secret Jews, hidden Jews, pretend to be Christian while they plot their destruction.

John Kerry is also a cryptoJew, as is Madeline Albright. When they are confronted with their Jewishness, they act surprised and shocked.

Hillary Clinton absolutely despises Christians, and so does George Bush.

Read the excerpts from David Kuo's book Tempting Fate. Kuo was number two man in Bush's Faith Based Initiatives Office, tells how no money was given to the office to distribute, and how the administration thought the evangelical religious leaders were nuts and wackos, humored them and laughed behind their back.

Watch You Tube report on the book from Keith Olbermann here:

News Item12/27/06 3:03 PM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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Minitrue, that all depends on what you mean by "sovereign." If you mean a puppetmaster, yes, you're right, we don't put much stock in such a stone god. This is a creation of your own mind, a genie in a bottle -- but there's no magic in it, no real power, because it's just a filthy dream.

News Item12/27/06 1:49 PM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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"What about the most satanic heresy of all
That which removes Christ and sanctifies sin to worship the creature.???"

Minitrue, you are full of it. Arminianism doesn't "sanctify sin," but knows God requires holiness, to be an "overcomer" in order to inherit Heaven.

Rather, it is the Antinomian Fatalists who worship the creature rather than the Creator.

First, they worship themselves and their own selfish desires, their own exalted opinions of themselves as having been "Chosen."

Second, the god they worship is one who does not exist, one created in their own minds, one who can be kept in a genie bottle for their convenience, one who requires no relationship or obedience, but who serves their wishes to protect them from all bad things as "elect" and to fatalistically to excuse their selfish sinfulness.

A stone god, created in the image of man, who has no pity, no feelings, no justice, and no holiness, but who is responsible for everything man does or does not do, letting his devotees "off the hook" for sin.

News Item12/27/06 12:58 PM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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"Where in the Book of Revelations is the CC called a whore?"

The Whore of Babylon is that which came from Babylon -- which is the Jewish religion that Jesus condemned, the false traditions of men encoded in the Jewish Talmud and Cabala. From this same Whore came the RCC and other daughters of the Whore, as the venomous poison of hatred toward God and God's people shapeshifted itself into many forms in order to defeat and crush God's people in this war to the death between good and evil.

The Muslim religion was created, deliberately createad, by the RCs. This history of the false Muslim religion can be found, among other places, on Eric Phelps website, also the Crusader Series of Alberto Rivera on Jack Chick's website.

All promote antinomian heresy, the priesthood, mind control through lying and damnable heresies, distortion of Scripture.

Every secret society has its roots in the Jewish Cabala, bar none, including all of Freemasonry and the RCC.

The Jewish Cabala has its roots in the religion of Mystery Babylon, from whence the Jews were taken into captivity.

News Item12/27/06 12:44 PM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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"Hillary is taking a nod from the current prez, who became 'born again' when his advisors decided it was a good political move, e.g. he would garner votes from right wing conservatives if he expressed his claim to be 'born again'. George Bush is no more 'born again' than Hillary is. Bush has been caught in more lies than you can shake a stick at. Since when is lying to achieve a political goal Christian like?"

James, I agree 100 percent with this post.

The Bushes and the Clintons are best buddies, and golfing buddies with the Bin Ladens also.

These people all work for the same behind-the-scenes Jewish bankers and Illuminati cabal, the CFR and Bilderbergs, the Royals, the Pope.

The same people who give us a "choice" between two Skull and Bonesmen -- John Kerry and Georgie Bush.

They say John Kerry was the one who climbed into the casket with Georgie at his Skull and Bones initiation and "worked him over."

News Item12/27/06 12:05 PM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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"Remember how the "devout" Muslims cheered in the streets when we were struck on 9/11?"


Actually, those people in New Jersey were found to be Israelis. Want more proof? There's tons of information about the "dancing Israelis."

Google it up yourself. If you aren't able to, let me know and I'll put it up here on Sermon Audio for you.

News Item12/27/06 12:02 PM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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Jerome Donahue--

Amen on the your analysis of what America did to create the Muslim problem in the first place and your comments about the Jewish influence behind this whole mess.

Bible says in the last days there is no more wicked place on the planet than Jerusalem, called "Sodom and Egypt" in Revelation.

And Christians forget that the Jews cried out en masse, Crucify Him! and His blood be on us and on our children!

And they forget that Jesus said he took the kingdom AWAY from them and gave it to the Christians.

And they also forget that the Bible says the real Israel, the real seed of Abraham, are the believers in Jesus.

Not the Jews. The Bible is God's Word, not the wicked and Satanic Talmud.

Judaism is a false religion, as wicked as any in existence today, and comes straight out of occultic, Satan worshipping, baby sacrificing, depraved Babylon.

News Item12/27/06 11:18 AM
Salt of the Earth | Conquering heresies everywhere!  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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James from NY: "when He said 'judge not lest ye be judged', & 'let those without sin cast the first stone'."

Actually we are SUPPOSED to judge, and Paul was upset with the church in Corinth who failed to judge the adulterer, said we are going to judge the angels and you can't even judge this little thing here in your church?

But we are going to be judged ourselves, and so if we are goinG to judge others we need to be sure we are not doing the same thing we are judging others for, for with the measure you mete it shall be meted to you!

But hey, if you're not doing it, you better go right ahead and judge righteous judgment, or you will be in trouble with God for FAILING to judge!

Driving another stake in the heart of another stupid heresy! They're everywhere. Why are so many pastors teaching so many ridiculous heresies? (ie because maybe they don't want people judging THEM, and so they teach against judging altogether?)

Survey12/27/06 6:23 AM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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Des from Australia -- Read your Bible.

You said: "God who sees everthing does not have to erase and change his mind. I believe in his foreknowledge of your whole life, he just writes your name in the book - once!"

Rev. 3:5 He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.

Exodus 32:33 And the Lord said unto Moses, Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book.

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