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News Item8/18/08 7:17 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Ms. Lyn:

If you are really saved, then you invited Christ into your life, which constitutes a prayer. "To many as received Him, to them He gave the right/authority to become the children of God." Thus you had to pray/invite Christ into your life as He would not just have "Saved" you without your permission.

That is why I've said to you that you sound very young in your understanding of the concept of salvation and the understanding of the Word of God. I guess that would happen if you're dependent upon blogs to teach you. Has your sexual orientation changed to be attracted to the opposite sex now? Do you think you were "born" that way?


Where did you read that I subscribe to RW's philosophy of ministry? I simply spoke my view as to whether he is a false prophet, and I say no! John MacArthur disagrees with RW's "seeker sensitive" philosophy as well, but, he doesn't think that RW is a false prophet!

You, Sherry, and poor Lyn seem to think that if you disagree with a person at one point, then it means the person is corrupt and evil in the totality of their ministry. Hogwash! If you disagree with JM on his views of spiritual gifts, does that make him a false teacher too?

News Item8/18/08 3:28 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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When you say that "we are judge by our fruit and not our works", you're dead wrong! Paul addressed this very thing in 1 Cor. 3:11-15, and in that passage, he put our works into 2 catagories: gold, silver, and precious stones; wood, hay, and straw.

God will judge our "WORKS" and the result will be either reward or loss of reward. He does the same thing in 2 Cor. 5:10, in which he describes the Judgment seat of Christ (The Bema) where we will be judged on our "deeds" (works), good or bad, that was done in our bodies.

James makes a powerful argument about "Faith and works" in 2:14-26 with the same premise that "works" matters and actually compliments and show forth our faith!


John MacArthur is actually a personal friend of mine's as my wife graduated from The Master's College where he serves as President. Guess what? Some says he is "legalistic". Everybody gets criticize. Yes, I've been born again of the Spirit of God! Jesus is MY Lord and Savior! What about you? Are you truly saved or just religious?

If you and Sherry like, I can teach the both of you the Greek language and Greek exegesis and perhaps that will aid you in your understanding of The Word of God. Let me know.

News Item8/18/08 1:51 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Dear Sherry:

How old are you again? You sound very confused my friend. RW is an authentic man of God; end of story! I know false teachers: Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, Fred Price, T.D. Jakes, Oral Roberts, Paula White, Kenneth Copeland, John Hagee, Joel Osteen, and many others are examples of what constitutes "False Teachers". RW is hardly a false teacher!

News Item8/17/08 10:59 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Ms Lyn:

You are amazing! there is no "boasting and bragging" in anything I say. I simply wanted you to know the foundation on which I stand, which is The Word of Almighty God! I wanted you to know that you are not dealing with a novice or some biblically illiterate person.

You and Sherry C seem to be intimidated by people who have had formal training in Seminary. It doesn't mean that we know and understand everything, but it probably means that we know more than you!

RW has been attacked for years, but God sustains him. I don't subscribe to the "seekers" philosophy of ministry as RW, Bill Hybels, and many others do, but I know that RW knows and understands "Sound Doctrine!"

Stop playing God, humble yourself enough to be teachable, which is indicative of a humble spirit and a spirit of Christ. If you and RW were in a room to discuss the "Deep things of God", he would eat you alive!

News Item8/17/08 10:15 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Hey Michael:

The fact that RW's church is very powerful in glorifying God and our Savior, Jesus Christ, is proof that the "Sheep are following the God appointed leadership of their pastor, and that is why the church continues to grow.

Yes, I am well aware that "bigness" doesn't neccessarily constitute salvation, but in Saddleback's case I am absolutely certain that God's hand is on both RW and the church!

Yes, study the Scripture and you won't have to depend on blogs for your understanding. Yes, the devil will not be able to pluck us from God's hand, and it is for that reason that RW has endured the criticism down thru the years!

