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News Item1/19/07 7:13 PM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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Here's another one for you, Mike. The CIA, NSA, and more.

CIA analysis finds no Iranian nuclear weapons drive

By Agence France-Presse

A classified draft CIA assessment has found no firm evidence of a secret drive by Iran to develop nuclear weapons, as alleged by the White House, a top US investigative reporter said on Saturday.

News Item1/19/07 6:55 PM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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"helps the Pallys buy their weapons etc."

I didn't realize the Palestinians were getting money to pay for their rocks and bottles.

News Item1/19/07 6:33 PM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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Cindy, the Bible says there will be wars and rumors of wars. How does Zechariah prove that we aren't goign to bomb Iran?

Revelation says three-quarters of the people will be killed.

I know you think God will be doing the killing, but that's not the truth. God will come back to save us, not destroy us, and to stop the people who are "destroying the earth."

And yes, you've been listening to propaganda. If you're watching Fox News, or Limbaugh, Savage, Laura Ingraham or any of those turncoats, turn them off for awhile and let your brain air out.

News Item1/19/07 6:08 PM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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I listen to Alex Jones. You can always Google and check what I say. It only takes a minute. I can't remember what Alex said was the source, FBI maybe, said Iran was 10 years away.

Iran Is Judged 10 Years From Nuclear Bomb
U.S. Intelligence Review Contrasts With Administration Statements

By Dafna Linzer
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, August 2, 2005; Page A01

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iran bomb 'within next 10 years'
Iran is determined to have a nuclear weapon and could possess one within 10 years, according to the top US intelligence chief. ... - 46k -

I highly, highly recommend listening to Alex Jones and Texe Marrs. They have 24/7 streaming off their websites. is also good, has a lot of TRUTHFUL information about what's going on now, the most dangerous time in the history of the world.

News Item1/19/07 5:21 PM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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"Iran does have nuclear weapons,"

No, Cindy, they don't. It will be 10 years before they have the bomb. They also have no delivery system.

If we nuke them it will be to take out their nuclear power plant, no nuclear weapons. They don't have any,.

I don't know where you're getting your information, but your information is wrong.

In fact, it's not information. It's propaganda.

No matter how you cut it, it's a lie that Iran has the bomb or the ability to deliver the bomb. Russia and China have plenty, and so do a lot of other people, and if Bush keeps talking crazy, if Congress doesn't impeach him and get him away where he can't hurt anybody, billions of people will die.

Yes, I said billions.

That's why the Dems were elected, to clamp down on Bush. But they are not doing what they were elected to do.

It is a desperate situation. People get their understandings from some fictional TV show on Fox called 24 or something.

People need to shut of their TV sets and start searching for the truth.

But it's a little late in the game now for that I guess. I guess we all should just prepare to die, which I know all you OSAS people figure you're all set.

News Item1/19/07 2:18 PM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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Jim Lincoln, if you could tear yourself away from Ankerberg and Fox News and the rest of your Illuminati mentors, you might be able to see what is obvious to the majority of Amaericans.

Which is, we were lied to repeatedly about Iraq:

1. No weapons of mass destruction.
2. No ties to Al Quada.
2. No liberation of Iraq.
3. No bringing democracy to Iraq.
4. Latest lie, for our "security."

Lies, lies, lies.

Now we're told we must go in and nuke Iran. Iran has no nukes. None at all. It's another big lie.

However, China, Russia, North Korea, a few others have nukes. Guess what? The world realises America is a dangerous monster who is liable to come buzzing overhead with nukes at any time for any or no reason at all.

Guess what! Somebody is going to be nuking us, because we are hated.

We used to be the most loved nation on the planet. Now we are hated by everybody.

People are leaving the country, moving to the country, storing food because the man in the White House is stir crazy and so are the neoCons surrounding him, most of them Mossad agents, dual citizen Jews, and homosexuals.

News Item1/19/07 1:27 PM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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KK, I think it will be Hillary and Obama in '08. That is, if we're still here at all and if we are still holding elections, which at this point is doubtful. GWB is crazy as a loon. So's Cheney. They think nuking the world into oblivion is their mandate from their god.

And being devil worshippers, this means New World Order here we come.

News Item1/16/07 1:37 PM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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Sorry. I meant to say below the Illuminati will control food the same way they now control energy.

Which as we know, means shutting off the spigot, finding phony reasons not to develop the oil.

We've heard oil is unlimited resource, constantly being replenished deep in the earth, and that oil wells pretty much never go dry. You just cap them up and come back in a year or two and they are good to go again.

It's all about control. You can't charge a lot and run people's lives if everybody is producing oil and selling it for whatever they want to sell it for.

The goal is to control the food, to make people more dependent slaves on the international crime syndicate otherwise known as the New World Order.

