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News Item6/20/15 10:00 AM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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the church of Jesus Christ needs to quit being used by people like this.

the Talmudic groups are persecuting Christians through sodomite rights, the kabbalists run our music and Hollywood industry and constantly mock Christ/Christians and often lift up satan himself. see the supreme court!

He is no better friend to Christ than any Muslim. in fact, its in muslem nations right now where many are coming to Christ.

the friend of the Christian is Christ. What a friend we have in Jesus.

He's another P Geller.

If he wants to be a friend to Christ, then he can follow Christ, His salvation is offered to both Jew and Gentile.

There are issues here in America with islm, but this is vitriolic speech, and I don't believe it.

News Item6/19/15 10:05 AM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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well, we don't want is what is going on in parts of England, where progressives fill the streets with foreigners that detest the west and then go about in pedophile rings and the local officials let hundreds of these cases happen and do NOTHING because they are afraid of being told they have "hate" speech for defending the innocent.

and we don't want boko types creating extremist gangs roaming the Christian areas and eliminating villages.

and we don't want a repeat of Russian Marxists who ransacked and took the lives of hundreds of millions of Christians.

and what of the pathetic numbers of murders in Chicago every day, another gun free zone, such as SC made churches?

do we want to de arm citizens and leave thugs to open season?

real numbers, democide took something like the lives of 250 million last century?

of course, those who have grown up in the nanny state wouldn't know the difference.

learned helplessness is not biblical.

especially against crazies like "storm roof"

News Item6/19/15 9:51 AM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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oh hugh, I get it. I've known people that saved others lives because they were able to -- and the police were GREATFUL to them that they didn't have to come to a scene of murdered innocents. And areas in this country where men still see themselves as men and watch out for their neighbors, where these things are legal, where laws favor self defense instead of punishing victim, you see less crime. it is a commnst movement that is demanding to de arm the public while they simultaneously arm Al Queda. you may think we are a bunch of dummies off whatever propaganda has taken your mind, but many of the things you hear of over there are faked, I'm not saying this incident is, but the ferguson thing was funded by soros. these are commnst instigators destabilizing our cities and towns, the same ones who are forcing Sodomy in all aspects of society.

you better wake up because they've got your mind.

its all nice and dandy when its someone else having to pick up the pieces, would you want to watch a knife yielding group of thugs start taking the lives of people in your fellowship, and all you can do is sit and watch the life leave them, when God has given you the responsibility to protect those under your care?

what's this guys name? storm roof!? give me a break.

News Item6/18/15 6:25 PM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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the SBC has transferred ownership of the churches from independent fellowships of believers under the headship of Christ to corporations of the state, volunteering this transfer through 501c3 and promising to obey all regulations current and future at each signing. if they want to be free, they can have free churches. this is still legal in America. they need to clear the speck out of their own eyes.

as much as I don't recognize the end of the sanctity of marriage being promoted, the SBC needs to understand they are in a binding that they themselves created.

they volunteered for this.

a free church does not sign itself to the non discriminatory clause. now the gospel is a multi-ethnic kingdom of believers who have transferred their soul ownership to the King of Kings, so "racial" discrimination is not part of our ethic. however, we do discriminate between right and wrong. in the bible discernment is a gift of the Holy Spirit. and what we have politically is a group of men and women who cannot discern or discriminate right and wrong. problem with 501c3 churches is that they gave up their right to discriminate or discern right and wrong (because its political).

News Item6/18/15 10:05 AM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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its about time Christians see the commnst/political movement on the land.

News Item6/14/15 12:54 PM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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its a world oligarch system forming right before our eyes.

the same ones who poison our waters in fact!

and those who try to escape by living off grid and trading in their local communities are considered criminals in this system.

its an aim at any indigenous, indep peoples.

for worldwide conformity.

no mistake that they proudly portray skulls on the clothes of our youth.

no mistake they sell lies such as that humans are useless eaters (what does one do with a herd of deer that get too populated?), that they promote abortion (genocide of societies which are wiping themselves out voluntarily)

this kind of language is intolerable to any kind of dignified, God-fearing society.

News Item6/14/15 10:26 AM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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why don't they come up with another treatise that makes them higher than the law of the land, to do as they please to the people's resources, and of course, make it all secret...

see the secret is out that they do all in secret.

none of this has anything to do with a free nation.

News Item6/11/15 10:10 AM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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pastors should read the book from the gentleman in Nebraska who went to jail to protest the taking of his Christian school. Judge sat down with him the third time in prison to say.... look at your property, it was so and so church, corporation. he asked who owns the corporation, Jesus Christ or the state?

and of course it was the state because... they had signed away Christ's church to the state when they incorporated.

and we know that free churches are legal in the US.

and we also know that John Bunyan refused to get a license to preach the Word of God and suffered persecution during his lifetime, to be free of man's entanglements.

so... when these pastors go before a judge, the judge will simply pull out their signature that shows that they gave their churches over to the state.

now to absorb the grandness of this problem, they have effectively neutered themselves.

what they would need to do is free themselves of entanglements, that would be to release themselves from state run churches and become free pastors. in that case they could honestly say their church belongs to Christ.

the ownership of the church to Christ was given over in contract to the state.

so you pastors are now officers of the court, you are obligated to comply.

News Item6/10/15 10:09 AM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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what do people not understand. the act of sodomy is an abomination?

they will have to push out the true believers, they already go against nature itself.

if the goats purge the churches of the sheep, as has been happening a long time now, then they will own the buildings, the resources.

but born again, set free believers will have the Holy Spirit with them and do not require a temple.

