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News Item2/6/08 1:01 PM
Tony Borrelli | Suburban Philadelphia  Find all comments by Tony Borrelli
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There are pro-choice Republicans and there are pro-life Democrats. Being a Republican is NOT an article of faith.
Christ transcends politics. As an Independent I feel confident in claiming that this survey shows that the Republicans have gone to the well one time too many. Talk is cheap.

News Item2/6/08 12:51 PM
Tony Borrelli | Suburban Philadelphia  Find all comments by Tony Borrelli
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Putting aside RC doctrine for the moment, let us look at the lesson to be learned here. Fifty years ago nuns lived a very austere lifestyle. They were covered in black from head to toe.They were not allowed to go out alone.They were not allowed to drive. They had no money.They worked in hospitals and schools for no pay despite their education and the income that they generated for the church.When they died their inheritance went to the church as well. Today they dress smartly, exposing their hair (which was a no-no in 1950). They travel alone, they drive (some owning their own car), they have income and can even express opinions out loud that contradict church teachings. Yet the recruitment is down, despite the fact that the church initiated these changes specifically to stem the downward spiral of vocations. Why? Because the lack of interest in vocations had nothing to do with the austere conditions! Those with a vocation, stick with it not because the living is easy, but because they feel the call of God. Now, what is the lesson to all people including Evangelicals? Simply this - we serve God when we are called to do so because it pleases Him, not because it's a cool life filled with fun, fellowship,food and music.We can't attract people by satisfying felt needs.

News Item1/23/08 1:31 PM
Tony Borrelli | Suburban Philadelphia  Find all comments by Tony Borrelli
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The photo accompanying the article says it all. It could be an illustration for the money changers in the Temple. Greed. Idolatry. Lust.

News Item1/23/08 1:26 PM
Tony Borrelli | Suburban Philadelphia  Find all comments by Tony Borrelli
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The bottom line is really very simple. Jesus Christ is either exactly who He says He is, or He is the biggest fraud that ever walked the face of the earth. If He is who He says He is, then yes, the six million Jews and billions of others who died without Him are in hell, and there they shall remain. If He is a fraud, then I don't know where they are because if I can't trust the Living Word, I can't trust the Written Word and that's that. Without Him I'm lost either way. But praise God, with Him I'm saved. Exclusivity? Darn straight!

News Item1/2/08 10:18 AM
Tony Borrelli | Suburban Philadelphia  Find all comments by Tony Borrelli
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I actually think the image more resembles St Theresa of Avila, although it bears a strong resemblance to St. Catherine Laboure' except for the head piece which more likely resembles the type worn by St. Bernadette of Lourdes. Although the nose is close in shape to that of St. Joan of Arc. In retrospect however the facial contortion reminds one of St. Catherine of Sienna, except for the frown which was prevalent in manifestations of St. Matilda of Saxony. If the veil was pulled back more and we could see the hair color we could rule out St. Olga of Russia if she were not blonde. Then again it looks a lot like the Ghost of Christmas past which has been known to appear to Christmas revelers who have had too much eggnog. She also resembles Sister Mary Arcangel who beat me senseless in the 2nd grade in 1956 except that she has no yardstick in her hand. Then again it might just be an image of Darth Vader. Oh well, who needs Christ when we have so many apparitions to assure us. THE ABOVE IS I don't want to hear from all you pickle-pusses who think it's a real comment !

News Item12/31/07 10:14 AM
Tony Borrelli | Suburban Philadelphia  Find all comments by Tony Borrelli
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Well ? I'm waiting Doctor Jones III !

How about the rest of you "Fundamentalist" leaders who saw no conflict with Mr. Mormon ?

Is the dog returning to his vomit yet ?

Is "anyone but Hillary" still worth a compromise against the Bible ?

Is the former Governor of Gomorrah still worthy of being considered to have had an "epiphany" concerning abortion ?

Or is it all about economic conservatism rather than Spiritual conservatism ?

Remember, the good guy in the parable was a "publican" NOT a RE-publican!

News Item12/20/07 10:01 AM
Tony Borrelli | Suburban Philadelphia  Find all comments by Tony Borrelli
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It's a non-event in States like New Jersey & New York where nobody has been executed in over 40 years. NY Gov. Pataki became a hero to the Law & Order crowd when he pushed a Death Penalty bill into law, but he came and went without one execution taking place. The law on the books does no good without enforcement, and in some States like New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts etc., it's just not going to happen. It is therefore best to end the charade and make official that which everyone in those States knows, namely that life without parole is the worst you're going to get. Soon, that will be on the chopping block as well. In crime prevention as in health care, in America it's becoming more and more a case of every man for himself.

