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News Item12/27/15 2:23 PM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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Bonoba, true, there is no sin in a liturgical calendar where there is shared celebration in the events of the scripture. as they are brought together, the events of the scriptures are passed down to the next generation. anyone who could read the scriptures I've been reading and the hymns I've been singing and not hear the entire gospel message in it, are not hearing.

I tend to line by line teaching, but it is a blessing to worship with the "universal" (that is the called out remnant of believers on earth) at a shared time.

individualism may have a part here. also I've heard some of the accusations now on the internet, and they are malformed arguments.

let's remember that RCC perverts all mass.

yes, the Messianic prophecies are a joy, are they not? and you can see them when reading verse by verse, but what a blessing to occasionally sit down and read the Messianic scriptures with the 4 gospels. We are called out individually but are in a historic faith with a Messiah that broke into real history.

Interesting your cousin celebrates his birthday in the summer.

How many advent sermons could be preached that might save the darkened souls who visit with us?

News Item12/27/15 10:02 AM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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we are tampering with God's seed through genetic manipulation. this is part of the sodomy movement, eugenics.

there is no need to genetically modify animals and plants and mix species, this is the things of pre Noah flood.

God made plants and animals in their kind. it is the foolish evolutionists who believe that one species begot another. and the foolish Gentiles who believed in a mixing of the holy with the unholy (half animal, half man gods)

we are to be good stewards of the animals and plants, there is such vast array of knowledge today on God's design of the cycle of life, yet it is shirked by big money men who want to own the entire food supply and thereby the land where its grown and thus control the world.

News Item12/27/15 12:31 AM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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Thank you Father God for sending your Son, what a blessed day that was for the world, you plunged into the darkness with your great light, and we are ever grateful. We are privileged to know you and to be called for your purposes. May you strengthen the witness of your Saints to this dark and dying world.

The light of the world has come....

News Item12/27/15 12:26 AM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
I am not sure why there are some who think a celebration of the entrance of our great Savior into this sin darkened world is something to be ignored.
glad to see you are doing well, was wondering.... it is a blessed time to study and celebrate with the brethren. in one accord, to corporately declare our fellowship, to the authentic and real event in history of the coming of the Messiah, born of a virgin, in the line of David, who fled from Herod and came out of Egypt to "make a holy nation" that would have the law "written on their hearts".

that's my run on sentence for the night. Good night to all.

News Item12/26/15 1:46 PM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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Allie, who said anything about "overthrowing"?! wowsers! speaking one's conscience, living one's conscience in one's area of influence knowing that one lives before the eyes of Almgighty God. Its taking up one's persecution often, yes, Corrie's father did hide those being sent to the slaughter, it was the NAZIs hades bent on power. its a misrepresentation to say otherwise.

the underground church pastors often spend much of their lives in prison, as did John Bunyan, Apostle Paul, John the Baptist. They weren't "overthrowing", they were simply following Christ.

If American Christians followed Christ as these great men did, they would be persecuted just the same, and those like Jim, who carry the name "Baptist" yet promote submission to evil (Anabaptists promoted believer's baptism) would be cheering the whole way.

News Item12/26/15 9:33 AM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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Allie, African nations are receiving our demands to take on sodomy rhgts and end traditional marriage and the taking on of gm seed and vaccines, etc. they see the paid jihadists coming in, no surprise if we see them turning to China....

I agree that US fits the description.

the world is no longer on our side. we should be reading foreign news. the topics we avoid here they are playing out, our alliance with turkey being one of them.

there comes a time when darkness so engulfs a people they rejoice when it is lifted.

the world is reading everyday of the west's advancement of ISIS.

this is what they know and we cannot admit to ourselves.

the persecuted in the ME are praying for us! they pity us! what will it take to humble this proud nation?

was contemplating the Sup court passage ending tradl marriage -- sodomy is God's judgment. What if we were in the middle of God's judgment AND the tribulation of the saints and did not even know it? this is the kind of "left behind" that lukewarm churches should be crying out in concern for.

many persecuted throughout history have prayed not for relief from suffering but that at their time of testing Christ would shine brightly through their testimony.

