Sunday Service 10th July
July 11, 2021 0:58AM
Do you want to know God's presence today? Then you need to get to church. "For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them." Matthew 18v20
Hope to see you online or in person!
Sunday Service 20th June
June 20, 2021 1:0AM
Good morning hope to see you in person at either our 10am or 5pm service. Bro Manual will be preaching form 1 John 2. To join us in person please register or join us online at or on facebook live.
29 May 2021, 4:16 p.m.
Sunday Service 30th May
May 29, 2021 9:16AM
At this Sunday Service the next part of Jesus prayer that we are looking at in John 17 is all about unity.
Join us in person please register or join us online at or on facebook live.
Sunday Service 28th March
March 27, 2021 10:49AM
What a difference "a little while" can make!
Join with us as we prepare for eternity (and Easter).
God willing we are live streaming at 10am on or at
Stay at home
Stay safe
Stay connected with your church family at LPC.
Sunday Service 21st March
March 20, 2021 6:0AM
Do you know what He will do?
So many don't, don't let that be YOU.
God willing we are live streaming at 10am on or at Stay at home Stay safe Stay connected with your church family at LPC.
Sunday Service 14th March 2021
March 13, 2021 11:18AM
Have you experienced the Holy Spirit's biggest miracle of all?
Do join us this Sunday to learn about the Holy Spirit's works. God willing we are live streaming at 10am on or at Stay at home Stay safe Stay connected with your church family at LPC.
Sunday Service 7th March
March 6, 2021 11:40AM
Hear all out about the comfort and council of the Holy Spirit.
Join us for our 50th sermon in the gospel of John. God willing we are live streaming at 10am on or at Stay at home Stay safe Stay connected with your church family at LPC.
Sunday Service 21st February
February 21, 2021 0:59AM
A lot more on fruit bearing to God's glory.
God willing we are live streaming at 10am on or at
Stay at home
Stay safe
Stay connected with your church family at LPC.
Sunday Service 14th February
February 13, 2021 13:25PM
Jesus' teaching in John 15 explains how to bear much fruit the question is what's stopping you from being fruitful.
God willing we are live streaming at 10am on or at
Stay at home
Stay safe
Stay connected with your church family at LPC.
Sunday Service 7th February
February 6, 2021 13:32PM
We will be in John 15 and exploring the extraordinary need that we have to ABIDE and what that means.
God willing we will start streaming at 10am on face book live at or at Stay at home Stay safe Stay connected with your church family at LPC.
Sunday Service 31st January.
January 30, 2021 8:40AM
"He has no claim on me"
Tomorrow's sermon will be our last in John chapter 14.
God willing we will start streaming at 10am on face book live at or at
Stay at home
Stay safe
Stay connected with your church family at LPC.
Sunday Service 24th January
January 23, 2021 6:21AM
We will be going in to some deep truths from John 14 which we pray will be a great blessing to you in 2021.
God willing we will start streaming at 10am here LIVE or at
PLEASE do not come to the LPC building as you will NOT be let in. Stay at home
Stay safe
Stay connected with your church family at LPC.
Important Update
January 23, 2021 4:56AM
As the Ministry of Health’s ruling of the 17th of January still stands (see section 15) we will NOT be able to meet in person until further notice.
PLEASE do not come to the LPC building but do join us on-line and keep in touch. Also lets pray that the situation will soon change.
Stay safe… Stay connected with your church family at LPC.
Sunday Service 17th January
January 16, 2021 23:38PM
Want to get more out of your life in 2021 todays sermon from John 14 will tell you how too! God willing we will start streaming at 10am.
PLEASE do not come to the LPC building as you will NOT be let in. Stay at home
Stay safe
Stay connected with your church family at LPC.
Due to the NEW COVID-19 regulations we will be online until the 31st January.
Sunday Service 17th January
January 16, 2021 5:35AM
At the moment there has been NO official word from the government but talk is that there will be 10pm to 6am curfew and that schools will be closed or just on line until the 25th January. This does not seem like a softening of rules so it looks like our service will be on-line tomorrow BUT this does not stop us praying for a miracle and if that is God's will you will be informed.
