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News Item12/14/18 3:14 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Though I am Reformed in my theology, and disagree with some of the emphases of many IFB churches, I have a great respect for them, and both Reformed and IFB Churches hold very strongly to certain things in common.

I do believe that the main problem with many of them is that as has been stated by others that there is often too much dependence on the pastor, (this can also happen with some small Reformed congregations as well).

It is most vital that a church had a plural eldership not just the pastor and a board of deacons.

Deacons are not elders, though no doubt some of them can be Elders in waiting.

A good solid bible believing evangelical church should always have a good number of elders, as well as the pastor, good local men of solid reputation, to whom the pastor and each other are accountable to, and anyone else who is a church worker, as well as a good body of practically minded deacons.

The elders deal with discipline and the direction of the church, the deacons with the practical issues and the building, etc.

Everything in a church should go through the elders, and be accountable to them. Also IFB and other independent churches, should have good links with other similar minded churches, so that there can be a kind of accountability that way.

News Item12/9/18 9:25 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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that would oppose it. This is the policies of the madhouse. Scotland with its devolved and completely separate education system from us here in England and Wales, has even gone further, and is now launching a comprehensive LGBT and Transgender education programme in all state (public) schools in Scotland, across all curriculum areas, without exception, and with no rights of parental withdrawal or faith exemptions, not just sex education classes, starting next year.

If the Brexit vote collapses for PM Teresa May in Parliament next week, and her government falls, we could even end up with a horrendous Jeremy Corbyn Socialist / Scottish Nationalist coalition government, that could extend this awful madness from Scotland to England and Wales as well.

Well did our Lord say that lawlessness would prevail in the last days before His 2nd Coming.

News Item12/9/18 9:16 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Dear Wayfarer Pilgrim from Lubbock in Texas, keep praying for your wayward son. I pray that you, your family, your pastor and your church will keep being a light in that part of Texas, and that indeed you will go on serving and praising the Lord and reading and studying His Word.

I have heard a couple of wonderful testimonies of “transgenders”, who have renounced and abandoned that lifestyle, and submitted themselves to the Lord Jesus Christ, like Walter Hayer, (I think I got his name right), and nothing is impossible with God, but I know it doesn’t lessen the pain.

I am horrified that there are medical doctors who actually will prostitute their profession by agreeing to perform these barbarous and unnecessary surgeries.

In Britain, now cigarette smoking is rightly banned in all enclosed public places, is heavily taxed, and may only be sold from locked cabinets, in same style murky green packets, with huge health photos and text warnings and sold, for over 18’s only. Yet the same government now is beginning to insist that transgenders must be treated free on the NHS, and children must be given carcinogenic and dangerous puberty blockers, opposite sex hormones and unnecessary butchery aka “surgery” without their parent’s consent, and with dire threats to any professional

News Item12/8/18 5:13 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Well, I think Adolph Hitler, Josef Goebbels, his propaganda chief, and Heinrich Himmler, the infamous SS / Gestapo police minister and architect of the Nazi concentration camps, would be very proud at the moment of the Canadian state broadcaster, the CBC.

The only difference between the Nazi eugenics programme and the modern leftist eugenics programmes, is that the latter are a little more clinical, whereas the Nazi ones were more than a little bit rough and ready.

Either way, it is pure barbarism, and spells absolute doom for the country adopting it.

News Item12/8/18 5:05 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I have a nasty suspicion that the current heir to the throne, Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, is probably not totally out of sympathy with this move, as he sees himself as “Defender of Faith”, that is all faiths, rather than “Defender of The Faith”, and is not too keen to swear the same Coronation Oath as his mother did in 1953. When he is crowned King Charles III, if the Lord allows it, I am sure that it will have been changed to a more vague interfaith oath, and of course there will be “Christian” liberal and non-Christian Buddhist and Hindu priests, as well as rabbis, imams, shamans, you name it, all present at his coronation, and maybe even reading some of their “scriptures” or singing their “hymns” or chants!!!

News Item12/8/18 4:56 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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While I firmly believe that persecution in Western countries will now increase more and more,there is at present, just for a short transitional time at the moment (which could finish at any time), still a certain amount of clout, if only the churches will get up and use it.

The churches rose up in Houston in the same state of Texas, when the then lesbian Mayor of the city got a court order out demanding access to the pastors’ sermons, over her Transgender ordinance, praise God, I understand she was defeated in the courts over this, and I hope in the elections later on.

Christians should not be lying down and supinely accepting these evil ordinances, and the city council in Austin can be defeated, in this wicked and unconstitutional ordinance, as was the lesbian Mayor of Houston.

News Item12/8/18 3:30 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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This is why it is so iniquitous that many states and cities in the USA, and many countries including my own of Britain have or are about to outlaw any form of counselling, advice, medical provision or even informal discussion to persuade both LGBT and Transgender people to think again about what they are into, and generally it is totally banned for children and anyone under 18.

