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News Item8/20/17 1:47 PM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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the main MSM culprit for fake news is nearly all Jwish? and many in the EU who push for the jihad invasion are as well. in fact there are some who openly say this is how the old white Christian society must be taken down.

and then I think of the message of Christ that is offered freely to those who would believe.

and then I think of the Constitution that blindly offers individual rights to every human being that is a citizen

and then I think of how much of Hollywood is openly run by a cabbalist group and how destructive it is to society and how powerful

or the ADL that has taken on homosexuality as a protected right...

...and I have to conclude that Zionism, Zealotry, and cabbalism and Marxism marches a false messianic message on the backs of its own.

they don't care if it hurts the common Jewish family, or the Christian family or the Muslem family for that matter.

these ideologies (add sharia) put a few in power at the expense of many.

and this is why the Christian should have a gospel centered message, not a new world order one.

News Item5/18/17 11:14 PM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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I wonder if our Br. John who says he is for Jesus is ok with what the Talmud teaches about His Jesus?

"Luther wrote, 'Purgatory is the greatest falsehood because it is based on ungodliness and unbelief; for they deny that faith saves, and they maintain that satisfaction for sins is the cause of salvation.'"

News Item5/7/16 10:39 AM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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brown toothed smile wrote:
yeah, my daughter is in PORTLAND ORE
of all super lib places, and the
4th grandkid is up for 4 month 'shots'.
so, these docs know enough to assure that they give no thimerosol,
great right?
hope you know some of those "one at a times" have a bunch in them too. go ahead and try this search....

mycoplasma, autism, vaccines

as to fluoride, it bioaccumulates in the body, all we are doing with meds is trying to cover up the stupidity of our actions, sign of a dying off society just like Roman empire and LEAD pipes.

try to bring up the concept of detoxing heavy metals from the body or even doing hair samples with an allopath, seems they are still stuck in the 19th century.... I'm reminded of Jonathan Edwards and how he passed, not a light matter that the great firy pastor who spoke against sin bowed to his own form of idolatry and progressivism at the end, what a symbol of the evangelical church.... often preaches essential doctrines, but on the side truly darwinists.

News Item2/22/16 9:37 AM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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homeschooling is still an option here, although there's always many wanting to end it.

right now the controversy is that HSLDA seems to be backing Cruz's bill for accounts for homeschooling kids and all children.

as one mother points out in the article below, this would mean that common core regulations would be applied to the child instead of the school and would then be applied to ALL children and would follow there wherever may be. in other words Jim's dream here of state ownership of children wherever they go.

so the homeschool community itself needs to have a discussion on how these things are being implemented because there seems to be some disagreement on this.

Title: Ted Cruz, Common Core, Homeschooling and Proposed S-306 Bill

"His Scary Federal Education “Choice” as a Civil Right, His Fake Repeal of Common Core, and His Phony Support of Homeschools Revealed."

(course Trump simply says bring control out of feds, ie common core, back to local level, as he might have power to do, and the point is that homeschool just left alone, and this is the constitional approach because dep of ed was never constitutional)

News Item2/20/16 10:07 AM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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it seems all cruz has to do in his court case is show form that his mother took him to the consulate for American citizenship, I don't see how Rubio can be eligible at all.

same old thing.

they even try to outsource our elections.

American citizens are forced to pat downs and electronical strip searches at airports, have all sorts of IDS, etc , yet we have an illegal class that get drivers licences and receive free health care, many foreigners that receive benefits for children while Americans go without work.

then we have hitlery putting info on her open source computer!

do we have a "class" made up of elites and those they choose to exploit that are above the law?

if the presidential candidates respect the law they will make their qualifications clearly known.

News Item2/8/16 9:44 AM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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what about Gates proposition that the world needs to be depopulated?

are white children any less important than black?

indeed Sanger was a racist who wanted to eliminate black folks, its good that everyone knows this, but lets remember that those who run climate change events say their goals are depopulation and holding land in their hands while the minions left are pushed into cities eating gm grain and living shorter sicker lives.

these groups hold up abortion "reproductive services" and vaccines as their means to controlling world population.

if we were cattle that might be one thing, but we are human beings created in the image of God.

News Item1/20/16 11:27 AM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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Trump wants to control our own borders and stop immigration until we can know they aren't letting in jihadists (as opposed to the UK who is now over run), and Putin has said he respects him (he's not promoting imminent WWIII to advance ISIS in Syria)...

what a savage!

how do you know a savage?


care about the nation they are elected to represent

take care of their own borders first

are diplomatic with other leaders

..........................this will be sure to enrage the agenda 21 leaders of Europe like Merkel and UK leaders who are bent on ending western civilization for a third world dystopia.... who's gonna keep paying jihadists to disrupt what is left of civilization in Syria if france, US, and others suddenly go "nationalstic" and turn away "empire building through disrupting civilization"?

News Item1/3/16 11:23 PM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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who are the meek but the farmer who provides meat on the table for his children and protection for them to sleep safely at night?

who are the scorned but the ones who enter in the dark of night to steal and destroy?

who are the meek but the father who teaches his sons marksmen skills and along the way speaks of the edicts of God and how to raise a family?

who are the scorned but those who would reject their families and abort their unborn and leave their daughters to the streets?

they've got the storyline backwards.

has Hollywood so taken our imaginations that we cannot anymore imagine a man who is indigenous to his land, that knows where the fishing holes are and the migration patterns, knows when to plant the seed and what the changing winds tell him about the weather?

this comes down to land rghts, and its being played out in Oregon and other places right now as exec orders are planned. the lands are being taken for resources/China -- and people will be moved to the cities. they already have most on gms and synthetics, that part accomplished, and admittedly they know shortened life spans and more illness. packed in cities with no land rhgts, infighting over the daily dose of this or that?