News Item8/17/08 9:59 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Hey Mike:

Your logic is very weak! The Bible is always on the best seller's list every year. Is it because only Christians are buying Bibles? Of course not! Unbelievers and religious people are purchasing them too. Now, does that mean that the Bible doesn't have any "truth" in it because unsaved buy them? NO! Go back to the drawing board of your logic!


I think you need to learn how to study the Bible for yourself and not depend on the writings, opinions, and guessing games of others! Show us what you know besdies one or two Scriptures. I have a Master of Arts in Christian Apologetics, and I can discern "Truth from Error". By the way, have you ever met RW or set down with him to know his heart and beliefs? You might want to do that first before you play God!

Sherry: You reject people who know The Word of God because you do not know it! Why don't you go to Bible College to learn something new, and then you will not have to depend on blogs for guidance.

News Item8/17/08 8:14 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Okay wrote:
There you are again, Wayne.
Dear Okay:

I'm very sorry to disapoint you, but I know nothing about "Let there be truth". However, in reading the post about the Government thinking that God is a Republican did make me glad to know that others have the courage to debunked this fallacy!

News Item8/17/08 8:06 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Dear Lyn:

I now see the root of your problem: you depend on books and blog sites to determine what you should believe. Rick Warren has an earned Doctorate degree in Theology and is very capable of handling The Word of God with accuracy!

I would strongly suggest that yourself, Sherry C, Michael, and the so-called Judgment one stop reading blogs and start becoming a "serious" student of the Word of God in order that you might Rightly Divide The Word of Truth!

The difference between you and RW is that he has the knowledge and skills to write a best seller based on the Word of God. I would strongly suggest that you use your own advice and start trusting in Jesus alone and stop reading blogs to get your faulty understanding of The Word of God! Therefore, you need to repent today!

News Item8/17/08 4:14 AM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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You have been grossly deceived by the master deceiver himself! Therefore, you need to repent as Rick Warren is without question God's man! However, you must have spiritual discernment to know that.

Much of the criticism of Rick is pure, old fashioned jealousy! I think you need to become familiar with the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit will teach you God's truth in an age of deception.

News Item8/16/08 10:40 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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To Lyn, Judgment, and Sherry C:

Tonight, Barack Obama and John McCain shared who they are with Rick Warren. What is amazing to me is to know that a man came off of vacation from Hawaii, flew back to Chicago, and then flew to California today...and was simply fabulous!

He was very much at ease talking about his faith in His Savior and how his Christian values affected his life! I can promise you that the "Evangelical Church" won't think he is a muslim after tonight! Even Fox News agreed with that and stated as much. That man is just simply awesome!

I did think John McCain did a very good job! He was not as comfortable talking about his faith and how it affected and governed his life, but he did say he believe in Christ.

Given the context, I think that Obama scored many points with the Evangelical community, and he did not present himself as some far left elitist as some have said he is. I really appreciate Rick Warren's call for "civility in the midst of disagreement". Praise the Lord!

News Item8/16/08 7:34 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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News Item8/16/08 7:20 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Miss Lyn:

First, you don't know me, but My Savior does! Second, if you read my comments you would have known that I am and have always been pro-life! Therefore, Senator Obama and I are NOT on one accord in that respect. I am also against Gay marriage even as Senator Obama has officially declared.

I am also against the treatment that this man has been given my the White media in places like Fox News, etc. While I can certainly find views that I disagree with where Obama and McCain are concerned, I do not have to go on a non-stop attack campaign to make my point!

And it is for this reason that I am prepared to skip out of this election as I don't neccessarily agree with either candidate! McCain is no better than Barack Obama! Nothing you will say will change my feelings on that point!

I don't want an Adulterer, family destroyer, and liar for my President! Neither do I want a Beer guzzling, husband stealing "First Lady!" Repent? I think that "Judgment" should repent for purporting to speak for God, and you should repent for believing in someone who is obvious disturbed and demonic!

News Item8/16/08 6:56 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Dear KK:

Guess what? I am in TOTAL agreement with your position on this issue, and that is why I brought it up! When I was in Bible College, many of the young women became pregnant and had to be expell from school.

