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News Item1/26/08 2:07 PM
badhorsie777 | covington, ga  Find all comments by badhorsie777
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God is not the author of evil, but He is sovereign. Nothing comes to pass unless He wills it. If God on some level does not desire evil to be, yet wills it for the greater good, what is the problem? If God brought forth Jesus 2000 years ago and did not ordain that His life, persecution, and crucifixion came to pass, then the previous millenia of prophecies might not have come to pass! But you see everything happened as it was said it would. God, without being the author of evil, removes His Spirit's restraining influence for a time and allows corrupted human desires to fulfill themselves, NECESSARILY.

It comes to this: if you do not believe in the total depravity of man, as described in the Word, then everything we say on this subject will smack of "puppet-mastery". But if you believe that our heart is wicked above all things, and nothing good comes from man without God's intervention, then there are no more contradictions. This isn't philosophy (as I've been accused of once or twice on here before) this is truth - culled systematically from sound exegesis and two millennia of Godly thought. To deny it clearly leads to man-centered comments like "God isn't in control of THIS or THAT area of the universe".

News Item1/26/08 11:47 AM
badhorsie777 | covington, ga  Find all comments by badhorsie777
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comments This site makes me sad. That men would dig their heels in and refuse to read scripture systematically. If you take CONTEXT seriously, anyone would see the truth. Unfortunately, people take personal slights and grudges and anecdotal sayings from the pulpits and refuse, refuse, refuse.

Pray for wisdom, for God's sake. Then, once wise, proclaim boldly the truth. But for God's and your own sakes, JD, others, read ALL the books in the Bible. JD and anyone who supports man's sovereignty has NOT done this to satisfaction - and I'm calling them a heretic, a false-teacher (Jude-style), and a liar. Not by my standards, but God's.

And before I go, with heavy heart, I ask this: who, with a regenerate holy-spirit-filled heart believes God never uses evil to accomplish His goals? Someone earlier scoffed that God would WANT what happened in Noah's days to happen. And yet it did. Conclusion:? Is God the Lord of all, or has he become the god of the Deists?

Pray for wisdom - it is lacking.

News Item1/25/08 9:17 AM
badhorsie777 | covington, GA  Find all comments by badhorsie777
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Response wrote:
DJC49 and badhorsie777

Don't you know never to say peace to a heretic? Rather we are to brush the dust off our feet etc.. for there is certain judgement to heretics and we should not compromise with them lest we too share in their judgement!

This crazy world of internet speak I certainly didn't mean peace to him - but as a generic signature. The bible is very clear on those who oppose God and attempt to usurp His glory - they are NOT at peace.

Instead of posting specific bible verses as support for this position, I recommend anyone reading this take your bible and drop it on its spine. Start reading wherever it opens and tell me if God's enemies are at peace. JD, you should not be sleeping well, nor should ANYONE with these terrible ideas. They come from a depraved mind and are most definitely NOT fruit of a regenerate heart. THAT heart cries Abba, father! Not "God cannot do BLANK without my stamp of approval."

JD you may only be the shallow soil in the kingdom - do you know what that means? God will be glorified - but I fear your life will only bring glory through judgment. Fear God - that's an easy one you've missed.

News Item1/25/08 8:17 AM
badhorsie777 | covington, GA  Find all comments by badhorsie777
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JD wrote:
... God surely didn't choose rape to bring his elect into the world so this person grows up and never becomes reformed.
...God has made a way of salvation to as many as man sovereignly decides of his own free will to bring into the world.
Glory to God!
...seriously? God never uses evil as a tool to bring about his perfect plan? JD, I promised a few weeks ago when you, Yamil, and I were getting into it on here that I'd stay away for my sanity and freetime's sake, but man, I fear you are showing fruit of an unconverted heart. Eyes that don't see, and ears that don't hear.

Your bible contains countless times throughout recorded history when God used evil to bring about his plan. Rahab the prostitute. The Amorite's wickedness, the crucifixion of Christ (which as you recall was intended for evil but God meant for good), Paul's imprisonment which led to his preahcing the gospel in chains, martyrs' blood throughout Christian history...

JD, we know our brothers in Christ by their fruit. Why, when you give glory to man that rightly belongs to God, should I consider you (and you consider yourself) a Christian - quickened and regnerated by the Holy Spirit? You need to repent - you have become a heretic.


