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News Item5/14/16 11:47 AM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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Christopher, have you noticed that there are 14 comments on this story already, and it was just posted today?
Check the number of comments posted about sermons and you will only find one day--May 1--so far this month, where there are 14 comments posted on all sermons available. Yesterday there were 0 comments; Thursday May 12 there was only 1 comment.
I guess the news section has a life of its own, totally unrelated to the sermons for which this website gets its name.

News Item5/3/16 6:38 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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Trouble in Paradise? People think of the Caribbean as some idyllic place, but it may best be described as "the Bronx with palm trees" as my favorite conservative commentator, John Derbyshire has said.

News Item5/3/16 6:35 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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The solution is to move from the USA to another country that has more fiscal sense than this one. I'm sure you could look this up on the internet and make your decision--Australia? New Zealand? Canada? I see a lot of books and magazine articles about retiring abroad, and I think there is even a website that promotes it. You can consider it becoming a missionary in your retirement life! I think it would be a real benefit to those areas that have little knowledge of the Bible.

News Item5/3/16 6:31 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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Seems like London will soon be known as a Muslim city; maybe there already are more mosques in the city than churches. And this is the city of C. H. Spurgeon! (that makes you wonder what was the point of all his fine preaching if it has left this as a heritage?).
I hope some of our British posters can elucidate the reasons for this occurrence.
I do remember reading about another London mayor who took a lot of radical positions.
Of course, to bring this home to the many readers in the USA, you might want to ask how they would vote if confronted with a choice of a Muslim or Dennis Hastert, or Bill Clinton?

News Item5/3/16 6:24 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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I don't think the book is selling all that well. I did a check for it on a major website that sells books and other things and found it at ninety ninth place in the very narrow category of 'church and state.' Books by the Mormon talk radio host, Glenn Beck, and evangelical Christian PHillip Yancey are in the top ten, along with books about yoga, the dalai lama's teachings, and daniel barrigan (which makes you think this category is assigned by a random generating module in their computers).

In other words, most people who want to read something 'religious' would rather read something about yoga, the dalai lama, or the recently deceased Roman Catholic Jesuit priest than read about "who jesus would vote for"

and what is also interesting is that the book has a longer title because the title was already used by the late d. james kennedy of coral ridge presbyterian church of fort lauderdale, florida, in a similar book.
it would be interesting to find a copy of that and compare the two.

beyond those details, i think religion has little to do with this presidential election, and that may be due in part to pastors not willing to preach from the bible on the issues of the day that we see addressed here in the news section.

News Item4/23/16 4:22 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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This is not news, though it needs to be 'preached from the rooftops' especially when so much news is nothing more than 'a new study shows that sleeping with a blue light on will keep you awake' or something like that. Funding is not there to go through all the possibilities that are out there, so they latch onto one aspect (blue light in this case). And the human body is so different that what works for me may not work for you. They say exercise helps you sleep but I have noticed that I don't sleep better after going to the gym. I can just walk around for 30 min or so and get the same effect.

News Item3/12/16 1:31 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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A lot of people are taking citizenship classes to become a US citizen in time to vote against Trump. What is ironic is that many blacks will vote for him, against the illegals, because they know their economic prospects are reduced by the presence of illegals. I've seen a lady from Bolivia working at cleaning an office; you have to wonder--did the US Embassy in La Paz think that there was a vital need for office cleaners to give her a visa? The blacks in the office see this and wonder--why wasn't this job given to a local person?
Others say, well, the locals (white or black) are receiving such well-paid benefits that it is not worth it to take a low-paying job. There are a large number of such benefits, like healthcare, cell phone service, food stamps (not stamps but a card that looks like you pay with a credit card, reducing the 'shame' felt with food stamps.

News Item3/8/16 7:00 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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Her use of astrology and influencing her husband's life with it is what 'sticks in my craw' the most. It also makes me think of so many other people who love to talk about their zodiac signs and how certain signs cannot cooperate with others, etc.

News Item3/8/16 6:28 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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You may find it helpful to do a web news search for his name; an article from the Christianity Today website furthers the discussion, where he apologizes and tells more. It also contains more of the original message context, which also reminds me of many cases. Yes, it does seem selfish for the parents to attend a church where their teen children are not being 'fed' but then, is the church the only place for that, or shouldn't that be the parents responsibility in the true biblical sense. It is sad to see how churches of any size segregate people by age, sex, gender, so, for example, the elderly are deprived of having relationships with anyone who is not elderly. Some doubt the whole idea of church-the place on the corner that meets on Sunday mornings at 11:00am and Wednesday nights at 8:00pm. They have become the 'nones' that people like George Barna like to promote the existence of.
I believe few people in those buildings really could tell the distinctives of what they believe, besides the obvious traits like method of baptism. A sociologist could simply interview people leaving those buildings on Sunday mornings and find that out.
I knew people who left one church to attend another because the 'traditional' service was changed; the denominational distinctives did not matter

News Item3/6/16 12:56 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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Maybe the voters are not reading all the negative stories on T, some of which appear even here. Or they reject them outright--I have a feeling that is what is happening. Or they say, 'there is no one perfect out there, so I will vote for someone new'
I think Americans like new stuff--new cars, new clothes, new TV shows, new movies, so they think the same for politics. There is no sense of history; every day the world begins anew for them, and whatever happened yesterday and before---doesn't matter.