News Item12/24/15 3:17 PM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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Jim, if you condemn the underground church of China, then why not just come out and say it?

I might remind you that you carry the name Baptist which came from the Anabaptists who protested the forced baby baptisms of the RCC and the Reformation for real conversions and believer's baptism.

You carry the name of those who were willing to put their lives on the line for the witness of Christ.

What will it be? condemn the persecuted church yet carry their name?

News Item12/24/15 2:38 PM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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Jim, might I refer you to the article?

1. the Chinese Christians condemned restrictions

2. fear God, not persecution

News Item12/24/15 10:22 AM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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Mike Weinstein


check out the religious book of the Babylonian exile who turned away from the torah to their own way

they make the bible illegal in the military.

the rabbis have warned you all, not all, but many, that the NT is "antisemtic" -- in order to serve this movement you are being asked to receive transgender (kabbal, male-female) and reject your bible.

ah, you've been told RCC and Islm are the only religions set against Christ? time to open your bibles. we've already been told. its crystal clear in scripture.

News Item12/24/15 10:17 AM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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Jim, I almost fell off my chair laughing. no record of leaders in the NT persecuting the brethren??

As in Jesus CHrist our Lord and Savior faced trial and all but one disciples were matryed as was Stephen who called out their idol worship (see my discussion on the 6 6 6 symbol).

I don't think anyone is being deceived here at SA, rather I feel pity.

Reminds me of when the Nazi soldiers told Corrie's father, old man you know in your bible romans 13, and he said that he must obey the laws of man unless they conflict with the higher law of God. For the "evil" of hiding refugees in his home from certain slaughter. Meanwhile his pastor looked abhorrently at a baby, "he's a Jew!" he says, what does this matter, "well you may be arrested"... and that is the sum of the flesh.

so one can race bait this or that, but truth be told if the sacrificial love of Christ is not in one's heart, the flesh will become the accuser, for when it costs one to love, the cost is too high

News Item12/24/15 9:58 AM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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they have to speak up, otherwise girls will be afraid to go to the bathroom, or will have to go in groups to protect each other.

its normal for girls to want their nakedness hidden from boys and men, I guess the central state wants them demoralized, reminds me of the first thing they do to people in the concentration camps. demoralization should be rejected for human dignity, for we were made in the image of God.

News Item12/24/15 9:55 AM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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Hi Litter, good point, however those who say such things are not reading it any better than Hitler did.

powers for good.... that sounds like the CHristian, the church, the family, local gov's, the concept of central gov being their god is their construct. not even to say there isn't a place for a federalized gov, because I suppose there is, however, this passage does not give the biggest wolf rights to devour everything he wants at will. otherwise I figute they might be worshipping a different god than I, one with two horns on his head.

News Item12/24/15 9:52 AM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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Carl, adding your wife to prayers today. The Lord is mighty to save and with His people!

News Item12/23/15 2:41 PM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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Ladybug, here all along I thought you lived in the UK? Why'd I think that??

the republican party is deeply evil and we've had Christians pushing it all along.

last election they stopped calling Mormonism a cult so that they could get the vote and his platform was the same as the other side.

that does not disregard the CHristians responsibility to be involved in their community, but rather highlights the need. the days of paying big money for big lobbies for big wores is over. (sourcing out responsibility of believer and church)

but the salt of the earth are the brethren where God has planted them....

NOT "revival" campaigns???

Mourner, feel free to respond, there are a lot of voices here and so I know I was painting broadly.