Survey1/9/08 3:33 PM
badhorsie777 | covington, GA  Find all comments by badhorsie777
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Mike wrote:
So what exactly is 1-2-3 repeat after me easy-believism? Is that something described in-
Mark 10:15
"Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein."
(Children are so simple, so ready to believe easily, aren't they?)
Mark 9:42
"And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea."
Yes, but...children just don't understand how complex it is, do they?
...I've really tried to be a voice of calm respect, as I am (generally) dealing with people on here that are passionate about their views of scripture - something I am as well, so it is with the same sense of decorum (did I spell that right?) that I humbly respond....


Mike - that's a pretty hard pill to swallow for some, but I for one agree - children are absolutely able to believe in Jesus. No those verses don't/won't answer every credo's objections, but you raise a GREAT point. Thouroughly (sp?) agree. May God bless His inspired word and cut to our very marrow... be we right or wrong. Peace.

Survey1/9/08 2:38 PM
badhorsie777 | covington, GA  Find all comments by badhorsie777
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Anon wrote:
So do most Christian parents, but evangelistically, not as though their children had some sort of privilege with God that other unbelieving children do not have!

But they are not Christians until they are converted! You are teaching them to live hypocritically. This is moralism, not Christianity!
I am not saying that to have Children with morals is wrong, but to even suggest to them that they can live as Christians without saving grace is naive and harmful!
Anyway, I'm away for the rest of today. Will look in tomorrow.

They DO have priveleges not available to the pagan's kids: the regular hearing of the Word. Instruction in God's requirements for a life pleasing to Him. A consistent example of a Godly marriage, which is a picture of how Christ gave Himself for the church. Surely, as faith comes by hearing, these children ARE blessed!

As to "naive and harmful" - is the head of a house is a converted sinner - now an ardent believer - it is absolutely incumbent upon him/her to run his/her house on biblical principles, and expecting the kids to act in accord while they learn the things of God. Honestly, what's the other option?

Survey1/9/08 2:13 PM
badhorsie777 | covington, GA  Find all comments by badhorsie777
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Anon wrote:
Well, I inocculate my kids against true christianity. They feel they have done it all and have nothing left to do. They grow up and never have the opportunity that a decision about baptism does to bring absolute clarity to whether they believe or not.
On the contrary, as a member of the visible church, my children (when I have them) will hopefully be raised EXACTLY like my new reformed presbyterian friends raise theirs (fyi - I recently left a reformed baptist church over this and other issues).

These godly men and women remind their children, as commanded by scripture, of the things of God, exhorting them to "improve" their baptism (this is a term I am just learning - it means to show it approved). They are required to live as christians, according to biblical standards. I have NEVER seen a group of children like the group at Zion Pres (this church I attend). They are applying God's standard and seeing a character develop in this new generation unlike any I see in my public school classes (elementary music teacher here, btw.) I know I haven't answered you scripturally (still reading the suggested article) but I can assure you that presbyterian does not ALWAYS mean "assuming they're saved" and drifting in and out of the faith.

Survey1/9/08 1:18 PM
badhorsie777 | covington, GA  Find all comments by badhorsie777
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Baptizo wrote:
I have no objections to reasoning with people who want to discuss scripture and even church history, but I am afraid I have little time for people like "Paedo Baptist" who just post to rant and display their ignorance!
As for the reformed baptists that you left taking it personally, I think that is human nature and not indicative of correct or incorrect theology. A great many believers believe the right things but nevertheless behave very badly! This is vey sad
I do not agree that rejecting paedo-baptism leads to dispensationalism. For example the British calv Baptists churches have not been tainted with dispy theology, and some of them have been around a long time.
If you care to read a brief article which articulates the Baptist position and also shows the confusion of Presby hermeneutics then I could do not better then refer you to:
[URL=]]]A Critical Evaluation of Paedobaptism[/URL]
Many thanks - will read it this afternoon! You're very gracious.


Survey1/9/08 11:36 AM
badhorsie777 | covington, GA  Find all comments by badhorsie777
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Baptizo wrote:
Ignorant ranting!
I am glad to hear you are a reformed baptist, as that is what I am very familiar with. I will attempt to comment without offending, but having just come out of a R-Baptist church, I have noticed that this issue WAS taken very personally by most of them.

One of the points that was first raised by my study, with others, was that the OT God promised certain things, certain covenants, including to be a God to the faithful Israelite's children and household. That same God adopts us gentiles into the same family, with promises to make us heirs to Abraham, the "true jew", the church is the "israel of God", etc.

