Garvagh Free Presbyterian Church
Rev Graham Lucas | County Londonderry, Northern Ireland
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These are the newest sermon series submitted to this broadcaster account. These are the newest speakers with sermons submitted to this broadcaster account.
Multiple sermons submitted with the same subtitle value are automatically grouped together by the site and displayed as a "sermon series".
Choose a speaker from the following list to show sermons automatically grouped by speaker name for this particular broadcaster. Abernethy, Darryl 9 Abraham, Geoffrey 2 Allen, Austin 12 Allison, Mark 2 Alvarez, Angel 1 Armstrong, John 11 Backhurst, Paul A. 1 Baker, Patrick 8 Barnes, Stanley 17 Baxter, Maurice 5 Baxter, Trevor 10 Beggs, James 15 Brown, David 1 Brown, David-UK 3 Brown, Ian 3 Cairns, Alan 11 Cairns, Harry 2 Campbell, Ian 16 Caskey, Henry 4 Cooke, Bert 1 Cordle, Edward 1 Cranston, Reginald 7 Crawford, Stephen 5 Creane, David 9 Creane, Jonathan 11 Curran, James 6 Curran, Leslie 80 Dane, Gordon 6 Davidson, Rodney 4 Dennison, Craig 3 Dickson, Sinclair 3 Douglas, John 3 Eccles, Matthew 6 Elliott, Ken 2 Erwin, Derek 6 Ferguson, Gordon 2 Fitton, Andrew 4 Fitton, Paul 2 Fitzsimons, Paul 9 Foster, Ivan 2 Foster, Paul 6 Gardiner, Philip 9 Gilmore, Tommy 4 Goligher, Ian 1 Graham, Kyle 6 Graham, Wesley 4 Gray, John 4 Greer, John 6 Hall, Ian 1 Hall, Ralph 3 Hanna, Lawrence 9 Hanna, Norman 1 Hanna, Paul 3 Hanna, Philip 14 Hanna, Timothy 2 Harris, Ian 1 Hartin, Jim 6 Herron, John 2 Higgins, Matthew 17 Higginson, Roger 1 Hughes, Noel 7 Irwin, Wesley 1 Jamison, Stephen 2 Johnston, Cyril 1 Johnston, David 4 Johnstone, Ron 3 Jordan, Jonathan 6 Junkin, David 3 Kennaway, David 7 Kenny, Ian 4 Killen, Chris 4 Knowles, Philip 1 Laverty, David 4 Laverty, Thomas 10 Lecky, Marcus 1 Linden, David 3 Linden, David 30 Lorimer, Brian 2 Lucas, Graham 814 Martin, Thomas 20 Maxwell, Colin 12 McAllister, James 4 McAuley, David 2 McCammon, Gregory 3 McCaughey, Maurice 10 McClung, Brian 4 McCrea, Stephen 1 McDowell, Wesley 2 McIntyre, Peter 4 McKee, Ryan 1 McLeod, Kevin 2 McLernon, Raymond 2 McMillan, David 3 Mercer, Colin 3 Middleton, Graham 2 Miller, Stephen 5 Moffatt, Joshua 2 Morrow, John 1 Morrow, Raymond 2 Murray, Andrew 1 Murray, Thomas 10 Nelson, Stephen 2 Nelson, Timothy 5 Olphert, Paul 6 Ormerod, Robert 1 Ormerod, Timothy 5 Orr, Christopher 4 Paisley, Ian R. K. 1 Palmer, Robert 6 Patrick, Michael 4 Patterson, Andrew 561 Patterson, Julian 1 Pollock, Stephen 8 Porter, James 4 Power, Larry 3 Priestley, David 3 Robinson, Raymond 2 Salt, Cairin 5 Shields, Noel 6 Smith, David 4 Smylie, Alan 1 Smyth, Eric 1 Steenson, Mervyn 2 Stevenson, Noel 1 Stewart, Andrew 3 Stewart, David 4 Stewart, Roy 14 Thomassian, Armen 8 Thompson, Paul... 2 Wagner, John 2 Whiteside, Jonathan 1 Whyte, George 2 Wilkinson, Glenn 1 Wilson, David 13 Wilson, Garth 8 Wilson, Lindsay 2 Woods, John 7 Woods, Mark 3 Wright, Stephen 4
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