News Item12/23/15 11:58 AM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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Allie, good point. I'll point out that presbytarians consider baby baptism to be the new circumcision and often have a different view of the Abrahamic covenant and mosaic covenant.... which I'm guessing has play in these kinds of conversations. if one only sees legitimate gov in the church hierarchy (if that is indeed true, which I don't know) it lends to the neopietist view of not having influence in society outside the church walls. these were the late-comers to America along with the Catholics who were also beholden to an earthly Kingdom in a greater way, I suppose anglcans too (remember pilgrims left the formal church to have free expression of their beliefs?)

this might add conflict when raising young men to be strong in the Lord and valiant in their lives (in a world of such corruption) if at the same time they are beat down at church that the Christian influence is to be subdued.

How many "missionaries" do we send to foreign lands to be valiant for the gospel of Christ, yet in our own land, give them coloring sheets and say "stay between the lines".

these young men are wise to follow the Holy Spirit's leading and remember the saints before us that met the challenges of their time. We remember Calvin and Luther, today the church would be handing them crayon

News Item12/23/15 11:06 AM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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Tennessee man, you go to work to let your light shine. well, there you go. and yes, if to share the gospel with your employer, if the opportunity arises in word, then I pray you also take that and should we not pray for one another for our witness to be effective? as to the revival, you mean a gospel sharing campaign such as billy graham? I don't know, I'd point to an ambassador such as you as the one in your appointed time and the others dispersed as salt in our world, for the "revival" word confuses me. a heathen cannot be revived, but must be born again. not trying to nitpick here.

as to those who are Christians who are "evil to be politicians", not sure what you mean by that, other than anyone who is in public service converts to Christ must then leave public service, and in that case would the effect be the opposite, instead of the wise Christian counsel spreading, that pietists must leave their positions of influence and leave the managing of society to the heathens?

I'd be more likely to pray for those who are "instruments of good" (Romans 13) than to chastise them for being the only voice in a hundered that spoke up to the deal this week to enslave the American people.

News Item12/23/15 8:37 AM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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so much for their Darwinian carbon credit scheme. we know that the Lord created animals in their kind and that man was given the responsibility of being good stewards of His Creation....

Title: Report claims Common Murres dying off by the thousands from Alaska to California: Baby seals dying of leukaemia: Cesium-134 50 times higher than normal is the West coast in melt down?

"In April 2015, scientists from Japan's National Science Museum conducted autopsies on the beached dolphins."

Did we honestly think that Babylon would announce on its airways fulfillment of biblical prophecy in the end times, or rather shuffle it under the rug for their world order?

fukushima is with us. and what does the cancer industry have waiting for us but more radiation? there are other ways.

News Item12/23/15 8:23 AM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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well they cannot promote abortions, hope they know that. God will not be mocked. They should look up biblical history, whenever the strong arm reveals its true nature and stomps on the people, the gospel message grows exponentially. temporary defeats as institutions show they were not such nice idols as we thought, gives opportunity. Praying for the strengthening of the Lord for those who still hold so tight to the 501c3 and their "title" as their identity in Christ.

News Item12/23/15 8:20 AM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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yuck!!! what an unreasonable thing to do.

News Item12/23/15 8:17 AM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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y'll just remember that we are aligned with the Wahhabis and so with our efforts see the worst of islm. not defending it as a religion, but we need an honest assessment of our own involvement. its open source to world now the west's involvement in ISIS, now look up the girls being prostituted by ISIS in Turkey, NATO member, and their leader there proclaiming a caliphate. its real easy for us to make carte blanche statements, and it was our ignorance on this account that made us such allies for the wahhabist and suffis. it is smart to know their beliefs. (anyone paying attention to turkey's new call for caliphate through ergdmn?) shia wait for the world jihad when their Mahdi comes, others cause Mahdi to come through their efforts? anyone heard of the ottoman empire? it was assd and qaddfi trying to stop the foreign invasion of paid jihadists.

its like saying "look at all the chaos, well we know why, the bible says all are sinners"... well, sure, all are sinners, but who robbed the bank?

its quite the thing for the side responsible for bringing in the chaos to then claim that the problem are the people in the nation that receive the jihads. quite diabolical in fact that our Christian radio show hosts refuse to deal with this. an embrassement considering Ch genoc

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