I'm sure this isn't anything you haven't heard, but I'm just testifying that for ME the argument against paedo-baptism led down a slippery slope to dispensationalism - division of nt/ot believer. I know dispys on here who will "amen" that, but I found it very hard as a follower of reformed, covanental thought.

Questions? Comments? Cries of outrage? I ask these things in love, and pray that you and I might exchange ideas without the vile insults so many here use.


News Item1/7/08 10:13 PM
badhorsie777 | covington, ga  Find all comments by badhorsie777
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comments wife's going to shoot me for posting again tonight (I've been kinda obsessed the last few days with a few of these threads)

But briefly,I can't help but think there is a huge gap between what is actually believed and what is spewed on here. I've been lurking for a while and only started posting a few days ago when I couldn't take it anymore... The thing is this: reformed believers absolutely believe in man's responsibility. The bible DOES command to act in sucha nd such a way, set your mind on this, not that, etc. It is only that we ALSO have to look at verses that declare our inability to do so without a change of heart. I believe whole-heartedly in evangelizing the nations and begging them to repent, because we are commanded to do so. I approach it with more confidence than an arminian, because it does not depend on my eloquence, but God turning the heart.

Now how many Arminians here can see SOMETHING in this post that is common ground? Maybe just enough to love the person you're interacting with? I have tried so hard but kinda feel alone in the effort. How many of us pray before hitting "submit"? We would if it was a letter to a pagan dignitary... why not a professing Christian?


Survey1/7/08 11:40 AM
badhorsie777 | covington, GA  Find all comments by badhorsie777
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Arminian retort wrote:
John 12:32
And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw **all men** unto me !
I must say this is the first passage that I've seen quoted on here that really made me pause. Thank you - whoever you are. I am interested in the semantics of the greek, but my interlinear is at home. Any other arminians care to weigh in on this verse... reformed folk who are smarter than I? Thanks!


Survey1/7/08 10:15 AM
badhorsie777 | covington, GA  Find all comments by badhorsie777
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preacherjond. wrote:
Amen!! God calls, God draws, God convicts, but He leaves it up to the person to make a choice to accept or r
John 6:44
No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.

And that's a "tip" of the iceberg verse, guys. I wish I knew why God saw fit to allow this blindness (if it be me or you arminian folk)... it's bumming me out lately.

Survey1/7/08 7:46 AM
badhorsie777 | covington, ga  Find all comments by badhorsie777
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Weapon of Mass Instruction wrote:
You have obviously missed the whole point. ...You are resorting to the straw man of the "whole of Scripture" when I am only asking you for ONE verse: one simple declarative statement from God's word that simply state any of the Calvinistic...
Romans 9:10-21 would be one section of scripture often appealed to by believers in predestination/election. I'm interested to see your comments on here. Please, anyone else chime in - I have a funeral right after work today and it may be very late till I can respond.

And Yamil, JD - thank you. I don't know your hearts, but I am assuming you are making such a strong push for your interpretation because you genuinely care that I understand it properly, for my benefit and God's glory. I don't agree with you right now, but if I'm right about your motives, then thank you. God will be glorified by meditation on His word.


Survey1/6/08 6:07 PM
badhorsie777 | covington, ga  Find all comments by badhorsie777
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Weapon of Mass Instruction wrote:
I am a simple man, as you imply with your choice of language, and so I honestly thank you for making it very easy.

Start with every time God pours out His wrath or threatens it. How about the clay pots who are made as vessels of wrath with no recourse?

Explain to me how a sovereign God with the ability to instill a heart of flesh, or to draw men to Christ, explain how witholding these things, these acts of mercy, to a depraved enemy of God does not demonstrate a predestined, elect few who undeservedly are made to be example of God grace, whilst others are left in their sin to manifest His justice, with all to His glory?

Anyone? This doesn't have to be just btwn the 2 of us.
God Bless,

News Item1/6/08 5:28 PM
badhorsie777 | covington, ga  Find all comments by badhorsie777
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JD, I have to quit going round and round with you about this. I would love to meet you face to face and discuss this, as I'm sure I would finally understand what you mean better. Honestly, I wish you all the best, but this eschatology you hold to (based on erroneous readings of key texts such as Mat 24 and revelation, etc) is going to force us apart time and time again. I will still check in, as I've got something with Yamil right now, but let's close this thing down. As a professing believer, I love you, but as a Pre-mil arminian, I pray for you as the logical out-workings of your theology can be quite destructive. Every time some book has taken the world by storm announcing rapture clues, the unbelieving world sees the bible "contradict" itself, becuase they believe it says what y'all say it says. And every time a sinner commits his heart to Christ but reserves the glory of that linchpin death-to-life miracle for himself, God's honor is impuned. Pray for me if I indeed am so misled. I am learning always and unlike some here really do listen to the other side. God bless.