The Lord is powerful and can work through His people in all sorts of circumstances because nothing can separate His people from the love of God, not feast or famine, ease or persecution.

Let them have all the earthly things, and yet they cannot climb their way into the Kingdom of God. Blessed are the pure in heart. Sodomy does not produce purity of heart. Even if they "accept" one another, this is not the purity of heart the scripture speaks of.

In the end, when they've taken all and still are as lost as when they begun, I pray that they will still have time to turn to Christ who wants to make of them a new man.

If only they knew that our society is crumbling like the Roman empire and how their behaviors mimic the temple rituals, the eunichs, and pagan thought, that all they are doing is repeating history, the destroying of the foundations is hardly a new thing.

News Item6/8/15 2:19 PM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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Unprofitable Servant, this is gov documents, I've given you congressional hearings, etc, and you tell me you don't have time to look it up. I've linked to our congressman with them, I've linked to articles that show their movement in. I've even given mainstream newspapers over the years. Please do not waste my time on something not important to you.

News Item6/6/15 12:44 PM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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my question is.. how is it secret?

the only place its secret is in the mainstream news that is controlled information and in Christian circles where they don't keep up with the news.

read foreign press all over the world and they got it. the documents released last week shows jihadists funded by US/turkey/Saudi. (and possibly others)

an easy search on the history of al queda was created by brezinski to counter Russians in afghan.

the bin ladens were close family to the bush's.

people need to wake up and stop telling themselves fables.

while Christians in America hide, hide, hide from the news! because it crashes upon their weak, Christ denying theology, the world is coming to terms with these realities.... after its said and done, do you all think other nations are going to be willing to back us up when we saddled them with our useless currency while printing trillions upon trillions until the system collapses while paying jihadists to crush societies?

the truth can be denied in the temporary... but one way or another the whole truth will come out, even if its at judgment day before Christ.

News Item6/6/15 10:17 AM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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News Item6/3/15 10:56 AM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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there is such a thing as a born again man who is walking in the Spirit, unless of course there are sisters that want to drag them back down in the miry clay. isn't that the devil's job?

News Item6/2/15 10:50 PM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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Get Real wrote:
i find that most men lust even if we are wearing a potato sack ... lol
i think culturally muslim men have not had to train themselves to restrain, and westerners have so much more to look at they get jaded
that's quite distasteful.

News Item6/2/15 11:38 AM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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our Constitution says that the government cannot infringe on the religious expression of individuals.

it does not have the word "discriminate" in it.

to make distinctions is a normal part of living an adult life. if we cannot make distinctions then we are children being ruled by the state.

News Item6/2/15 11:32 AM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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Where is the fathers apologies? The father's silence is quite palpable.

It was his judgment that put his family in this position, both by taking filthy lucre for virtuous voyeurism and also for putting his family under teachers that turned out to be doing the same kinds of things to women that happened in his own home.

He seems all too willing to let his son take the heat for this. I'm not trying to make light of what happened, but considering it was under his watch... why??? how??

And why were Christians watching their show? -- Jules, did you sit and watch their personal lives week after week?

News Item6/1/15 12:19 PM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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wow, some pretty sick stuff. have people lost their marbles? the guy was looking at child porn throughout seminary and in "ministry". they keep him around and force the abandoned wife to participate in the charade, and they don't help her get her feet on the ground? people need to read the scriptures and understand its purpose. Marriage is not a free for all for the greatest perverts on earth to have fresh meat on their disposal to abuse. God's people are to protect the innocent, this is why scripture promotes looking out for the widow and orphan. this pedophile husband made his wife into a widow. if he got his due punishment, she would be a widow. now they have to babysit him, not let him near children.... why would you bring someone into your midst that you cannot trust and force the abused to participate in it? The one thing they did right was to report him to the police.

God does forgive, but there are some sins that require a searing of conscience.... truly despicable.

News Item6/1/15 10:36 AM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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Christopher000 wrote:
Even the speed of light isn't reliable.
well, that's interesting!

if power sources were decentralized, the world would operate in communities... they want centralized world power, so a scientist who gets the word out that you can do such and such is not a happy thing for them.

people today with a third world mindset, in the sense that things are the way they are because they can't be changed. when they can.

why is this important? because they are teaching per evolution and commnst doctrine, that people are useless eaters that are overpopulating the planet and destroying the earth with their habits and eat meating...

see CFR member Warren's popular book, Daniel, SBCs popular book.

so as a society, instead of using renewable resources, our corporations poison our waters, and then pass laws that restrict our ability to get out of their grid, while our leaders restrict the industries -- Florida just made it illegal to live in a home not on the grid.

imagine renewable resources on a cabin, they don't want that!

so our creation scientists, go get em! keep the dialogue alive, its a good thing.

we aren't useless animals born from darwins sludge but human beings once created in the image of God.

News Item5/31/15 2:41 PM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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the irony that not too long ago these same Baptist churches, per dispensationalism were cheering the entrance of US into Iraq which led to the diaspora of the Christians there, and destruction of their country. then to be followed with the western/Saudi funded ISIS. now these same groups flood their cities, receive public money while their grandkids lose work and end up losing their churches too. seems we are reaping what we sowed.

May the Lord be glorified in this, may many come to Christ.

News Item5/30/15 10:07 PM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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well Sister Mourner, that would be a true joy. And to speak of things such as the mark of the beast and the move of technology and its potential to destroys the soul, community.. so that those called out will be strong in the Lord.
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