Only the social engineers and perverse crowd of educators are now allowed to influence children and young people, and basically once a child or young person had been suggested to or “persuaded” or even in some cases bullied into saying that they are “gay”, or that they “are trapped in the wrong body”, there is to be no way out of their perversion.

Anyone who suggests to them or tells them of an alternative is to be criminalised and if a professional, expelled from their profession in disgrace, or if in training, forbidden to qualify. Sometimes parents are even completely side stepped, and even under threat of sanctions and losing their children themselves.

Yet, tragically, many of these youngsters have been abused, bullied, are autistic or in no state to make such major decisions anyway, and cunning, lying and deceiving people are egging them on to do things that are absolutely huge in their lives

News Item12/7/18 6:44 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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crimes under sharia law.

Other clear religious activities such as yoga, meditation and dare I say, Halloween also do not bother these atheist types.

It is time for Christians to stand up, instead of quailing in dear, and rolling over when these lawyers do their threatening.

News Item12/7/18 6:41 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Though I am an outsider and a foreigner as far as the USA is concerned, I am absolutely staggered at the hypocrisy of the atheists, and the lack of response from the Christians at the illegal and unconstitutional acts of FFRF and other such atheistical pressure groups and their top well paid and successful lawyers.

For at least 180 or so years no one was bothered in the slightest about prayers on high school football fields or at graduation ceremonies, prayers before council meetings, chaplains in the military, manger scenes in town halls or central squares, or crosses on military cemeteries.

It was only since the 1960’s, when activists like Madelyn Murray O’Hare got busy, and decided that they would illegally enforce atheistic secular humanism as the new state religion of the USA, and to ban all expressions of Judeo-Christianity from public life.

Their enthusiasm to extirpate religion does not, however, seem to extend to Islam, (because they know jolly that the Muslims would not stand for it), and there is nothing the secular left fear more than thousands of angry Muslims out in the streets, despite their rather unfashionable and politically incorrect views on such things as LGBT and Transgender rights, women’s rights, the death penalty and physical mutilation for cert

News Item12/3/18 9:38 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Now an even worse report has arisen. There is a named high school, Dorothy Stringer High School, (11 - 16 yrs) in Brighton on the South Coast. Brighton is a famous seaside resort which has one of the largest LGBT / Transgender communities outside of London (1 hour away by train), or the big cities. The city council there is very LGBT friendly.

Dorothy Stringer School has 40 pupils from 11 to 16 yrs old, who do not identify with their biological sex, and a further 36 pupils in the same school identify as “gender fluid”.

Mrs May, the British PM, had spoken in the past of waiving all medical requirements and allowing people to declare their own gender, though after protest, and because of her Brexit problems this has been shelved for the time being. The devolved Scottish Government is determined to go ahead with their radical plans to have wide scale LGBT / Transgender education at all levels in their schools. We definitely need prayer in this country!!!

News Item12/3/18 6:31 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Combined with this both our Foreign Office and our Home Office allowed large numbers of Muslim refugees from Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan to come in to the UK, but seemed very reticent to allow Christian refugees in.

News Item12/3/18 5:48 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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The UK did send some support of a more background nature to the USA after 9 / 11, and our Prime Minister at the time, Tony Blair, was an avowed supporter of George Bush, Jr. in the Iraq war presenting a didgy dossier in our Parliament to support this war. We also fully supported the overthrow of Colonel Gaddaffi in Libya, and Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, and an ongoing military litany presence in Helmand Province in Afghanistan. Tragically, many British Muslims also went to join ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

News Item12/2/18 9:33 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Tragically aberrant groups such as prosperity gospel / hyper faith, the so called New Apostolic Reformation, which is not new, (based on very old heresies), not apostolic (the self appointed “apostles” and “prophets” that lead this movement fail all the biblical tests), and definitely not a Reformation, as well as G12, a radical heavy shepherding intensive cell movement from Colombia, (led by pastor Cesar Castellanos of Bogotá), are all well represented and have huge churches in Brazil.

The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG in English or IURD in Portuguese), is typical of these, a hyper-prosperity church, that has huge churches, with many daily services, all geared to prosperity, healing, business success, good marriages, and spiritual deliverance and “empowerment”. It owns newspapers, a bank, the second largest tv station in Brazil, and by the way has countless numbers of churches here in my country in Britain, generally called “Helpcentres”, with services in English, but also in Spanish and Portuguese as well.

This combined with a very large Catholic Charismatic Movement shows the absolutely chaotic spiritual scenario that is in Brazil.

I had a friend in Brazil, an Englishman with his Brazilian wife, who gave me a lot of this information. This huge country n

News Item12/2/18 9:17 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Though there are small numbers of both Baptists and Reformed Churches in Brazil, by far and away, the largest number of evangelicals, both real and neo-evangelical, are Pentecostal or charismatic.

