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News Item6/23/19 9:08 AM
DD | USA  Find all comments by DD
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what happened, Its just an example of the ludicrous thinking that is evidenced by those who worship the dead, false god manufactured by the long line of "Arminians" going back to Cain. They claim their god to be one of "love" but exhibit only cruelty by fixating "salvation" upon the fickle whims of man. When you fully understand that the Imputed Righteousness of Christ is not gained by an act of your will, your eyes will have been opened to that fact by the Sovereign God the Arminians curse and mock at every turn. You will begin to see that Christ is glorified by every soul He saves AND by every soul He damns to destruction and hell. No one worshipping the false god of Arminianism will ever see this without the direct intervention of God, because their eyes have been blinded, ON PURPOSE, by the God they hate. It is anathema to the Arminian to think that their opinion, their input, their very will has no sway with the Lord in determining their fate. The Lord is not affected by the pretentious claims or the "modifications" the Arminians attempt to make to His Nature and Attributes. It is ONLY His choice that matters---embrace that!

News Item6/22/19 8:30 PM
DD | USA  Find all comments by DD
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Why was the rich man in hell asking for Lazarus for a drop of water on his tongue? Where was the all-merciful and forgiving "Christ" that some present here as the real deal? Why did not your fake "Christ" bring the man to heaven since it was obvious that he was sorry for his sins? You say that your fake "Christ" loves everyone, where is this love for the rich man? You say he is "willing to save everyone" but the rich man remains in hell; where is the "love", where is salvation for this man in hell? Why not, since he has met all the criteria you set forth for salvation: a fake savior who died for all mankind, the exercise of this man's free will to escape hell, so why does he remain there?

Sovereign Grace and the notion that Christ's oblation was sufficient for all men and yet applied to only the elect are not compatible. To teach such is an attempt to strike an agreement between the Lord Jesus and devil.

News Item6/22/19 5:05 PM
DD | USA  Find all comments by DD
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Nowhere in Scripture is there anything close to the atonement being "sufficient" for the entire human race. If you really believe this then produce the verses if you are able and stop resorting to quotes from fallible men. The speech of Scripture is plain: Christ for the elect ONLY; the verse for this have been presented over and over again. They have been rejected over and over again in favor of the idols constructed in an attempt to dethrone God. The practitioners of this nonsense will tell you in their next breath that sin "may" cause you to loose what salvation you claimed to have. Did their "jesus" forget to die for that sin? Saved one minute and lost the next, what kind of "god" is that? It is the "god" manufactured by lost men to placate a nervous conscience. The end result of both of these lies is to bring into question the veracity of the Lord Jesus and to blaspheme the Holy Spirit by saying that the Seal of His upon us can be broken by sin, the very sin that we were delivered from when we were born again Rom. 6:14; Col. 1:13; Gal. 2:20; Eph. 1:4. These two doctrines, the "possibility" of saving all men and the "possibility" of loosing the salvation granted by God at the new birth are married to each other and go about hand in hand, spreading their lies.

News Item6/22/19 11:53 AM
DD | USA  Find all comments by DD
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NeedHim wrote:
DD; I read over your comment that you were talking about, cat first when I read over again your post, I thought you were blasting on those who hold too Reformed teaching of election, in how the fall has affected the human race, in ones will being affected by the fall, etc. I thought you were saying, that if one holds to Christ Atonement, secured the salvation of many, Rev 5:9, through His Sovereign Election. That would give others a reason to blast on God, in being a Moral Monster & unfair.
& if you weren’t saying that then, then I apologize for the confusion directed your way.
Thank you for reviewing the matter. The importance of and the necessity of Sovereign Grace and Election cannot be overstated. The Gospel of Christ does not exist without it, just as it would cease to exist without the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Anything presented as "Gospel" without Election of the Chosen Ones is a false gospel which must be rejected. It is good to find yet another brother to speak out with passion concerning this. I will make my words more plain in the future; to mislead anyone is repugnant to me.