News Item12/18/07 1:13 PM
Tony Borrelli | Suburban Philadelphia  Find all comments by Tony Borrelli
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As I stated before, this is just grandstanding. Joey Vento is too good a salesman to turn down an order for a $7.00 sandwich because the customer asks for it in Spanish or Swahili for that matter. South Philly used to all Italians. Now it's all Mexicans and Vietnamese. If he waits for English he might as well move to the Main Line. The whole thing reminds me of a joke the great Jewish comic Henny Youngman used to tell to Jewish audiences in the Catskill New York resorts: A Jewish man opens a deli in Manhattan. He puts a sign in the window "No Arabs Served". An Arab sheik comes in from the U.N. Embassy and orders a standing lunchtime order every day of 200 corned beef specials on rye @$12.00 each along with 5 gallons each of potato salad, coleslaw, and pickles and soda pop. The next day the owner put a new sign in the window: "No Jews Allowed".

News Item12/18/07 12:48 PM
Tony Borrelli | Suburban Philadelphia  Find all comments by Tony Borrelli
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Human nature dictates that boys and girls are going to "get together" whether behind the high school bleachers or in a deserted barracks. That's why boys and girls are not supposed to be in the Army together. Boys are supposed to go into the Army and girls are supposed to stay home with their mothers and either wait for the boys to come home or marry someone else. This is because boys and girls are strongly attracted to each other and is why, since cohabitation on the job can be a disaster for the military, that a co-ed Army is STUPID. It is also why allowing gays to serve in the military is VERY STUPID.
Now who needs a degree in physics to figure this out?

News Item12/15/07 6:22 PM
Tony Borrelli | Suburban Philadelphia  Find all comments by Tony Borrelli
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Ms. Walters is Jewish.

News Item12/5/07 2:00 PM
Tony Borrelli | Suburban Philadelphia  Find all comments by Tony Borrelli
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The article is poorly written. Obviously designed to lament the current conditions, it incorporates some encouraging trends in the negative domain. Example: we are told that we do not possess a coherent biblical world view, and that we are embracing values that are not necessarily based on biblical foundations, yet we are told that we are now adopting values such as goodness, kindness and tolerance, and are embracing racial diversity and tolerance. Is the author attempting to say that traditional biblical foundations and a coherent biblical world view is at enmity with goodness, kindness, tolerance, and racial acceptance? My Bible has always endorsed these virtues! Is the author attempting to say that racial hatred, mean attitudes, and evil is a "coherent biblical world view"? I'm confused.

News Item12/1/07 9:53 AM
Tony Borrelli | Suburban Philadelphia  Find all comments by Tony Borrelli
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This is indeed one of the few forums in religious academia where a story of yet another Jew attacking his idea of Christianity (accurate or not is not the issue, but rather his intent) can be turned into a battle between Catholics and Protestants. In another 24 hours the Protestants will be divided according to Baptism, Eschatology, Calvinist vs Arminian hermaneutics, and types of worship music. In 48 hours someone will introduce the Islamic attack. In the meanwhile, the fact that Jews continue to attack anything they remotely believe to be Christian will be ignored. If the Jews who hate Christ so much were as smart as they think they are, they would just sit back and let those who believe themselves to be Christians just continue to attack each other.

News Item11/21/07 12:30 PM
Tony Borrelli | Suburban Philadelphia  Find all comments by Tony Borrelli
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If Hume was a Covenanter, we can surmize that this is a Geneva Bible. Many of us KJV folks sometimes forget that the people we admire most, the Puritans despised the "Authorized" version because it was commissioned by King James due to his dislike for the "Christ Alone Is King" slant. We should recall that when we are unduly harsh to those who prefer a version other than the KJV.

News Item11/21/07 11:08 AM
Tony Borrelli | Suburban Philadelphia  Find all comments by Tony Borrelli
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Mark M. Very good comments. I would encourage you however to logically come to a deductive reasoning of your comments in order to expand them in a direction you may not have thought of. You correctly state that Muslims claim that God has "no son". You correctly claim that this belief is a denial of Christ and equals "hell bound". Do you realize that your criteria applies to unbelieving Jews as well? If the God of the Bible is a Triune God (and He is) then are not the Jews (I am speaking here of those who are not atheists and agnostics as most are) also worshipping another god? Kind of causes a little indigestion to the brand of American Evangelicalism we worship in doesn't it? Also, if the Koran teaches the killing of Christians & Jews, does it not also teach the killing of Hindus and Shintos (also "infidels")? Does that bother you as much as the order to kill Christians & Jews? Does our Bible not tell us to stone certain people (sodomites & adulterous women for example)? How does that effect you? I am not trying to degrade you, I'm just trying to make you think, which is good for all of us to do now & then when we make generalizations. O-K brothers & sisters - cut loose!!!!