News Item2/20/16 5:03 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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I totally agree with that very insightful analysis by the last poster---even though I don't speak a word of French besides a few words like liaison, rondevous, RSVP, etc.
It is supremely ironic that the news article comes from the standard-bearer of Liberal Thought in the US, the NY Times. Why? Because the country has been led by liberals, the educational system is controlled by liberals, the entertainment industry is controlled by liberals, and so on. The only reason for them to complain is that they have not been able to turn this into a North Korea, where 100 percent of the population supports their views.
No, this article should be coming from the WAshington Times, a conservative source. Or any one of the dozen or so regular posters here could pen the article; if you read any of their comments on a news story about homosexuality, abortion, etc, you will get the feeling the US is at an end.
Thus, I want to encourage them (yes, and even the liberals too) to emigrate to another country that they will feel better living in. Find the countries that prohibit abortion, sodomites getting married, etc. Move there and then write back to us using these stories (I've seen lots of personal conversations going on here). Promote the good of those countries. Be a Nehemiah!

News Item2/20/16 4:40 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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CATO Institute has been doing a lot of work on this subject, called 'civil asset forfeiture' that your local police can use anytime they want to. So be careful if you plan to buy a car with cash bills---if they stop you on the way to the sale, they can seize all your cash and say they suspected you obtained it illegally. And if you run a business that uses cash, like a laundry or small grocery store, beware.

News Item2/20/16 4:24 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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Moving to a 'red' state may not help someone who blames abortion for all the ills the USA suffers from. The logical answer for them is to move to a country where abortion is not practiced. Once there, they can send us messages about how wonderful that country is, how God is blessing it, and how blessed their lives there are.

News Item2/20/16 3:52 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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If someone thinks this country is in such bad shape because of abortion, it seems like the logical answer is to leave this country. I think the wall that Trump proposes is only on the border with Mexico. Many Americans do emigrate to live in Mexico and other countries. There are websites dedicated to how to do it.
Simply find a country where abortion is not practiced and move there, support that country, become a citizen of that country, and promote it to other similar-minded people here.

News Item2/6/16 12:37 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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I think Paul would not like the idea of women serving in the military, because they may be given charge over men.
I Timothy 2:12
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

News Item2/6/16 12:13 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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I don't know why Adventists make a big deal of their dietary rules and regulations.
Paul says to watch out for people like that:
in his first letter to Timothy, chapter 4, verse 3:

Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

News Item1/23/16 3:35 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Go to homepageFind all comments by Barney Fife
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Thanks, JOhn UK, for the notes about the lectures you read. ARe they available online so we can read them when we can't sleep at night?
Also, did they discuss what happened to the music that went with the psalms? I think David wrote most of them, and he played an instrument (at least, we read of it when he played it for King Saul, not always to his benefit, though). I don't think the same musical notation of bass clef and treble clef were used in those days, so I think we are missing a big chunk of the picture when we add our own music to them.
I have heard the book of Psalms mentioned in discussions over how boring modern hymns are with their constant repetition of stock evangelical phrases. In many Psalms, phrases are repeated over and over again.
It reminds me of the battle in many churches over 'traditional' vs. 'contemporary' music. Usually, the former refers to opening a hymnbook and singing along with an organ or piano. And the former refers to a style of music that may have been 'contemporary' many years ago, now that 'contemporary' today would be rap or any other thing you hear on the radio today.

News Item1/23/16 3:26 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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Interesting verses, John UK, about the relationship angle. But those same verses can be used by many non-Christians who say that we are all children of God. They don't speak of a relationship in the same way that it has become part of evangelical vocabulary.
I think it is helpful to always question every idea that we have accepted for so long without questioning, because we have always done it that way.
It's like another standard idea: God has a wonderful plan for your life. But when you read Hebrews 11, that plan for those people's lives did not turn out to be all peace and prosperity. One reason evangelism fails is that for many people, they are already living a pretty good life. Even the poor in the US have microwave ovens, cable or satellite TV service, big-screen TVs, and of course their free cellphones (Obama-phones).

News Item1/23/16 12:06 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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I think Gohmert looks more like the "Brain" character in that old cartoon show, "Pinky and the Brain" that Steven Spielberg produced.

News Item1/17/16 5:32 PM
Barney Fife | Mayberry, NC  Find all comments by Barney Fife
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I'm glad to see this debate has gone on to over 300 comments.
I just wanted to add a note about alcohol in wine used in those tiny communion cups. Would you believe it is the same amount in cough syrup? Yes, if you you at many (though not all) cough syrups for sale, you will find the alcohol content clearly posted--10 percent. Wine--yes, that fermented stuff--same in Bible times as today--is about 11 percent.
Do you put down those guys sleeping under the bridge, drinking antifreeze? Better not, because--yes indeed, you too are drinking the same ingredient--proplyene glycol--when you drink that cough syrup--even the ones that do not contain any alcohol. I have seen the same ingredient on toothpaste and mouthwash labels.
So, all you 'teetotalers' better not drink any cough syrup!
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