News Item1/16/07 1:23 PM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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This is all about control. The big factory farms can afford this, one ID per herd. But the small farmer won't be able to afford this, and people will not be able to have a few chickens, a horse, and a cow on a small farm. Eventually with Montsanto patenting every seed ever found on the earth, along with their genetically modified and hybrid seeds, their terminator seeds, we are looking at the Illuminati controlling food the same way they now control food.

There will be famine and starvation, rationing, and millions dying of hunger.

Which is what it's all about.

These people are devil worshippers. Death and chaos are their pure delight.

The sickest, most unhealthy animals are those in the factory farms.

News Item1/16/07 9:27 AM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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Yes, this is the vaunted Hate Crime Bill, sponsored by B'Nai B'rith and the Anti Defamation League.

This is what will be used to silence the Christian Church.

You can thank the Judaizers, the NeoCONs, the cryptoJews in the White House for this, the devil-worshipping perverts who want to close our mouths so they can continue to plunder the country and practice their debaucheries without criticism.

Better speak up now or forever hold your peace! This Bill will go sailing through Congress, and we can kiss one of our last rights goodbye.

So far, right to own property GONE.

No establishment of religion or hindering the same -- GONE.

No more right to travel freely.

No more writ of habeas corpus required.

No more right to be secure in your home.

No more right to a trial of your peers.

Well, we have these rights unless Mr. Bush, the dictator, says otherwise.

This is not a joke. Pastor Ted Pike has been warning about this, telling us it will happen. Then we will be like Canada, only more restricted.

The Jews don't want us to have Christmas, to mention Jesus. They hate Jesus and they hate us, and that's the facts.

News Item1/16/07 4:49 AM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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Mark M from Georgia, Thank you for your thoughtful posting.

There is no way people should be judged because of their race.

MLK was right about that, we should be judged by our character only.

Prejudice can go two ways. The Prejudice we are showing to Israel, backing them with billions of dollars and guns -- while they steal other people's lands and oppress and murder them -- this is just wrong.

The Jews are not a super race deserving to take away the lands and property of others. There is no religion on earth that is more against Jesus and his saints than Judaism.

I call this reverse prejudice. It's just as wrong as hating people for their skin color.

Survey1/14/07 1:37 AM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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Mike, Thanks for the translation. Too bad JD doesn't know how to just say the Arminians and Calvinists agree about pretribbism and Antinomianism.

The Gang of Five is anything but orthodox Christian, Baptist or otherwise, you're not Arminian because you believe in OSAS and pretrib rapture heresies.

It's obvious the fundamentalists have misnamed themselves, much as the Church of Jesus Christ or Jehovah's Witnesses have.

Your Gang of Five is really a New Age Antinomian Cult a la Richard Land and the CFR's World Religion. The Calvinists believe in perseverence of the saints, which you oppose, with your chief of sinners philosophy, think you can sin your way into Heaven.

This makes you more fatalistic, more a practicer of hyperCalvinism than the Calvinists, who know Christianity is more than saying the right words, in the right order, one time, at one point in their life.

And SA's most popular preacher, Paul Washer, preaches exactly the same thing I'm saying, which you call horrid heresies.

It doesn't matter how many people you add to your Gang, anybody with the truth can push you all over with a feather. Your approach to the Bible is grotesque, immature, and completely in the flesh.

Survey1/13/07 6:38 PM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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Mike, I was following what he said.

If you understand the stuff about the divisions of demons, would you explain?

Go ahead. You are so good at figuring out that Paul was a reprobate sinner right up to his beheading -- you are probably real good at figuring out JD's blather.

Give it a shot!

He's got a whole new boatload of blather up there now, but for now let's just go with the stuff about the divisions of demons attacking the truth.

Please advise.

Survey1/13/07 6:34 PM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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"He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God."

Yeah, that's what JD always says too.

Anybody who doesn't get what he says or doesn't agree with what he says, he calls them Satanic and that they have waxed ears and don't have the Holy Spirit, and that's why.

That if you just had the Holy Spirit, you could understand what JD says.

But even DB doesn't understand or read JD's posts, because he said so one time. He was supporting JD in some wild thing he was posting, and when he finally realized what JD was saying he said he hadn't read JD's post and didn't usually read them.

So if you understand them, MBL, maybe you can try to explain them. But I'll bet if you try to do that, JD will call you a satanic liar! Are you able to explain what he said about the divisions of demons attacking truth? Please, be my guest to enlighten my waxed ears.

All I can say for the Antinomian Gang of Five is that misery certainly loves company, all holding each other's hands while you go back slapping yourself into Perdition.

If this was my Bulletin Board, I would kick all five of you off from here, permanently.

Survey1/13/07 6:01 PM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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"You will notice that I post because I have something to say!"

The only problem, JD, is that nobody can understand what you are saying.

I'm still waiting for you to please explain what you meant by the divisions of demons sent to help me attack truth.

Nobody here can understand what you say, and when we attempt to decipher your incoherent mutterings you call us liars and slanderers, and satanic and other such things as that.

