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The King James Seminary Standard, 2024-2025
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The King James Seminary Standard


1. Scripture Only: The Holy Scripture, being the only infallible rule of faith and practice, is all sufficient in all matters of the Faith once delivered unto the Saints. It is it's own Interpreter. Holy men of God spoke and wrote the Words of Scripture by the Inspiration of God, without error, and It is the only verbal revelation given to man from God. The giving of Divinely inspired Scripture stopped with the last Apostle, John. The Holy Bible stands alone, as naked Scripture, without any traditions or additions needed, as the supreme sole authority in the Church, and can not be superseded, or outdated. As a translation, the Authorized Version (KJV), has the full authority of the original inspired writings, in as much as it stands on those original inspired writings. His Word is divinely preserved, is perfect and is the only basis for wisdom and living a Godly, Prudent Life, and is the only source whereby we may know the true and living God, and our dire need of salvation.The Effectual Call is a work of the divine Holy Spirit unto salvation and is only through the Gospel, the one and only plan of salvation, written in The Holy Scriptures, which are complete, and having sixty six books, no more, no less. All others are rejected as being without any binding authority.

2.Grace Only: Salvation is by grace, alone, being given as unconditional favor, and not based on merit, present, or foreseen, to Whosoever Will, even as God so chooses. It is not by any action, work or words of righteousness, or charity on our part (including the completion of any and all rituals, sacraments, ordinances), nor by family line, or by any race that merits Grace with God. Salvation is a free gift, not a reward, that brings about repentance of sin and the new birth, and is solely given for reasons only found in God, Himself, by His free choice through election. The wind bloweth where it listeth.

3.Jesus Christ, Only: the divine second member of the Holy Trinity, is King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. There is salvation in no other name. He is the Sole Head of the Church, both in Heaven and on Earth, and will not be usurped. The Savior is the only Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father, except through Him. He alone is the Lord of Salvation, being the Author and Finisher of our Faith. It is in Christ, being the Only Begotten of the Father through the Incarnation and Virgin Birth, that His Work of shedding His blood on the cross, as God's Chosen Substitionary Sacrifice for our sins, being perfect, whereby Holy Justice is completely satisfied, once and for all, never needing repeated again. It is His Work, alone, that saves, atoning for all of the elect alone through His Word and nothing in or of ourselves, that He alone may be glorified. He mediates for and keeps His Sheep, which are of definite number chosen before the foundation of the world, and loses none that He has Redeemed

4.Faith Only: Salvation is by Faith, alone, and that not originating in us, but is God's free gift. None come to Christ unless the Father draws them. "The Just shall live by Faith," teaches that salvation is a daily living, trusting faith, not just a one time decision. We trust Him for all our needs, both daily and eternally, and His Holy Word and Work. Our confidence is in Him, alone, because we can trust no other. It is God in us both to will and do of His good pleasure. Faith is a result of the Regeneration graciously given by God, through the Holy Spirit, the Third Member of the Holy Trinity, and is demonstrated by earnest repentence and a permanent turn to God for a life of obedience.

5.God's Glory, Only: to God be the Glory, First. and Only. He, being Lord of Heaven and Earth is eternally infinite in all His perfections:wisdom, omnipresence, power, holiness, knowledge and all those that we know and understand not, is worthy to be praised! A Christian's motivation is to glorify the Savior, being the purpose of the Church, having Christ ever first, and not drawing attention to one's own self, or own efforts, accomplishments, talent, past, present, or future. Christians are not left on earth to honor themselves with impressive positions, titles, and accolades, though not excluded from them, nor to gather riches unto themselves, but, rather, to humbly glorify and honor the Only Wise God, our Father, with thanksgiving and service, through Jesus Christ our Lord. A Christian will manifest grace and a life of virtue, ever bowing to His Word, by living for the Savior, Jesus Christ, our Lord til His soon Second Coming. He comes as Judge of the Quick and the Dead. Those whom He knows, unto life everlasting, those who don't know Him, unto eternal damnation. Even so, come Lord Jesus.

Category:  Christian Education

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Current Prayer List: 8//19/2024
Posted by: The King James Bible Seminary | more..
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Denise Baughman- walking again, regaining strength Myron Baughman's Christian books on sale that they will do well Renee going through hard times. Jessica- depression Lisa Epps- stage four kidney failure Cousin Linda has Myeloma. House of Mercy...
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Many Thanks to Bro. Bill Noonkesser
TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 2022
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With great gratitude I write this note of thanksgiving. Bill Noonkesser at Sermon Audio called us here, and personally helped us work things out so that we could continue our broadcasts of Biblical Reformed lessons on the Sacred Text of our Holy...
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