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News Item1/28/16 5:24 PM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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Dave wrote:
Romans 13.
wow, such extremes!

here's some realistic scenarios.... you are a local construction worker and the NK gov catches a local concentration camp escapee and orders you to drive over them, you'll do it?

or if they conscript you to be a chef cooking gruel for the said local concentration camp and someone ask for an extra serving because said prisoner is pregnant, you won't sneak them a little extra? (concentration camps are common in NK, especially for Christians, they go there for life and their children as well)

You would call Corrie ten Boom an evil woman for hiding Jewish refuges instead of letting them go to their deaths?

what of her hiding a bible to sneak it into the concentration camp so that she could comfort the dying with the gospel?

is it beyond your imagination to be ordered to do something against your conscience?

all of these things are "doing good" at one's own expense.

News Item1/27/16 9:56 AM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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evil powers are certainly trying to bring together a one world religion, interesting times. body of Christ needs to be praying for strengthening and discernment.

News Item1/27/16 9:54 AM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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well, there's big gov for you. come on Jim, quote Romans 13, and respect their "powers for good".

News Item1/26/16 6:24 PM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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I'm much more interested in Christians knowing what is happening in their country....

Title: Senator Murphy Delivers Remarks on Flawed Republican AUMF Against ISIS

“A sweeping transfer of military power to the president that will allow him or her to send US troops almost anywhere in the world for any reason with absolutely no limitations,” Sen. Murphy described, adding that Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 of the Constitution “vests in Congress the responsibility to declare war.”

TMC, Who is the holy nation, according to 1 Peter 2:9?

News Item1/25/16 9:36 AM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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John UK wrote:
Secondly, if strict use of wine is implemented in the Lord's Supper (along with unleavened bread) it could prevent folks like myself from partaking, and has done.
Good point and one that should be kept in mind to keep the unity of the brethren in one's fellowship.

News Item1/24/16 10:11 PM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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Dorcas wrote:
If any are interested:
interesting section on wine in there, I agree with it, a wording on foods I might have said slightly differently. However excellent and truly a blessing to read. I noticed his use of Neo Platonism and linking it to what I have been calling Pietism, perhaps its given me a new word in order to communicate.

Christ's redemption, His Kingship is meant to be manifested through an obedient people. Nicely said, and thank you.

News Item1/24/16 2:36 PM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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Dry wit wrote:

I have dramatic family stories of lives destroyed by alchohol -.
and I of aspartame.

you know the types, want to lose weight, drink diet stuff, and suddenly they get degenerative type disease and alzheimers type stuff.

try to warn them, they drink more and more of it.

and then they die with their minds not intact.

another, docs just gave her more and more drugs for everything and then cold turkey stopped them, she passed away.

sin comes in many forms in many ways, it take the leading of the Holy Spirit to give us wisdom in areas of health and honoring God! and each one of us needs this help from God in an age of commercialism where "health" is sold in commercial segments on the brainwashing one eyed god in the living room.

are health issues in regards to alchoholism because the spiritual issues of life are played out in the physical.

there are some who end up having vitamin b deficiencies. so, if that ends up being true, remedy the diet and supplements. you'd expect a people who have a lack of greens, good meats etc, for more mental issues.

if I start eating sugar I get highs and lows and start craving it and have to eat more to make up for the lows

Holy Spirit warns me to be disciplined

News Item1/23/16 11:17 AM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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Dave wrote:
The scripture states this
Hi Brother Dave, I'm wondering how Matthew 5 applies when a man is robbing a store and is about to shoot the clerk.

and a man is standing there and has the ability to stop the murder from taking place and instead does nothing.

is that loving thy neighbor?

are you saying that you are no longer your brother's keeper?

there's video of a muslm refugee in Germany mugging an old lady, and a mother with children stepped in to help and got spit on. (where are the men???) another video is of a teenage girl asking for help for her nation because when she and her friends go out they are being molested and attacked by mslm refugees. she says, where are the men?

reading Romans 13, it says that the powers are there to be a force for good. I ask you, when Nazis were the "officials" and taking off innocent people on trains, was that being a force for good?