The Assemblies of God are the largest group, and some of their churches are fairly doctrinal and balanced, though many would disagree with their views on spiritual gifts.

However, many others are into all sorts of things, and there are actually some breakaway “Assembly of God” movements, generally referred to as AOG “ministerios”, that have their own emphases, and are separate from the main Assemblies of God group.

There are other mainstream Pentecostal churches like the “Quadrangular” or Foursquare Church, and an Italian influenced church called the Congregacao de Cristo. This last one has a fascinating mode of worship, as they shun CCM and rock type worship, and only sing old congregational hymns. Men and women sit separately, the women wear scarves, and the hymns are accompanied by a very large all male orchestra, in the body of the church, and on the other side a solo female organist who plays an electronic organ!!

News Item12/2/18 8:52 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Yes, I believe that both Presidents Bush, father and son, when they attended Yale University, joined the secret Masonry style student society, Skull and Bones, which has a windowless building on campus, and a most outrageous set of initiation ceremonies. Membership of this society is for life, not just for the 4 years that a member is a student at Yale.

Many of the top students at Yale, who became politicians, industrialists, economists and others have joined this society.

It is also true, that separately to this, many of the top people and leaders in the United States economic, political, media and other influential national sectors attend a weird and semi-pagan summer camp in the woods in California called the Bohemia Grove, and it is basically a meeting ground for globalism and “one world” types. All this is not very good at all, and not compatible with a true godly Christian walk.

News Item12/2/18 8:39 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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While it is true that the former despot of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, and the current notional ruler of Syria, Bashar al Assad, and his late father, Hafez al Assad, were and are most unpleasant and unsavoury characters, and brutal in their rule, it is also true that to a certain extent they did and do protect the Christians, provided the latter kept out of politics, and did not openly evangelise Muslims.

However, the ill fated Western interference in these regimes after 9/11, and secretive support of “opposition” groups in these countries, that turned out to be jihadist and far worse than the despots that they opposed, ensured that the Christians that ended up in their areas were persecuted, killed, and the women and children enslaved, raped and forcibly converted to Islam and forcibly married or prostituted to lustful and brutal jihadist fighters.

Sometimes our interference in these areas has been worse than useless, and in fact counterproductive, and has affected the Christians in those areas far worse than if we had left things well alone.

News Item12/2/18 8:26 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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A mistake - it was Louis XIV, the absolute monarch, the so called “Sun King”, who expelled the French Huguenots, and it was Louis XVI, his most unfortunate grandson, who with his wife, Queen Marie Antoinette, and his son and heir, the Dauphin it Ceown Prince, only a boy, who were despised and executed by the French Revolutionaries some 100 years later.

News Item12/2/18 8:20 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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France has been an evangelical desert ever since Louis XVI threw out the Reformed Protestant Huguenots at the end of the 17th century. They were the most productive and industrious citizens of France, and the their loss, and the resultant spiritual climate led eventually to the radical leftist atheistical French Revolution that overthrew the monarchy and brought in the Republic 100 years later.

Though temporarily defeated by first Emperor Napoleon, and then the European powers on Napoleon’s defeat in 1815, even leading to the temporary reestablishment of the Bourbon monarchy, the secular mindset and atheistical militant spirit never left France after that.

The secularist Republic was later reestablished and France has since with its old enemy Germany become the heart of the globalist leftist EU and it is at the centre of the economic eurozone.

Whole towns and cities in France do not have any functioning truly evagelical church, and most evangelical assemblies are struggling, and either home based or meeting in hired halls, though even that is difficult.

News Item12/2/18 10:06 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I guess some of these companies provide essential services which you cannot avoid using.

However, other things are not essential and can be dispensed with, or you can by the products of a competitor that as far as you know does not provide funds to murderous outfits like PP, or openly support “Gay Marriage”, or “Transgender Rights”.

Sometimes sustained organised boycotts by a large number of people might also be productive.

News Item11/28/18 4:52 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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This Transgender thing is really hotting up. On BBC Radio 4, yesterday, the main national speech radio station here in Britain, they had a discussion on their main women’s programme with two experts discussing transgenderism in schools.

One did question all this trend, and stated that parents should be consulted, and that scientific evidence was not clear on this issue.

However, the other “expert”, obviously a complete liberal, said that transgenderism should be fully recognised, bullying opposed, and even that parents should not be told of their children’s transgenderism, that full confidentiality had to be observed, and obviously supported the secretive beginning of non-medical and medical procedures on the child, if the child identified as the opposite gender.

This is how we are going. I am actually a technically qualified teacher, though have not worked in that profession for many years, but I doubt very much if I would be allowed to even train, let alone qualify as a teacher now, because of this whole LGBT and Transgender movement today. Truly Biblical Evangelical Christians will soon find themselves totally excluded by law from many professions in Western countries, in medicine, law, education, much of science and many others, because of it.

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