News Item1/6/08 4:44 PM
badhorsie777 | covington, ga  Find all comments by badhorsie777
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...tribulation that occurred within the generation Jesus said it would. THIS (outos) not THAT (ekeinos). The two greek words have distinct meanings, and in Matthew 24 it is outos.

JD, I once was where you are, and trust me when I say you have no idea how powerful YOUR presuppositions are. This rapture theology forces you (and it forced me) to see things as they are not.

And for the last time, stop assuming you've discovered some new truth and that the men whose protestant shoulders you stand on to make these accusations were imbeciles. Wrong? It is possible that ANY uninspired man could be sincerely wrong (like you or me). But you write as if these men are idiots. I would never do that to an Augustine or a Luther, a Spurgeon, even a Pelagius, or anyone else I think earnestly sought God. Disagree? You bet I do, but not with the air of "They couldn't be right" you seem to purport.

News Item1/6/08 4:22 PM
badhorsie777 | covington, ga  Find all comments by badhorsie777
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... the same author calls us the "Israel of God" in Galatians 6, I believe. If all scripture is theopneustos, that is God-breathed, then it will harmonize, correct? What is wrong with interpreting a passage according to its immediate context, which we both agree is important, then broadening to include the rest of inspired scripture?

ANyone care to chime in?

News Item1/6/08 4:03 PM
badhorsie777 | covington, ga  Find all comments by badhorsie777
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Thanks for the atta-boy, Walt. And to Mike: I ask with all seriousness, what have you ever given God, that he should repay you with kindness? If grace is deserved, or another way of saying that is EARNED, then is it still grace? Why on earth, unless you truly don't understand man's sinful condition, would you expect kindness from an enemy of war? Because apart from Christ, we can do no good thing. Our good deeds aren't counted as anything but filthy rags. We are truly enemies of God when we belong to the kingdom of darkness, and our hearts are deceitful above all things. Are we really loveable in your eyes? I thank God that He desired reconciliation enough to point out my sin with the law, send His son to die for my penalty (deserved penalty, here), and give me a heart of flesh, writing the law on it so I might be able to please Him.

Apart from all of that "interfering", I honestly ask you, would any of us choose him? Or better yet, ask yourself this, as it's more practically applicable: In light of all He's done for me, how should I live? Because all discussion aside, that's waaaay more important, and the evidence/fruit of an actual conversion.


News Item1/6/08 3:29 PM
badhorsie777 | covington, ga  Find all comments by badhorsie777
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Michael Hranek wrote:
For one I would tend to think the ultimate gift that God can give anyone but which He only gives to the saved is Himself, not just a further revelation of Himself.
Very well put, and I agree. Perhaps I should have stated it otherwise, but I wholeheartedly agree with you. For God has given of his eternal self for finite man. I was perhaps confusing, but isn't a relationship with God also going to spark a desire to know him more, intimately? I don't say this authoritatively, but genuinely seeking input. Thanks for the comment, and enjoy this Lord's day

News Item1/6/08 2:58 PM
badhorsie777 | covington, ga  Find all comments by badhorsie777
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In a nutshell, if God is sovereign and the ultimate of, all perfections, which the bible describes him as, then nothing is outside of His will. He at once requires that the whole of mankind submit to His perfect standard, and yet allows sin and suffering to gain a foothold. Why oh why would a loving God do this? Because God loves His elect. The people of God really are the apple of His eye, and the ultimate gift He can give them is a fuller revelation of Himself. When we experience hatred or condemnation we are made more Christ-like. Were we to exist in a world where we actually had a "free-will" that was decoupled from our nature, we might never understand the depths of God the way we do now. His justice, wrath, etc. are just as much a part of His perfection as His mercy and long-suffering.
And scripture is perfectly clear that, apart from a new heart, our natures are at war with God and worthy of His wrath. Someone said it like this: "Are you surprised that God HATED Esau?" - "No, I'm surprised He LOVED Jacob." God owes us nothing and we owe all, even very faith - to this holy God. To say otherwise exalts man and tempts God's long-suffering. Fear God, brothers, and pray for wisdom before taking credit for a work of God.
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