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News Item10/8/11 10:22 AM
theWayPA | Pittsburgh, PA  Find all comments by theWayPA
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Excuse me, Street-Preacher, but are you Jewish?

News Item9/3/11 9:38 AM
theWayPA | Pennsylvania  Find all comments by theWayPA
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Maybe a guy like this doesn't like using the word "saved" because it insinuates an answer that would drop the rolls of his church faster than the stock market in our economy; the answer being that if one says they are "saved," the obvious (and quite justifiable) question is "saved from WHAT?" Seeker-sensitive life coaches (I mean, pastors) cannot answer this question because the "gospel" they preach is devoid of sin (willful, rebellious acts against a holy God) springing from an original sin nature (Adam being our federal head fell into sin and we inherit that Adamic, God-hating nature), and therefore salvation is not necessary in their pathetic, disgusting, switch-n-bait tactics which draw sinners to placation of guilt and shame and not allowing God's word to exacerbate their guilt that they may be SAVED; saved from sin, from God's wrath against them, and saved from the eternal consequences of hell. This is only possible through Jesus Christ, the only Righteous One, who died for sinners who repent (another hated word in seemingly most of these country clubs) and trust in Him alone to SAVE them from the eternal wrath of God they DESERVE! But in this movement, sinners deserve a guilt-free, Jesus-my-homeboy figure who is completely impotent to save face, let alone sinners!

News Item7/23/11 12:50 PM
theWayPA  Find all comments by theWayPA
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For clarification, when you type in all-caps and use exclamation points in typing (especially as much as you do), it comes across as "yelling" which is why I accused you of that. If that is indeed what you are not doing, then I do apologize for that (per the first post I put in reply to you), but you need to know that typing that way is how it comes across (at least to me).
Are you saying that you DID indeed quote 1 Kings 18:21 in context? That you are accusing me of being a prophet of Baal? How do you even have enough information to accuse me of that, seeing I have barely even talked to you at all? And now I am a "Jesuit?" How do you even know this? And I am demon-possessed? Why will you not answered the questions posed to you?
I take your latest response as a seriously disjointed, logically incoherent rambling that seems more interested in attacking me and tearing me down than actually giving a reason for the positions you seem to hold. You seem only interested in hearing yourself and I take your lack of response to the questions as an inability to biblically respond, and I am done trying to reason with an unreasonable person. I can say this for sure, you do NOT sound like a servant of the Triune God. I will be praying for you...

News Item7/23/11 11:59 AM
theWayPA  Find all comments by theWayPA
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Street-Preacher, the fact that you would quote 1 Kings 18:21 towards me when I am trying to express that I am fearful that I sinfully spoke too quickly and am trying to respect you is truly astounding for someone who has been doing "Gospel ministry" for so many years. With all respect, is this the way that you quote texts: out of context in an attacking manner towards those who ask you questions for clarification? I mean, do you honestly think that your reply in anyway reflects a gentle spirit that Christians are to exhibit towards other Christians? Unless, of course, you are accusing me of not being a Christian, which you have NO basis for, for you have asked NO questions of me for clarification and you have NO basis for judging me that way, which I think is what is meant by your pseudo-question, "Maybe That's Your Problem," and then through a litany of charges against me that I may have all kinds of "spirits." (but not the Holy Spirit, is that what you are getting at?) You know what, sir, you are offensive and it isn't because of the cross like you are supposed to be.
How about, "Thank you for your apology and I do forgive you because I am a sinner saved by Jesus Christ the God Almighty's grace?" If you aren't going to answer the questions, then this is done.

News Item7/22/11 10:22 PM
theWayPA  Find all comments by theWayPA
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Street-Preacher, I do confess that my language was harsh due to speaking too quickly about you and my attitude stank and I was acting on emotions and was offended by your post (and not offended I don't think because of truth, but by the harshness unwarranted by your own post) and I apologize and ask your forgiveness. However, I do find your comments somewhat incoherent and disjointed and would like you to elaborate on a few things:

1) It seems that you may think people are heretics and apostates if they do not use the KJV (or AV 1611) Bible. Can you please substantiate this with Scripture and/or plain reason (preferably both)?

2) How exactly, from a Biblical standpoint, is it justifiable to say that a WHOLE organization (whose hearts you or I do not know) is going to hell for a name change? Granted, there may be fear of man behind the change and I do not doubt that there may very well be unsaved people working at CCC, but please provide Scripture to support your stance?

