Airdrie Reformed Presbyterian Church |
Rev. Stephen McCollum | Airdrie, Scotland
Podcast + Codes Enjoy sermons from this broadcaster on a variety of mobile devices.MyChurch: airdrierpcs | Set MyChurch Code#: 12818 |
NEWEST Stephen McCollum | Ephesians
|  | Stephen McCollum | Ephesians | 
SUN 02/09/2025 |
| |  | Stephen McCollum | 2 Chronicles | 
SUN 02/09/2025 |
| |  | Stephen McCollum | Ephesians | 
SUN 02/02/2025 |
| |  | Stephen McCollum | 2 Chronicles | 
SUN 02/02/2025 |
| |  | Stephen McCollum | Ephesians | 
SUN 01/26/2025 |
Benjamin formerly Mephibosheth from The King's Table
Excellent Discernment Pastor Excellent Discernment
Andrew Quigley
| Joseph Lessons In Trusting God
 | A community of people who are being called together by God's electing love and are learning how to live for His glory. ( more.. )
Worship Services
Sunday 11.00am
Sunday 6.00pm
Prayer Meeting
Sunday 10.30 - 10.55am
MET's - Bible Study Groups
As announced weekly.
Youth Groups
Friday - Covenant Kids 6.00 - 7.00pm
Girls Group - 7.05pm |
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48 North Bridge Street Airdrie, North Lanarkshire Scotland, U.K. ML6 6NE