Upon expulsion, many of these women had abortions for fear of being ostracized by their community. Of course, 99.9 percent of the women I'm talking about were young White women who came from really nice neighborhoods, and were a part of well known evangelical churches.

While these women were not raped, but decided to murder their unborn children, I don't believe for one moment that God would approve a woman killing her unborn child due to the fact that she raped by a perfect stranger. Right is right regardless to the circumstance. Again, I agree in totality with what you wrote!

News Item8/16/08 6:40 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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News Item8/16/08 12:44 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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I was completely shocked. In fact, I had specifically chosen to work at Christ Hospital because it was a Christian hospital and not involved, so I thought, in abortion. It hurt so much that the very place these abortions were being committed was at a hospital named after my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I was further grieved to learn that the hospital’s religious affiliates, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America and the United Church of Christ (OBAMA'S "church")

[URL=]]]OBAMA's lies about his Baby killing record[/URL]For the past 4 years Obama blatantly misrepresented his record.[/QUOTE]Engineer:

Did I miss something? I see no connection between what this former nurse says and Barack Obama. The other stuff you put up is unsubstantiated political jargon. In fact, even on Obama's website this allegation is easily debunked! I guess it is a question of who do you believe? I'm sure the votes will decide on November 4th.

News Item8/16/08 12:35 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Wayne So Cal
I am a member of a small pretty much unnoticed by the world Baptist Church but one that refuses to give into "evangelical pressure" and sin against Christ by going ecumenical, seeker sensitive or emergent.
Would your "very powerful" baptist church (btw pretty much everybody claims to be Bible believing) happen to be SBC or maybe even Saddleback or perhaps just one whose pastor is on Moody radio or on satellite and cable tv?
Hey Michael:

No, our church is not a "Celebrity" church, nor is our pastor a celebrity, just a very powerful, dynamic, and Bible based Man of God!

News Item8/16/08 3:42 AM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Did you answer the question about whether it is a sin if a woman has an abortion if she has been rape? Is the Law of God nullified due to a woman's "unfortunate circumstance?"


News Item8/16/08 3:37 AM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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William wrote:
If you are really interested in the facts, here they are. They are documented, verified, and have come out of his very mouth.
Obama supports, defends, and promotes murder by abortion and the sexual perversion known as homosexuality.
If you really believe the Bible, how do you justify your defense of someone who promotes what God hates?
Christians do not have to limit their choice of president to Obama or McCain. They have a man of God they can support:
CHUCK BALDWIN of the Constitution Party.

You don't know the facts! When it comes to Obama, the media loves to embellish and outright misrepresent this man. It has been said that Obama is for same sex marriage. That is blatantly false! He has stated that he believes marriage is between one man and one woman.

If you're not too busy on tomorrow, tune in and listen to his dialogue with Rick Warren at 5:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time. Yes, he is pro-choice as is many other politicians and Supreme Court Justices and even many "Christians" and "Pastors". I take a different view, I am pro-life! Always have been and always will be!

News Item8/16/08 1:29 AM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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What Bush says means absolutely nothing! Why? He contradicts what is suppose to be his "true convictions" about the afore-mentioned things. Let me ask you a question: Would you be a part of a church that goes against the Scriptures? I wouldn't! Why would the President? Thus his Christianity has no credibility with me!

I realize that God alone is his judge, and I will leave that up to God. However, from where I sit, I don't belive that you can sign a law into effect and then embrace a church that goes against what you just signed into law! How does one reconcile that situation? I know that I couldn't do that.

News Item8/15/08 11:38 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Michael Hranek wrote:
So why haven't you listened?
Let me ask you a question are you by any chance a Roman Catholic?
Hey Michael:

Oh, I always listen to the same old "American style Political Rhetoric", but I am smart enough to know a bunch of hogwash when I see and hear it!

I am a member of a very powerful, Bible believing Baptist Church. What about you?

To Lurky:

I appreciate a straight (not strait) answer, especially when it is accompanied by thoughtful reflection, integrity, and sound judgment based on facts and not empty chatter!

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