You see, I think the answers are in Romans 13, but not as some pulpits of the dying west have portrayed them. Romans 13 is not pacifism. Its Christians being a force for good.

What is gov?

Is it a centralized communist gov with big boots?

has God ordained family gov?

self gov?

How can women stay home and have kids in a

News Item1/22/16 6:04 PM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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Dave wrote:
Dear pennned I make no reference to hippie gurus or the like, no ill will meant but are you
Of the belief that our Lord did not set a peaceable example.
I make absolute no correlati if you are not employed by authorities allowed in office by God,
I certainly wouldn't TURN UP THE MUSIC. Doesn't mean I would rush out and shoot at the train, I would do whatever I could to the point if losing my life.
I have no time for people who kill. Christian or not.
1. the hippies took on the free love and denied original sin and pacifism according to eastern religion to replace Christianity (of who's law was based on Mosaic ex).

2. if the authorities are ordained in all cases and you would stand in the way of fellow men who protect their loved ones, then you must be consistent and acknowledge it was the authorities carrying out the violence taking them to concentration camps.

3. if you support and call your "authorities" to carry out law enforcement or military in any form, then you are asking them to kill for you.

4. self defense is not murder. even secular law (originally influenced by Christianity based on Mosaic law) knows that. Christians are embracing eastern religion.

News Item1/22/16 5:21 PM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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Dave wrote:
Likewise the apostles were they pacifists?
no, they weren't Indian gurus and PCers.

I remember the church turn up their organ music while the trains full of refuges being taken to death camps went by crying out for help.

I have no patience for pacifism.

in my mind, its equivalent to turning up the music.

News Item1/21/16 11:46 AM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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Carson wants forced vaccines,

just another tyrant.

interesting, Swanson did a piece on it.

Title: Ben Carson Calls for Forced Vaccines - Measles and Mass Hysteria

"The measles have produced four deaths in ten years, and another 100+ have contracted the disease. Why all the mass hysteria?..... You don't change the policy for 350,000,000 people on the basis of four deaths, unless...Carson wants mandatory vaccinations with no religious or philosophical exemptions."

News Item1/20/16 7:34 PM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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Rodney K. wrote:
The fault of liberal entitlement mindset. Not the fault of corporations
you've got a blind spot brother. I can't open this one for ya.

News Item1/20/16 11:38 AM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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Rodney K. wrote:
I'm not sure how you can rail against corporations and communism at the same time. The two (corporations and communism) are at odds with each other. I agree that there seems a push towards totalitarianism and there may be many folks within corporations that hold to communist dogma, but corporations themselves are not evil. They are capitalistic, not communistic.
Hi Rodney, is common core being promoted by big money/corporate interests or is it communistic?

Soros for instance. When big money men are found funding communist efforts such as black lives matter, why do you think they are doing so?

Sorry to say, but your defintions sound good on paper, they don't match reality.

Did Stalin steal from the rich to give to the poor or to feed the coffers of a few?

News Item1/19/16 8:50 PM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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Lurker wrote:
Not trying to make a case for anything but it is a certainty that God has not been glorified in this thread
if we were to correctly interpret what we are reading in a literal sense, there would a plethora of alleluias, because the literal is there to reveal greater spiritual realities.

and you'll notice that the harlot in Revelations is drunk on the blood of the saints.

wine represent blood in scripture, wine press, God's wrath, Christ says, this is the blood of the covenant.

as for fermentation. the word is a positive word, but we had progressives come in last century and say we no longer need the old ways and gave us microwaves, etc. Not trying to dismiss all but cultural information has gone to the wayside. for instance in the most recent post where fermentation is equivalent to decay.

it simply is not true.

the ferment preserves and improves food.

ferment and rot are opposites. a ferment preserves and alters and improves the food. ferment provides flora that is also within the human gut and aids digestion.

rot destroys and kills and should not be eaten.

this is why backgrounds are important to scriptural understanding.

people are reading into the text their modern era appliance understanding of fo

News Item1/19/16 2:24 PM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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"He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth;

"And wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and oil to make his face to shine, and bread which strengtheneth man's heart. Psalm 104:14-15

"Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price." Isaiah 55:1

"And the vine said unto them, Should I leave my wine, which cheereth God and man, and go to be promoted over the trees?" Judges 9:13

Why is drinking and eating the sign of the covenant? (Communion) How is the gospel above compared to wine and milk? Is not eternal life to be received with great joy?