News Item1/2/16 10:27 AM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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why aren't jobless americans getting these jobs?

News Item1/1/16 11:11 AM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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Allie wrote:
I honestly think that most democrats are a bigger threat than muslims.
leftists want west to look like this?

Title: Swedish Society Collapsing Amid Horrific Crime Wave From Muslim Refugee Swarm – Now Trying To Stop Onslaught….

News Item12/28/15 10:45 AM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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Xmas cheers wrote:
Celebrating Christ's birth and incarnation is a sensible Christian idea and has been for thousands of years in the church. The Christian does not have to be 'pagan' to celebrate the birth of our Lord.
when many come to Christ it influences the calendar, we are seeing a reversal of this. nativities being taken down for menorahs, Christian celebrations taken down for UN/commnst celebrations. we also have among us those who think they know but do not know Christian history that will plague the brethren with accusations. I call it the "devouring of one another". There is no sin in a liturgical calendar, in fact, if it keeps the next generation more connected to our history as believers its a good thing. modernism tends to erase history, erase our roots and culture. Christ is King and all in all. Curious if you knew that "Son of God" was a term meant for Caesar, he was "god on earth" -- it was quite a political statement Christ was making being called the "Son of God" -- He deserves all the glory. It is by His hands this world even exists.

News Item12/21/15 10:00 AM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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Christopher, perhaps God is working through you (with all your words as you say!) and you don't even know it. y'll have a blessed day in the Lord.

News Item12/20/15 7:22 PM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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Wayfarer Pilgrim wrote:
Within 45 years, the family requires a law to protect it from extinction. A pledge no doubt is a ploy for votes and a bit too late. If the church had been awake during the beginning of the sexual revolution and no fault divorce, and if Christian men and women had held fast to their vows, we might be in better shape.
good point brother. I hadn't really known about no fault divorce so that's good to know and I can see how that would establish an avalanche to follow.

News Item12/20/15 7:18 PM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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thanks for clarifying that Frank, and Mourner good point there. y'll have a good evening.

News Item12/20/15 3:41 PM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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good points Christopher. they've got Christian colleges in uproars debating this and that, if they only knew they were being used by propaganda.

News Item12/20/15 9:46 AM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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Dolores wrote:
Wouldn't satan just love to have all mention of Christ eradicated, totally, and using any means he can to do so.

as a child, the few times I heard the gospel was at "Christmas". The gospel is written firmly and deeply into the old hymns. There's also within it the question of response to us, as the dark world knew Him not.

Was reading a traditional baboushka story the other day. it is said the wise men came by her house to bring her to the Christ child. (the awaited King that these Gentile Kings would bow to) and she said she wanted to go, but must clean her home, so she stayed up all night cleaning her home and working herself to the bone. Next day she went out to find the wise men but the snow had blown over their tracks and now she wanders forever bringing gifts to children. No this is not scripture, but it makes me think about the scripture of "redeeming the time" and that salvation is "today". she is too busy and misses her moment of visitation. how many have brushed off Christ through the years, even because they were busy doing "good things"? (is that not common in apostate churches)

another fact that is amazing to me is that the year of our calendar is based off of Christ's coming.

News Item12/18/15 11:03 AM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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STaylor, good points. yes, separation of church and state was an Anabaptist concept. interesting that they apologized for zwigli.

News Item12/16/15 3:13 PM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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Wayfarer Pilgrim wrote:
Well, we're not in the same room and this isn't the forum to discuss my alleged insensitivity. But, quack science is as harmful as saying a cognitive communication deficit has a possible basis in the persons gene code. I'm done, enjoy the conversations.
autism is quack science? only confirmation. parents have been silent too long.

here's the proper response to a generation of children being poisoned....

mayor declares state of emergency when they discover lead in the water and test it in children's blood.

"According to the World Health Organization, “lead affects children’s brain development resulting in reduced intelligence quotient (IQ), behavioral changes such as shortening of attention span and increased antisocial behavior, and reduced educational attainment. Lead exposure also causes anemia, hypertension, renal impairment, immunotoxicity and toxicity to the reproductive organs. The neurological and behavioral effects of lead are believed to be irreversible.”

News Item12/16/15 12:14 PM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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Wayfarer Pilgrim wrote:
My my kindness at times is missing among the brethren... What was our distinction supposed to be?
and denying this epidemic and the suffering is "compassion"?

ignorance has its effects, denial certainly does and it must be challenged.

if these children are not ill, then when Joey is screaming from headaches, with all the signs of brain swelling, starts drooling and his eyes lose focus after his shot from "imaginary autism", then its really a behavior problem?

and the parents are judged.

and they are. people giving them dirty looks, why can't you get your screaming kid with his headaches and poisoing of the brain under better behavior?

I figure, if these parents are going to be judged harshly, then so we can also judge the judgers.

News Item12/16/15 11:33 AM
pennnelope  Find all comments by pennnelope
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pennnelope wrote:
they were called freedom fighters.
so Christie (candidate in republican debate last night) is demanding a no fly zone over Syria.

which means..

he wants to invade against assd and prevent the nation of Syria in Syria from protecting themselves against ISIS.

a no fly zone means they cannot send their planes up to stop ISIS.

now who's side is Christie and other candidates on?

ISIS doesn't have planes, a no fly zone means open season for the jihadists to finish off Syria.

you all understand how diabolical this is?

and he's threatening to shoot down russ planes, while russ is there by the invitation of Syria to stop ISIS.

this means once again, letting ISIS rule the oil fields.

of course, turkey IS NATO.

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