News Item6/22/19 8:59 AM
DD | USA  Find all comments by DD
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Part of the "strong delusion" spoken of by Paul is this notion that the sacrifice of Christ covered the sins of all men of all time, and then proceeds to "allow God" to save men by grace via election. But Christ never made any such "provision." His business on the Cross was to PURCHASE the elect, specific men and women chosen by Him before the foundation of the world. The subtle and subliminal teaching of this lie says that at least a portion of His Sufferings were for naught, He suffered in vain for those who refused to "choose" Him not accounting for the fact that man NEVER gets to choose his eternal fate, that is left solely in the hands of Almighty God. Such a teaching tries to bring to nothing the fact that the Father saw the travail of His (Christ's) soul and was satisfied (Isa. 53:10 & 11). It teaches that eventhough His soul was made an offering for sin, that Christ was not fully rewarded for His sufferings---all of which totally contradicts the whole of Scripture. By teaching this lie it only exposes the fact that such a person is offended by the Cross and by Christ Himself and any claim he may have to "salvation" is a fraud.

News Item6/22/19 8:29 AM
DD | USA  Find all comments by DD
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A queer is an abomination to God, always has been, always will be. Being queer is not a resume enhancement to present to God on the day that He judges you for your sins, if left in an unrepentant state, it is a ticket to hell. Having convinced yourselves that normal people are scared of you thereby brining something that resembles "comfort", you cannot see that it is the queer who is Christo-phobic, scared to death that he will actually have to answer for all his sins before the Holy God he now hates and mocks. That day is coming-------soon!

News Item6/22/19 7:52 AM
DD | USA  Find all comments by DD
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Please explain the source material of your comment to me for it seems that you think I am of the strip of those who are offended by the doctrine of election and the Sovereignty of God. If you gleaned that from anything I have said then that is on you because I have said or done no such thing. My last comment was plain enough in describing a 'gospel' without election and was in no way "placing the Triune God on trial." But you know this already, so please explain the cause of such a misleading comment on your behalf.

News Item6/21/19 4:41 PM
DD | USA  Find all comments by DD
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A "gospel" without Elect and Reprobation is no gospel at all. It is simply a husk of nothingness. The "god" who would perpetrate such a disaster on mankind would indeed be the monster many accuse the God of Scripture of being now. As the proponents of such folly sit on their pious fence trying to make Christ come to an agreement with the devil so that man can believe that this new "chri-st" has made the necessary provision for man's trek to heaven at least possible, they have yet to explain how anyone who hates God would want to be in His heaven in the first place. Nor do they tell the same man how to become holy by his own merit, another requirement for entrance into His heaven. Instead, they speak of exercising their free will but do not show where they attained this trait because God did not give it to them, they weren't born with it, but were born in sin, in total rebellion against their Creator as multiple Scripture will attest. To say that such people "hate the doctrine of Election" is but a minor consideration since their real hatred is for the Sovereign God who initiated it before He made the earth. Those of this strip do not have the courage to say it plainly, but lurk clever lies and deceptions trying to deceive the simple and drag him down to their level.

News Item6/21/19 7:56 AM
DD | USA  Find all comments by DD
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Just for those who hate the doctrine of Election (whose hatred is really focused on the Father and His Son) consider the 144,000 of Rev. 7. 12,000 from each tribe, not one more, not one less and yet the Tribe of Dan is excluded. Why? Reprobation! They were ALL men, to the consternation of the feminists that lurk behind keyboards double-speaking great swelling words of deceit (Rev. 14:3-5).

Consider the "Chief Cornerstone, ELECT, precious..." 1 Peter 2:6 who is the object of scorn and mockery then and today by those who reject Him by rejecting the fact of His election and the election of those chosen from before the foundation of the world. To reject Election is to reject Christ leading to the creation of your "fantasy Christ" who only 'made a provision' for salvation but did not eternally secure it FOR HIS ELECT. Man cannot handle the Truth that he has nothing to do with his eternal fate, he was not consulted, nor is his 'cooperation' required. Yet for the Elect, the Chosen, the Born Again they find that "it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure." If He were "precious" to you, then you would bow before Him rather than find new words to mock Him while claiming to "love" Him.