News Item1/19/16 12:28 PM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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B. McCausland wrote:
Yes, the freedoms of choice
I'm certainly not arguing for "freedom of choice" but honest exegesis.

There is a use for fermentation that is sorely needed today. Within a context of understanding and respect for our Creator, Provider, Sustainer we are spiritually sustained and physically healthier.

You know, its the difference between teaching a child in they way he should go in regards to marriage and single life for the glory of God verses just teaching a child not to fornicate.

Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.

You teach a young man, don't touch this! Don't touch that! And give this and that so much power, its about obeying your rules.

I dare say there's plenty an American Baptist teetoler that would be far healthier to have a small glass of organic wine with a live culture than their "innocent" guzzling of sugary drinks.

But that's what happens when people are divorced from their foods, you have the FDA sayins eggs are evil, salt is evil, fats are evil.

What does the bible say about health?

Completely contrary.

You are the salt of the earth.

The fat represents riches, that's the part the poor working man will go to first. But also in exc

News Item1/18/16 4:27 PM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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I've often wondered if there was a connection between woman's suffrage and prohibition, because women are always portrayed in theatre as the one pushing the movement, slamming all those men, and lo and behold...

"The Anti-Saloon League might not have had as much power in its favor of prohibition, had not one of its resolutions called for "the enfranchisement of women." If allowed to vote, women would vote to prohibit the sale of alcohol-and they did."

Here's an interesting cartoon of the era, showing the respectable woman being kept from voting while the low life drunk man is putting in his ballot.

News Item1/17/16 4:41 PM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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indeed wine was used at the Passover and still is today.

the bread was unleavened.

and the Last Supper was during the Passover, because the promises of deliverance were being fulfilled in Christ.

The drinking of the wine was also used in wedding ceremonies, it represents the seal of the covenant. and this makes sense because of the scriptures earlier regarding the wine press representing the wrath of God, where Christ's blood was poured out, taking the punishment for our sins. At every covenant was there not blood put between both parties. It was by Christ's blood that our eternal life is sealed in Him, so we remember this by the drinking of the cup. This cup represents the cup of His Affliction. (by His stripes we are healed)

Hence the first miracle, representing the inauguration of Christ's Kingdom, the wedding feast, and look at that, "you saved the best for last"... that's an illusion to the final restoration as described in the finality of the bible, Revelations 21-22.

The wedding feast, this is to look forward to the final wedding feast when all redeemed folks will come, not one will be missing, in fact we wait until the final ones are brought in. Each life is counted.

News Item1/17/16 4:29 PM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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Not monomial wrote:
Willingly ignorant.
I don't prefer that you change monikers, but at times I certainly understand why you do.

and you are right, willful ignorance is no excuse.

federal policy now dictates that people can declare their gender and switch bathrooms.

in a fed building there is no redress for a woman concerned with a man in a woman's bathroom.

News Item1/17/16 9:43 AM
pennned  Find all comments by pennned
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they diluted the wine with water 1:4.

When Paul starts telling Timothy to put some wine in his water, he's saying to take care of yourself, you are being reckless with your diet.

Today we have so many antibacterials that we are in the post antibiotic age, and its now normal to get mrsa in a hospital visit.

one could argue that we are destroying ourselves on chemicals, radiation, fluoride, chlorine, high fructose corn syrup and antibiotics. (and so much so few would understand that these things lead to the destruction of the flora of the gut, which means ILLNESS!)

which is why people are bringing back the original ferments for probiotics. The salted ferments create cultures, ie probiotics. ie you are the salt of the earth. ie killing off everything leads to disease, putting the right thing in the body leads to health.

I was blessed to study the Lord's supper and Passover and hope to share today.

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