News Item11/14/07 9:29 AM
Tony Borrelli | Suburban Philadelphia  Find all comments by Tony Borrelli
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"Now there was no smith found throughout the land of Israel: for the Philistines said, 'Lest the Hebrews make them swords or spears;'".

I Samuel 13:19 (KJV)

Fear the government that fears your guns.

The only legitimate form of gun control is defined as hitting what you are aiming at.

News Item11/8/07 8:55 AM
Tony Borrelli | Suburban Philadelphia  Find all comments by Tony Borrelli
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I was not going to comment on this article because I do not put much faith in WND as a reliable source of unadulterated news, HOWEVER, something just came to mind. Did not the much aligned Jimmy Carter refuse to allow the USA to participate in the Olympics held in Russia in protest to the USSR invasion of Afghanistan? Why then, should not the darling of WND's brand of Christianity, the honorable George W. Bush, do something similar to show his disdain for this blatant display of un-Godly, un-Christian bias by the Red Chinese? Could it be that our rough, tough, patriotic Republican is more wishy washy toward Godless Communism than that sissy, wimpy, leftist sympathizer Mr. Carter? Or could it be that Mr. Bush (and his type) like to wear their religion on their sleeve, while those like Mr. Carter actually live it? By the way, I voted for Mr. Bush, I did not vote for Mr. Carter. I would just like to point out my wonder at what it is that Mr. Bush REALLY finds important.

News Item10/30/07 5:27 PM
Tony Borrelli | Suburban Philadelphia  Find all comments by Tony Borrelli
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The most enlightening comment in the article was "When you mix politics and religion, you get politics."

News Item10/27/07 7:15 PM
Tony Borrelli | Suburban Philadelphia  Find all comments by Tony Borrelli
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Each day it becomes more clear that Dr. Jones' support of Mr. Romney was NOT an isolated, original reaction to the abject fear of a Democratic president. Obviously, Evangelical,Fundamentalist "leaders" have come together at some point to discuss how they can insure a Republican victory and not appear to be unorthodox in their Gospel message. The answer was simple. Clean up Mormonism! All of a sudden, it's bad, but not that bad. Romney's heart is pure. The angel Morroney's spiritual line runs to Abraham. If you all cannot see that the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been sold out by it's most trusted leaders in order to achieve or maintain a perception of political power, then there's a bridge 100 miles North of me in Brooklyn I would like to make you an offer on. "Filthy lucre" is making inroads into the Church militant.

News Item10/22/07 10:56 AM
Tony Borrelli | Suburban Philadelphia  Find all comments by Tony Borrelli
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Once upon a time, the LORD decided that He wanted the King of Babylon to rule His people Judah. (They were behaving badly, much as the USA is today.) The leaders of Judah however thought that this was a bad idea. I suppose some of them thought "anybody is better than Nebuchadnezzar". Jeremiah tried to remind the Judean religious/political leaders that God sets up leaders and takes them down, but their attitude was "it's all about beating Nebuchadnezzar". Strangely, these very leaders claimed to believe in the Sovereignty of God, but they really felt that THEY needed to take a more "hands on" approach. So some were willing to compromise and get help from other heathens, thinking that they could pick and choose the lesser of two or three evils to get in bed with. The end was not good. It never is when we take it upon ourselves to "fine tune" God's Word so that it will fit in a little better with OUR understanding as to how things OUGHT to be. During the War Between The States, a cabinet member said to Abe Lincoln, "May
God be on our side". Lincoln retorted, "no, may we be on God's side". Did anyone ever think that maybe it is God's will for Hillary to be President for some reason He may have?

News Item10/17/07 12:17 PM
Tony Borrelli | Suburban Philadelphia  Find all comments by Tony Borrelli
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What's worse than "Evangelicals & Catholics Together"? How about "Evangelicals & Mormons Together". Perhaps the liberals are correct. Perhaps the "Evangelicals" are just political opportunists with their own agenda, no different from others with un-Biblical agendas. We have descended from the high road and left the narrow way for the broad path that may lead to political power - and damnation!
"He who is ashamed of me, of him will I be ashamed before my Father in Heaven". Mormon doctrine is ashamed of Jesus Christ as Lord of Lords, and Creator of all that is. God help us.
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