News Item6/20/19 8:10 PM
DD | USA  Find all comments by DD
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The dishonesty of some folk gets passed over as "truth" from the mouth of God. BmC's purposeful editing of my words to make it seem that I agreed with her did not go unnoticed as she spoke today @ 1:26. Did you really think I would let that slide? No doubt you did. Do you really think that other people who read here are that stupid or do they hinge on your every word as if a god is speaking? careful now, your true (deceitful) colors are showing.

News Item6/20/19 4:59 PM
DD | USA  Find all comments by DD
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And now we have introduced the stealthy idea of sinless perfection that Christians must attain unto to be finally accepted into heaven. The innuendo is plain, though the speech is convoluted. Will we be treated to a short dissertation on a believer loosing his salvation due to some sin? In order to have such a thing occur, the seal of the Holy Spirit must be broken. Who would dare to say this could happen and thereby insult the Spirit of Grace? But many have stated just that and wonder why "salvation" eludes them, not knowing that they have committed blaspheme against the Holy Spirit and are therefore reserved to the blackness of darkness forever. Play with fire at your own peril while you refuse to humble yourself before Him. ***The "humor" continues as we find some taking a total reversal of stance concerning election while the heat is turned up only one notch.

News Item6/20/19 2:06 PM
DD | USA  Find all comments by DD
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It is amusing to watch those who have been caught red-handed with hand in the cookie jar try to weasel out of statements they have made, lies they have perpetrated on the elect of God, and the blasphemies they attribute to the Holy Spirit. So many are Christo-phobic now-a-days, scared to death that they will actually have to face the God who has decided their eternal fate before they were born without any input from them. They are desperate to render His Word null and void by their pompous speeches of nothing, their declarations of His supposed inabilities, and the replacement of His Character with that of their fantasy god created in the image of sinful men who consider themselves more loving and fair than Almighty God. Blind fools leading the blind they are, headed to destruction at the hands of Him Whom they hate evidenced by every word that falls out of their mouth. These are those for whom Christ DID NOT pray because they were never His sheep, nor is it possible that they may become one at their whim.

News Item6/20/19 9:45 AM
DD | USA  Find all comments by DD
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As for being able to KNOW the state of redemption of another person there are over seventy Scriptures that tell us that we can and should KNOW who is saved and who is not. While Christ was speaking about false prophets in Matt. 7:15-20 He begins by saying "You will KNOW them by their fruits" and ending He says "Therefore by their fruits you shall KNOW them." When the fruit of a person's mouth is nothing but doubt, confusion, lying, and blaspheme can such 'fruit' come from a "good tree" or a bad and unsaved one? Those that make their life revolve around the heretical lies of universal salvation and/or the possibility that all MAY be saved because Christ's sacrifice was "sufficient for all mankind" by leaving the final choice in the hands of man bring no glory to Christ; rather, it is an attempt to dethrone God and seat man as the master of his fate. Such blaspheme will never come from a heart and mouth that has been regenerated; it comes only from the pretenders to the faith whose father is the devil.

News Item6/20/19 7:40 AM
DD | USA  Find all comments by DD
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It is precisely the right and duty of every born again child of God to question the character, the 'intelligence' and the state of redemption of anyone who uses blaspheme as cloaked praise toward the God they claim to love and serve. Character, because some people speak a lot of words with double and triple meanings whose intent is to cause doubt concerning the Character of God and His Son. "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways." Intelligence, because instead of using plain speech the wicked resort to circle logic and layered confusion all of which cast doubt upon the Veracity of the Holy God that they blaspheme, His being the absolute Sovereign over all His Creation and creatures, and His right to do with His Creation as he pleases including damning multitudes to hell from before the foundation of the world (Rev. 13:8 & 17:8).