3) Is man capable of responding to the Gospel out of his own free will, or must his dead spirit be made alive again by a free act of God's grace, the man predestined therefore to be His elect unto eternal life?

I look forward to reply...

News Item7/21/11 9:12 PM
theWayPA  Find all comments by theWayPA
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I used to be an active participant in Campus Crusade for Christ, and I can tell you in retrospect that I think that the organization then (and now) because of their skewed gospel presentation as laid out in the "4 Spiritual Laws," have remained on a course (that is to say, if they were never on it to begin with) towards man-centered theology, which I can say from personal experience at the Cru that I was at was what actually happened.
Street-Preacher, do you have to scream in every post? And BTW, why do you seem to talk as if your coming to faith in Christ was your idea although you were dead in trespasses and sins (Eph. 2:1)? You seem a little too eager to label people heretics when to be quite honest, you sound like a proud, self-righteous man who can't wait to vent his own opinion as if they were Scripture. If you are going to lay charge of heresy to people, at least present a cogent reason why and not wail on them like a raving lunatic (seriously, changing Crusade to "Cru" brings individuals closer to hell-fire? Man, maybe they should just listen to you, since, of course, you are led by "The Inspiration, Illumination & Direction Of GOD, The Holy Spirit"? Heterodoxy is one thing, but a name change? You've crossed the line, my legalistic friend).

News Item7/16/11 9:01 PM
theWayPA | Near Pittsburgh, PA  Find all comments by theWayPA
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Also (I don't mean to hog this up, but I really wanted to send this last part to you, Bibliophile), why don't you mention Trent's anathema on those who hold to Sola Scripture before you try to make common ground that not only the Protestant would reject but also your own "holy see?"

Please repent of works righteous systems like Rome's and trust in Christ ALONE to save you and no condign merit to establish your purification in the life to come. Your system says Christ's death was insufficient and that the Lord of glory failed in making complete atonement for the faithful. Please repent Bibliophile and turn to Christ alone; I will be praying for you...

News Item7/16/11 8:15 PM
theWayPA | Near Pittsburgh, PA  Find all comments by theWayPA
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Please be honest with everyone here about the true Roman Catholic position. Yes, it is true that the hat tip does go towards the quote you have on your post, but you also fail to mention that the Roman system views the church (The Roman Catholic church headed by papal infallibility and authority) as the SOLE interpreter of the "sole authority for faith and practice;" is this not so? Therefore, the loophole is secure. You interpret Matthew 16 (Peter's confession of Christ) as an installment of a bishop who can speak infallibly "ex-cathedra" (that is, from his ruling throne meeting certain requirements set out by I believe a document from another pope in the 1800's) and has the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and so then therefore can make the only true interpretation that is supposed to guide all the faithful.

So, you know that this is not the protestant doctrine of Sola Scriptura (our beliefs are formed by the Bible alone and then creeds, confessions, and any other document must come into line with His Word) but rather the Romish doctrine of Sola Ecclesia (the Bible is sacred, but subject to RC interpretation and therefore change). It is deceptive for you to type that we would be in line with RC doctrine because of your simple quote taken out of context.

News Item3/20/11 8:23 AM
theWayPA | Pennsylvania  Go to homepageFind all comments by theWayPA
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Well, no one should be surprised; if the coward who threw this bomb is part of the opposition of euthanaisia-loving, eugenics-embracing people like Planned Parenthood, why would anyone expect an avid hater of human babies to show any respect for life whatsoever? If that is who this person is, this clearly is a cowardly act by one who thinks that force is OK to silence the opposition. And, once again, why should anyone be surprised? Individuals like this stop at nothing to silence children who can't even speak by (most likely) politicizing an issue of LIFE OR DEATH, (most likely) supporting keeping ultrasound images from women in the process of abortion (which DOES occur and happens in abortion clinics all over this death-loving nation), and violently murdering, maiming, and dismembering HUMAN CHILDREN with those children HAVING NO WAY TO DEFEND THEMSELVES! This person needs the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ to turn from his/her cowardly ways in repentance and faith in the One true, Triune God of Scripture. And we as Christian, willing slaves of the Most High God, MUST preach the Gospel to everyone, being the instrument God uses to bring His elect to Himself. No one will ever turn from death-loving ways until they embrace the cross of One who has destroyed death!
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