Sunday Service 10th January
January 9, 2021 4:51AM
Unfortunately we have to be online only again!
We will start streaming at 10am on LPC facebook live or at PLEASE do not come to the LPC building as you will NOT be let in. Stay at home Stay safe Stay connected with your church family at LPC.
Sunday Service 3rd January
January 3, 2021 1:14AM
1st and hopefully last online ONLY service for 2021!
God willing we will start streaming at 10am here LIVE or at
PLEASE do not come to the LPC building as you will NOT be let in. Stay at home
Stay safe
Stay connected with your church family at LPC.
Sunday Service 27th December
December 27, 2020 1:23AM
How to live in dark times (part 2).
Hebrews 12 v 1-4
Looing forward to worshiping with you all.
Sunday Service 13th December
December 13, 2020 1:8AM
Join us at 10am sharp at LPC or on-line to hear about a Christmas prophecy for you!
God's word will be preached from Isaiah 9 v 1-7
Sunday Service 29th November
November 29, 2020 2:12AM
What's next...
Come along and find out from John 13 v 30 to 38!
Sunday Service 22nd November
November 22, 2020 0:42AM
To important to miss! See you at LPC this morning. Please especially pray for me as I preach from a very sensitive and and important part of God's word. We all need the Holy Spirit this morning! The promise is we will receive if we ask Luke 11:13
Sunday Service 8th November
November 8, 2020 1:50AM
Please note that the main road is closed today!
Please do not let this stop you from being with the Lord's people today.
"Lessons from foot washing."
Sunday 25th October.
October 24, 2020 0:41AM
Please join us for a day of prayer and fasting regarding the current situation in Nigeria.
Early prayer meeting 9am at LPC
Main Sunday Service 10am at LPC and Facebook Live
Evening prayer time 7pm at LPC and ZOOM.
Sunday Service 18th October
October 18, 2020 1:14AM
Hosanna, save US is the title for todays sermon from John 12. I hope and pray that we will be blessed as we worship and gather around God's word together.
Sunday Service 11th October.
October 10, 2020 2:55AM
So glad that we are able to worship together again.
Please remember that you MUST come wearing a face mask which is to be worn throughout the service!
For full details
Sunday Service 13th September
September 13, 2020 0:16AM
Join us at 10am to worship the Lord on-line only as COVID measures keep us from worshipping in person.
Pastor Philip is preaching from Luke 23 v 26-31 Is your faith true.
Sunday Service 6th September
September 6, 2020 2:7AM
Who is Jesus?
Next in our series from the gospel of John.
If you are with us in person please bring your mask.
Sunday Service 30th August
August 29, 2020 6:37AM
If you come to worship with us YOU MUST
• Arrive wearing a facemask it is recommended that you wear it at all time in public spaces.
• Have your temperature taken on arrival.
• Sanitize hands on arrival.
• Disinfect your footwear on arrival.
• Sign in giving your contact information.
• Observe social distancing (at least one meter with face mask two without)
• Bring your own water bottle with if you require.
• NOT have any physical contact
• NOT to come if you are ill or have a temperature.
Are you really free?
July 26, 2020 0:22AM
10 am sharp start at LPC or online when we will be worshiping together and continuing in the gospel of John. Praying for the Lord's blessing as we look to worship Him in Spirit and truth.
Sunday Service 12th July
July 12, 2020 1:49AM
Have a safe journey to Church.
"Escaping the Trap" from John 8 v 1 to 11.
Remember if you cant get to the building you can meet with us online.
Sunday Service 28th June
June 27, 2020 8:14AM
We are back in the Gospel of John.
Please do join us tomorrow at 10am in person if at all possible. ON-line is OK when there is NO alternative, in person is best!
Sunday Service 21st June
June 21, 2020 1:54AM
Looking forward to seeing you at LPC or online! We will be continuing to look at Racism from a biblical perspective.
Sunday Service
June 12, 2020 8:27AM
This Sunday we will be taking a break from the Gospel of John and we will be looking at the hot topic of Racism.