But when we ask you to explain yourself, you never, ever do. Is it because you don't understand your own postings?

What could cause somebody to put up such a mountain of blather that nobody wants to read or can understand?

If you really had a message to the people who come to this board, a true message from God, don't you think God would help you say it in a way that people could understand?

And when people tell you, hey, JD, please explain, you just ignore and go on posting more incoherent blather?

You put a cloud of confusion over this whole bulletin board and have been doing it for years. Don't you think it's time you changed your ways? Stop putting up postings that nobody can understand or want to even try to understand?

Survey1/13/07 5:23 PM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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JD, I think you should not mock my intelligence just because I can't understand your postings.

If anybody else here knows what JD was saying about the divisions of demons in Satan's armies uniting to attack truth, and how that fit in with his first paragraph that was supposed to be criticizing me somehow, I'd like to know.

If somebody is going to slam me here, I'd at least like to know what they're talking about. I can't make head nor tail of JD's posting. Sorry.

JD I know you think your thoughts are high as heaven is above earth, but you need to come down to earth and speak plainly so ordinary mortals can understand.

So cut to the chase, okay? Enough blather. Just say what's on your mind. What's with the two divisions of demons?

Survey1/13/07 4:57 PM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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JD says: "What difference does it make to Satan what lie one believes as long as one believes a lie and why wouldn't he join forces for the greater threat of a clear presentation of truth? Seems like a pretty sly manuver if you ask me!"


JD's translation of what he said: "I defintely assumed too much. Satan commands as a military general and he has his troops organized as such, so when I say he will join forces I simply mean that more than one of his divisions can be mobilized together against the enemy, which in this case is truth. They may be different divisions but they are the same army."

I'm still lost, even more than before. The second paragraph is supposed to be an explanation of the first paragraph? Are you saying I have two divisions of demons helping me post?

JD, did you get any sleep last night? Is your mother feeding you properly? Tell her not to put MSG in your food, it causes brain lesions and all kinds of problems. Do a Google if you don't believe me.

And watch out for calling male posters here a "sly fox" and "silly." That kind of talk can get you banned.

Survey1/13/07 4:06 PM
Salt of the Earth | Sometimes it stings  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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"What difference does it make to Satan what lie one believes as long as one believes a lie and why wouldn't he join forces for the greater threat of a clear presentation of truth? Seems like a pretty sly manuver if you ask me!"

JD, we realize your ways are higher than our ways and past finding out, as high as the heavens to the earth, as you said earlier.

Maybe that's why I don't understand your message above? Maybe Yamil can translate since he's the expert on the English language here? Or Mike?

If God is not the author of confusion, how is it you cannot make yourself understood, JD?

Walt used to say you have a demon.

Well, at least you can't blame it on speaking in tongues. And I know as a Baptist you don't drink. Do you? Are you taking something for your nerves? That might explain it, because those things have weird side effects, affect the judgment, and have surreal effects on the mind.

I recomend everybody avoid Big Pharma totally. Best to use natural remedies and good nutrition.

JD, you could try some kava kava for your nerves because it will calm you down but still allow you to think rationally and has no harmful side effects.

What does your doctor have you on anyway? It blew me away yesterday when you said God was a woman.

Survey1/13/07 1:17 PM
Salt of the Earth  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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She thinks... that Paul saying he was a sinner saved by God's amazing grace... makes him an antichrist.

No, MBL, that's not it at all.

If Paul was still as a converted Christian the chief of sinners, still sinning big time, then that means he was an antichrist fraud and liar and hypocrit and we all should just go burn our Bibles.

But you MBL, posting as a Bro Williams, tried to convince this board that Paul was a committed reprobate chief of sinners right up to the day he died.

Your four friends in in your Gang of Five all agreed with you.

And of course "Bro Williams," who is just an another alias you've adopted to defend yourself when you expose what a reprobate you truly are. I thought Bro Williams was DB because of the remarks about the rapture, but I see you think just like he does on that. So it was you posting as "Bro Williams."

Bullies are always the biggest crybabies, ever notice?

Survey1/12/07 9:20 AM
Salt of the Earth | Reproving the Works of Darkness  Find all comments by Salt of the Earth
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I like JD's latest comment. He continues to top himself. Yesterday he was preaching Paul the antichrist and saying God was a woman. Today, looks like he thinks he's God himself:

JD Says (quoting scripture and applying it to himself):

8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

We must learn to think like God! Nothging in his word is coincidental, it is there by design!"


Wow. Thanks, JD, for telling us mortals why we don't understand your postings. It's because your ways are higher than our ways and your ways not like our ways and past finding out.

And what "high knowledge" causes you to think Paul was a chief of sinners right up to the moment he was martyred? Are you not taking your Antinomian heresies to the far extreme, even going into the realm of Paul as Antichrist position, or Satanism? Are you 100 percent positive Paul as Antichrist is knowledge you got from God?

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