News Item6/19/19 8:22 PM
DD | USA  Find all comments by DD
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B McCausland,
It is without doubt that your reasoning ability is severely challenged by thoughts of spreading the "intent" of the sacrifice of Christ to all mankind. Although is a claim so easily refuted by the plain text of hundreds of scriptures, you are still unable to see the Truth of election, predestination, and the efficacy of Christ's oblation for ONLY those whom He has chosen. It escapes you to understand that by spreading the notion that His sacrifice was sufficient for every human of all time, you do by your own words declare that sacrifice to ineffectual because billions reside in hell with more on the way (those APPOINTED to destruction). If that's not bad enough your notion further indicates the He is a failure in every respect because He is unable to persuade men to submit to Him. It is not expected for you to see any of this as you have been blinded by the Lord (Isa. 6:9 & 10). Perhaps there are some who have succumbed to your deceptions who really know better, but have been temporarily fooled by your words---may they turn from your folly back to the Lord.

News Item6/19/19 9:32 AM
DD | USA  Find all comments by DD
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Why should anyone care who carries the mantle of "progressive Christianity" since all who do so are servants of satan? There is not one of the tenants of this nonsense that does not demean the Person of Christ and attempt to portray Him as a minister of sin; ESPECIALLY when it comes to the sodomite agenda, this "critical race theory" and all the other items that elevate man above God. Instead of humbling ourselves before Him, we find new ways (that are not so new) to exalt ourselves above our Creator, just as Lucifer did in Isa. 14.

News Item11/21/17 10:54 AM
DD | USA  Find all comments by DD
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[Removed by Moderator Beta]

News Item11/21/17 8:20 AM
DD | USA  Find all comments by DD
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B Mac,
A finer example of being two faced would be hard to find, excepting perhaps those of your disciples on this thread. Your attempts at laying guilt at my feet have failed miserably. Your opening paragraph was a most excellent auto-biography, albeit a little short. Being double minded as your are, you have proven yourself to be unstable in all your ways; hence the two "gospels" you present as being "compatible" are diametrically opposed to one another, as I shall remain to you, unless you repent.

The laughable analogy of the husband/wife scenario you give as an example of God's love is a pathetic attempt to reveal the god you worship as superior to the God revealed in Scripture. Since you haven't a clue what the Book of Ephesians is all about you could not possible decipher chapter five with godly wisdom.
There are not two Gospels, just as there are not two versions of the same Gospel, which is what you are teaching along with your disciples here.
As for the Attributes of God, again you seem to be clueless as you think He has only "love" to His credit and that it trumps all the others at their expense.
Take your own advise and beware of blaspheming the Holy Spirit as you sit on the fence. Your scare tactics won't silence me.
Disclaimer = joke.

News Item11/20/17 9:21 PM
DD | USA  Find all comments by DD
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Loving a brother or sister IN CHRIST is as automatic to me as breathing. You, who have proven yourself to be anything other than a brother/sister IN CHRIST try to lay some sort of guilt trip on me because I refuse to succumb to the lies you put forth as truth and require that "I love you as a brother" which ain't gonna happen until you bring forth fruits worthy of repentance, stop teaching lies as truth, and stop calling the Lord Jesus a liar. I hope you come to your senses soon.

As for BMac, her "wisdom", her "love", her "theology" is all of the world/wicked one and as your mentor will make you twofold more a child of hell than herself.

News Item11/20/17 12:03 PM
DD | USA  Find all comments by DD
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John UK,
In order for your "interpretation" (message therapy) of 2 Peter 2:1 to fit into your false Arminian scheme of how things ought to be, you must ignore, remove, or prove Jesus to be a liar when He said: "Those whom You gave Me I have kept; and none of them is lost except the son of perdition..." Seems that you and all your Jesuit/Arminian buddies are adept at all three. Now you are trying to sneak through the back door the idea that Christ's blood was available to Judas, if only Judas would avail himself of it; yet another heresy to your credit.

More of your backdoor garbage is seen in your last statement. If you would read the rest of 2 Peter 2 you see that these false prophets have been predestined to their life and eternal fate. Try reading vs. 12-22 and insert the name "John UK" instead of the pronouns 'these', 'they', 'them', etc. because it is a good description of what you are teaching through your use of deceit, innuendo, and outright lies.

The blood of the Lord Jesus Christ was/is and ever shall be sufficient for only the Elect.

Please indicate any false prophet that has been saved beginning at Gen. 1:1 until this very moment---hint: there are none.

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